PSA Don't EVER refer to women as "females" in front of other women



Mar 28, 2019
Absolutely a dead giveaway that you aren't NT. Normie men don't talk about women as "females"

I met a girl at a bar and went over to her place. (White girl, late 20's) While chatting about whatever I said something about "females so and so" and she was in the kitchen making us a drink and she STOPPED right away and just looked at me. She asked "were you ever in the military?" I say no and she immediately responds "you are part of the manosphere, don't lie."

I kinda chuckled and responded that I know ABOUT the manosphere but I don't agree about a lot of what they say. She didn't buy it and responded with "who did you vote for?"

At this point I kinda wanted to amuse myself and didn't care so I said, "no one, both parties are corrupt."

She laughs in a mocking way and says "let me guess, you're a libertarian. Wow bro you totally aren't a typical straight white male."

It was a lost cause trying to hookup with her so the rest of the convo I just trolled her that I woulda voted for Hitler if he was an option and hilarity ensued. But tbh it was pretty amazing how she immediately saw right through me from me simply saying "female" when talking about something to do with women

Some more bonus shit, with my trolling we got into crime and stats and shit and she literally ended up being a criminal defense attorney and was talking about how the system is unfair against blacks. THIS IS WHAT SOME PEOPLE ACTUALLY BELIEVE. I couldn't believe I had actually met a real white woman attorney who doesn't just think niggers are violent animals. She also said that during her college education they taught her about the horrors of the holocaust. She went on a tour of the "death" camps in europe

We're so cucked to the jews
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  • JFL
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Reactions: King_Schnitzel, Clavicular, FutureSlayer and 50 others
i have literally almost never spoke to a woman in front of another woman lol
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Wombles, bloomercel, Tai Lung and 9 others
Absolutely a dead giveaway that you aren't NT. Normie men don't talk about women as "females"

  • JFL
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All normie men that I've met throughout my life refer women to as "baddies"
  • JFL
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Reactions: watah, FutureSlayer, bloomercel and 8 others
I dont know who would be autistic enough to do that

Even I wouldn't do that

Holy shit that would be such a faux pas
  • +1
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726984FC AB37 471A B344 8607D00A2FAA

wrap it up lil bro we know you were reading mein kampf next to her massacred body

668A7C9A 30D9 42E2 91F5 8F352B259300

you are unironically the closest thing to patrick bateman we have in this world
  • JFL
Reactions: Wombles, bloomercel, Ascendinglad087 and 11 others
Absolutely a dead giveaway that you aren't NT. Normie men don't talk about women as "females"

I met a girl at a bar and went over to her place. (White girl, late 20's) While chatting about whatever I said something about "females so and so" and she was in the kitchen making us a drink and she STOPPED right away and just looked at me. She asked "were you ever in the military?" I say no and she immediately responds "you are part of the manosphere, don't lie."

I kinda chuckled and responded that I know ABOUT the manosphere but I don't agree about a lot of what they say. She didn't buy it and responded with "who did you vote for?"

At this point I kinda wanted to amuse myself and didn't care so I said, "no one, both parties are corrupt."

She laughs in a mocking way and says "let me guess, you're a libertarian. Wow bro you totally aren't a typical straight white male."

It was a lost cause trying to hookup with her so the rest of the convo I just trolled her that I woulda voted for Hitler if he was an option and hilarity ensued. But tbh it was pretty amazing how she immediately saw right through me from me simply saying "female" when talking about something to do with women

Some more bonus shit, with my trolling we got into crime and stats and shit and she literally ended up being a criminal defense attorney and was talking about how the system is unfair against blacks. THIS IS WHAT SOME PEOPLE ACTUALLY BELIEVE. I couldn't believe I had actually met a real white woman attorney who doesn't just think niggers are violent animals. She also said that during her college education they taught her about the horrors of the holocaust. She went on a tour of the "death" camps in europe

We're so cucked to the jews
You're all about fucking as many girls as you can. I was always more about locking down the best woman I could. For people like me it's more beneficial to go against what you're saying in this thread.
-late 20’s

This bitch is an absolute cunt.
  • JFL
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Wombles, NoReedemingFeature, bloomercel and 5 others
some niggers on reddit downvoted and insulted me for using the word female

i didnt even know its bad lol its not my 1st language and i learned 90% of my english on forums like this
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: autisticpain17, FutureSlayer, Wombles and 12 others
I like your style, but don't tell me you're 100% stereotypical 'manosphere' guy that don't don't believe in nazi death camps existence and is a conspiracy nut, ngl that lawyer mocking you is a real probability then...

