Orthotropic Testimonies



Feb 23, 2019
  • 6 years 11 months (before), 7 years 10 months (after)
  • Type: Class 1 Malocclusion
  • iXooYu9BQI8H0zY28_M_-oragvHTdmJE8DIrj-OQboMKo-CWZCP2qWIlwtr0X5VQEtb2h7_-P1gAkWuR3ceH7eJOqzpq28d-BELOHGDEEplNWMJ74Q8GdNwtp5n9-lDDIThY-Gc3
“Emma came to us with a classic class II case. Her lower jaw was set back a little, she had a significant overjet and overbite.

She initially found the treatment hard to cope with but with time she began to focus hard on wearing the training appliance and has as a result gained a very nice facial change. Her lower jaw has rotated up and forward giving a very nice short forward facial profile.

This is a good demonstration of an upswing is facial form and the multiple subtle benefits that occur as a result.”
  • 7 years 7 months (before), 12 years 10 months (after)
  • Type: Class 1 Malocculusion
  • gA5xk-N9Mr5xML-xbpAuYKkdu0BJ1da912z4J2xwr7aVPbYA_LYVRAMu-BcGD_sgkUoOYBaHahrfwN0ol7yBjMsrkcEaEzxjmVjRTrELovNgJ-3jPsIYxoD-HKUt8qr7xFXt-JCb
  • ChJPg_HnNeEJlwOiRTKgK89ynbZA3xpCnxTmAHYxdWMpNOMmm43akob31oR3fUFu96F9Agr0f7nww9GwzaF0GhFKoRMuNONkDnZRUNuBMtOgLXniYKc1XaMWMyM22NPlLyH3Eidr

  • 13 years 3 months (before), 15 years 3 months after
  • Type: Class 1 maloculssion
  • Jgc_G0S-3n2QNobV3hr9OarXbdRi7lM6PbPHQOCNfzkzSyKyqlrcIKpFQD4Qt6kC0IyY6wOkPWnD1_VRxJ3gQITI6SL-StXEK497saRleGThfCOEAVx2WEkteCtuYyn78Pl7RwUX
  • 2U_pH3NwcAzqhk7HD2GNzHY97IRhRccWN1GXs-3QLcb9vtagaU6D3MHUOCtDv6x-mQIQd8jfTGhmWSkW-V9tJ9nkeC0bG8zeIUKjzBdJt-Mg0RowooaX863r9YDzr90ZIK64IaNT
“Nicholas is older than our normal patients. When we saw him he was already wearing braces from another orthodontic clinic. These had significantly increased his facial length which was a cause of concern to him and his parents.

We widened his dental arches in stage 1 of treatment and he threw himself into wearing the stage 2 training appliance.

The results have been amazing, this wear has widened his whole face, reversing the facial damage caused by his previous appliances and improving his facial structure beyond its original form. Highly motivated individuals really can gain extraordinary results with dedication and time.”

  • 9 years 4 months (before), 16 years 9 months (after)
  • Type: Class 1
  • yaLwjWVaAVfwtnh4bbUpItsojXv296Msqn6g-oyvi4vBAaHKq0IBbw5STh2whd2TSj4xcYue640NpYsKRUY3940cFvFzGH-_LMUWfQkCWDH00dLkeJOnIM7Dv7nhMlOUbzDsUHA0

  • gcMGwc7_aThiOF9JkkhP3rjUC2KweyQBCstcaVfiuPEpsGg0zYZymkaXdpMRtyY7EnoFPDnFqLGoCOdm3bxKoTQldgjByqtyGCRFg9-X87v9bGjecMqK5jM1rFW_56tnr3pNks2J
“Karolina’s story is one that is very common. She had a very mild ‘class I’ case, where the upper and lower teeth were in a good relationship with each other (no over-jet or under-bite) just a little crowding. She would not have qualified for any NHS Orthodontic treatment. However Carolina’s mother was an Osteopath and was able to see that her daughter’s facial posture and function could be improved.

The results of the therapy were excellent Karolina had significant the facial change, with a significant improvement in the position of the chin tip and notice how the cheeks have become a less pronounced. As the space for her tongue in the roof of her mouth increased with our stage 1 expansion she was able to relearn to swallow without her tongue projecting between the teeth. This requires the cheek muscles to work harder so become larger and improve facial form.”

  • 8 years 6 months (before), 9 years 10 months (after)
  • Class 3 maloculsion
  • FHpDDp_2mwUZdxsuzhNqTO1DujxmQTVJIhk3uPVYArT5b2_7hbJvvTIk59Q3Cbwpe4W0G_xJq7wafdXbskSiHoixyHXALAvg_0fxLT0dsoGzCGXIuW6xI5PQrSqiBl9uPOVbacnQ
  • lemxRD-xmBPTyef7hxKZwFosqAKIJgpmcdoUJIGWJnSCVlhyKU4hWqhsSG8E_s7zgOrC-wjX7xHAiDA5JKKlb1cpwsvCPx3xr6bfVy5mf7dHcKZFEZJVhNQTGy71O4mpCxZAIIGh
“Harry, had a class III bite (under bite) his face was also a little long, he also had an open bite. He was a very challenging case.

