Opinions on adding Deca to TRT?



Mar 28, 2021
So im 8 weeks into my current trt protocol, current height is 6"6.5, weight is 198lbs age is 16 and 3 months.
Current stack: Testosterone Enanthate 250mgs, split into 2x 125mgs doses weekly 2.5mgs letrozole on pin days (Sunday and Wednesday), Aromasin 12.5mgs Ed (excluding letrozole days)
I'm using MK677 as an add on for height/growth/recovery/hunger and am doing a mini-experiment where I'm using 40mgs for 10 days just to see how I tolerate higher doses/if i feel additional benefits, along with LGD 10mgs that I had 10 pills of. Will drop MK677 to 30mgs nightly after the 10 days is up.
I feel fantastic, doing excellently mentally and physically, have grown a little bit in height, about a centimetre it seems and I'm definitely getting growing pains, I really hope this continues. I kinda want to start using glucosamine so I can retain morning height better.
Im thinking of adding Deca at 100mgs weekly for joint and IGF-1 benefits, also additional muscle gain without the worry of more aromatisation, this could even allow me to lower my trt dose to 125mgs whilst getting similar if not better gains to 250mgs weekly. Not sure if my thought process is good, was hoping to get some input. Alternatively, I can get my hands on two months supply of 20mgs rad140 + 6mgs lgd + 30mgs MK677 which is quite appealing, although I think I would get more bang for my buck with 100mgs deca 125mgs test, which would cost £56 but last 20 weeks. i could also just buy two bottles of test, and continue going at 250mgs a week for another 20 weeks.
Thank you for reading/any input or ideas. i have access to most PEDs so any alternative suggestions (excluding tren/extremely strong aromatising compounds) would be cool.
deca dick
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over for your libido
deca dick
from what ive read its only a serious issue with very high doses, something like 100mgs most likely wouldn't cause it, but yep certainly a concern
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So im 8 weeks into my current trt protocol, current height is 6"6.5, weight is 198lbs age is 16 and 3 months.
Current stack: Testosterone Enanthate 250mgs, split into 2x 125mgs doses weekly 2.5mgs letrozole on pin days (Sunday and Wednesday), Aromasin 12.5mgs Ed (excluding letrozole days)
I'm using MK677 as an add on for height/growth/recovery/hunger and am doing a mini-experiment where I'm using 40mgs for 10 days just to see how I tolerate higher doses/if i feel additional benefits, along with LGD 10mgs that I had 10 pills of. Will drop MK677 to 30mgs nightly after the 10 days is up.
I feel fantastic, doing excellently mentally and physically, have grown a little bit in height, about a centimetre it seems and I'm definitely getting growing pains, I really hope this continues. I kinda want to start using glucosamine so I can retain morning height better.
Im thinking of adding Deca at 100mgs weekly for joint and IGF-1 benefits, also additional muscle gain without the worry of more aromatisation, this could even allow me to lower my trt dose to 125mgs whilst getting similar if not better gains to 250mgs weekly. Not sure if my thought process is good, was hoping to get some input. Alternatively, I can get my hands on two months supply of 20mgs rad140 + 6mgs lgd + 30mgs MK677 which is quite appealing, although I think I would get more bang for my buck with 100mgs deca 125mgs test, which would cost £56 but last 20 weeks. i could also just buy two bottles of test, and continue going at 250mgs a week for another 20 weeks.
Thank you for reading/any input or ideas. i have access to most PEDs so any alternative suggestions (excluding tren/extremely strong aromatising compounds) would be cool.
Why the fuck you're using that much aromatize inhibitors at only 250mg of test per week?

Nad how the hell you feel fine with no E2?
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Fucking teramogger
Why the fuck you're using that much aromatize inhibitors at only 250mg of test per week?

