Opinions on this lookism thread?

It was just another one of those niggercoping spam accounts that was solely there to ruin everyone’s hopes and make them feel bad by using cherrypicked images and posting blacked.com footage and pretending it’s real life
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A lot of surgery might be, but take a look at this
A lot of surgery might be, but take a look at this
Jamo and a lot of users on lookism were based and actually took action JFL

I only know about @Amnesia @Chico Chicowski @belnar93 @Salludon on this site ngl


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It was just another one of those niggercoping spam accounts that was solely there to ruin everyone’s hopes and make them feel bad by using cherrypicked images and posting blacked.com footage and pretending it’s real life
Fair enough, I never had enough of a handle on the culture to sort out the social nuances of the posts. Some of the stories of surgeries gone wrong in there though make my stomach turn ngl
A lot of surgery might be, but take a look at this

Jamo and a lot of users on lookism were based and actually took action JFL

I only know about @Amnesia @Chico Chicowski @belnar93 @Salludon on this site ngl
why can't this dude just be honest about what he actually had done JFL
he went from a long looking face to a compact looking face though
Fair enough, I never had enough of a handle on the culture to sort out the social nuances of the posts. Some of the stories of surgeries gone wrong in there though make my stomach turn ngl

why can't this dude just be honest about what he actually had done JFL
he went from a long looking face to a compact looking face though
There's no reason for him to lie. Call me low IQ but I believe him
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tbh not a lot of people have potential to ascend.

people who are below average or above average have the potential to ascend but it’s over for trucels and averagecels
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tbh not a lot of people have potential to ascend.

people who are below average or above average have the potential to ascend but it’s over for trucels and averagecels
Nah I think there's a way for everyone to ascend. It's just very difficult, like an extremely complex math proof to determine how to ascend a trucel to chad.
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It's about the potential. If bodyfat is making you ugly, then you can loose fat and hope it makes wonders for your face. If you're already skinny to begin with there is no much hope other than surgery
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It is 100% legit. I have always said surgery is cope, and utter subhumans who think that mewing and nofap and maybe a surgery will turn them into Gandy- they are coping hard. It is all the cope they need to keep from killing themselves.

Surgery is only legit if you have some sort of major flaw that can only be rectified with a surgery. It would be nice if surgery was like Skyrim create-a-character, but IRL it is not.

I have no idea how to delete a tables if you accidentally click the tables button.

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it sounds exactly like what CocaineCowboys been saying word for word

if uve been accustomed to what hes been saying and agree this shouldnt be a surprise to you
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  • JFL
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tbh not a lot of people have potential to ascend.

people who are below average or above average have the potential to ascend but it’s over for trucels and averagecels
Yeah unfortunately I agree with this line of thinking now even though it originally depressed me. There are in my opinion stratifications of what gain you are most likely to see out of looksmaxxing, for example - too fat, norwooding, bad acne - fixing stuff like that can really improve you by a ton. But if you're softmaxxed and you don't have major fixable failos I think there's not a lot higher you can do.
The most unfixable shit - height, frame, skull size.
It's kind of insane and hilarious that the greatest looksmaxx is still what it always lol - just getting lean.
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Nah I think there's a way for everyone to ascend. It's just very difficult, like an extremely complex math proof to determine how to ascend a trucel to chad.
I don't think it's possible to ascend from Trucel to Chad. The point of looksmaxing is not to become chad but increasing our chances
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it sounds exactly like what CocaineCowboys been saying word for word

if uve been accustomed to what hes been saying and agree this shouldnt be a surprise to you
It does sound hilariously like him tbh lol, I had that thought when reading
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  • JFL
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I’m an averagecel so ascending is cope for me but I’m softmaxxing Bc no reason not to.

