[Offtopic] 100 years since the end of ww1



Aug 22, 2018
So most of us have probably never given much thought to WW1. We think of it as just some silly event which you were forced to memorize in 8th grade history class

But come to think of it..... a countless many (myself included) have been directly impacted by this terrible, century old event

Allied victory in ww1:
End of the ottoman caliphate = paves the way for the creation of the state of israel (the rest is history....)

Allied victory in ww1:
British / french colonize the middle east (sykes-picot agreement) and divide it along arbitrary borders with zero consideration to ethnic / religious differences. A century of unending conflict and instability ensues

Central powers victory in ww1:
- No state of Israel
-Peaceful coexistence between Arabs and non arabs, Muslims, Jews, and Christians
- No U.S intervention in the region
-Saudi Arabia (probably) wouldn't exist.

- No state of israel + no saudi arabia + no foreign intervention = islamist terrorism as a worldwide phenomenon would never exist

So, yeah. The entire world would have been so much more peaceful, so much more stable, and so much more prosperous had history taken a different course. There would no be (((Israel))) and you would never hear about islamic terrorism. Everything changes
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Battlefield 1 was a great game tbh, dice absolutely fucked up BFV.:feelsree::feelsree:
  • +1
Reactions: Swagwaffle
Battlefield 1 was a great game tbh, dice absolutely fucked up BFV.:feelsree::feelsree:
Battlefield 1 should have been modeled after ww2. dice fucks up everything with their SJW agenda
Battlefield 1 should have been modeled after ww2. dice fucks up everything with their SJW agenda
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And don't forget the black transgender pansexual furry paratroopers with their steampunk machine guns
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 281
And don't forget the black transgender pansexual furry paratroopers with their steampunk machine guns
Did you see the like to dislike ratio on the reveal trailer? LMFAO!!!!
Did you see the like to dislike ratio on the reveal trailer? LMFAO!!!!
yeah it was so bad that they had to fucking create an army of bots just to spam likes on the trailer JFL
yeah it was so bad that they had to fucking create an army of bots just to spam likes on the trailer JFL
Thats what happens when you let the swedish cucks make a bf game.
So most of us have probably never given much thought to WW1. We think of it as just some silly event which you were forced to memorize in 8th grade history class

But come to think of it..... a countless many (myself included) have been directly impacted by this terrible, century old event

Allied victory in ww1:
End of the ottoman caliphate = paves the way for the creation of the state of israel (the rest is history....)

Allied victory in ww1:
British / french colonize the middle east (sykes-picot agreement) and divide it along arbitrary borders with zero consideration to ethnic / religious differences. A century of unending conflict and instability ensues

Central powers victory in ww1:
- No state of Israel
-Peaceful coexistence between Arabs and non arabs, Muslims, Jews, and Christians
- No U.S intervention in the region
-Saudi Arabia (probably) wouldn't exist.

- No state of israel + no saudi arabia + no foreign intervention = islamist terrorism as a worldwide phenomenon would never exist

So, yeah. The entire world would have been so much more peaceful, so much more stable, and so much more prosperous had history taken a different course. There would no be (((Israel))) and you would never hear about islamic terrorism. Everything changes
I agreed for the most part but those are some pretty serious assumptions you’re making about the world had the allies lost. Make no mistake, both sides were making the best of a shitty situation and a lot of good came from it, such as making ground rules for war and a League of Nation. Don’t forget all the technological advancements and societal advancements too. Just like they couldn’t foresee some of the problems that exist today, you don’t know at all if the world would have been better or far worse had things been different. Glad you made this post anyways as all the soldiers deserve the upmost respect for fighting in that war
Thats what happens when you let the swedish cucks make a bf game.
These soycucks are so low IQ. You can either appease SJWs or make a good game. can't have two at the same time. So instead of making a good game for their loyal fans (which is the majority of the people buying these games anyways) these pea-brains decide to bow down to the sjws and alienate their entire fan base.
I agreed for the most part but those are some pretty serious assumptions you’re making about the world had the allies lost. Make no mistake, both sides were making the best of a shitty situation and a lot of good came from it, such as making ground rules for war and a League of Nation. Don’t forget all the technological advancements and societal advancements too. Just like they couldn’t foresee some of the problems that exist today, you don’t know at all if the world would have been better or far worse had things been different. Glad you made this post anyways as all the soldiers deserve the upmost respect for fighting in that war

Of course. This is a somewhat low-effort post so there's going to be a lot of unfounded assumptions. But I think the general idea holds true. The middle east (and consequently, the entire world) would have been better off had Israel not existed
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These soycucks are so low IQ. You can either appease SJWs or make a good game. can't have two at the same time. So instead of making a good game for their loyal fans (which is the majority of the people buying these games anyways) these pea-brains decide to bow down to the sjws and alienate their entire fan base.
And then they tweet out shit like "don't buy it if you dont like it", the audacity.......... i hope BFV gets boycotted to oblivion.
And then they tweet out shit like "don't buy it if you dont like it", the audacity.......... i hope BFV gets boycotted to oblivion.

Seriously... you should let the players / community design these games. Just make people vote on what they want. Would avoid so many of these problems. JFL @ putting swede cucks in charge of a WORLD WAR 2 game.
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Reactions: Deleted member 281
Ww2 and Vietnam was the best .
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Reactions: Swagwaffle
  • +1
Reactions: Swagwaffle
Shut this down right now
World would be a better place if jews never existed
Central powers = nationalistic, ran on the American school of economics brought into Germany by List from Lincoln and his crew.
Allied powers = liberal free marketeers and degenerates running on the ideology of Malthus and Adam Smith

If America wasn't subverted by the British liberals Germany would not have lost.
Central powers = nationalistic, ran on the American school of economics brought into Germany by List from Lincoln and his crew.
Allied powers = liberal free marketeers and degenerates running on the ideology of Malthus and Adam Smith

If America wasn't subverted by the British liberals Germany would not have lost.
All these men died for nothing. An entire generation of Europeans wiped from history.
You know who the real enemy is.....
No more brother wars
The goyim are waking up foo

If you want to witness peak goy awareness, subscribe to "Roosh V" on (((them)))Tube and wait for his weekly livestreams. The goyim are truly awake
The goyim are waking up foo

If you want to witness peak goy awareness, subscribe to "Roosh V" on (((them)))Tube and wait for his weekly livestreams. The goyim are truly awake
Ok, I will tell all my friends in the JIDF to sub
My country (Italy) fought WW1 and lost 1 million soldiers. however this war was useful to liberate Italians who lived under Austrian rule in Trentino and Istria
My country (Italy) fought WW1 and lost 1 million soldiers. however this war was useful to liberate Italians who lived under Austrian rule in Trentino and Istria
Italy got smacked badly by Austria Hungary


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