Proviron is a dogshit steroid, use masteron



Feb 7, 2024
I've been seeing these greycel retards on "muh proviron source muh proviron dose muh i wanna start proviron it has less effects on hair"

You fucking fag, you either use masteron and get bones + go bald or use proviron + waste money + not get any bone gains + put random jewish chemical into body

The fucking greycels are saying OHH BRO IT HAS LESS EFFECTS ON HAIR

Yes, it has less effects on hair compared to masteron, because it is WAY weaker. You will still lose hair btw, so you lose hair still + not get any bone gains

Proviron is not strong enough to give you any dimorphism or bone gains, cock or clavicle. People that use proviron dont feel shit on shit.

Do 300-500mg masteron enanthate then get hair transplant after ur done using or if ur lucky and dont lose hair then congrats.

+ proviron doesn't suppress HPTA which means it's weak, any effective roid would suppress HPTA
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  • JFL
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Imagine being such a weak gened loser to need drugs

Lol so over for you niggas
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I've been seeing these greycel retards on "muh proviron source muh proviron dose muh i wanna start proviron it has less effects on hair"

You fucking fag, you either use masteron and get bones + go bald or use proviron + waste money + not get any bone gains + put random jewish chemical into body

The fucking greycels are saying OHH BRO IT HAS LESS EFFECTS ON HAIR

Yes, it has less effects on hair compared to masteron, because it is WAY weaker. You will still lose hair btw, so you lose hair still + not get any bone gains

Proviron is not strong enough to give you any dimorphism or bone gains, cock or clavicle. People that use proviron dont feel shit on shit.

Do 300-500mg masteron enanthate then get hair transplant after ur done using or if ur lucky and dont lose hair then congrats.

+ proviron doesn't suppress HPTA which means it's weak, any effective roid would suppress HPTA
kid named testosterone enanthate:
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  • JFL
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I've been seeing these greycel retards on "muh proviron source muh proviron dose muh i wanna start proviron it has less effects on hair"

You fucking fag, you either use masteron and get bones + go bald or use proviron + waste money + not get any bone gains + put random jewish chemical into body

The fucking greycels are saying OHH BRO IT HAS LESS EFFECTS ON HAIR

Yes, it has less effects on hair compared to masteron, because it is WAY weaker. You will still lose hair btw, so you lose hair still + not get any bone gains

Proviron is not strong enough to give you any dimorphism or bone gains, cock or clavicle. People that use proviron dont feel shit on shit.

Do 300-500mg masteron enanthate then get hair transplant after ur done using or if ur lucky and dont lose hair then congrats.

+ proviron doesn't suppress HPTA which means it's weak, any effective roid would suppress HPTA
We're aware that Proviron is weaker than Masteron but hair and skin are the most dominant health indicators and you cannot afford to risk these permanently.

I will run Proviron for 6 weeks then move onto Mast.

Do you reckon ketoconazole shampoo + topical minoxidil is enough for good hair while on mast?

Do you also think you need pct for masteron or test base? (I can't do that)
We're aware that Proviron is weaker than Masteron but hair and skin are the most dominant health indicators and you cannot afford to risk these permanently.

I will run Proviron for 6 weeks then move onto Mast.

Do you reckon ketoconazole shampoo + topical minoxidil is enough for good hair while on mast?
retard masteron makes ur skin better + for hair get hair transplant
honestly not gonna bother arguing with a proviron greycel npc like you fuck off my thread
proviron wont give u dimorphism u proviron BOT NPC
retard masteron makes ur skin better + for hair get hair transplant
honestly not gonna bother arguing with a proviron greycel npc like you fuck off my thread
proviron wont give u dimorphism u proviron BOT NPC
Masteron is androgenic so produces oil which leads to acne + sebum does that too "it makes your skin better" I know you've never touched a roid in ur life so idk why u have that in ur bio.
Masteron is androgenic so produces oil which leads to acne + sebum does that too "it makes your skin better" I know you've never touched a roid in ur life so idk why u have that in ur bio.
cope cope cope smd proviron bot, i swear there are like 30 greycels here that are bots and npcs repeat the same thing "Proviron, proviron, proviron" yall are like bots honestly yall are npcs jfll fuck off bitch ass nigga mast makes ur collagen better fuck off from the thread now
cope cope cope smd proviron bot, i swear there are like 30 greycels here that are bots and npcs repeat the same thing "Proviron, proviron, proviron" yall are like bots honestly yall are npcs jfll fuck off bitch ass nigga mast makes ur collagen better fuck off from the thread now
Give proof mast makes collagen better; you chat like you know all about steroids when youve never touched one in your life and you know it.
Give proof mast makes collagen better; you chat like you know all about steroids when youve never touched one in your life and you know it.
well mast making collagen better is anecdotal but i truly saw change in my friends face after he started mast + test p definition cycle, and its not ur business to talk about my ped usage pal and i dont see a point in larping about ped usage or why anyone would do it so i dont know what you're trying to prove here you dumb fuck
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well mast making collagen better is anecdotal but i truly saw change in my friends face after he started mast + test p definition cycle, and its not ur business to talk about my ped usage pal and i dont see a point in larping about ped usage or why anyone would do it so i dont know what you're trying to prove here you dumb fuck

