petty little ugly feminist site



Mr 10/10 personaliteeee
Jun 27, 2019

just saw this incel/mgtow thread

the comments are gold

roastie 1 says

Honestly MGTOW is everything they claim to dislike women for. They took the radical new age feminism and slapped a different name on it.
I see these kind of posts on sites that have nothing to do with MGTOW either, like news bloging sites where anyone can post a news story if it gets approved by an admin. I see so many reports and photos of people who have died violently in accidents and ANY time a women is involved you see disrespectful stuff like 'dumb whore with tits out dies on the side of the road after champion-aim crash' and its so sad and almost funny that these loser guys claim to want nothing to do with women but are SO involved with women that women are all they talk about and their biggest trigger.
Men Going Their Own Way... While doing nothing else in life but getting triggered and talking about women in a such a way that they can only be extremely offended incels whose life revolves around sex and directing the anger he has for not getting any at women
I picture ALL these men as obese neckbeards with zero sex appeal and very low functioning autism.. In my experience, men who know how to be kind are the ones who get laid they dont even need to be a model, just NICE. This group is made up of nothing but disgusting butt-hurt, small, emasculated men who CANT get laid because they are pigs, some arent too bad looking but their attitude kills any chance they had at a girl. Literally a group for sore loser virgins with mommy issues.
I try not to get as angry over this dumb worthless group because they will NEVER have the womanly attention they so desperately crave and get hellishly angry for not having, they kicked themselves in their own ass. I personally never want anything to do with a man who is involved with this low level kind of hate and will just find someone else who knows how to be a good human being. They claim they never get the girl? Yea no shit, kiddos, you're part of a woman hating cult.. If you couldn't get one before you're sure as fuck not going to get one AFTER joining a group dedicated to shitting on women for YOUR OWN faults.

roastie 2 says

The basis of ALL INCEL/MGTOW are based on lies. They think they are all some 'beta' underdog' male destined to rise strong as an alpha with knowledge that overcomes the dumb sex driving muscle, handsome male. When in reality the whole 'alpha' thing doesn't even TRULY exist. They live off of theories PROVEN to be false. Their fantasy is to be some misunderstood creep hero (snowflake) and rise above the societal standards of male on female attraction but they always seem to fall short.... Why? Because they assume EVERYTHING is about looks and sexual attraction to looks. As long as you have rock hard abs and a model face all women will fuck you... so they believe. But they dont accept the fact that real attraction is NOT entirely based off looks. Even the hottest guy in the world could adopt the attitude of any INCEL, be a total sexist jerk with nothing but hate to women and STILL not get laid. Human kindness and respect goes a long way. None of these small insignificant boys ever tried treating a girl right without the expectation of sexual reward. "I held the door for you and called you pretty.. WHY ARENT YOU ON MY COCK RIGHT NOW?! All women are the same.''
Just search why alpha males aren't real (Adam Ruins Everything has a great view on why Alpha male isn't real) and its as simple as sexual preference and personal attraction. Not all females are attracted to the classic rendition of a strong straight man with 6 pack and 10 inch dick. and especially with the different genders and sexual identifications that have come into modern acknowledgement. These desperate virgin 700 pound neck beards act like the ONLY reason women dont jump them on sight is because of their 'looks'... while being an active part of an anti-female cult who call all women fembots and 'walking holes to fuck' or claiming rape isnt real as long as you rape a 'whore' which they classify as any female who has had sex with the same man over 5 times or 3 times with 3 separate men.

Pull banner FINAL117f8237e886aafdf73019af54c483e5dc

even their banner probably represents them
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Reactions: BrettyBoy
these whores dont deserve rights
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now go to lipstickalley and crystal cafe/lolcow
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Uhm.. MGTOW is also looked down to from the PSL community

It is a coping mechanism for ugly guys that are incel (MEN SENT THEIR OWN WAY) but cope that they choose it themself.

I am a little bit confused why you came on this site thinking people here are MSTOWS, most incels or actual people that dont go out with girls an go ¨their own way¨ dont associate themselves with the MGTOW movement
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Reactions: autistic_tendencies and Deleted member 1100
MGTOW is as cancerous as PUA, maybe even more
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2846 and autistic_tendencies
Uhm.. MGTOW is also looked down to from the PSL community

It is a coping mechanism for ugly guys that are incel (MEN SENT THEIR OWN WAY) but cope that they choose it themself.

I am a little bit confused why you came on this site thinking people here are MSTOWS, most incels or actual people that dont go out with girls an go ¨their own way¨ dont associate themselves with the MGTOW movement

never did I think that

it's the females I highlighted in bold are saying this
never did I think that

it's the females I highlighted in bold are saying this
Obviously they dont know the difference but what they say has nothing to do with anything on the PSL community.
You shouldve posted this on some random MGTOW site, not here tbh.
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Obviously they dont know the difference but what they say has nothing to do with anything on the PSL community.
You shouldve posted this on some random MGTOW site, not here tbh.

it's still the same thing retard read the comments. they think looks theory is not legit.
it's still the same thing retard read the comments. they think looks theory is not legit.
Water = wet

Literally every girl says that, obviously these are no different

Start trusting what they do and not what they say. This is common sense, literally pointless thread.
Water = wet Literally every girl says that, obviously these are no different Start trusting what they do and not what they say. This is common sense, literally pointless thread.

read the fucking thread that I posted I'm pretty sure it implies to this site

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