Only look bad in phone camera


Deleted member 9467

Sep 2, 2020
I look good in mirrors and webcam, but phone camera messes up my features

this just camera distortion?
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You will always look good in the mirror because your brain will try to make you perceive yourself in the best way posssible
I look good in mirrors and webcam, but phone camera messes up my features

this just camera distortion?
mere exposure effect. ur actually ugly
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Phone cam fucks with ur nose
mere exposure effect. ur actually ugly
You will always look good in the mirror because your brain will try to make you perceive yourself in the best way posssible
funny how people are trying to discourage other by saying shit.
Real answer : Your brain never see you otherwise than in a mirror so he is used to see you this way. When you will see you with the front camera, he will accentuate all your defaults cause it seems wtf to him
Mere exposure effect. When you see something long enough and become familiar with it your brain glosses over the flaws and imperfections making you look more attractive.

In the mirror and in the webcam you view your face as you normally do (the way you’re used to) and the mere exposure effect halos you.

In photos your face is flipped, and the change is so jarring that the illusion that the mere exposure effect casts is tarnished. Now you see your face for what it really is.

Every glaring flaw is now on full view, and you realize that you aren’t 11PSL like you deluded yourself into thinking.

TL;DR: Your ugly lol
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I look good in mirrors and webcam, but phone camera messes up my features

this just camera distortion?
its literally the same youre just flipped lol. i made a true mirror to see how i really looked and its literally the same shit

if you are really worried about it influencers upload photos taken from snapchat or ig stories so it doesnt fuck them up. one example is vinnie hacker you can see he does this because hes insecure about his flipped version
funny how people are trying to discourage other by saying shit.
Real answer : Your brain never see you otherwise than in a mirror so he is used to see you this way. When you will see you with the front camera, he will accentuate all your defaults cause it seems wtf to him
lmao im not trying to discourage, he literally has whats known as egocentric bias, its human nature, i have it aswell, i only realised i was not as good looking as i thought i was very recently...
so mirror is not my real self? brutal:feelswhy:
it’s lens distortion, you look exactly like you do irl as you do in the mirror
all the retards talking about muh mere exposure effect have no idea what they’re talking about
if you stand next to somebody front of a mirror, they would appear the same to you irl as they do in the mirror
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Extremely brutal thread
You will always look good in the mirror because your brain will try to make you perceive yourself in the best way posssible
Tell your brain that this is called coping.
see how you look, look in the mirror from a distance, with good lighting (example: gym mirror
Mirror (or flipped mirror) is probably more accurate than phone camera.
Get someone who isn't perfect infront of a mirror, they'll look exactly the same. I think with phones there are too many things going on to give an accurate representation of yourself, unlike a mirror

To address:
In photos your face is flipped, and the change is so jarring that the illusion that the mere exposure effect casts is tarnished. Now you see your face for what it really is.
"See your face for what it really is", Lol what? Literally nothing changes when your face is flipped. You don't get uglier. You only freak out, not because you get uglier, but because you aren't used to it. Just watch camera flipping trends on TikTok, they all freak the fuck out but you (as an outsider) can't see any fucking difference.

TL;DR im mega coping :feelswhy:

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