Parents won't let me fast



The second sun has risen
Dec 6, 2019
Whenever I try to go on a water fast my parents immediately freak the fuck out, especially my mom, who I noticed would give me larger portions as punishment :feelsree: It's like they think I'm gonna die of starvation or something, even if I tell them the benefits of fasting, they still won't let me. But I found a way to circumvent this :sneaky::feelshmm::feelsokman::feelsyay: I just tell them I'm going to spend whole day in city and going out with some friends (I don't actually have any friends :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: but they don't know 🤫). In reality, I spend the day looksmaxxing hard :cool: getting skincare treatments/facials at the spa, going gym or a run around the block, and going on my fast.

When they ask me what I ate for breakfast/lunch/dinner like the overbearing parents they are I just send them images of food I got straight off of google images :feelskek: like for breakfast I might send them waffles/bread roll, burger or pizza for lunch and then go to nice restaurant for dinner (Treating myself like a MGTOW king :lul::p). I switch it up every-time I go on a fast and send them different foods each time depending on what I feel like having on the day. I have done this 24hr water fast once a week for a few weeks now, they haven't caught on yet :feelskek: Nice try mom, but you're not gonna stop me from looksmaxxing and ascending :feelshaha:
  • JFL
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Went to visit my family over Christmas as well and fasting was out of option as well. Luckily, I live alone so I'm fasting as I type this
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Went to visit my family over Christmas as well and fasting was out of option as well. Luckily, I live alone so I'm fasting as I type this

You lucky motherfucker

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Only read the title, all i can say is wtf.
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  • JFL
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OP if you're 20, and your parent have a word on what you eat you really have to change this, they're infantilizing you

The sooner the better
What a story, mark
What type of fasting do you do?
Like 1 meal per day orso.

Fasting, only necesairy maybe if you're a fatso. Are you?

I did 1 big meal practise per day, sometimes in the past. It was part of the Buddhist practise for Uposatha days. But I also did it someotimes for a week. It's pretty brutal, since a was pretty skinny to begin with.
OP if you're 20, and your parent have a word on what you eat you really have to change this, they're infantilizing you

The sooner the better

How do I change this? What do I say to them?

What type of fasting do you do?
Like 1 meal per day orso.

Fasting, only necesairy maybe if you're a fatso. Are you?

I did 1 big meal practise per day, sometimes in the past. It was part of the Buddhist practise for Uposatha days. But I also did it someotimes for a week. It's pretty brutal, since a was pretty skinny to begin with.

Im doing a 24 hour water fast, nothing major, just doing it for mainly anti-aging and health benefits. I'm not a fatso but im about 17-18% bodyfat and looking to get down to the 10-12% sweet spot for facial aesthetic benefits.
I'll help you out but you gotta tell me what country you're from.
try to find a medium, and don't make it super autistic like I AM NOT GOING TO EAT FOR A SET TIME FRAME

just tell them you are skipping breakfest or something, and when you hit 16 hours go and eat
Treating myself like a MGTOW king :lul::p
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my parents dont understand the value of MEWING
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You are 20 years old, time to let them know that you make the decisions from now on.
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I read every word
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just doing it for mainly anti-aging and health benefits. .... im about 17-18% bodyfat and looking to get down to the 10-12% sweet spot for facial aesthetic benefits.
All good reasons, to do something. I have no knowledge about wether doing that (24hours water only fasting) actually produces those results. But I guess, you read about this and/or form research.?
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All good reasons, to do something. I have no knowledge about wether doing that (24hours water only fasting) actually produces those results. But I guess, you read about this and/or form research.?

Yeah, I read on here and researched more online.
Just tell them your Gandhimaxing
  • +1
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Yea OP same age same situation, just tell them it’s your goal and to buzz off, don’t explain yourself. My parents complained so hard about me dieting should’ve told them it’s Bc of the shit fat storage genetics passed onto me but oh well
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meanwhile i was anorexic and parents literally didnt care if i died

didnt try once to help me

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