Proof normies will always be NPCs



Jan 2, 2019
On the issue of democracy, ancient Greek philosopher Plato had the following to say:

"Democratic self-government does not work, according to Plato, because ordinary people have not learned how to run the ship of state. They are not familiar enough with such things as economics, military strategy, conditions in other countries, or the confusing intricacies of law and ethics. They are also not inclined to acquire such knowledge. The effort and self-discipline required for serious study is not something most people enjoy. In their ignorance they tend to vote for politicians who beguile them with appearances and nebulous talk, and they inevitably find themselves at the mercy of administrations and conditions over which they have no control because they do not understand what is happening around them. They are guided by unreliable emotions more than by careful analysis, and they are lured into adventurous wars and victimized by costly defeats that could have been entirely avoided."

Omg. Just fucking Omg. This literally describes what normies and modern democracy is like. Literally NOTHING has changed for thousands of years. This is just further proof that the difference between NPCs and blackpillers is inherent and unalterable. Normies will always be sub-humans ruled over by someone else until the end of time.
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Hence why I said Great Britain is not a democracy, never has been and never ought to be.
Yeah funny democracy is going the same way Plato said it does
the genetic elite view normal people as mentally challenged.
Well universal democracy is one of the dumbest fucking systems ever. If you're gunna do it it's gotta have restrictive elements IE: Only net tax paying men can vote
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I don't think real democracy exist's anyway. its pretty obvious that western countrys are actually just globalist dictatorships masquerading a liberal democracy's. the real seat of power comes from finance, not government. any political candidate/party that tries to defy the system is always demonized by the mass media and sidelined by the other parties. assuming they weren't just controlled opposition to begin with.
The most important thing is not allowing women to vote.
Only net tax paying men can vote

This is an idea that libertards often float, and the problem with it is that how much tax you contribute actually has very little to do with your personal contribution to society. Let's say there are 2 dudes who do the exact same work but one is paid a lower wage than the other one. By libertarian "logic" the guy who gets paid less is "contributing less" because his lower wage won't contribute as much tax as the other guy with the higher wage. Even though they are doing literally the exact same work. All the while the fat capitalist "contributes" billions because of all the money that he makes. Tbh capitalism is bullshit and libertarians are cucks for thinking low taxes will help them.

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