[PERSONAL THEORY] cyanide microdosing for adrenaline gains [GTFIH] [HIGH T HIGH IQ ONLY]


Deleted member 8699

Jul 28, 2020

you guise always complain about being lethargic or high inhib low t all that stuff.... but what do you do to change that??? rot on .me..... NOT efficient
the following guide is based on both personal theory and scientific facts and it ll make you more energetic and active

>b-b-but muh cyanide is toxic lethal fatal itll kill me :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy:
yes cyanide can kill you but DOSE MAKES THE POISON.
In other words, any chemical—even water and oxygen—can be toxic if too much is ingested or absorbed into the body. The toxicity of a specific substance depends on a variety of factors, including how much of the substance a person is exposed to, how they are exposed, and for how long.
if you swallow one molecule of cyanide NOTHING BAD WILL HAPPEN.
the lethal dose for cyanide is 1.5mg/kg of body. in retard .me language that means that if youre 50kg auschwitz victim 75mg of cyanide will be enough to commit not living. same goes for 100kg tubs of lard who would need twice as much cyanide to black out 4eva.


1. weighing
make sure you have an accurate scale. weigh yourself. congrats! you have just discovered how much u weigh. now you need to calculate how much cyanide you need to intake so as not to kill yourself, but to give adrenaline gains.
i wouldnt suggest multiplying by 1.5mg, cos thats a limit and it could become dangerous. multiply by 1 mg instead.

FORMULA: dosing = the numerical value of your weight but in milligrams.
2. scale and chemical

>b-b-but how do i weigh in milligrams
jeweller scales are perfect for such purpose since they can weigh quantities at the lowest milligram. you can purchase one off ebay. i personally use this one: huge ass scale link. it goes to as low as a thousandth of a gram and its really cheap. just weigh your cyanide in the small container that comes with the scale and youre good. i personally use a sheet of paper just because thats what based gangstas do in movies ( :cool: ), but use whats convenient for u jfl

as for the cyanide, i wont bother posting suppliers, there are tons of cyanide vendors out there, cyanide is used in gold mining/refining. its easier if u live in the us since there are more vendors willing to do the shipping there.

3. preparation
after you obtain the cyanide and the scale and do the appropiate calculations and measurements (a few milligrams of cyanide will look like like a really small pile of white crystalline dust (if you obtain in a form with larger crystals itll look different jfl)), dissolve the pile in a glass of water. itll dissolve instantaneously because cyanide is pretty darn soluble in water (63.7g/100 ml water at 25C) and you have a small amount anyway.
next, drink the glass of water :) . easy. literally all you have to do is to prepare an aqueous solution of cyanide of minimal concentration


u can use a spoon to dissolve or swirl the solution, but itll dissolve on its own pretty quick because of high solubility and small quantity in comparison to water

3. Process
>b-b-b-but niggerjew how does it work???? explain
the process is more of a psychological reaction. it doesnt really have to do anything in particular with cyanide. i chose it because at low concentrations and minimal dose it's harmless.
the huge adrenaline spike happens because of the psychological tension: will i die???? and you know yu wont die cos u followed my advice and did the calculations right, but there is still this scaremongering about cyanide that makes it so feared. this useful chemical was demonized so much because its really efficient and has a relatively low dose, but if u calculate the doze right NOTHING BAD WILL HAPPEN :D

watch based chemist do exactly what i stated and end up alive and well because hes high iq and carefully calculated his non-lethal dose: https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a23416/mad-scientist-drinks-cyanide-on-camera/

moreover, the liver can handle said amounts of cyanide safely, so you dont have to worry about the effect of minimal amount: https://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/emergency/chemical_terrorism/cyanide_general.htm

After exposure, cyanide quickly enters the bloodstream. The body handles small amounts of cyanide differently than large amounts. In small doses, cyanide in the body can be changed into thiocyanate, which is less harmful and is excreted in urine. In the body, cyanide in small amounts can also combine with another chemical to form vitamin B12, which helps maintain healthy nerve and red blood cells

in small doses, it literally forms b12 which you based retards have been shilling as the ultimate hairloss cure cos of muh demethylation n stuff. iu dont want to miss on them b12 gainz jfl

Pic below is my cyanide, it arrived yesterday. right after this post ill try it and prove you guise its perfectly safe as long as you calculate the dose accordingly and have good equipment

my cyanide came under the form of crystalline powder. thats how it is usually sold. but you can sometimes get it under the form of larger chunks which unfortunately are more difficult to handle:

