Powermaxxing- what attracts woman



rides a short bus to school
Apr 6, 2019
“Muh looks are everything” gets posted around here a lot and while obviously looks are important, power is what really attracts woman.

First what is power? I define power as the ability to get what you want, when you want it, different things can decide how powerful you are, but at the end of it, it comes down to your net total of combined power from all aspects of your life.

Examples of power, let’s take a scenario where you are in prison and you want to get out, this is a scenario you need top tier power to get out of, and different types of power all give the same capabilities

Looks - Meekspill

Rich- Higher top tier lawyers and pay jury off

Status- loads of people will work to get you out

Connections- other powerful people pull strings to get you out

Intelligence/Knowledge- straight up find a plan to escape or manipulate a guard to release you

anything that grants you the ability to do whatever you want- increases your net “power value”, this is what woman really want, they want the most powerful man they can secure their hands on

woman want to be submissive and let a powerful man lead them, this is their ultimate goal, looks are obviously a very large power through the halo effect, and it is one of the more common “power boosters” (there are wayyyy more PSL 6+ men than men with status to a significant enough degree

people on here cope with “muh she’s just a gold digger” when some ugly rich guy gets a girl, but she desires the power that the guy with money has

Intelligence/knowledge is another form of power, many PSLers cope hard saying “chad can have 70 iq and still slay” and while thats true, it’s simply because by being chad you will have a lot of power as looks also help you gain power in other areas such as status and wealth, which compensates

Imagine a scenario where there are two PSL 6.5 guys in a class, they both don’t study and one gets 96%+ on all the tests and assignments, while the other gets 64% on all the tests and assignments

Who do you think woman are going to find more attractive? You are coping out of reality if you say the latter

What are the different types of power?

PSL has already stumbled on all of the biggest ones because they’re so obvious to notice in observable reality, but also misses alot

remember anything that allows you to get what you want increases your power- and therefor your desirability to woman

Looks- Looks grant you a large deal of power for no skill or competency whatsoever through the halo effect, looks are essentially a “power booster” as they affect other areas like status and intelligence, good looking people are presumed to be high status and intelligent, but this isn’t the only case, something like wealth will also give the perception of intelligence

Status- Being respected by many people is obviously a power, you will be able to request a lot of things if someone respects you

imagine a guy dressed in a professional suit and one homeless looking, they both ask people for a spare $2, the guy perceived to be high status will get magnitudes more money as he is viewed to be respected, while the homeless guy is on the opposite end of the spectrum

Money- this one really doesn’t need explaining, you can get essentially whatever you want if you have enough money and by far the greatest power you can have

Intelligence/knowledge- Another one that doesn’t really need explaining, being able to think outside the box at a level above others is going to open up new doors and opportunities to you that the majority won’t have

i will use PSL knowledge as an example

lets say you want to get better looking, an in knowledgeable/low iq person might get implants when recessed and look like utter shit, while the psler would get wageslave to firstly get bimax and then to follow up with implants

both desired to become more attractive but one turned into a bloated potato while the other ascended 2 PSL

Connections- having a group of friends will increase power as they can back you up and help you in many situations

Lets say you’re getting jumped and you don’t want to get robbed, a guy with no friends will get robbed while a guy rolling with 3 more friends will come out of that scenario much better

Fighting- if you know how to fight, kicking someone’s ass becomes much easier and opens up new ways to fulfill your desires

I would imagine there are many more categories to add but these are just what I could think up off the top of my head, anything that allows you to get what you want increases your power

for the the people who say looks = everything consider this

who is going to be more attractive to woman?
Guy 1. 7 PSL, average in all the other categories

Guy 2. 6 PSL statusmaxxed, top 1% wealth, 130 IQ, who is friends with other powerful people, and can win a fight in a 1v4 scenario like in movies

“muh guy 1 is better looking so he will get more woman”

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  • JFL
Reactions: PrisonMike, 000, aphoria and 18 others
good thread. Id like to add status - having many friends is good but if youre always the laughing stock she wont be too attracted
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just realized you already have that. Im drunk :/
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good thread retard
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mike tyson tbh
I dont think he could do it against 4 average guys if they fought like a team and didnt go one on one. Hes 5’9 beast yes but 4 6ft 180lbs normies Would still kill him
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I dont think he could do it against 4 average guys if they fought like a team and didnt go one on one. Hes 5’9 beast yes but 4 6ft 180lbs normies Would still kill him
low T normies wouldnt stand a chance against his prime self
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low T normies wouldnt stand a chance against his prime self
Given that they would run after the first guy get his skull caved in,sure.
If they were berserk they would win
  • JFL
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jfl @ muh power
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Every post these days on looksmax is literally water, say something new.
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Yes of two guys who are attractive, the one who has more money and status and shit will win even if he’s less attractive

but an ugly guy who’s maxed in every other category is going to get cucked by some broke chad, 100%

