People on here are retards when it comes to Finasteride

Deleted member 3259

Deleted member 3259

Sep 22, 2019
"Don't take Finasterside bro! It's not worth the risk of chemically castrating yourself!!!!!!"

There is literally no fucking proof at all that Finasteride has a permanent effect, yet I fucking see people bring this shit up on this website, every single fucking day that Finasteride get's brought up. Let's talk about erectile dysfunction specifically, since this is what the talk is always about. Harvard Health has brought up the fact that during 20 years time, there has been a report of 100 cases. 100 cases in 20 years time and you are telling me that the drug itself is to blame? JFL. Can Finasteride cause erectile dysfunction? Yes. Should it go away once you stop taking it? Yes.

Now as you can see I am using the word should. However, the reason for this word doesn't have to to with Finasteride as much as it has to do with
your mental being, which brings me to the next point, Nocebo.

You already know what a Placebo effect is. A nocebo effect is said to occur when negative expectations of the patient regarding a treatment cause the treatment to have a more negative effect than it otherwise would have.

Funny how all the permanent side effects that you can supposedly get from Finasteride are all mental, with literally no proof whatsoever that it stems from Finasteride, which only leaves the nocebo effect left as the most logical reason. As we already know, depression is obviously a mental issue, but so is erectile dysfunction. There are obviously a lot of different reasons as for what can cause erectile dysfunction, but every other reason, a doctor is able to eliminate, except for the mental one, which again points to the nocebo effect.

Now, let's talk about the only legitimate worry you have when taking Finasteride, in terms of side effects, and that is Gynaecomastia. This is basically enlargement of breasts in men.

For hair specialists, it's well know that finasteride is among the causes of gyneocmastia. About 4 to 10 out of every 1000 men using finasteride will develop gynecomastia on account of the drug.

I want to leave you with this. Other than Gynecomastia, all other side effects are temporary, and if you notice that you get them, just hop off the drug, at least you gave it a try. Lets say we go to the absolute worst case scenario and you end up getting Gynecomastia, which can be fixed by something as simple as liposuction or a very minor surgery. Are you telling me that the minor risk to get this, which is again very easily fixable, is not worth it, and instead you rather want to ride out to the point where you are completely bald, and at which point, Finasteride won't even matter anymore, because it can't even save you at that point?

What do you think is gonna be easier for you to get through if we look at both worst case scenarios? A quick cheap liposuction, or having to go through an entire fucking hair transplant, which not only is expensive as fuck, but it's not gonna be a fun time.
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Pretty naive to think that chronical killing of 5aR enzymas has no long-term effect
Your body is always trying to reproduce those enzymas because it thinks it needs it for whatever reason (still to be found, most likely response to health issues). Finasteride bascially always kills the new enzymas and you think your body doesnt respond to this artificial intervention?

Not saying that Finasteride is overly dangerous, but I dont want to take it anymore because I have a better alternative
Besides the problem mentioned above, there is also another one regarding hormonal profile and both make total sense to me
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Pretty naive to think that chronical killing of 5aR enzymas has no long-term effect
Your body is always trying to reproduce those enzymas because it thinks it needs it for whatever reason (still to be found, most likely response to health issues). Finasteride bascially always kills the new enzymas and you think your body doesnt respond to this artificial intervention?

Not saying that Finasteride is overly dangerous, but I dont want to take it anymore because I have a better alternative
Besides the problem mentioned above, there is also another one regarding hormonal profile and both make total sense to me
don’t know what you high IQ niggas are saying but I wouldn’t risk castration
Pretty naive to think that chronical killing of 5aR enzymas has no long-term effect
Your body is always trying to reproduce those enzymas because it thinks it needs it for whatever reason (still to be found, most likely response to health issues). Finasteride bascially always kills the new enzymas and you think your body doesnt respond to this artificial intervention?

Not saying that Finasteride is overly dangerous, but I dont want to take it anymore because I have a better alternative
Besides the problem mentioned above, there is also another one regarding hormonal profile and both make total sense to me
Is your alternative RU58841? I don’t know why no ine here talks about it, it’s basically selective fin with ZERO sides, and only kills DHT on the scalp, no where else.
Is your alternative RU58841? I don’t know why no ine here talks about it, it’s basically selective fin with ZERO sides, and only kills DHT on the scalp, no where else.
I have ED 3months after stopping and have very little sensitivity in my penis even when I'm somewhat hard. By all means take it just don't stay on with sides if you get them like i did for 2 yrs, pretty sure I'm permanently fucked after reading stuff like this .

And no It's not placebo or anxiety becasue i jerked off at least once a day since forever and started getting the ED on day 3 of taking finasteride which progressively got worse.

