Potential lifefuel for all my fellow average- above average heightcels.



Jan 2, 2020
For all my fellow average heightcels (5'9-6'0, AND YES 6'0 IS BASICALLY AVERAGE HEIGHT FOR FOIDS IN 2021 AND BEYOND, YES HYPERGAMY HAS GOTTEN THAT BAD) I have some potential lifefuel for us, that Is not as invasive and fucked as limb lengthening is.

Now im willing to bet most of us have bad posture. Rotting our lives away on our computers for hours on end in one slumped forward position has completely fucked up our spine to the point where Its basically stuck like that. I for one can see that I suffer from anterior pelvic tilt to some degree, and I have no doubt in my mind that my spine is not straight as much as it should be because of all the years and several hours of my life I have wasted away slumped forward in one position playing video games. The solution? Scoliosis surgery.

Depending on to what degree your spine is curved you stand a chance of gaining 3+ inches. Imagine that, a 5'9 guy becoming a 6'0 tall dude, I could finally be able to be a 6'3 which is considered the beginning of chad height for zoomers, not to mention I'd be able to get rid of this fucking back pain that's been plaguing me for as long as I can remember, what do you guys think?
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
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My neck is so bad.. Im probably 177cm with normal neck posture. Always hurt my back when Im walking..
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  • So Sad
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this is bullshit jfl i know a 5'7 chad fucked 5 stacylites in college first year
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  • JFL
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Height is cope after 180cm
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  • JFL
Reactions: Brazitard, Philtrumcel, Yerico7 and 9 others
this is bullshit jfl i know a 5'7 chad fucked 5 stacylites in college first year
How does this disprove that the general population of foids consider being tall an attractive trait for males. And your personal anecdotes don't mean anything to me.
  • +1
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How does this disprove that the general population of foids consider being tall an attractive trait for males. And your personal anecdotes don't mean anything to me.
once again be chad or its over
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For all my fellow average heightcels (5'9-6'0, AND YES 6'0 IS BASICALLY AVERAGE HEIGHT FOR FOIDS IN 2021 AND BEYOND, YES HYPERGAMY HAS GOTTEN THAT BAD) I have some potential lifefuel for us, that Is not as invasive and fucked as limb lengthening is.

Now im willing to bet most of us have bad posture. Rotting our lives away on our computers for hours on end in one slumped forward position has completely fucked up our spine to the point where Its basically stuck like that. I for one can see that I suffer from anterior pelvic tilt to some degree, and I have no doubt in my mind that my spine is not straight as much as it should be because of all the years and several hours of my life I have wasted away slumped forward in one position playing video games. The solution? Scoliosis surgery.

Depending on to what degree your spine is curved you stand a chance of gaining 3+ inches. Imagine that, a 5'9 guy becoming a 6'0 tall dude, I could finally be able to be a 6'3 which is considered the beginning of chad height for zoomers, not to mention I'd be able to get rid of this fucking back pain that's been plaguing me for as long as I can remember, what do you guys think?
3+ is bs, you'd have to be severely deformed for that

0.5 inch for a regular person
~1 inch for your typical rotter

and I think I am still being optimistic
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3+ is bs, you'd have to be severely deformed for that

0.5 inch for a regular person
~1 inch for your typical rotter

and I think I am still being optimistic
Honestly even that is good for me, every inch counts
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Honestly even that is good for me, every inch counts
yeah if you have got an anterior pelvic tilt like this

you might get some height by fixing it
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Please tell me youre not suggesting surgery to fix anterior pelvic tilt
  • JFL
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Height is cope
  • JFL
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If u don't have good bones and face unless u r below average height it don't matter+ this idea you have is retarded just stand up straight lol
Bro you cant straighten your spine tf out to gain 3 inches. That shit had alot of natural curves, and chances are in "apt" you pelvis is in the correct position, your chest is just collapsed.

However i agree tho, im 5'9" and correct my posture made a big difference.
I think you are a stupid greycel.
You'd have to have the posture of gollum to gain 3 inches after fixing it.
Images 1   2021 03 13T023902927
  • JFL
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Bro you cant straighten your spine tf out to gain 3 inches. That shit had alot of natural curves, and chances are in "apt" you pelvis is in the correct position, your chest is just collapsed.

However i agree tho, im 5'9" and correct my posture made a big difference.
apt is extremely common these days though
Height is cope after 180cm
180 cm is like what 6’0 is in Murica, and at 180 you can fraud to 185 anyway but taller the better but yeah above 180 u can be considered an adult but 180 is the bare minimum
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  • JFL
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this is bullshit jfl i know a 5'7 chad fucked 5 stacylites in college first year
I have a bit of a lateral pelvic tilt, where one hip is tilted higher than the other. If I pick my heal up off the floor on the lower side to even them out, it does make me appear slightly taller. I guess there are exercises I could do to try and correct this.


