People being in favor of higher taxes for poor/middle-class people.



Nobody is safe from me.
Feb 3, 2022
In the Netherlands, most people are in favor of HIGHER taxes for everyone, including poor and middle-class people. You can see it by the way people vote and the legislation that's being brought forward and cherished.

Most of the taxes are sold under the idea that it's 'good for the environment'.
More taxes on meat, gasoline, plastic, glass bottles, basically everything. Because 'its good for the environment'.

It tells me the average citizen has the IQ similar to that of a baboon.
How the fuck can average working-class people be in favor of more taxes on things you literally NEED to live? Literally making everyone poorer, one tax at a time.

Self-Destruction. Voting for political parties that openly want to make your life shittier. "for the planet!"

I hate society. I hate how the average person can be such a brainless, easily manipulated tool.

Example: I bought a cappuchino yesterday. Instead of paying the already overpriced 2.85 euro for it, I had to pay an extra 0,30 'cup-tax'. A cup which is thrown away in the closest bin the exact same way, before and after this tax. All it did was make my life more than 10% more expensive.

And your average citizen, aka brainless worker-drone, cheers for this shit.

'Wowzers we are saving the environment, saving the planet!!'

Average people need to be sent to gas-chambers. That would also be great for the environment.
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: AscensionMan98, TheDragon, n0rthface and 12 others
while white brah ramble about muh taxes and muh economy ethnics on the prow approaching and fucking women @vicecity
  • +1
Reactions: MoggerGaston
I am willing to bet my ass and my mother's (which is very sacred to me) that all of that money doesn't even go to the funds that help environment.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: TheDragon, aBetterMii, LowTrust and 2 others
UK too.
Our tax money goes to dog shit national health service, pensions and benefits scroungers
  • +1
Reactions: Artemis and MoggerGaston
Boomers spiraled our economy into uncontrollable debt and now we are the ones who have to pay for their pensions and cancer treatment.
  • +1
Reactions: TheDragon, horizontallytall, JovenCansao and 1 other person
Sincerest condolence for the few based westerners left it's legit game over
  • +1
Reactions: p0lishsubhuman, Primalsplit, Artemis and 4 others
while white brah ramble about muh taxes and muh economy ethnics on the prow approaching and fucking women @vicecity
On the train-ride back from the rave, there was a nigger who didn't buy a train-ticket and was getting asked for it by the train-conductor.

His response? He punched him in the face and walked away.
They had to stop the train, call the police and 4 police-officers had to show up to get this nigger off the train and to the police station.
His nigger friends were just cheering and saying shit like: 'he's just doing a side-quest, why u gotta bring police n shit' :lul:

Nigger adrenaline-packed lifestyle mogs my non-privileged slav-life to the grave tbh. Guy just doesn't give a fuck about anything.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Cidre enjoyer, Deleted member 26859 and Deleted member 31562
UK too.
Our tax money goes to dog shit national health service, pensions and benefits scroungers
It's so fucking over and getting worse every year

Climate-change is the biggest scam ever created. Literally managed to brainwash a population into 'voluntarily' giving up their life quality.

On top of all the other retarded ways life keeps becoming more expensive and worse overall.
  • +1
Reactions: Artemis and Prince88
On the train-ride back from the rave, there was a nigger who didn't buy a train-ticket and was getting asked for it by the train-conductor.

His response? He punched him in the face and walked away.
They had to stop the train, call the police and 4 police-officers had to show up to get this nigger off the train and to the police station.
His nigger friends were just cheering and saying shit like: 'he's just doing a side-quest, why u gotta bring police n shit' :lul:

Nigger adrenaline-packed lifestyle mogs my non-privileged slav-life to the grave tbh. Guy just doesn't give a fuck about anything.
Imagine unironicaly following cuck rules of todays soyciety and not doing whatever the fuck you want
  • +1
Reactions: Primalsplit and MoggerGaston
UK too.
Our tax money goes to dog shit national health service, pensions and benefits scrounger
Jfl at the NHS, I have to go private if I want to get anything done. The NHS is only useful if there’s a life threatening emergency.
  • +1
Reactions: Prince88 and MoggerGaston
The thing I dont understand about normies is how they are socialistic economically but prefer the sexual market to be laissez-faire capitalistic with no control.

Rationally it should be the other way around; sexual free market only benefits chads while they have to pay higher taxes
  • +1
Reactions: TheDragon, p0lishsubhuman, Prince88 and 1 other person
The thing I dont understand about normies is how they are socialistic economically but prefer the sexual market to be laissez-faire capitalistic with no control.

Rationally it should be the other way around; sexual free market only benefits chads while they have to pay higher taxes
Incel gets the double gut-punch.

He is out-competed in the sexual market.
So he tries to focus on making money instead of enjoying life: being social, partying, getting kids, etc.

Now he realizes he is paying some absurd amount of taxes to fund the lifestyle of the people that out-competed him in the sexual market.

A literal slave-class.
  • +1
Reactions: p0lishsubhuman, Primalsplit, Artemis and 1 other person
Jfl at the NHS, I have to go private if I want to get anything done. The NHS is only useful if there’s a life threatening emergency.
Same shit in the netherlands. Public health-care is forced onto you, you are forced to pay for it.

But the quality is shit, so if you want good/fast treatment, you need to pay for anything yourself in private clinics anyways.
  • +1
Reactions: Saint Casanova
Incel gets the double gut-punch.

He is out-competed in the sexual market.
So he tries to focus on making money instead of enjoying life: being social, partying, getting kids, etc.

Now he realizes he is paying some absurd amount of taxes to fund the lifestyle of the people that out-competed him in the sexual market.

A literal slave-class.
They are getting the short end of the stick with their consent.

At least brown people know how over it is them on the sexual marketplace so they try to embrace sexual socialism (Islam). Western incels instead push the cart of liberalism which only favours chad and his harem of girls.
  • +1
Reactions: p0lishsubhuman, MoggerGaston and Prince88
Same shit in the netherlands. Public health-care is forced onto you, you are forced to pay for it.

But the quality is shit, so if you want good/fast treatment, you need to pay for anything yourself in private clinics anyways.
Exactly! What a shit system they have in Western Europe jfl.
Yeah this is why i'm in my mom country atm (Iceland) i need a break so much shit int the Netherlands make me to jump from a bridge.

Ik dacht dat ik een vredig landje had gevonden, wat een idioot!
  • +1
Reactions: MoggerGaston
I support higher taxes on poor and lower taxes on rich
Billions must be paid
They are getting the short end of the stick with their consent.

At least brown people know how over it is them on the sexual marketplace so they try to embrace sexual socialism (Islam). Western incels instead push the cart of liberalism which only favours chad and his harem of girls.
I just can't relate to anyone in this country honestly.

The women all live in their happy bubbles.
The men, even when they got the short-end of the stick like me, pretend they are doing well in life, like how things are going, and just cope with videogames or some other bullshit.

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