SOURCES/FURTHER READING (for scientific reasons):
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3977587/ (good paper on cyanide toxicokinetics)
https://epmonthly.com/article/hydroxocobalamin-turning-cyanide-into-vitamin-b12/ (cyanide-hydroxicobalamin chemical pathway)
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/9781118628966.ch4 cyanide metabolism

4. inb4s and tagging the boys
>inb4 didn read :soy:
>inb4 newcel :soy: :soy:
>inb4 lowiq :soy: :soy: :soy:
>inb4 kys rope asap :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy:

tagging the boyos: @Lev Peshkov @Britishlooksmaxxer @Acnno @EreptileDysfunction @16tyo @balding17yomanletcel @inceletto @St. Wristcel
  • JFL
  • Love it
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Reactions: Deleted member 11414, Dionysus, androgenic and 5 others
Just inject literal poison bro
  • +1
Reactions: JoshuaG, antiantifa, SkinjobCatastrophe and 4 others
op delivers: just drank the glass of water :D
bpm increased... lets see how this goes :)
  • +1
Reactions: Lev Peshkov
  • +1
Reactions: Lev Peshkov
imagine taking drugs to get low inhib

just do martial arts twice a week and you will feel like god himself
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 685, Dionysus, Deleted member 6963 and 1 other person
goodnight sweet prince
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: Toth's thot, Good_Little_Goy, Lev Peshkov and 1 other person
How is it going?
Tbh you can just crush apple seeds and mix it in water
Why would you do this for adrenaline, this will just stress you and age u faster
also just take a b12 vitamin if u really need it lol
Just drink literal cyanide bro. Everyone on this forum belongs in a psyche ward.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4887 and ReverseNorwoodPill
good thread had a good read but why would i do this if im not lethargic, can't be good in the long term
guys i dont feel so good..
Some fruit seeds like apple or apricot contain small quantities of cyanide. It's probably safer to eat those.
This is beyond based
i was hospitalized for like a few days.
i found out ive lost 70% of my liver capacity and got brain damage
i probably have 20 years left to live
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 7753
idk what the fuck happened, i probs miscalculated the dose fuck that im mentally ill for considering in taking LITERAL CYANIDE. fuck that
i was hospitalized for like a few days.
i found out ive lost 70% of my liver capacity and got brain damage
i probably have 20 years left to live
You're such a fucking idiot, a failure at life, and you got everything coming to you you deserved for being such a retard promoting bro science

@retard @nelson you guys are next
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: Luke LLL and Blackout.xl
You're such a fucking idiot, a failure at life, and you got everything coming to you you deserved for being such a retard promoting bro science

@retard @nelson you guys are next
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 685
broski this is not a joke anymore i was on the cusp of dying
Top tier larp
Top tier larp
i wish it was a larp
i wish no one (except for that blonde horse faced truecel who gets spammed here) the pain i went through
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 685 and Blackout.xl
Adrenaline increases Cortisol
Cortisol in turn stops recovery processes in favour for energy output
Adrenaline is a stress hormone and chronic stress or elevation is detrimental (causes insulin resistance etc.) and you wont get much benefits from it anymore
Adrenaline increases Cortisol
Cortisol in turn stops recovery processes in favour for energy output
Adrenaline is a stress hormone and chronic stress or elevation is detrimental (causes insulin resistance etc.) and you wont get much benefits from it anymore
yeah suck my dick ion care i don't want to think about this shit idea anymore
i wish it was a larp
i wish no one (except for that blonde horse faced truecel who gets spammed here) the pain i went through


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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 685
yeah suck my dick ion care i don't want to think about this shit idea anymore
You should have taken betablockers which interupt signalling of noradrenaline and adrenaline; like Propranolol
Nearly the opposite of what you did
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 8699
You should have taken betablockers which interupt signalling of noradrenaline and adrenaline; like Propranolol
Nearly the opposite of what you did
u sound high iq
post more, u got my attenshun

you guise always complain about being lethargic or high inhib low t all that stuff.... but what do you do to change that??? rot on .me..... NOT efficient
the following guide is based on both personal theory and scientific facts and it ll make you more energetic and active

>b-b-but muh cyanide is toxic lethal fatal itll kill me :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy:
yes cyanide can kill you but DOSE MAKES THE POISON.

if you swallow one molecule of cyanide NOTHING BAD WILL HAPPEN.
the lethal dose for cyanide is 1.5mg/kg of body. in retard .me language that means that if youre 50kg auschwitz victim 75mg of cyanide will be enough to commit not living. same goes for 100kg tubs of lard who would need twice as much cyanide to black out 4eva.