  • Lateral Pelvic Tilt.jpg
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I have a bit of a lateral pelvic tilt, where one hip is tilted higher than the other. If I pick my heal up off the floor on the lower side to even them out, it does make me appear slightly taller. I guess there are exercises I could do to try and correct this.
Did you find out any exercises bro?
Most attractive 18yo women are 5'10" now so anything below 6'3" is insect tier and needs to surgerymax asap unless you want torment and insecurities, women want someone noticably taller than them in heels or you will get cucked
Most attractive 18yo women are 5'10" now so anything below 6'3" is insect tier and needs to surgerymax asap unless you want torment and insecurities, women want someone noticably taller than them in heels or you will get cucked
Sad. I notice this trend amongst women too with each passing generation, mfers are getting taller.
Sad. I notice this trend amongst women too with each passing generation, mfers are getting taller.
My theory is zoomers are all high E faggots, and E is what prevents growth plates from closing. So you see a height boost with everyone even if they look like low T twinks and it becomes the dating norm.
My theory is zoomers are all high E faggots, and E is what prevents growth plates from closing. So you see a height boost with everyone even if they look like low T twinks and it becomes the dating norm.
I have a twin brother, always been on the fatter side, never lift weights and is taller than me by 2-3 inches. I on the other hand, started lifting during high school i think that fucked up my growing potential.
Fuck how did girls get so tall average Stacy is 5’9
Fuck how did girls get so tall average Stacy is 5’9
This all through gene soyification of the world (men becoming more birth defects/autism/stunted puberty while females only get more attractive and develop sooner). Plus things like vaccines and food/hormones/soil pesticides/plastics and birth control seeping into the water causing gene therapy and changing DNA expression you pass to your offspring (Dr.Rhonda Patrick talked about this, nutrition scientist)
I'm not really sure where to start with all of the youtube videos on exercises for lateral pelvic tilt.
What height increase have you seen?
For all my fellow average heightcels (5'9-6'0, AND YES 6'0 IS BASICALLY AVERAGE HEIGHT FOR FOIDS IN 2021 AND BEYOND, YES HYPERGAMY HAS GOTTEN THAT BAD) I have some potential lifefuel for us, that Is not as invasive and fucked as limb lengthening is.

Now im willing to bet most of us have bad posture. Rotting our lives away on our computers for hours on end in one slumped forward position has completely fucked up our spine to the point where Its basically stuck like that. I for one can see that I suffer from anterior pelvic tilt to some degree, and I have no doubt in my mind that my spine is not straight as much as it should be because of all the years and several hours of my life I have wasted away slumped forward in one position playing video games. The solution? Scoliosis surgery.

Depending on to what degree your spine is curved you stand a chance of gaining 3+ inches. Imagine that, a 5'9 guy becoming a 6'0 tall dude, I could finally be able to be a 6'3 which is considered the beginning of chad height for zoomers, not to mention I'd be able to get rid of this fucking back pain that's been plaguing me for as long as I can remember, what do you guys think?
Interesting post, and although I have to disagree in some points, I agree with the majority...

First: 6'0 isn't short, in fact anything beyond 5'11, BAREFOOT and UNFRAUDED, is above average.

Second: it's extremely rare to see women taller than 5'7, let alone 6'0... Even in the Netherlands (in which 6'2 is 90th).

Third: spinal surgeons won't do it if you have mild to heavy scoliosis, they will only do it if you have a very severe 4-curve scoliosis and you can gain like 10 inches or more...

But the good news is that you actually don't need to have surgeries to become taller...

Just get some dental braces (almost all spinal imbalances start on the teeth, people with kyphosis, hyperkyphosis and scoliosis generally have a very noticeable misalignment of the teeth) and go to a Chiropractor, so he can strengthen your weak muscles, stretch the shortened ones and put you bones in place...

There's a thing called Fascia which can be pretty problematic when tight, Chiros will help stretch them and you can try certain training methods like the FST-7 used by 4x Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler (FST-7 is for steroid user but I'm sure there are variations for natural lifters)...

I have a 4-curve scoliosis and didn't got money yet to get dental braces and go to a Chiropractor, but I'm planning to fix it in the beginning of 2023...

I'm not an expert, just putting some info out there I think could help users, any doubts come to me, I can help you with researching!


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