'Perfect male body' according to supposed AI drawing.



diagnosed autist
Jul 18, 2022
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Reactions: boss8055, Dezzow, wasakaka and 19 others
10 pack or death.
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He looks like stereotypical surfer chad white dude from early 2000s disney flicks
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Reactions: Chinlet Ascension, justinzayn and ItsOverCel
The AI was an asian woman
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AI was programmed by dudes
typical male gaze
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whats the perfect female body according to the same AI?
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Reactions: Yatagarasu, SubhumanCurrycel, Growth Plate and 4 others
AI was programmed by dudes
typical male gaze
stop coping with muh male gaze muh female gaze
prettyboy is a prettyboy because he hasnt aged yet he’s a chad once he gets older
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Reactions: ItsOverCel and Deleted member 22126
stop coping with muh male gaze muh female gaze
prettyboy is a prettyboy because he hasnt aged yet he’s a chad once he gets older
I'm not against gymcelling , Infact I even started doing it,since women want a lean guy with definition
but the guy the pic is waayyy over the top , and comes off as too try hard
girls will look at him and think he spends his whole day at the gym
  • JFL
Reactions: Growth Plate, Deleted member 23554 and Deleted member 22126
girls will look at him and think he spends his whole day at the gym
nice of you to assume women have these kind of complex thoughts.
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Reactions: boss8055, 5'6"ManW/5.5"dick, SubhumanCurrycel and 9 others
He is a hipcel JFL
  • Hmm...
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I'm not against gymcelling , Infact I even started doing it,since women want a lean guy with definition
but the guy the pic is waayyy over the top , and comes off as too try hard
girls will look at him and think he spends his whole day at the gym
they dont even believe the rock is roided
if you look good you look good
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nice of you to assume women have these kind of complex thoughts.
meanwhile women simp all day for prettybois with 1/10000 this body @alriodai
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damn people cope saying muh you need to be huge. this dude is like 22 bmi and lean not outlandish at all
the people that cope with size just have shit bone structure and need more to have the same contour.
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the people that cope with size just have shit bone structure and need more to have the same contour.
yeah his physique is similar to me. Im 5'10 70kg and relatively lean and people say I look at least 80kg due to my long straight clavicles and narrow waist. I plan on cutting to like 65-68 ish to get shredded and face gains.
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yeah his physique is similar to me. Im 5'10 70kg and relatively lean and people say I look at least 80kg due to my long straight clavicles and narrow waist. I plan on cutting to like 65-68 ish to get shredded and face gains.
don't let bodybuilding copers convince you to gain more size, anything past swimmer mode loses it's wider appeal and hinders your mobility and general quality of life.
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i mog my nipples are bigger.
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I'm not against gymcelling , Infact I even started doing it,since women want a lean guy with definition
but the guy the pic is waayyy over the top , and comes off as too try hard
girls will look at him and think he spends his whole day at the gym

The cope in this statement is unreal if humans looked like that A.I avatar then we would all be slayers
don't let bodybuilding copers convince you to gain more size, anything past swimmer mode loses it's wider appeal and hinders your mobility and general quality of life.
whats ur weight btw
Because I think size isnt cope at least when u bulk on roids sarms and gain much size u get much more attentiin
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whats ur weight btw
Because I think size isnt cope at least when u bulk on roids sarms and gain much size u get much more attentiin

It certainly does atleast in the UK the average guy is certainly no way near what was posted in OP are people seriously telling me a sarm nigga is gonna be attractive to the average girl when the average guy looks 10 x worse ?
if humans looked like that A.I avatar then we would all be slayers
that's obvious
the point of my post was that's its not necessary to look like that - cuz its impossible natty
even OP , who I think has the best physique on org can't achieve a body like that natty
showing pics like this will only make more guys get on gear , which will end up looksmining them
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If your ronnie fucking coleman maybe but most dudes don't have god tier muscle building physiques
lifefuel for me i could unironically achieve this physique
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that's obvious
the point of my post was that's its not necessary to look like that - cuz its impossible natty
even OP , who I think has the best physique on org can't achieve a body like that natty
showing pics like this will only make more guys get on gear , which will end up looksmining them

Your right to some extent roids ogre your face but sarns have a lower anabolic ratio so you gain muscle but lack face change.

That being said and all you need to be careful sarms is a experimental drug unlike roids which we know the effects of
whats ur weight btw
Because I think size isnt cope at least when u bulk on roids sarms and gain much size u get much more attentiin
currently around 93-94kg~ in the middle of bulking.

I was around 86~ all summer at maintenance, but very low on glycogen so it shot up a little and I look a bit fuller than normal.
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Your right to some extent roids ogre your face but sarns have a lower anabolic ratio so you gain muscle but lack face change.

That being said and all you need to be careful sarms is a experimental drug unlike roids which we know the effects of
what about the hairfall, acne , hormonal crash,impotence,metabolic diseases etc ?
no drug is worth it IMO
david laid comes to mind seeing this pic, and even he is on gear (and already balding cuz of it)
currently around 93-94kg~ in the middle of bulking.

I was around 86~ all summer at maintenance, but very low on glycogen so it shot up a little and I look a bit fuller than normal.
well since ur lean thats a decent weight
in order to look like you lift one should weight at least height-100 cm kg at below 15% bf, or height-90 if slightly bloated or bad genetics
Legit, I would make his bideltoid just a little wider and a little more fat, A10s or death btw
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Yeah this is pretty much ideal.
Needs darker tan and dark brown hair though.

found him, just lacking the 10 pack, death it is.
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