Psychopaths are based and the ONLY sane people in this world

Deleted member 8846

Deleted member 8846

aspie rotter
Aug 4, 2020
Think about it, do you think it is sane to heavily rely on your emotions and be a sensitive little bitch? No, the only truly sane way to live in this world is to detach yourself from it's value. If humans weren't so primitive (emotional) there literally wouldn't be as much wars, foids would pick partners logically (rather than following their horny feelings). And life would be better. And suicide wouldn't be frowned upon either because nobody would care if you died. Wish everyone was psycho tbh, would be a much better world.
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Damn a based greycel mirin
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Foids do pick partners logically 🙄
Ur post is highIQ beside that
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The crime rate would go up lmao
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No, if everyone was a psyco... the world would go tits up real fast. Insane amount of manipulation and no trust.

What you actually want is to be a psycho among normal ppl. So you can manipulate and reap the benefits.

Its akin to being chad among subhumans.. which is better than every1 being a chad
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Youre afraid of your own emotions and instincts
Being all thought and no soul is low T
kys fagot
No, if everyone was a psyco... the world would go tits up real fast. Insane amount of manipulation and no trust.

What you actually want is to be a psycho among normal ppl. So you can manipulate and reap the benefits. Its akin to being chad among subhumans.. which is better than every1 being a chad
wouldn't be against the world going tits up at this point tbf
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define sanity and maybe you have a point
They pick their partners logically after they're done whoring around
lol what
picking poor chad is more logical than picking moviestar incel
the poor chad will have a huge social circle and can become a billionaire within the year meanwhile if incel makes 1 slipup
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Reactions: NarcyChadlite and Deleted member 8846
Youre afraid of your own emotions and instincts
Being all thought and no soul is low T
kys fagot
being an emotional whore is akin to literally being a little girl. big cope, soyboy. emotions are only hindrance because nothing matters in this world in the end. "Oh, muh wife died so now i have to cry like a little bitch"
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lol what
picking poor chad is more logical than picking moviestar incel
the poor chad will have a huge social circle and can become a billionaire within the year meanwhile if incel makes 1 slipup

massive cope.. poor chad will be stuck working construction cuz his incel boss wont let him have his position
  • JFL
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lol what
picking poor chad is more logical than picking moviestar incel
the poor chad will have a huge social circle and can become a billionaire within the year meanwhile if incel makes 1 slipup
fair enough, but that logic is hardwired into their dna and their horniness towards specific individuals (chads) is at the end of the day an emotion even though it equates to good genetic offspring.
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being an emotional whore is akin to literally being a little girl. big cope, soyboy. emotions are only hindrance because nothing matters in this world in the end. "Oh, muh wife died so now i have to cry like a little bitch"
You have the development of a child that was never loved
Emotions and instincts are connected, fear when you see a lion charging you so you know to run
Without the mind body spirit connection youll forever be a brainlet dog
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massive cope.. poor chad will be stuck working construction cuz his incel boss wont let him have his position
Ye ofc why do u think he is chad? Manual laber
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You have the development of a child that was never loved
Emotions and instincts are connected, fear when you see a lion charging you so you know to run
Without the mind body spirit connection youll forever be a brainlet dog
"love" doesn't exist, retard :bluepill:. and you gotta be a lowiqcel or just suicidal if you are not running away from a lion charging you wtf.
Emotions are literally the only reason humans are still on the same level as primitive wild animals.
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fair enough, but that logic is hardwired into their dna and their horniness towards specific individuals (chads) is at the end of the day an emotion even though it equates to good genetic offspring.
Fair point actually, it's just a helpful emotion like pain or that gut feeling that something is wrong
"love" doesn't exist, retard. and you gotta be a lowiqcel or just suicidal if you are not running away from a lion charging you wtf
You cant face your own emotions so you hide under "muh IQ"
Hows middle school going? dont worry your brain will grow some day
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Psychopaths are the apex predators and every other human is their little bitch
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No, if everyone was a psyco... the world would go tits up real fast. Insane amount of manipulation and no trust.

What you actually want is to be a psycho among normal ppl. So you can manipulate and reap the benefits.

Its akin to being chad among subhumans.. which is better than every1 being a chad
I dream about being reincarnated into chad psychopath. That would be the dream.
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Ngl he is good for a graycel, when I was gray I was worse than him imo 😂😅
Nah hes just a scared 15 yr old that cant handle his emotions so he shuts down and over thinks
Thx rust
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emotion is what makes life fun.

