oneitis reached out



Quality Posts Only
Sep 9, 2018
I was focused on my "purpose" only posting career related things. She hit me up today but im nervous to open it.
I was focused on my "purpose" only posting career related things. She hit me up today but im nervous to open it.
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Why you nervous?
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Yeah, cuck, why nervs
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because i don't look like @Nibba

s.o @nibbamaxxing

Oke.. I mean u have her on snap.. There is a reason for that, Open it up dont respond back untill you are done what you suppose to do bitch can wait, And if you havent dont what you suppos to do first then do that first then open it, its just a snap man.. allot more harder shit in the world you have to face. Really gotta man up.. Someone has to say it.
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Oke.. I mean u have her on snap.. There is a reason for that, Open it up dont respond back untill you are done what you suppose to do bitch can wait, And if you havent dont what you suppos to do first then do that first then open it, its just a snap man.. allot more harder shit in the world you have to face. Really gotta man up.. Someone has to say it.
He needs to run low-inhib game
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@Swagwaffle I had a rough fuckin day today, Argued with my dad suppso to be a fun day today, instead it was stress.. my bike chain got stuck mid way going uphill, Threw my bike on the ground.. Embarrassed my self multiple times in public.. But you at the end of the day, You look back what you did wrong and avoid it next time.

But hey cheer up man, Because tomorrow is always going to get worse.
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My oneitis asked me what she should buy her boyfriend for the valentines day :lul::feelshaha::feelscry:
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Reactions: Autist, AntiSocial-Fakecel and Swagwaffle
Update: Just swallowed a brutal red pill. Im focused on my purpose & nothing else. Foids are just obstacles in the way. But they seem to try n get my attention when im just working on my purpose.
@Swagwaffle I had a rough fuckin day today, Argued with my dad suppso to be a fun day today, instead it was stress.. my bike chain got stuck mid way going uphill, Threw my bike on the ground.. Embarrassed my self multiple times in public.. But you at the end of the day, You look back what you did wrong and avoid it next time.

But hey cheer up man, Because tomorrow is always going to get worse.

well bro im so high inhib & autistic that its hard for me to fail with foids idk.

It feels like i failed way too many times that i already know the outcome somewhat.
Update: Just swallowed a brutal red pill. Im focused on my purpose & nothing else. Foids are just obstacles in the way. But they seem to try n get my attention when im just working on my purpose.

well bro im so high inhib & autistic that its hard for me to fail with foids idk.

It feels like i failed way too many times that i already know the outcome somewhat.

same man.. but i decided, Decided to fix my problems head on first, before trying again, and this is not a day plan or week plan. This will take more than a year, But im will up for it and im busy on that path right now, I wont attempt to get girls untill i fixed everything thats bothering me, If everything falls into place this year i might attempt it some where next year. i watch ams too, you should be on your purpose. work hard player even harder.
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I wont attempt to get girls untill i fixed everything thats bothering me
THIS IS SO ON POINT! FR thats exactly what im doing

my priority is to move out my parents place (which im already capable of doing but I have been betabuxxing like an idiot)
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THIS IS SO ON POINT! FR thats exactly what im doing

my priority is to move out my parents place (which im already capable of doing but I have been betabuxxing like an idiot)

Yeah man, Good shit takes time sometimes but gotta keep working hard, I dont have no girls contact on my phone or snap, And i dont want to im to foccused on self improvement. u have a girl u like on snap, i dont. Even if i did. i would feel i dont deserve it anyway
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Reactions: Swagwaffle
Yeah man, Good shit takes time sometimes but gotta keep working hard, I dont have no girls contact on my phone or snap, And i dont want to im to foccused on self improvement. u have a girl u like on snap, i dont. Even if i did. i would feel i dont deserve it anyway
Same and the feeling of self improvement is amazing. A girl would just be a compliment once you really have shit going for yourself.
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Same and the feeling of self improvement is amazing. A girl would just be a compliment once you really have shit going for yourself.

Exactly man, You know what to do Its all in your hands Same goes for me, i always like to say as a quote ''Dont talk it ,Try to walk it.''
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Exactly man, You know what to do Its all in your hands Same goes for me, i always like to say as a quote ''Dont talk it ,Try to walk it.''
U remind me of one of my best friends who motivates me like this . + great friend to have.

Sometimes u can't see everything first person. Good to have another perspective.
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U remind me of one of my best friends who motivates me like this . + great friend to have.

Sometimes u can't see everything first person. Good to have another perspective.

Hey man, As long as i can assist and steer someone in the right direction im happy, I always have been doing this even as a kid thats also how i keep going my self, like i said you can PM anytime if you dont want certain things public. Its good to keep each other motivated its very easy to get off track and even more hard to get back on track.
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o v e r
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im starting to think my oneitis is just a gold digger

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