However he has been an impeccable brace wearer and the effect of our treatment plan has been phenomenal. He now has a normal bite and much better facial poster and muscle tone.”
  • 5 years 10 months (before), 8 years 1 month (after)
  • Class 3 Maloculssion
  • gN6kxnrLCABpikP7RGdG0PGKxD8lgkv8eelPXknopEKX1bESpgztZgKNp9fKHN6tRPzq2lV0CmIbKXB9b_4qnaxmDGl_uYjhDo94aMczzohPoHTlqKSQxDTmh37fswp4-v2_-uuO
  • XSjW9TyIOEP8tYJD_9eiwKMZDp5jgcLpA0BeU8siCItrhygSAZXKv8UY1xx9rqfTyV8lWOs2nyQNtzudPMIB227VGNKSgZ2XZb7xUeGYyuag1MVdD2At0JYgBH_P_Ist5h20EE_V
Polly came to us at 5 years old. She had a severe class III bite (under-bite). Her parents had been told by the NHS that there was no alternative treatment to major facial surgery at 18-20 years of age.

At only 5 she already had a significantly abnormal facial structure and this would only have worsened over time. Her parents were anxious that a lack of intervention would have meant her passing through the most sensitive years of her social development with this deformity. There were also no guarantees that surgery at a later date would produce a good stable ‘normal’ facial form.

She has undergone Orthodontic Health’s classic three-stage treatment plan. At times wearing her head gear up to 20 hours a day. It has been hard work and required serious commitment from both her and her parents.

She is now almost 9 and the results of the treatment are outstanding, they far exceed anything anyone could have hoped for and certainly anything that would have been achieved with surgery.

We often find that Class III patients have great results in part we think because there is little alternative treatment and because they are generally highly motivated to change and avoid surgery.

  • 7 years 6 months (before), 11 years 2 months (after)
  • Lip Catch
  • p9demhiB9g2zVG1zZNHn9oocKlmh8ZESKn6xoWzbe0d1oYiSPL1riRFRWWyF3Hw-NIMgwGLVDaqfCUwTlkKZ5kgZH3N5qoVe-ksPfSOBuH73uhSGIi-9twQaLsKbJZlM9XM6kRn6
  • mO3uViYIJR4CpeWhpoY_-FPv6KQ_vhhzlVXxf0MnD7XaT3D3jlbz-GYrUCWkxj4OtcgaUbE8xk9xpsd1SLNfZmeCp20x9rO9qISTC8EudIckCLJKLn-MzQjUtDTs46ZUVND5zX8D
“Charlotte had a severe lip catch which was exacerbating her overjet. She had been told that she would need two upper teeth extracted and her front “bunny teeth” pulled back into line with the rest of her teeth. Our treatment resulted in almost exactly the opposite of this!

We used expansion to move the whole of her face, both upper and lower jaws forwards. This in turn actually moved the upper front teeth further forward.

By learning to keep her lips together, her tongue in the roof of her mouth and by doing her exercises the ‘bunny teeth’ effect was lost. Her improved facial structure and posture corrected the alignment of her teeth naturally and permanently without any pushing or pulling by us.”

  • 13 years 10 months (before), 19 years 7 months (after)
  • Class 2 Maloculssion
  • RfOhXZY8Yr0JKjUDQT0lktnHgQd6yaKHWuZFVT3FUewfiB2ui3uNrThUCJHeOCsia54cE_xltm-RfmlLfxWVoF-fJJp6yism8WG6goQAD7fUoCmaxFRpSZrVX7nlDQSJ-Au6eORX
  • Y7N_cDpkagibcdLqf8LqTRVBp8V8jZKiL2KmI1Rl27OM_lzcLAbWQhNKaalBhq_36DWjMeyaYk-ANC8gi8N-3MSfjGU-Msm9sSFlVXyGOSLBn-7WzkAw6fkSGJGkNQo3PSnK54nK
“Nicola had been told that the only option to correct her class II bite (set back mandible) was surgery. Unfortunately she was nearly 14 years old when she came to us for treatment. However she was highly motivated.

She worked very hard, wearing her stage 2 training appliances at least 22 hours a day for over a year. The results of this effort have been life changing. The before and after pictures show two completely different faces. She still has a littler crowding in the lower jaw which we have not treated as the main focus has been on correcting her class II malocclusion.”

These results were achieved via the use of appliances and took a long time to get too. The quickest result was under a year and Nichola has the most resemblance to the average mewer. I think these testimonies by mike mew prove that the teeth can affect facial structure.

Please discuss these results.

Can't be fucked to fix the embedding look at my draft: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RMrQEu99N4WmWKiYgUr1C2Zs2mhCHBHM-oRCrI7eQK0/edit
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  • +1
Reactions: Stare, SansDopamine, Lorsss and 1 other person
nah bro they just went through puberty, learned to squintmax, grew beard and angle frauded
  • JFL
Reactions: Guest and You
they all have recessed chins by PSL standards
this is proof enough for scum denying mewing. it works for pubertycels, other than that results are highly minimal.
These are good results. Extractions should be illegal.
  • +1
Reactions: Lorsss
The question is how much can it helps after puberty
They are kids.
Also most children have bad teeth but it automatically gets better.
You are all delusioncels if you think that Mew doesnt have appliances and things he uses. He doesn't just charge them money to repeat "tounge on roof of mouth lips closed" 1000 times for an hour. He makes them wear appliances and expanders and stuff.

@mojopin jfl at these low iq morons bro.

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