prove to me why leg day is important



Mr 10/10 personaliteeee
Jun 27, 2019
let's discuss this
It is not. Women don't care about legs. In fact, the skinnier the legs, the more impressive your upper body appears and women greatly care about upper body strength.
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It is not. Women don't care about legs. In fact, the skinnier the legs, the more impressive your upper body appears and women greatly care about upper body strength.
so why is it made to seem like it's important
I find it important because you look ridiculous otherwise.
I find it important because you look ridiculous otherwise.
so what do you suggest about working on a leg day? once a week 2 times a week?
  • JFL
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no one dedicates an entire day for legs. its mostly back + legs + abdomen or something
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Same reason people say personality is important. Blue pill idiots.
well another user disagrees. please state the reason why your claim is valid
It is not. Women don't care about legs. In fact, the skinnier the legs, the more impressive your upper body appears and women greatly care about upper body strength.
Retard. Leg training (especially squatting) increases testosterone levels like no other exercise. This is why sprinters and even long distances runners (if they don't overdo it) have in average a significantly higher testosterone level.

Since the beginning of mankind humans used to run incredibly long distances in order to hunt down prey. This is why we survived as a species:

Most animals are usually faster but humans beat nearly all of them when it comes to endurance. To say that leg training doesn't matter is absolute bullshit. You need to train your legs for endurance and maximum strength.

Jfl if you don't train legs at least 3 times a week. Facts!
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Retard. Leg training (especially squatting) increases testosterone levels like no other exercise. This is why sprinters and even long distances runners (if they don't overdo it) have in average a significantly higher testosterone level.

Since the beginning of mankind humans used to run incredibly long distances in order to hunt down prey. This is why we survived as a species:

Most animals are usually faster but humans beat nearly all of them when it comes to endurance. To say that leg training doesn't matter is absolute bullshit. You need to train your legs for endurance and maximum strength.

Jfl if you don't train legs at least 3 times a week.

so training leg day 3 times a week. how can you do cardio if you are sore and possibly get dom
Slim defined legs is good tbh

And also make you appear taller
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Becouse the pain feels good and teaches you not to be a bitch, squats and deadlifts are the most difficult exercises with heavy weights!
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so training leg day 3 times a week. how can you do cardio if you are sore and possibly get dom

I do cardio everyday. 25km of cycling. Endurance training is not the same as strength training and you can still do the other if you did one of them before because different types of muscle fibers are used in the process of working out. You don't lose strength when training for endurance so you can train for strength right after and vice versa. I do Push/Pull/Legs and then repeat. Rest day is not needed if you get a lot of sleep because like I said before you are training different types of muscle fibers. While the one you normally use for endurance training are recovering you can workout those you need for strength training.
I do cardio everyday. 25km of cycling. Endurance training is not the same as strength training and you can still do the other if you did one of them before because different types of muscle fibers are used in the process of working out. You don't lose strength when training for endurance so you can train for strength right after and vice versa. I do Push/Pull/Legs and then repeat. Rest day is not needed if you get a lot of sleep because like I said before you are training different types of muscle fibers. While the one you normally use for endurance training are recovering you can workout those you need for strength training.

well rest day is kind of needed, or you will just get Dom or will never be able have your muscles recoup properly
All muscles matter, even to women butt matters. Without it it looks weird
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well rest day is kind of needed, or you will just get Dom or will never be able have your muscles recoup properly
No. It's only a question of training. Your body can learn to recover faster over time if you increase frequency. Your body is able to do more than you might think.
Retard. Leg training (especially squatting) increases testosterone levels like no other exercise. This is why sprinters and even long distances runners (if they don't overdo it) have in average a significantly higher testosterone level.

Since the beginning of mankind humans used to run incredibly long distances in order to hunt down prey. This is why we survived as a species:

Most animals are usually faster but humans beat nearly all of them when it comes to endurance. To say that leg training doesn't matter is absolute bullshit. You need to train your legs for endurance and maximum strength.

Jfl if you don't train legs at least 3 times a week. Facts!

@Gudru please aware this guy.
No. It's only a question of training. Your body can learn to recover faster over time if you increase frequency. Your body is able to do more than you might think.

@Gudru please aware this guy.

well you are just beating a dead horse then with this method
so training leg day 3 times a week. how can you do cardio if you are sore and possibly get dom
If you're training a muscle 3 times a week you probably will never get sore, from my experience
hmmm, you know that if you overtrain that you will not get any gain
Trust me.
If I do cardio one day and then legs, I can easily do a full shoulder and bizeps workout the next day for example. The following day I can do triceps and back, the next day I can do leg strength training and I can repeat the whole thing while doing light cardio or abs workouts everyday.

I didn't take a rest day in weeks I know what I'm talking about out of experience. You are probably taking rest days all week long. Trust me.
I might stop training them my lower body mogs the shit out my upper
Trust me.
If I do cardio one day and then legs, I can easily do a full shoulder and bizeps workout the next day for example. The following day I can do triceps and back, the next day I can do leg strength training and I can repeat the whole thing while doing light cardio or abs workouts everyday.

I didn't take a rest day in weeks I know what I'm talking about out of experience. You are probably taking rest days all week long. Trust me.
no once a week.
because you want to look proportional. twig legs are comical.

deadlifts and squats also train core and back. very important for posture

i do deadlifts and squats about 4 times a month
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let's discuss this
- hypertrophized legs are useless
- hypertrophized legs are a looksmin, especially if you have wide hips
- some experts claim training legs increases systemical HGH and Testosterone more than any other workout, but they never showed a proof
- hypertrophized legs are useless
- hypertrophized legs are a looksmin, especially if you have wide hips
- some experts claim training legs increases systemical HGH and Testosterone more than any other workout, but they never showed a proof
You want proof? Go to my first comment on this thread.
the problem with leg training as natural,is if you train upper/lower body equally, the lower body will look way bigger then ur upperbody which makes you look super retarded

once a week is enough
No legs for your face
  • JFL
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It is not. Women don't care about legs. In fact, the skinnier the legs, the more impressive your upper body appears and women greatly care about upper body strength.
let's discuss this
Women care about glutes a ton. And besides you should aim to be in proportion anyway. Tallcels generally need to work legs more thn shorter people although. And this is especially prevalent in ppl using peds far too many friends I have using peds who's upper body got out of proportion to their legs and I've actually had women comment on it to me.
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because of faggot nerds at /fit/

you will never see women care about man having thick legs.
Well I once in My life had a stranger woman contact me vía facebook because she thought I was hot for some reason (even sent me some pics of her and she was fine) and she asked me for pics of My legs, she said she liked strong legs on men. It was so surreal.
Women care about glutes a ton. And besides you should aim to be in proportion anyway. Tallcels generally need to work legs more thn shorter people although. And this is especially prevalent in ppl using peds far too many friends I have using peds who's upper body got out of proportion to their legs and I've actually had women comment on it to me.
If You had to choose just one exercise that either focuses on legs or glutes, which one would You select?

- squats
- hip thrusts
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