I just wanna be more NT/Lowinhib tbh. I’ve literally never tried
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It all depends on the flaws you have and how poor of a base you begin with

I can tell you right now I do not regret my looksmax journey at all but then again my flaws were easily fixed

If you are failos are high bodyfat, jaw, chin, cheekbones, certain parts of eye area, hair, nose, ears, lips, mouth, teeth you may be able to fix them to a tremendous degree depending on how much you are willing to spend and surgeries/fillers to go thru

If you have unfixable flaws like awful eye area, turbo manletism, extremely weak frame, micropenis, poor racial background, long midface, zero facial harmony then your flaws may be unfixable

Almost no issue is ever black or white, there is always so much gray
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Nah I think there's a way for everyone to ascend. It's just very difficult, like an extremely complex math proof to determine how to ascend a trucel to chad.
there’s some users here that cannot ascend to what they think. i won’t name names but you will probably ascend if you’re:
-above average with a fixable failo(s)
-ugly with fixable failos

another than that you risk doing surgery to make yourself look worse. if you’re short, have a fucked skull, etc, it’s over. you’re probably gonna gain 0.25psl at best.
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there’s some users here that cannot ascend to what they think. i won’t name names but you will probably ascend if you’re:
-above average with a fixable failo(s)
-ugly with fixable failos

another than that you risk doing surgery to make yourself look worse. if you’re short, have a fucked skull, etc, it’s over. you’re probably gonna gain 0.25psl at best.

Harmony is a pretty important concept too tjay I didn’t learn till someone pointed it out. IE I was obsessed with hooded eyes but the truth is it’ll only fit on someone with a DOM lower third/overall facial features, stuff like that so it isn’t black or white.
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Harmony is a pretty important concept too tjay I didn’t learn till someone pointed it out. IE I was obsessed with hooded eyes but the truth is it’ll only fit on someone with a DOM lower third/overall facial features, stuff like that so it isn’t black or white.
yeah, features need to flow which is why if you get a fat ass jaw implant and you have cuck eyes it will look off. the bone mass doesn’t add up

pheno is also very important, a lot of the guys that go through surgery (on OP’s link) had average-below average phenos.
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Yeah unfortunately I agree with this line of thinking now even though it originally depressed me. There are in my opinion stratifications of what gain you are most likely to see out of looksmaxxing, for example - too fat, norwooding, bad acne - fixing stuff like that can really improve you by a ton. But if you're softmaxxed and you don't have major fixable failos I think there's not a lot higher you can do.
The most unfixable shit - height, frame, skull size.
It's kind of insane and hilarious that the greatest looksmaxx is still what it always lol - just getting lean.
Doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement, I’ve always said softmaxxing mogs tf out of surgery (aside from NOTICEABLE flaws and deficiencies)

Things like tan, nice skin, hairmaxxing, designer stubble, 10% bodyfat with muscle mass, eyebrow/eyelash dying, and wearing clothes that accentuate body can make a hell of a difference. And people need to go all out and actually do all of these things, not just half ass it and just assume it’s over before fully looksmaxing
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Doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement, I’ve always said softmaxxing mogs tf out of surgery (aside from NOTICEABLE flaws and deficiencies)

Things like tan, nice skin, hairmaxxing, designer stubble, 10% bodyfat with muscle mass, eyebrow/eyelash dying, and wearing clothes that accentuate body can make a hell of a difference. And people need to go all out and actually do all of these things, not just half ass it and just assume it’s over before fully looksmaxing

Clothing is one of the hardest one for me. I have a large drop so most off the rack clothing is not going to look good. Either chest will be snug but waist is too baggy or chest will be too tight and waist is snug
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there’s some users here that cannot ascend to what they think. i won’t name names but you will probably ascend if you’re:
-above average with a fixable failo(s)
-ugly with fixable failos

another than that you risk doing surgery to make yourself look worse. if you’re short, have a fucked skull, etc, it’s over. you’re probably gonna gain 0.25psl at best.
Yea no doubt. Some people need Elysium-tier full body reconstruction :lul: :lul: :lul:
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Honestly it is suifuel to think about
Nah just moneymaxx and fund the tech to solve your biggest failo.

If you have hope even when you're a trucel, then you unironically have a gigachad personality
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Nah just moneymaxx and fund the tech to solve your biggest failo.