Nevermind: I always tell chicks that I'm politically more of a leftist, but I'm conservative in the you know 'relationships', og ltr and shiet and "I'm just that wired" - from that position I can say whatever I want (really) like for example "why polyamory is fucked up" and talked to leftist girls "npc" if you will, and they are okey with that. You must place your allegiance first, in the 'good guys' camp, libertarianism is deemed retarded by people overt the age of 20 usually
  • +1
Reactions: FutureSlayer
Absolutely a dead giveaway that you aren't NT. Normie men don't talk about women as "females"

I met a girl at a bar and went over to her place. (White girl, late 20's) While chatting about whatever I said something about "females so and so" and she was in the kitchen making us a drink and she STOPPED right away and just looked at me. She asked "were you ever in the military?" I say no and she immediately responds "you are part of the manosphere, don't lie."

I kinda chuckled and responded that I know ABOUT the manosphere but I don't agree about a lot of what they say. She didn't buy it and responded with "who did you vote for?"

At this point I kinda wanted to amuse myself and didn't care so I said, "no one, both parties are corrupt."

She laughs in a mocking way and says "let me guess, you're a libertarian. Wow bro you totally aren't a typical straight white male."

It was a lost cause trying to hookup with her so the rest of the convo I just trolled her that I woulda voted for Hitler if he was an option and hilarity ensued. But tbh it was pretty amazing how she immediately saw right through me from me simply saying "female" when talking about something to do with women

Some more bonus shit, with my trolling we got into crime and stats and shit and she literally ended up being a criminal defense attorney and was talking about how the system is unfair against blacks. THIS IS WHAT SOME PEOPLE ACTUALLY BELIEVE. I couldn't believe I had actually met a real white woman attorney who doesn't just think niggers are violent animals. She also said that during her college education they taught her about the horrors of the holocaust. She went on a tour of the "death" camps in europe

We're so cucked to the jews
Personality pill wins again.
That’s nothing, I literallly explained this middle eastern woman that the sole reason why a lot of white men were after her was due to her being “exotic” and having a higher dating market value. Word to word I said this. Not that she cared much in the long run but she did give me that “are you fucking autistic?” stare
  • JFL
Reactions: bloomercel and DravidianFootjob
damn and here ive been calling them femoids this whole time
That’s nothing, I literallly explained this middle eastern woman that the sole reason why a lot of white men were after her was due to her being “exotic” and having a higher dating market value. Word to word I said this. Not that she cared much in the long run but she did give me that “are you fucking autistic?” stare
It's not a brag that you're a autist
  • +1
Reactions: Chadeep, nigger42069 and tetopsyop
Depends in what way you said it

If you were generally talking about women in a non-biological scenario, then yeah it’s non-NT

But if you were talking biology and also mentioning males as well as females, then she’s just a mentally ill redditor
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I kinda chuckled and responded that I know ABOUT the manosphere but I don't agree about a lot of what they say.

Date was over after this.You revealed too much with just that statement

Instead what you should have said was something super vague along the lines of you came across the "Manosphere"
through a tweet from Piers Morgan or Ben Shapiro like one of these Public Political figures rather than saying you
heard about it but dont agree with what they said.Women aren't stupid and by you saying "you dont agree with what
the Manosphere says implies you've at least heard their rhetoric before which is grounds enough for women to
flat out reject you especially a Liberal white woman at that.
  • +1
Reactions: NoReedemingFeature
Absolutely a dead giveaway that you aren't NT. Normie men don't talk about women as "females"

I met a girl at a bar and went over to her place. (White girl, late 20's) While chatting about whatever I said something about "females so and so" and she was in the kitchen making us a drink and she STOPPED right away and just looked at me. She asked "were you ever in the military?" I say no and she immediately responds "you are part of the manosphere, don't lie."

I kinda chuckled and responded that I know ABOUT the manosphere but I don't agree about a lot of what they say. She didn't buy it and responded with "who did you vote for?"

At this point I kinda wanted to amuse myself and didn't care so I said, "no one, both parties are corrupt."