1. weighing
make sure you have an accurate scale. weigh yourself. congrats! you have just discovered how much u weigh. now you need to calculate how much cyanide you need to intake so as not to kill yourself, but to give adrenaline gains.
i wouldnt suggest multiplying by 1.5mg, cos thats a limit and it could become dangerous. multiply by 1 mg instead.

FORMULA: dosing = the numerical value of your weight but in milligrams.
2. scale and chemical
View attachment 657277

>b-b-but how do i weigh in milligrams
jeweller scales are perfect for such purpose since they can weigh quantities at the lowest milligram. you can purchase one off ebay. i personally use this one: huge ass scale link. it goes to as low as a thousandth of a gram and its really cheap. just weigh your cyanide in the small container that comes with the scale and youre good. i personally use a sheet of paper just because thats what based gangstas do in movies ( :cool: ), but use whats convenient for u jfl

as for the cyanide, i wont bother posting suppliers, there are tons of cyanide vendors out there, cyanide is used in gold mining/refining. its easier if u live in the us since there are more vendors willing to do the shipping there.

3. preparation
after you obtain the cyanide and the scale and do the appropiate calculations and measurements (a few milligrams of cyanide will look like like a really small pile of white crystalline dust (if you obtain in a form with larger crystals itll look different jfl)), dissolve the pile in a glass of water. itll dissolve instantaneously because cyanide is pretty darn soluble in water (63.7g/100 ml water at 25C) and you have a small amount anyway.
next, drink the glass of water :) . easy. literally all you have to do is to prepare an aqueous solution of cyanide of minimal concentration
View attachment 657269
View attachment 657281
u can use a spoon to dissolve or swirl the solution, but itll dissolve on its own pretty quick because of high solubility and small quantity in comparison to water

3. Process
>b-b-b-but niggerjew how does it work???? explain
the process is more of a psychological reaction. it doesnt really have to do anything in particular with cyanide. i chose it because at low concentrations and minimal dose it's harmless.
the huge adrenaline spike happens because of the psychological tension: will i die???? and you know yu wont die cos u followed my advice and did the calculations right, but there is still this scaremongering about cyanide that makes it so feared. this useful chemical was demonized so much because its really efficient and has a relatively low dose, but if u calculate the doze right NOTHING BAD WILL HAPPEN :D

watch based chemist do exactly what i stated and end up alive and well because hes high iq and carefully calculated his non-lethal dose: https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a23416/mad-scientist-drinks-cyanide-on-camera/

moreover, the liver can handle said amounts of cyanide safely, so you dont have to worry about the effect of minimal amount: https://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/emergency/chemical_terrorism/cyanide_general.htm

in small doses, it literally forms b12 which you based retards have been shilling as the ultimate hairloss cure cos of muh demethylation n stuff. iu dont want to miss on them b12 gainz jfl

Pic below is my cyanide, it arrived yesterday. right after this post ill try it and prove you guise its perfectly safe as long as you calculate the dose accordingly and have good equipment
View attachment 657274
my cyanide came under the form of crystalline powder. thats how it is usually sold. but you can sometimes get it under the form of larger chunks which unfortunately are more difficult to handle:
View attachment 657276

SOURCES/FURTHER READING (for scientific reasons):
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3977587/ (good paper on cyanide toxicokinetics)
https://epmonthly.com/article/hydroxocobalamin-turning-cyanide-into-vitamin-b12/ (cyanide-hydroxicobalamin chemical pathway)
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/9781118628966.ch4 cyanide metabolism

4. inb4s and tagging the boys
>inb4 didn read :soy:
>inb4 newcel :soy: :soy:
>inb4 lowiq :soy: :soy: :soy:
>inb4 kys rope asap :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy:

tagging the boyos: @Lev Peshkov @Britishlooksmaxxer @Acnno @EreptileDysfunction @16tyo @balding17yomanletcel @inceletto @St. Wristcel

you guise always complain about being lethargic or high inhib low t all that stuff.... but what do you do to change that??? rot on .me..... NOT efficient
the following guide is based on both personal theory and scientific facts and it ll make you more energetic and active

>b-b-but muh cyanide is toxic lethal fatal itll kill me :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy:
yes cyanide can kill you but DOSE MAKES THE POISON.

if you swallow one molecule of cyanide NOTHING BAD WILL HAPPEN.
the lethal dose for cyanide is 1.5mg/kg of body. in retard .me language that means that if youre 50kg auschwitz victim 75mg of cyanide will be enough to commit not living. same goes for 100kg tubs of lard who would need twice as much cyanide to black out 4eva.