If you have hope even when you're a trucel, then you unironically have a gigachad personality
Idk how you do that if you are insanely short with a small skull or w/e but I agree if you still have hope at that point (not cope but hope) then you are probably the next Caesar
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Doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement, I’ve always said softmaxxing mogs tf out of surgery (aside from NOTICEABLE flaws and deficiencies)

Things like tan, nice skin, hairmaxxing, designer stubble, 10% bodyfat with muscle mass, eyebrow/eyelash dying, and wearing clothes that accentuate body can make a hell of a difference. And people need to go all out and actually do all of these things, not just half ass it and just assume it’s over before fully looksmaxing
Body, tan, hair, skin, clothes make the world of a difference tbh. Even if you’re average you will go up 2IRL points.
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Idk how you do that if you are insanely short with a small skull or w/e but I agree if you still have hope at that point (not cope but hope) then you are probably the next Caesar
Yea if you have hope in even hopeless situations it's the best personality trait to have. And people love to watch shows like this. Like I bet if someone made a TV show about a trucel ascending to gigachad and winning over his oneitis people would watch that shit
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Yea if you have hope in even hopeless situations it's the best personality trait to have. And people love to watch shows like this. Like I bet if someone made a TV show about a trucel ascending to gigachad and winning over his oneitis people would watch that shit
thx for the idea son
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Make it a manga/anime. That's the easiest cuz you only have to hire voice actors JFL

And these days voice can be AI-generated too
i see

ive actually been thinking of making a show like this for a while. where an incel wakes up in a chads body, or the incel wakes up as himself but chad one day, and we can document the blackpill that way. i was thinking to do it live-action so the impact is more presentful that way.

but these types of stories have been done before.

theres a korean Manhwa called Lookism and it discusses the blackpill in depth. i will admit when i was a normie i didnt want to admit to the truths in the novel. you should check it out btw, rlly good. the storyline is the second one

theres a jap show called Switched, its on netflix. its storyline is the first one. but it focuses on a girl, rlly good tho

then theres a manga centered around a girl who lost weight who boys are now attracted to, i never watched it tho.

the key is to make a unique idea but its very difficult
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Some people just wanna bring everyone down to their pitiful level
Was one of my favourite threads back in the day, not necessarily because I agree with him but I like the wording and energy.
Rarely see such energy and strength in posts.
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Lookmaxing is possible but don’t expect gain more than 2 points tbh
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wow turns out i've got as much as 5 alerts there
then theres a manga centered around a girl who lost weight who boys are now attracted to, i never watched it tho.

What a bunch of shit. Even a PSL 2 landwhale has a pretty high SMV these days JFL
i see

ive actually been thinking of making a show like this for a while. where an incel wakes up in a chads body, or the incel wakes up as himself but chad one day, and we can document the blackpill that way. i was thinking to do it live-action so the impact is more presentful that way.

but these types of stories have been done before.

theres a korean Manhwa called Lookism and it discusses the blackpill in depth. i will admit when i was a normie i didnt want to admit to the truths in the novel. you should check it out btw, rlly good. the storyline is the second one

theres a jap show called Switched, its on netflix. its storyline is the first one. but it focuses on a girl, rlly good tho

then theres a manga centered around a girl who lost weight who boys are now attracted to, i never watched it tho.

the key is to make a unique idea but its very difficult

I think ascension stories are p legit.

One day a trucel manlet in the slums gets tired of being bullied and starts LMSmaxxing including High IQ to develop new looksmaxxing techniques like hormones, CRISPR (viruses) and other tech to ascend himself to gigachad.

PM me if you want to discuss more, I've also been interested in a similar idea ngl
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holy fuck i should not have read that thread
What a bunch of shit. Even a PSL 2 landwhale has a pretty high SMV these days JFL

I think ascension stories are p legit.

One day a trucel manlet in the slums gets tired of being bullied and starts LMSmaxxing including High IQ to develop new looksmaxxing techniques like hormones, CRISPR (viruses) and other tech to ascend himself to gigachad.

PM me if you want to discuss more, I've also been interested in a similar idea ngl
she went from psl 2 to Stacy so it was a big ascension

and ill msg bro, later tho imma sleep for a bit. i need to bounce back ideas with someone to develop a good story
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what a great thread indeed

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I'm not sure what his point was, jaw surgery doesn't fix every flaw in your face? I guess I agree with him
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Looksmaxing isn't as easy as one would think. It took me two years to learn that
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