What the fuck is the point in living life as some autistic stoic robot. Over
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emotion is what makes life fun.

What the fuck is the point in living life as some autistic stoic robot. Over
that's already what acknowledging the blackpill has made life feel like for me. Just wish I could get rid of fag anxiety and I would be a robot tbh
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that's already what acknowledging the blackpill has made life feel like for me. Just wish I could get rid of fag anxiety and I would be a robot tbh
Anxiety is a good emotion, you just need all the other emotions aswell to balance things out. Sadness is fine, as long as you are also often happy. Ying and yang, one cant properly exist without the other. Life is more fun with ups and downs.

You sould seek mental health if you feel the way you describe tbh, and focus on your mental health yourself. Don't try to get rid of your anxiety, but accept it, and accept the other emotions aswell that you find hard to feel. Feelings of belonging, excitement, happiness, etc.

Stop with blackpill bullshit. Blackpill is simply that looks matter, quite a lot. And that you should try to be attractive, or atleast not unattractive. That's it and then you move on.

All this bs about female nature, genetic determinism, this that blah blah: waste of time. Focus on your life, not on theories about your life.
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Anxiety is a good emotion, you just need all the other emotions aswell to balance things out. Sadness is fine, as long as you are also often happy. Ying and yang, one cant properly exist without the other. Life is more fun with ups and downs.

You sould seek mental health if you feel the way you describe tbh, and focus on your mental health yourself. Don't try to get rid of your anxiety, but accept it, and accept the other emotions aswell that you find hard to feel. Feelings of belonging, excitement, happiness, etc.

Stop with blackpill bullshit. Blackpill is simply that looks matter, quite a lot. And that you should try to be attractive, or atleast not unattractive. That's it and then you move on.

All this bs about female nature, determinism, this that blah blah: waste of time.
The only help I should seek out is the rope boyo, rope is the trucels only salvation.
The only help I should seek out is the rope boyo, rope is the trucels only salvation.
Sounds like depressed defeatism mate. You could probably benefit from some anti-depressants while you try to fix your life and get some quality and enjoyment back into it. Some new perspective and hope.
psychopaths are a minority cos mother nature knows that not everyone needs to be a leader
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Sounds like depressed defeatism mate. You could probably benefit from some anti-depressants while you try to fix your life and get some quality and enjoyment back into it. Some new perspective and hope.
Honestly what's the point. Fake happiness brought to me by sum fucking pills? If I got sum pussy I'd be happy but that ain't ever gonna happen so of course I'm "depressed" if that's what you like to call it jfl
Honestly what's the point. Fake happiness brought to me by sum fucking pills? If I got sum pussy I'd be happy but that ain't ever gonna happen so of course I'm "depressed" if that's what you like to call it jfl
It's not about the fake happiness that the pills bring you. It's the fact that the fake happiness will give you some energy to start working on and fixing your life, so you can eventually get real happiness and stop taking the pills.

You're not gonna find the energy to looksmax, socialize, work on your career, hobbies, etc. when you are depressed low energy low mood. That's what the pills are for to fix temporairily.
It's not about the fake happiness that the pills bring you. It's the fact that the fake happiness will give you some energy to start working on and fixing your life, so you can eventually get real happiness and stop taking the pills.

You're not gonna find the energy to looksmax, socialize, work on your career, hobbies, etc. when you are depressed low energy low mood. That's what the pills are for to fix temporairily.
But what is the point of improving life if it won't get you pussy?
But what is the point of improving life if it won't get you pussy?
There's more to life than just pussy, but regardless, yes it will get you pussy.

You looksmax to become a normie and then you can get pussy. At the same time you get money so once in a while you can fuck escort prime stacies too.
There's more to life than just pussy, but regardless, yes it will get you pussy.

You looksmax to become a normie and then you can get pussy. At the same time you get money so once in a while you can fuck escort prime stacies too.
Chads only get pussy, not normies lol
Chads only get pussy, not normies lol
You're delusional. This view on life you got is the main reason you need to get therapy, because there's no root in reality.

You think escorts are going to reject normies with money? You think chad is fucking all the normie women instead of just fucking stacies?

Delusional rambling. One day you will realize this cope belongs on and not on
You're delusional. This view on life you got is the main reason you need to get therapy, because there's no root in reality.

You think escorts are going to reject normies with money? You think chad is fucking all the normie women instead of just fucking stacies?

