One side of my profile has recessed maxilla and other side has forwarding grown maxilla. Why? Because of uneven mewing?



Jul 15, 2023
Also jaw is less forward or grown on right profile than left profile. And maxilla recessed on right profile left profile is ideal angle basically tho.

I gink it could be because I apply uneven pressure with mewing I'm fixing it now tho, any other reasons possibly?
Also jaw is less forward or grown on right profile than left profile. And maxilla recessed on right profile left profile is ideal angle basically tho.

I gink it could be because I apply uneven pressure with mewing I'm fixing it now tho, any other reasons possibly?
mewing works over the period of 10 YEARS what in the actual fuck are you talking about
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 33540
Two users with similiar post rep ratios spotted together, how cute.
Probably not true. Pics would help.
take ur meds
mewing works over the period of 10 YEARS what in the actual fuck are you talking about
It works way quicker than that what are u on
Probably not true. Pics would help.
The pics would show exactly what I'm describing so imagine a person with a forward grown jaw and maxilla on one side of face. And slightly less forward grown dams bones on other side of face/

Imagine it, try and visualise it, yes that is what it looks like, there is your photo.

Now how can I fix it
  • JFL
Reactions: Allornothing
The pics would show exactly what I'm describing so imagine a person with a forward grown jaw and maxilla on one side of face. And slightly less forward grown dams bones on other side of face/

Imagine it, try and visualise it, yes that is what it looks like, there is your photo.

Now how can I fix it
If you draw a maxillary triangle on both sides of your face I’m sure there is no difference in forward growth. One side probably looks worse because of masseter asymmetry so just chew more on that side.
Also jaw is less forward or grown on right profile than left profile. And maxilla recessed on right profile left profile is ideal angle basically tho.

I gink it could be because I apply uneven pressure with mewing I'm fixing it now tho, any other reasons possibly?
This is probably the case, your clever for figuring it out , good on your part

Heres what your going to do:

keep you mouth open and bite down on your thumb (not hard at all, just enough so its in place)
this will force a swallow , forcing your tongue to the palate, youll realize the side that exerts more force will be the better looking side
now you just need to strengthen the other side of the tongue

There are a few exersises for this
-exersise the neck
-massage the neck
-neck tucks( search it up)
-sticking you tongue out as far as you can
This can be done while trageting a specific side, for example:
if you L side is > than R push your tongue as far as you can to the right
you should feel the strain after a few seconds
your welcome
Also jaw is less forward or grown on right profile than left profile. And maxilla recessed on right profile left profile is ideal angle basically tho.

I gink it could be because I apply uneven pressure with mewing I'm fixing it now tho, any other reasons possibly?
I have this same exact problem and i asked in here the niggers in here started sheboon type taking to me made me madd


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