1. weighing
make sure you have an accurate scale. weigh yourself. congrats! you have just discovered how much u weigh. now you need to calculate how much cyanide you need to intake so as not to kill yourself, but to give adrenaline gains.
i wouldnt suggest multiplying by 1.5mg, cos thats a limit and it could become dangerous. multiply by 1 mg instead.

FORMULA: dosing = the numerical value of your weight but in milligrams.
2. scale and chemical
View attachment 657277

>b-b-but how do i weigh in milligrams
jeweller scales are perfect for such purpose since they can weigh quantities at the lowest milligram. you can purchase one off ebay. i personally use this one: huge ass scale link. it goes to as low as a thousandth of a gram and its really cheap. just weigh your cyanide in the small container that comes with the scale and youre good. i personally use a sheet of paper just because thats what based gangstas do in movies ( :cool: ), but use whats convenient for u jfl

as for the cyanide, i wont bother posting suppliers, there are tons of cyanide vendors out there, cyanide is used in gold mining/refining. its easier if u live in the us since there are more vendors willing to do the shipping there.

3. preparation
after you obtain the cyanide and the scale and do the appropiate calculations and measurements (a few milligrams of cyanide will look like like a really small pile of white crystalline dust (if you obtain in a form with larger crystals itll look different jfl)), dissolve the pile in a glass of water. itll dissolve instantaneously because cyanide is pretty darn soluble in water (63.7g/100 ml water at 25C) and you have a small amount anyway.
next, drink the glass of water :) . easy. literally all you have to do is to prepare an aqueous solution of cyanide of minimal concentration
View attachment 657269
View attachment 657281
u can use a spoon to dissolve or swirl the solution, but itll dissolve on its own pretty quick because of high solubility and small quantity in comparison to water

3. Process
>b-b-b-but niggerjew how does it work???? explain
the process is more of a psychological reaction. it doesnt really have to do anything in particular with cyanide. i chose it because at low concentrations and minimal dose it's harmless.
the huge adrenaline spike happens because of the psychological tension: will i die???? and you know yu wont die cos u followed my advice and did the calculations right, but there is still this scaremongering about cyanide that makes it so feared. this useful chemical was demonized so much because its really efficient and has a relatively low dose, but if u calculate the doze right NOTHING BAD WILL HAPPEN :D

watch based chemist do exactly what i stated and end up alive and well because hes high iq and carefully calculated his non-lethal dose: https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a23416/mad-scientist-drinks-cyanide-on-camera/

moreover, the liver can handle said amounts of cyanide safely, so you dont have to worry about the effect of minimal amount: https://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/emergency/chemical_terrorism/cyanide_general.htm

in small doses, it literally forms b12 which you based retards have been shilling as the ultimate hairloss cure cos of muh demethylation n stuff. iu dont want to miss on them b12 gainz jfl

Pic below is my cyanide, it arrived yesterday. right after this post ill try it and prove you guise its perfectly safe as long as you calculate the dose accordingly and have good equipment
View attachment 657274
my cyanide came under the form of crystalline powder. thats how it is usually sold. but you can sometimes get it under the form of larger chunks which unfortunately are more difficult to handle:
View attachment 657276

SOURCES/FURTHER READING (for scientific reasons):
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3977587/ (good paper on cyanide toxicokinetics)
https://epmonthly.com/article/hydroxocobalamin-turning-cyanide-into-vitamin-b12/ (cyanide-hydroxicobalamin chemical pathway)
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/9781118628966.ch4 cyanide metabolism

4. inb4s and tagging the boys
>inb4 didn read :soy:
>inb4 newcel :soy: :soy:
>inb4 lowiq :soy: :soy: :soy:
>inb4 kys rope asap :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy:

tagging the boyos: @Lev Peshkov @Britishlooksmaxxer @Acnno @EreptileDysfunction @16tyo @balding17yomanletcel @inceletto @St. Wristcel
10/10 thread
best shit i've seen on the internet in years

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