looks are THE most important in the sense that A. It defines your personality (like you said, attractive people are perceived as smarter and richer etc etc, chad can live in a trailer park but still be respected) and B. It’s the only thing out of looks money status that can actually stop you from being cucked. Ugly rich status maxed guy doesn’t get her pussy wet so she’ll still look elsewhere. Chad can still get cucked but it’s less likely
Yes of two guys who are attractive, the one who has more money and status and shit will win even if he’s less attractive

but an ugly guy who’s maxed in every other category is going to get cucked by some broke chad, 100%

looks are THE most important in the sense that A. It defines your personality (like you said, attractive people are perceived as smarter and richer etc etc, chad can live in a trailer park but still be respected) and B. It’s the only thing out of looks money status that can actually stop you from being cucked. Ugly rich status maxed guy doesn’t get her pussy wet so she’ll still look elsewhere. Chad can still get cucked but it’s less likely
it depends on how ugly he is, legit 1.5 PSL deformed subhuman, yes he will get cucked

3 psl? probably not, the guy would have so many options it would raise his SMV a ton to possibly the level of chad to his sheer amount of value/options
it depends on how ugly he is, legit 1.5 PSL deformed subhuman, yes he will get cucked

3 psl? probably not, the guy would have so many options it would raise his SMV a ton to possibly the level of chad to his sheer amount of value/options

this is in the context of a relationship. He might have other options but if he’s married (especially to a gold digger, which let’s be honest he probably is) then she’s fucking around with chads on the side. Best strategy for a guy like that is to live like Leonardo Dicaprio (NOT saying Leo is low PSL)
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good thread :feelsyay:
  • JFL
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Money is good. But it’s cope when it comes to attracting women. They’ll cheat on you if you’re ugly and rape divorce you.
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One thing that those PSL autistic faggots dont realize is that halo effect works on reverse too, if you have power then the halo effect will make you look more handsome, confident, charismatic ecc.. The ultimate mission as a man is to mog all other men. Looks is just a tool, just like a bigger size in fights, doesnt mean you can create a gun and kill the competition.
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Reactions: PrisonMike, retard and THEMOGEE
Honestly SexTrafficking Maxxing is a huge fucking halo. Everyone from high tier government officials to big time entertainment stars are using this method.
Yea but if you're PSL 8+ you literally just have to stare in other men's faces and they will cower away in fear.

This is why looks are so powerful, it's the most brutal mog. All you have to do is stand there and exist.
when he says "power" he means someone that is actually powerful or famous jfl not that dude
just become rich and famous theory
didnt need to go on an autistic rant to get his point across
Good one you fucking retard
No. What attracts women are biological health markers that make her want you to inseminate her. Looks.
people on here cope with “muh she’s just a gold digger” when some ugly rich guy gets a girl, but she desires the power that the guy with money has
You haven't even grasped Alpha Fucks Betabuxx Theory yet. Women's main sexual strategy is getting a man with the best possible genes (i. e. looks) to breed with her and a man with the highest possible ressources (i. e. power) to care for her and the child. Figure the rest out on your own.
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Top 1% of wealth isn't enough, also top 1% of status isn't enough either, nobody cares about IQ

Shit thread
Yea but if you're PSL 8+ you literally just have to stare in other men's faces and they will cower away in fear.

This is why looks are so powerful, it's the most brutal mog. All you have to do is stand there and exist.
I dont fear any PSL8 wtf are you talking about i would smack Barrett bitch ass if he stares at me
No. What attracts women are biological health markers that make her want you to inseminate her. Looks.

You haven't even grasped Alpha Fucks Betabuxx Theory yet. Women's main sexual strategy is getting a man with the best possible genes (i. e. looks) to breed with her and a man with the highest possible ressources (i. e. power) to care for her and the child. Figure the rest out on your own.
Cope, a man who can get power is a man who has good genes, back in the days if you had power it meant that you could fabricate weapons and stuff like that, and thats genetics too, Tyson's boxing ability is genetic, McGregor s fighting iq is genetic, Steve Job's intelligence is genetic, that means that if a girl fuck with them their sons will have that too, and back in the days it meant that a woman would fuck a man who could create a weapon instead than another one so their children could do the same and thats how the species evolved.
Cope, a man who can get power is a man who has good genes, back in the days if you had power it meant that you could fabricate weapons and stuff like that, and thats genetics too, Tyson's boxing ability is genetic, McGregor s fighting iq is genetic, Steve Job's intelligence is genetic, that means that if a girl fuck with them their sons will have that too, and back in the days it meant that a woman would fuck a man who could create a weapon instead than another one so their children could do the same and thats how the species evolved.
Intelligence is a substitute for real power.
Scenario A: You're in the store and a girl can't reach a product of the top shelf, you're not tall enough either but you have intelligence so you get a ladder and get her the product

B: A tall guy just reaches up and gets the product for her, without using intelligence, just raw superior physical genetics

Which one is more attractive?
Intelligence is a substitute for real power.
Scenario A: You're in the store and a girl can't reach a product of the top shelf, you're not tall enough either but you have intelligence so you get a ladder and get her the product

B: A tall guy just reaches up and gets the product for her, without using intelligence, just raw superior physical genetics

