Portuguese Tall Slayers completely annihilate high inhib albanians incels in basket match



Oct 8, 2019

More proof that Albanians are part of an inferior race.
Take the black pill buddy boyos

Estaao de sky

Albanians on suicide watch rn

What do you have to say in your defense @turkproducer :feelsuhh: ?
albanians are ogres with big noses so over for them
Albanian girls very good looking,especially their bodies are very very fuckable
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: PURE ARYAN GENETICS, loromate and turkproducer
Keep barking for Albanians

You know Albania mafia would make u run son

434E03C0 6DC4 46D1 809E 26A26D53ADF7
  • JFL
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Reactions: stuckneworleans, Deleted member 1774 and loromate
Damn, they sure look dangerous, until you realize they are no more than 5'7 ft tall
that makes sense, considering portuguese are shorter on average😌
  • JFL
Reactions: loromate
Portuguese average height is around 187 cm.
bro no one takes you wannabe arabs seriously lol

it’s clear some albanian low inhib drug dealer robbed you or some shit, i would understsnd your hate if you were serbian, but you are clearly an abused dog.

reminder of your retardation:

What do you mean, Im from Portugal and I go clubbing every weekends and always heightmog most of the people. Not just in Portugal, but I have also been to the Netherlands as a younger guy (170cm at the time) and at that time I was still taller than most of the population on the street
  • JFL
Reactions: loromate
bro no one takes you wannabe arabs seriously lol

it’s clear some albanian low inhib drug dealer robbed you or some shit, i would understsnd your hate if you were serbian, but you are clearly an abused dog.

reminder of your retardation:
Holy shit. We are not arabs lmao.
Holy shit. We are not arabs lmao.
keep coping son

you guys got RAPED by the arabs, they ruled your shitty peninsula for 800 years son
keep coping son

you guys got RAPED by the arabs, they ruled your shitty peninsula for 800 years son
Becareful what you call shitty peninsula

Also at that time muslims (not arabs) where more civilized that christians, so they raped nothing.

Also more mixed with caucasic ethnicities = more GL people.
  • JFL
Reactions: turkproducer
how come no one tagged me in this bitch
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ur friend is annoying mate. Hes just barking for albania for no reason
He is not my friend and probably hates me because I am Spanish (they hate us IDK why, despite we don't care too much about them). He is also borderline coping.

But Albanians aren't more GL than Portuguese pretty sure.
  • JFL
Reactions: turkproducer
lol both countries suck dick at basketball so hard
  • +1
Reactions: turkproducer
albanians are ogres with big noses so over for them
Albanian girls very good looking,especially their bodies are very very fuckable
My girlfriend is Albanian/Turkish, lucky me. :feelsyay:
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Reactions: turkproducer
He is not my friend and probably hates me because I am Spanish (they hate us IDK why, despite we don't care too much about them). He is also borderline coping.

But Albanians aren't more GL than Portuguese pretty sure.
They have better height

less ethnic, definitely less ethnic because portuguese have more arab blood.

at the end of the day it’s a bit odd to think that a portuguese guy hates albanians right? Normally it’d the serbians who do this shit. I guess that he got robbed or his girl got fucked by a low inhib albanian mafia criminal
If ugliness was contagious hell yeah
Nah son they are legit bad boys stop the cope
They have better height

less ethnic, definitely less ethnic because portuguese have more arab blood.

at the end of the day it’s a bit odd to think that a portuguese guy hates albanians right? Normally it’d the serbians who do this shit. I guess that he got robbed or his girl got fucked by a low inhib albanian mafia criminal
Most Portugueses look nothing like Arabs. They look white but tanner and shorter than norther europeans.

Remind that germanics rules Iberia too.
Most Portugueses look nothing like Arabs. They look white but tanner and shorter than norther europeans.

Remind that germanics rules Iberia too.
cope son

the bottom half of portugal/spain/italy is nowhere near as white as some people believe

at the end of the day i don’t care about this thread or spain/portugal

op is just barking like the abused dog he is for albanians, like he has done for months.
Most Portugueses look nothing like Arabs. They look white but tanner and shorter than norther europeans.

Remind that germanics rules Iberia too.
they are white btw but if you deny the fact that they have significant north african blood you’re coping.
cope son

the bottom half of portugal/spain/italy is nowhere near as white as some people believe

at the end of the day i don’t care about this thread or spain/portugal

op is just barking like the abused dog he is for albanians, like he has done for months.

they are white btw but if you deny the fact that they have significant north african blood you’re coping.
Some North african are very white too, they are just a few steps more into ethnicity.

Also I am nor denying shit already said that more mix the better.

And southern Spain and Portugal are white too. Only some KKK cuck would say that they aren't white. I don't need to belive shit because I been there a fuckton of times.

And North Africa isn't the same as Arab. They are less ethnic by average.
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Some North african are very white too, they are just a few steps more into ethnicity.

Also I am nor denying shit already said that more mix the better.

And southern Spain and Portugal are white too. Only some KKK cuck would say that they aren't white. I don't need to belive shit because I been there a fuckton of times.

And North Africa isn't the same as Arab. They are less ethnic by average.
i agree mate

north africans are literally just behind most meds (apart from middle east and far east)

funny how this site is so uneducated on race/phenotypes tbh

and yes they are white, but they are less white than some may believe. For example, you could find a fair few phenotypes in southern itsly, sicily, spain, portugal that would be consistent with this whiter people of North Africa
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