Delusional rambling. One day you will realize this cope belongs on and not on
There's people who have legit been rejected by prostitutes though, and even if you can score pussy. It will be depressing as fuck to see the apathetic facial expression that the foid is giving you. She will be disgusted by having sex with you, it will be like unenjoyable labor for her. While chad gets to experience genuine sex which is very much enjoyable for both partners and this will fuel his soul with a lot of light. Honestly if you're not chad, you lost at life and you will ultimately end up depressed and there's no escape other than death (or by the rare chance that you have a good enough base to looksmax on and ascend to chad lvl, but this doesn't happen to many)
There's people who have legit been rejected by prostitutes though,
Yeah and there's people that get struck by lighting too.

I am glad you said this by the way. It's such a ridiculous statement to make in this context. There's 0 chance whatsoever that you are so ugly and not able to improve to a level that a considerable amount of prostitutes would reject you. It makes absolutely 0 sense and I hope you can recognize this yourself too. And if you do, can you recognize that this kind of delusional thought is what you depression has taken you?

Your current view on life is one that is way too bleak, depressed and self-sabotaging than life actually is. Yeah life is brutal and extremely competitive, but there's also opportunities. But all you see is the negative shit.

and even if you can score pussy. It will be depressing as fuck to see the apathetic facial expression that the foid is giving you. She will be disgusted by having sex with you, it will be like unenjoyable labor for her.
Advice from a sex-haver here, the moment you are fucking and you are both getting turned on, you will find eachother more attractive than at first glance.

While chad gets to experience genuine sex which is very much enjoyable for both partners and this will fuel his soul with a lot of light. Honestly if you're not chad, you lost at life and you will ultimately end up depressed and there's no escape other than death (or by the rare chance that you have a good enough base to looksmax on and ascend to chad lvl, but this doesn't happen to many)
Yeah chad has a better life than you and me. Millionaires have better lives than you and me. People born in large healthy loving families have better lives than you and me. And so on.

There's also a shitton of people that have worse lives than you most likely. Someone that loses his limbs in an accident, grows up in an alcoholic abusive shit family, someone that is beaten to a pulp and traumatized for life.

It's not your fault that you werent born chad, but it sure as hell is your responsibility to make the best of your life anyways. Because nobody's gonna take that responsibility for you. Nobody is gonna be like: 'oh wow bertcel is not a chad, he needs help to improve his life.'

No, you gonna have to do it yourself man, that's all I can tell you. Take it or leave it, but you know that there's only 2 options you have right now:

1) Improve your life and try to make the best of it.
2) Do nothing, feel like shit, and either end up roping or ending up in an even shittier situation than you are in right now.

That's all.
Yeah and there's people that get struck by lighting too.

I am glad you said this by the way. It's such a ridiculous statement to make in this context. There's 0 chance whatsoever that you are so ugly and not able to improve to a level that a considerable amount of prostitutes would reject you. It makes absolutely 0 sense and I hope you can recognize this yourself too. And if you do, can you recognize that this kind of delusional thought is what you depression has taken you?

Your current view on life is one that is way too bleak, depressed and self-sabotaging than life actually is. Yeah life is brutal and extremely competitive, but there's also opportunities. But all you see is the negative shit.

Advice from a sex-haver here, the moment you are fucking and you are both getting turned on, you will find eachother more attractive than at first glance.

Yeah chad has a better life than you and me. Millionaires have better lives than you and me. People born in large healthy loving families have better lives than you and me. And so on.

There's also a shitton of people that have worse lives than you most likely. Someone that loses his limbs in an accident, grows up in an alcoholic abusive shit family, someone that is beaten to a pulp and traumatized for life.

It's not your fault that you werent born chad, but it sure as hell is your responsibility to make the best of your life anyways. Because nobody's gonna take that responsibility for you. Nobody is gonna be like: 'oh wow bertcel is not a chad, he needs help to improve his life.'

No, you gonna have to do it yourself man, that's all I can tell you. Take it or leave it, but you know that there's only 2 options you have right now:

1) Improve your life and try to make the best of it.
2) Do nothing, feel like shit, and either end up roping or ending up in an even shittier situation than you are in right now.

That's all.
I guess I'm gonna have to leave it then, rather than take this advice. I just can't see the reason to "improve" my life. Nothing will change, I will still be a subhuman at heart. People will give me shit if I do surgeries. If I do get a son they will have to suffer the same fate as me, ugly trucel life. I'm literally 1/10 in looks so surgerymaxxing would only really ascend me to a 1.5/10. For some people it's just fucking over.

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