Which one is more attractive?
If we refer strictly to this example, nobody, because we both reach the same goal. However the smart man can do other things that the tall man (in theory) can't. Can a tall man kill a bear? Can a tall man create traps? Can a tall man create strategies to attack other men and kill them?
Thats why Africans, even if they are genetically gifted (muscles and some African countries have giants) were always beaten and enslaved, because they are dumb as fuck. Human beings prospered because of intelligence, so no, intelligence is not a substitute for real power, intelligence is the ultimate sourche of real power.
If we refer strictly to this example, nobody, because we both reach the same goal. However the smart man can do other things that the tall man (in theory) can't. Can a tall man kill a bear? Can a tall man create traps? Can a tall man create strategies to attack other men and kill them?
Thats why Africans, even if they are genetically gifted (muscles and some African countries have giants) were always beaten and enslaved, because they are dumb as fuck. Human beings prospered because of intelligence, so no, intelligence is not a substitute for real power, intelligence is the ultimate sourche of real power.
Doesn't matter. Women would still rather breed 6'5 muscular dumb African negro than 5'4 white 140 iq businessman.
  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: PrisonMike and Deleted member 4209
or just be gl and not have to bother with any of this stuff
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“Muh looks are everything” gets posted around here a lot and while obviously looks are important, power is what really attracts woman.

First what is power? I define power as the ability to get what you want, when you want it, different things can decide how powerful you are, but at the end of it, it comes down to your net total of combined power from all aspects of your life.

Examples of power, let’s take a scenario where you are in prison and you want to get out, this is a scenario you need top tier power to get out of, and different types of power all give the same capabilities

Looks - Meekspill

Rich- Higher top tier lawyers and pay jury off

Status- loads of people will work to get you out

Connections- other powerful people pull strings to get you out

Intelligence/Knowledge- straight up find a plan to escape or manipulate a guard to release you

anything that grants you the ability to do whatever you want- increases your net “power value”, this is what woman really want, they want the most powerful man they can secure their hands on

woman want to be submissive and let a powerful man lead them, this is their ultimate goal, looks are obviously a very large power through the halo effect, and it is one of the more common “power boosters” (there are wayyyy more PSL 6+ men than men with status to a significant enough degree

people on here cope with “muh she’s just a gold digger” when some ugly rich guy gets a girl, but she desires the power that the guy with money has

Intelligence/knowledge is another form of power, many PSLers cope hard saying “chad can have 70 iq and still slay” and while thats true, it’s simply because by being chad you will have a lot of power as looks also help you gain power in other areas such as status and wealth, which compensates

Imagine a scenario where there are two PSL 6.5 guys in a class, they both don’t study and one gets 96%+ on all the tests and assignments, while the other gets 64% on all the tests and assignments

Who do you think woman are going to find more attractive? You are coping out of reality if you say the latter

What are the different types of power?

PSL has already stumbled on all of the biggest ones because they’re so obvious to notice in observable reality, but also misses alot

remember anything that allows you to get what you want increases your power- and therefor your desirability to woman

Looks- Looks grant you a large deal of power for no skill or competency whatsoever through the halo effect, looks are essentially a “power booster” as they affect other areas like status and intelligence, good looking people are presumed to be high status and intelligent, but this isn’t the only case, something like wealth will also give the perception of intelligence

Status- Being respected by many people is obviously a power, you will be able to request a lot of things if someone respects you

imagine a guy dressed in a professional suit and one homeless looking, they both ask people for a spare $2, the guy perceived to be high status will get magnitudes more money as he is viewed to be respected, while the homeless guy is on the opposite end of the spectrum

Money- this one really doesn’t need explaining, you can get essentially whatever you want if you have enough money and by far the greatest power you can have

Intelligence/knowledge- Another one that doesn’t really need explaining, being able to think outside the box at a level above others is going to open up new doors and opportunities to you that the majority won’t have

i will use PSL knowledge as an example

lets say you want to get better looking, an in knowledgeable/low iq person might get implants when recessed and look like utter shit, while the psler would get wageslave to firstly get bimax and then to follow up with implants

both desired to become more attractive but one turned into a bloated potato while the other ascended 2 PSL

Connections- having a group of friends will increase power as they can back you up and help you in many situations

Lets say you’re getting jumped and you don’t want to get robbed, a guy with no friends will get robbed while a guy rolling with 3 more friends will come out of that scenario much better

Fighting- if you know how to fight, kicking someone’s ass becomes much easier and opens up new ways to fulfill your desires

I would imagine there are many more categories to add but these are just what I could think up off the top of my head, anything that allows you to get what you want increases your power

for the the people who say looks = everything consider this

who is going to be more attractive to woman?
Guy 1. 7 PSL, average in all the other categories

Guy 2. 6 PSL statusmaxxed, top 1% wealth, 130 IQ, who is friends with other powerful people, and can win a fight in a 1v4 scenario like in movies

“muh guy 1 is better looking so he will get more woman”

Just maxx out everything

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