"Not ur business" - puts it in bio
"U don't see a point in larping" Ur from like 77 different countries and ur dick size is 99 x 77
also ik ur not on peds because u can't rise a single order confirmation of a roid, let alone a picture of a bottlle.

The point I'm making is that you act like you know all about roids when you've never touched one :lul: 🤡

"Not ur business" - puts it in bio
its there for shits and giggles, did the cycle for 2 week/stopped
"U don't see a point in larping" Ur from like 77 different countries and ur dick size is 99 x 77
when did i say im from different countries?
and ur dick size is 99 x 77

ur just making up random shit and saying "i larped" about them apparently while in reality i never even said those, ur trying too hard pal, give up. also ur the most irrelevant user on this forum, nobody knows u and nobody cares about u. irl ur a piece of shit too, i bet, probably. also u spent money on an incel forum :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
its there for shits and giggles, did the cycle for 2 week/stopped
Send a pic of the vials (you never did them)
also ur the most irrelevant user on this forum, nobody knows u and nobody cares about u. irl ur a piece of shit too, i bet, probably. also u spent money on an incel forum :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
u think I care what ppl think abt me on a forum?
U have 13000 posts and I just saw a post of urs saying ur thinking about users from this forum u faggot :lul:

I haven't posted in 30 days on this forum while u rot here everyday 🤡

Ik u have no friends now go back to making mumma vindaloos special curry you indian bitch.
retard masteron makes ur skin better + for hair get hair transplant
honestly not gonna bother arguing with a proviron greycel npc like you fuck off my thread
proviron wont give u dimorphism u proviron BOT NPC
A hair transplant always look so thin and FAKE

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Will masteron close growth plates
Nuke dht or something?
What does it do
  • JFL
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People just run proviron because its oral and ye i agree its shit

Primo mogs both anyways
All proviron does is bind SHBG with a very high affinity, leaving other steroids to freely attach to their respective receptors.

Worthless drug IMO. Masteron is equally worthless if you desire your hair and skin. I'd rather take tren
im not really big into steroids but assuming they both boost DHT, its basically a direct correlation of bone growth and hair loss and one is more potent which increases the effects of both symptoms - so go big or go home is your point?
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Pro iron therapy is the only reason someone should use it. (High shbgcels)

gonna run Mast 200mg + Test e 300mg for 12 weeks then cruise 200mg test
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is 50mg enough for proviron
  • JFL
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but it supress lh and fsh
Proviron doesnt suppress anything

Because it's weak

And for that reason it wont increase dimorphism

And after u stop using primo ur test will return back dw, u can almost never shut down completely unless you permablast oral tren
  • Hmm...
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Proviron doesnt suppress anything

Because it's weak

And for that reason it wont increase dimorphism

And after u stop using primo ur test will return back dw, u can almost never shut down completely unless you permablast oral tren
but it revives some men with erectile dysfunction
  • +1
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also I think DHT only leads to hair loss because it strangles the hair of nutrients so just get scalp massage/botox and minox to increase bloodflow?
This will not work

its proven that dht binding to the androgen receptors in the scalp has bad effects to the hair folicles (and its not because it "strangles hair of nutritients) , it destroy growth factors of the follicles

Massage and botox is usseless
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This will not work

its proven that dht binding to the androgen receptors in the scalp has bad effects to the hair folicles (and its not because it "strangles hair of nutritients) , it destroy growth factors of the follicles

Massage and botox is usseless
I see

still not sacrificing my masculinity for hair lol tough shit if my shit recedes
All toxic shit at the end of the day.
Proviron is the literal best roid you could use bro lmao. Its oral DHT
  • JFL
Reactions: asdvek
im not really big into steroids but assuming they both boost DHT, its basically a direct correlation of bone growth and hair loss and one is more potent which increases the effects of both symptoms - so go big or go home is your point?
well, proviron won't increase your dimorphism and just cause hair loss soo.

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