Inb4 the n'th retard recommends goatse milk supplement to increase libido.
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bruv shut the fuck up if you didnt take it. those sides might not be temporary. I tried it out and would advise others to get bloodwork make your decision. check this article out

Low iq post. Everyone is different and will experience different sides. Fuck studies. I tried it and got cucked. Many people get no sides while others get all of them. It's unique case by case .
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Pretty naive to think that chronical killing of 5aR enzymas has no long-term effect
Your body is always trying to reproduce those enzymas because it thinks it needs it for whatever reason (still to be found, most likely response to health issues). Finasteride bascially always kills the new enzymas and you think your body doesnt respond to this artificial intervention?

Not saying that Finasteride is overly dangerous, but I dont want to take it anymore because I have a better alternative
Besides the problem mentioned above, there is also another one regarding hormonal profile and both make total sense to me
U do realize that enzymes do not get “killed”, it’s hust that the conversion process they actuate gets inhibited. It’s an inhibitor. 5AR is not a hormone for it to be continually produced by the body. It’s thrte whether u take fin or not. Wats gone is dht. That’s how a 5AR inhibitor works. Theoretically speaking, it’s like u put a blocker on ur sink. Once ur blocker is gone your water should flow back the same exact way cause the influx never changed in the first place. & DHT is a derivative so it’s not like the body can be conditioned to more or less dht. If your test-e ratio gets permenantly fuked then yes it’s possible to develop longterm symptoms. But theoretically, HRT or a mild AI should also fix it

From a theoretical standpoint, fin permenant symptoms are really hard to believe. I know bodybuilders who had their hormone profile go hey-wire & it went back to normal eventually. That’s how resilient most ppls hormonal homeostasis is.

I won’t promote nor shit on fin. But I have a general stance on everything in life. If you are too stupi to do your research you deserve what you getting. A hormone test should be mandatory with any hormone altering drug. All u have to do is.
1. Get a prescription
2. Find a decent urologist/endocrinologist
3. Her 2/3 blood tests
4. Let him fix u up if u have any imbalances

In the case that this doesn’t work. Then you drop the drug
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Is your alternative RU58841? I don’t know why no ine here talks about it, it’s basically selective fin with ZERO sides, and only kills DHT on the scalp, no where else.
Because there are barely any studies on its side effect profile in addition to the fact that it has a relatively low binding affinity than dht by about 5 orders. So it might not work for some. Plus u have a bigger chance of getting permenant sides if u go on RU & it goes systemic cause it binds to the dht receptors & it those get fuked then there is no way to fix them artificially. Again, highly farfetched tho

This lawsuit was filed 2019 the company is shady as fuck and proven to downplay and hide actual statistics regarding side effects. The drug is legit dangerous and legit prescribed for MtF transsexuals JFL. It literally removes a male sex hormone (DHT) from your body.

JFL if you’re thinking that doing such a thing wouldn’t have serious side effects, and for ignoring the fact there are entire forums dedicated to people who suffer from “post finasteride syndrome.” Oh yeah bro I’m sure there’s just an entire fucking community of people who all have the same issues linked to the same drug, I’m sure it’s just a coincidence bro! I’m sure the thousands of lawsuits are just propaganda bro it won’t happen to me bro I don’t even need male hormones!
They're just butthurt slapheads who were afraid to take it when they had the chance and now want others to suffer just like they do
It doesn't do shit long term anyways, it's effects fade. You will have to jump on dutasteride after some time, then bicalutamide, then you add some tranny drugs regimen and at the end you end up as a fullblown tranny.
It doesn't do shit long term anyways, it's effects fade.
Baseline at year 10 and no follow up after that so that's an unfounded statement. Many anecdotes about guys slowly losing their hairlines after 15yrs on fin but keeping their crown areas which is easily fixable by a HT.
It is not my alternative
I have a better one, but its stuck at port atm unfortunately
Would you mind to share?

Btw OP you're a retard tbh. Not saying folks shouldn't take it, I probably will :feelswhy:
Baseline at year 10 and no follow up after that so that's an unfounded statement. Many anecdotes about guys slowly losing their hairlines after 15yrs on fin but keeping their crown areas which is easily fixable by a HT.
and many don't even halt their hairloss with that shit. I know people who don't respond to dht inhibition at all, dht is nuked, no sides, no hairloss stop. This is a hit n miss approach, but you do you.
Better to cope with hairsystems that become more and more advanced by the day and can barely be recognized, which also btw. give real good density. THan to get yourself trannied and still run around with patchy, recessed hair and look like a low T cuck phaggot without DHT.

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