Nad how the hell you feel fine with no E2?
Im crushing estrogen so my growth plates don't fuse, it will delay the growth and allow me to grow for longer. And idk, crushed estrogen makes me feel euphoric, I don't feel terrible. i have definitely noticed not being as horny, lowered sex drive but its not an issue. Mentally I feel amazing, better then I ever have before.
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So im 8 weeks into my current trt protocol, current height is 6"6.5, weight is 198lbs age is 16 and 3 months.
Current stack: Testosterone Enanthate 250mgs, split into 2x 125mgs doses weekly 2.5mgs letrozole on pin days (Sunday and Wednesday), Aromasin 12.5mgs Ed (excluding letrozole days)
I'm using MK677 as an add on for height/growth/recovery/hunger and am doing a mini-experiment where I'm using 40mgs for 10 days just to see how I tolerate higher doses/if i feel additional benefits, along with LGD 10mgs that I had 10 pills of. Will drop MK677 to 30mgs nightly after the 10 days is up.
I feel fantastic, doing excellently mentally and physically, have grown a little bit in height, about a centimetre it seems and I'm definitely getting growing pains, I really hope this continues. I kinda want to start using glucosamine so I can retain morning height better.
Im thinking of adding Deca at 100mgs weekly for joint and IGF-1 benefits, also additional muscle gain without the worry of more aromatisation, this could even allow me to lower my trt dose to 125mgs whilst getting similar if not better gains to 250mgs weekly. Not sure if my thought process is good, was hoping to get some input. Alternatively, I can get my hands on two months supply of 20mgs rad140 + 6mgs lgd + 30mgs MK677 which is quite appealing, although I think I would get more bang for my buck with 100mgs deca 125mgs test, which would cost £56 but last 20 weeks. i could also just buy two bottles of test, and continue going at 250mgs a week for another 20 weeks.
Thank you for reading/any input or ideas. i have access to most PEDs so any alternative suggestions (excluding tren/extremely strong aromatising compounds) would be cool.
holy fuck bro i've seen you before. this shit will fuck you up if you havent already fucked yourself. for the love of god go to a doctor and check your organs checked. literally prematurely aging you. you know what age people usually go on their first stack? usually in their 20's. you have not peaked in test yet and you wont until you're 25. after that you're in free territory. but i warn you, you will just look blockier and have a hgh belly like joe rogan if you use this shit. it is never too later to stop fucking your body, just be careful on getting off the inhibitors