She laughs in a mocking way and says "let me guess, you're a libertarian. Wow bro you totally aren't a typical straight white male."

It was a lost cause trying to hookup with her so the rest of the convo I just trolled her that I woulda voted for Hitler if he was an option and hilarity ensued. But tbh it was pretty amazing how she immediately saw right through me from me simply saying "female" when talking about something to do with women

Some more bonus shit, with my trolling we got into crime and stats and shit and she literally ended up being a criminal defense attorney and was talking about how the system is unfair against blacks. THIS IS WHAT SOME PEOPLE ACTUALLY BELIEVE. I couldn't believe I had actually met a real white woman attorney who doesn't just think niggers are violent animals. She also said that during her college education they taught her about the horrors of the holocaust. She went on a tour of the "death" camps in europe

We're so cucked to the jews
cagefuel story ngl

i was gonna say she was high iq until the last paragraph.
Date was over after this.You revealed too much with just that statement

Instead what you should have said was something super vague along the lines of you came across the "Manosphere"
through a tweet from Piers Morgan or Ben Shapiro like one of these Public Political figures rather than saying you
heard about it but dont agree with what they said.Women aren't stupid and by you saying "you dont agree with what
the Manosphere says implies you've at least heard their rhetoric before which is grounds enough for women to
flat out reject you especially a Liberal white woman at that.
Or just say he doesn’t know what it is.
i have literally almost never spoke to a woman in front of another woman lol
Probably cause you’re an Indian who doxxes every one of your subhuman Oneitis’
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
  • So Sad
Reactions: Wombles, TheVoidInside and afroheadluke
I like your style, but don't tell me you're 100% stereotypical 'manosphere' guy that don't don't believe in nazi death camps existence and is a conspiracy nut, ngl that lawyer mocking you is a real probability then...
Never happened buddy boyo

  • There were 132 newspapers before 1933 mentioning 6,000,000 Jews suffering
  • There were 40,000+ concentration camps, yet only six were classified as extermination camps. Coincidentally these 6 were either destroyed or “liberated” by the Soviets 😱
Falling for these rotten, nose beaked 🤥 Jewish lies is like trusting a snake with wings 🐍🪽
  • +1
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
Reactions: FutureSlayer, TheBiggestIncelEver, White_Bwoi and 3 others
Never happened buddy boyo

  • There were 132 newspapers before 1933 mentioning 6,000,000 Jews suffering
  • There were 40,000+ concentration camps, yet only six were classified as extermination camps. Coincidentally these 6 were either destroyed or “liberated” by the Soviets 😱
Falling for these rotten, nose beaked 🤥 Jewish lies is like trusting a snake with wings 🐍🪽
i hate your soul mother fucker. i hope the devil comes and sodomizes you on nation television and a few am radio stations
  • Ugh..
Reactions: TiktokUser and Amnesia
Absolutely a dead giveaway that you aren't NT. Normie men don't talk about women as "females"

I met a girl at a bar and went over to her place. (White girl, late 20's) While chatting about whatever I said something about "females so and so" and she was in the kitchen making us a drink and she STOPPED right away and just looked at me. She asked "were you ever in the military?" I say no and she immediately responds "you are part of the manosphere, don't lie."

I kinda chuckled and responded that I know ABOUT the manosphere but I don't agree about a lot of what they say. She didn't buy it and responded with "who did you vote for?"

At this point I kinda wanted to amuse myself and didn't care so I said, "no one, both parties are corrupt."

She laughs in a mocking way and says "let me guess, you're a libertarian. Wow bro you totally aren't a typical straight white male."

It was a lost cause trying to hookup with her so the rest of the convo I just trolled her that I woulda voted for Hitler if he was an option and hilarity ensued. But tbh it was pretty amazing how she immediately saw right through me from me simply saying "female" when talking about something to do with women

Some more bonus shit, with my trolling we got into crime and stats and shit and she literally ended up being a criminal defense attorney and was talking about how the system is unfair against blacks. THIS IS WHAT SOME PEOPLE ACTUALLY BELIEVE. I couldn't believe I had actually met a real white woman attorney who doesn't just think niggers are violent animals. She also said that during her college education they taught her about the horrors of the holocaust. She went on a tour of the "death" camps in europe

We're so cucked to the jews
shouldve replied saying 'not a single molecule'
  • JFL
Reactions: hypernormie and Aladin
Really the problem is she just felt comfortable trying to dominate you not that you said female

