


Oct 1, 2018
The oldpill is really starting to affect Mike. Just look at him in this video
Did Mew ever have a youth? lmao
The oldpill is really starting to affect Mike. Just look at him in this video

It's the forehead wrinkles & lack of hair. If he still had a full head of hair & would stop raising his forehead/eyebrows everytime he spoke, it would help him a lot.
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It's the forehead wrinkles & lack of hair. If he still had a full head of hair & would stop raising his forehead/eyebrows everytime he spoke, it would help him a lot.

Pretty much tbh.
Though why would it even matter anyway lol, the guy is in his 50s and his youth had already been gone since 1998 lmao.
This is why the age pill is such a hard pill to swallow. It's not that much about losing your appearance or physical signs of aging (granted you maintain your hair you would still look decent), it's mostly that the special aura and feelings youth carries with it start to fade after 30.

Things like hanging out with friends and cracking jokes whilst spotting out hot girls are things that pretty much only men under 30-32 are able to do without feeling foolish, outdated and being viewed as weird.

Actually wrote a thread/post on it (The age pill is a really hard pill to swallow...), would appreciate if you could look into it and suggest any future coping mechanisms
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Pretty much tbh.
Though why would it even matter anyway lol, the guy is in his 50s and his youth had already been gone since 1998 lmao.
This is why the age pill is such a hard pill to swallow. It's not that much about losing your appearance or physical signs of aging (granted you maintain your hair you would still look decent), it's mostly that the special aura and feelings youth carries with it start to fade after 30.

Things like hanging out with friends and cracking jokes whilst spotting out hot girls are things that pretty much only men under 30-32 are able to do without feeling foolish, outdated and being viewed as weird.

Actually wrote a thread/post on it (The age pill is a really hard pill to swallow..., would appreciate if you could look into it and suggest any future coping mechanisms
Well age (after 30) is just one of those things that keeps chasing us for the rest of our lives, & it's always best when people say that we look younger than we actually are. So it's not so much about this dude dicking around acting like he's hip & 25 years old again but the fact that he's 50, mean's that he should try and look like he's in his late 30's. He doesn't have to, obviously, but it's always better to look younger than you actually are as an old-cell. Look at people like Tom Cruise or Jared Leto, these guys are like 50 but look 35, which is incredible if you are still in the dating world because women don't care if a guy is much older than them.
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Well age (after 30) is just one of those things that keeps chasing us for the rest of our lives, & it's always best when people say that we look younger than we actually are. So it's not so much about this dude dicking around acting like he's hip & 25 years old again but the fact that he's 50, mean's that he should try and look like he's in his late 30's. He doesn't have to, obviously, but it's always better to look younger than you actually are as an old-cell. Look at people like Tom Cruise or Jared Leto, these guys are like 50 but look 35, which is incredible if you are still in the dating world because women don't care if a guy is much older than them.

Agree, you should looksmax whatever age you are in. I was referring more to the non-physical aspect of aging, the more teenage-ish energy that youth carries with it in regards to hanging out with friends, partying and just generally being in company with people.

From what i have seen, heard and read in regards to other people, the majority of people don't really spend much time with friends and hang out post late 20's, mostly due to betabuxxing, slacking off with their kids, age related depression/lethargy and obeying their wives. This is especially hard if a person doesn't want to get married whilst still not wanting feel lonely, will be quite a challenge since many older people will be married and busy with their children and nagging wives.
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Agree, you should looksmax whatever age you are in. I was referring more to the non-physical aspect of aging, the more teenage-ish energy that youth carries with it in regards to hanging out with friends, partying and just generally being in company with people.

From what i have seen, heard and read in regards to other people, the majority of people don't really spend much time with friends and hang out post late 20's, mostly due to betabuxxing, slacking off with their kids, age related depression/lethargy and obeying their wives. This is especially hard if a person doesn't want to get married whilst still not wanting feel lonely, will be quite a challenge since many older people will be married and busy with their children and nagging wives.
Although it's like that for some people, it's definitely not like that for everyone. There's studies that show that divorce rates are slowly slowing down & that people are moving out & getting married at a much older age. I won't be surprised if the average man gets married at 35 nowadays, which is plenty of time to still enjoy life. After that, it depends how you feel. There's certain things that you definitely shouldn't be doing past a certain age but I feel like you can still party & enjoy life well into your 40s. Anyone who says otherwise is a lame loser imo haha. Even if you have a family or wife, nobody is forcing you to throw your entire social life away. If you aren't happy in your marriage & sit at home miserably, then why the fuck are you in one to begin with. Children are children, but there's still plenty to do, especially if your career takes off. I feel like it all comes down to how people feel deep down, if you feel like you're 50 then you will act 50. If you are 50 but feel like you can still party, travel, & enjoy life then so fucking be it. You probably won't be 50 getting with 21 year old girls, but you can still slay & party with people in their 30s.
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The age pill is brutal,but you can have a good life still.Getting married with some decent girl and having kids and raising them right should be lifefuel for everyone and you can keep looksmaxing and taking care of yourself in your 30's and you will stick out for sure,all the older people i know are not looksmaxed.
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The age pill is brutal,but you can have a good life still.Getting married with some decent girl and having kids and raising them right should be lifefuel for everyone and you can keep looksmaxing and taking care of yourself in your 30's and you will stick out for sure,all the older people i know are not looksmaxed.
I think that’s just a societal difference tbh. I’m sure our generation will be looking plastic af by the time we get to 40.
Mew was born mewing; no one knows his past before his theory as that is too irrelevant, shadowed by the posterior events in the life of this Saint
Fucking lmao probably
If he has decent hair and eye area he would've been slayer

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