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holy fuck bro i've seen you before. this shit will fuck you up if you havent already fucked yourself. for the love of god go to a doctor and check your organs checked. literally prematurely aging you. you know what age people usually go on their first stack? usually in their 20's. you have not peaked in test yet and you wont until you're 25. after that you're in free territory. but i warn you, you will just look blockier and have a hgh belly like joe rogan if you use this shit. it is never too later to stop fucking your body, just be careful on getting off the inhibitors
-mk677 doesnt cause palumboism aka bubble gut, its not strong enough for that and also I'm not coupling it with insulin.
-250mgs of test, some AI's and MK677 is not going to damage my organs, certainly not in the 8 weeks I've been using them.
-Im not going to come of Ai's, I'm not going to come off any of it, the Ais dose will be subject to change over time. MK677 i will periodically use on and off.
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gigafucked tbh
-mk677 doesnt cause palumboism aka bubble gut, its not strong enough for that and also I'm not coupling it with insulin.
-250mgs of test, some AI's and MK677 is not going to damage my organs, certainly not in the 8 weeks I've been using them.
-Im not going to come of Ai's, I'm not going to come off any of it, the Ais dose will be subject to change over time. MK677 i will periodically use on and off.
let your own body produce test instead of turning yourself into a dicklet
you make it sound as if what you're taking is so insignificant. there are guys your age who blasted gh which is surely more and didnt grow at all. if anything the gains you make in height can be explained by natural growth
let your own body produce test instead of turning yourself into a dicklet
you make it sound as if what you're taking is so insignificant. there are guys your age who blasted gh which is surely more and didnt grow at all. if anything the gains you make in height can be explained by natural growth
I enjoy the feeling i have from my current protocol, I feel happy and healthy. its not like I'm taking a ton, but your right its still a lot. roids don't shrink ur dick jfl + if I noticed any testicular shrinking id just add in low dose hcg and be fine.
I enjoy the feeling i have from my current protocol, I feel happy and healthy. its not like I'm taking a ton, but your right its still a lot. roids don't shrink ur dick jfl + if I noticed any testicular shrinking id just add in low dose hcg and be fine.
treat your body like a temple thats all im saying
Just run primo instead.
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What? 16 years and TRT?
What? 16 years and TRT?
250mgs test a week = supraphysiological test levels so technically it borders on a cycle. its just easier to say trt.
250mgs test a week = supraphysiological test levels so technically it borders on a cycle. its just easier to say trt.
This is madness. You already have chad looks, why would you risk your health, if you're not an incel?
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Aromasin 12.5mgs Ed :ROFLMAO: 2.5mgs letrozole every 3.5 days:lul:
This is madness. You already have chad looks, why would you risk your health, if you're not an incel?
If op isn't larping then he's fucked in the head
Aromasin 12.5mgs Ed :ROFLMAO: 2.5mgs letrozole every 3.5 days:lul:
Its actually different for everybody. For some people its the dose to keep estrogen within normal ranges
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If op isn't larping then he's fucked in the head
yeah, i suppose.
This is madness. You already have chad looks, why would you risk your health, if you're not an incel?
i find it fun, also makes me feel fantastic mentally and physically. its an enjoyable (but difficult) process and helps w bdd tbh. :hnghn:
Aromasin 12.5mgs Ed :ROFLMAO: 2.5mgs letrozole every 3.5 days:lul:
would be more but i don't have more money to run higher doses, i feel excellent on current doses guess I'm just naturally highly aromatising.
As if id know
dn rd + greycel
Im crushing estrogen so my growth plates don't fuse, it will delay the growth and allow me to grow for longer. And idk, crushed estrogen makes me feel euphoric, I don't feel terrible. i have definitely noticed not being as horny, lowered sex drive but its not an issue. Mentally I feel amazing, better then I ever have before.
U do know at that young of an age this shit can induce major epigenetic changes & become chronic right???
Dude lower the fukin AIs your already 6’6 you will wreck your fukin bones lol
Dude lower the fukin AIs your already 6’6 you will wreck your fukin bones lol
If he roids he must use AI either not to get gyno at least
I would add HCG, your balls are already shrunk even if you didn't notice it. You will damage your T production over time, maybe HCG prevents this, nobody knows though.
Try whatever compounds don't aromatize and see how you do. Id milk the most out of those 250mg/week first. People do everyday pins nowdays, i did subq or IM ED pins.
U do know at that young of an age this shit can induce major epigenetic changes & become chronic right???
The point is getting the good epigenetic changes.
I would add HCG, your balls are already shrunk even if you didn't notice it. You will damage your T production over time, maybe HCG prevents this, nobody knows though.
Try whatever compounds don't aromatize and see how you do. Id milk the most out of those 250mg/week first. People do everyday pins nowdays, i did subq or IM ED pins.

The point is getting the good epigenetic changes.

-epigenetic changes, huge frame growth/face growth, deeper voice, and let's not forget the awesome mental changes that have legit cured my depression + physically I look like an absolute beast with my height and size.
I'm not going to fuck with 19nors till I'm much older and will be only using test in terms of injectables. I will use HCG in a few months to hopefully just remind my balls what working is like (I actually really haven't noticed balls changing in size, but I think in future down the line I will have to try coming off just to see if I can recover sperm production/health). I am doing experiments with non-aromatizing stuff and currently, I'm testing out YK11 and will be adding RAD140 in a few days which is fun and later down the line will test out peptides.

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