If you sufficiently mog a woman she will never try and pull some shit like that

I've sat with women and explained the failings of feminism and the fallibility of female nature and had no issues because I mogged them
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: FutureSlayer, White_Bwoi and TiktokUser
Really the problem is she just felt comfortable trying to dominate you not that you said female

If you sufficiently mog a woman she will never try and pull some shit like that

I've sat with women and explained the failings of feminism and the fallibility of female nature and had no issues because I mogged them
This is the truth! Never had a problem when I mogg, but there is also an effect of "I'm not that interested" so it's only amplifying my attractiveness... But I don't want them MTB's tbh lol...

One more thing: good HEIGHT is important to command respect, that's one thing our OP lacks - one thing that connects lack of respect for a guy is indeed lack of mogger height, I know plenty of pretty boy faces in manlet bodies and their women are treating them worse than very tall normie hmmm "how could this happen" :LOL:
  • +1
Reactions: bloomercel and hypernormie
some niggers on reddit downvoted and insulted me for using the word female

i didnt even know its bad lol its not my 1st language and i learned 90% of my english on forums like this

Redditors are not even human that site is 90% bots
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: hypernormie, TiktokUser, NoReedemingFeature and 2 others
If I ever talk to a girl I'll keep that in mind.
Redditors are not even human that site is 90% bots
This is legit true. A while ago it was revealed that majority of reddit traffic is from American military bases.
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: hypernormie, FutureSlayer, TiktokUser and 2 others
This is the truth! Never had a problem when I mogg, but there is also an effect of "I'm not that interested" so it's only amplifying my attractiveness... But I don't want them MTB's tbh lol...

One more thing: good HEIGHT is important to command respect, that's one thing our OP lacks - one thing that connects lack of respect for a guy is indeed lack of mogger height, I know plenty of pretty boy faces in manlet bodies and their women are treating them worse than very tall normie hmmm "how could this happen" :LOL:
You type like a boomer but you are 100% correct that the fact she comfortable challenging him on something so minor is due to his height.
  • +1
Reactions: bloomercel and White_Bwoi
Another proof normies are utterly brainwashed as kids and early teens usually still call them “females” till the propaganda takes over
  • +1
Reactions: hypernormie and bloomercel
I always make a point to refer to women as womb-bearers or walking Snatches
  • Love it
Reactions: hypernormie
Absolutely a dead giveaway that you aren't NT. Normie men don't talk about women as "females"

I met a girl at a bar and went over to her place. (White girl, late 20's) While chatting about whatever I said something about "females so and so" and she was in the kitchen making us a drink and she STOPPED right away and just looked at me. She asked "were you ever in the military?" I say no and she immediately responds "you are part of the manosphere, don't lie."

I kinda chuckled and responded that I know ABOUT the manosphere but I don't agree about a lot of what they say. She didn't buy it and responded with "who did you vote for?"

At this point I kinda wanted to amuse myself and didn't care so I said, "no one, both parties are corrupt."

She laughs in a mocking way and says "let me guess, you're a libertarian. Wow bro you totally aren't a typical straight white male."

It was a lost cause trying to hookup with her so the rest of the convo I just trolled her that I woulda voted for Hitler if he was an option and hilarity ensued. But tbh it was pretty amazing how she immediately saw right through me from me simply saying "female" when talking about something to do with women

Some more bonus shit, with my trolling we got into crime and stats and shit and she literally ended up being a criminal defense attorney and was talking about how the system is unfair against blacks. THIS IS WHAT SOME PEOPLE ACTUALLY BELIEVE. I couldn't believe I had actually met a real white woman attorney who doesn't just think niggers are violent animals. She also said that during her college education they taught her about the horrors of the holocaust. She went on a tour of the "death" camps in europe

We're so cucked to the jews
you probably still fucked her
I would argue it’s low inb but is very NT, look at the thug maxxed slayers
  • +1
Reactions: FutureSlayer and bloomercel
Really the problem is she just felt comfortable trying to dominate you not that you said female

If you sufficiently mog a woman she will never try and pull some shit like that

I've sat with women and explained the failings of feminism and the fallibility of female nature and had no issues because I mogged them
Tales from the borderlands
  • JFL
Reactions: hypernormie

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