Pure suifuel for coping gymcel manlets



Jan 13, 2019
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old news, next please
+ anyone who wants these type of cum dumpsters deserves going through an ultimate CUCKoldry
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Is 5'9 manlet territory in the US? I height mog most people irl even at this height
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6'1'' bear mode masterrace

Gotta give manlets fair advantage for trying tho
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6'1'' bear mode masterrace

Gotta give manlets fair advantage for trying tho
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So glad I don't live in the west.
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Is 5'9 manlet territory in the US? I height mog most people irl even at this height
Same,I'm 5"10 and I heightmog most people I walk past or same heightish tbh,but they're all incels.
You can just tell.
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all of his matches were 40+ miles away.
anyone can get matches with such a massive radius tbh.
coping gymlet, imo the only body you need is to have abs basically, when girls see abs they think you're a bodybuilder
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coping gymlet, imo the only body you need is to have abs basically, when girls see abs they think you're a bodybuilder
Not really, if you have abs but no chest you just look ridiculous.
If you're gonna work out you need to go all in.
  • +1
Reactions: HailToTheKing
Not really, if you have abs but no chest you just look ridiculous.
If you're gonna work out you need to go all in.
girls think a body like brad pitt in fight club is jacked
girls think a body like brad pitt in fight club is jacked
Yeah, you'd still need to work out a bit for a body like that tbh, unless you took roids.
Yeah, you'd still need to work out a bit for a body like that tbh, unless you took roids.
you could get that body in 1 month with a huge caloric deficit
6'1'' bear mode masterrace

Gotta give manlets fair advantage for trying tho

You're neither tall nor bearmode bro what are you talking about???
I'm more bearmode than you and I'm at a lower bf ?
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6'1'' bear mode masterrace

Gotta give manlets fair advantage for trying tho
that's just so wrong dude, stop training for strength it doesn't grow your muscles, there are a lot of people who have done the stronglifts 5x5 or jason blaha's can bench 5x5 over 100kg while they are twinks with 0 muscle,strength is all about cns adaptation, imo you should do 8-12 reps and go on a caloric deficit untill you get chiseled abs with obliques this is what im going to do
you could get that body in 1 month with a huge caloric deficit
lol no, what kind of cuck advice is that, you'd need atleast 6 months gymcelling with a proper routine, from skinny, if fat then you need more
your muscles, there are a lot of people who have done the stronglifts 5x5 or jason blaha's can bench 5x5 over 100kg while they are twinks with 0 muscle,strength is all about cns adaptation, imo you should do 8-12 reps and go on a caloric deficit untill you get chiseled abs with obliques this is
Yeh this tbh expect 5x5 will get you size just a bit less due to volume, volume is what matters. More strenght means more size
that's just so wrong dude, stop training for strength it doesn't grow your muscles, there are a lot of people who have done the stronglifts 5x5 or jason blaha's can bench 5x5 over 100kg while they are twinks with 0 muscle,strength is all about cns adaptation, imo you should do 8-12 reps and go on a caloric deficit untill you get chiseled abs with obliques this is what im going to do
High iq brosience, then why all top level weightlifters are jacked af? In oly lifting training sets over 5 reps are rare.
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High iq brosience, then why all top level weightlifters are jacked af? In oly lifting training sets over 5 reps are rare.
look it up on youtube a lot of people on youtube that have done the 5x5 are skinny
that's just so wrong dude, stop training for strength it doesn't grow your muscles, there are a lot of people who have done the stronglifts 5x5 or jason blaha's can bench 5x5 over 100kg while they are twinks with 0 muscle,strength is all about cns adaptation, imo you should do 8-12 reps and go on a caloric deficit untill you get chiseled abs with obliques this is what im going to do

I dont think I did alot of reps for bench and this is how my chest grew

Volume is very important imo
look it up on youtube a lot of people on youtube that have done the 5x5 are skinny
Yes if you do 5x5 you will look bad, due to number of no volume for upper body. But I did like 3x5-10 for bench and it did pretty well imo
I dont think I did alot of reps for bench and this is how my chest grew

Volume is very important imo

I really can't see the chest, your shirt and phone covers it plus the angle doesn't help.
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Good bumping this thread again.

Ive told u numerous times how fucking legit muscles are, take an incel with a 4/10 face, give him a WIDE RIPPED chiseled body with broad shoulders and skinny waist, he will be incel no more.

ANYONE whove had a great body can attest to this, some times I takes off my shirt when out clubbing and Ive had several moments where some random girl just comes up to me, tells me she wanna fuck and then PULLS ME to a cab to her apartment.

I have several pics of my body on tinder and since I added them I get tons and tons and tons of matches.

You severly lack basic understanding of human nature and evolution, this is what u always wanna do:

Whenever u see tons of males getting obsessed with something, doing potential harm to themselves to be "better" at it, there is a very good chanse that "something" helps out their reproduction value a shit ton, no matter what females CLAIM.

Guys these days are absolutely obsessed with the gym, shooting steroids, looking ripped and big, WHY? Cause this society is become more and more obsessed with male aestetics due to the welfare state and females not needing beta bux no more. Scientific studies clearly show how GIRTH is the single best predictor of slaying success amongs college aged females, scientific studies show that muscular men have way more sex partners, scientific studies show that females get literally WET IN THEIR VAGINA watching ripped muscular bodies with good hip to waist ratio when they are ovaluating.

The proof of gymcel/roid theory is overwhelming.

Not only that, ofcourse, but having sky high testosterone levels will change ur behaviour/demenour and "pheromones", 3-4 weeks into cycle and u will notice how girls look at you very differently, you will also notice people giving u random compliments, just out of nothing, they do this cause they unconsiously sense u have high status, so they wanna build rapport with you. When this starts happening, u will be convinced that even humans, just as every other animal on the planet, communicate on an unconsious level thru pheromones which is a result of sex hormones.
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Realbob has be accused as fraud numerous times, i would take everything what he says with grain of salt.
realrob is offcycle right now and looks like your average american at mcdonalds
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bear mode

fatmanO? rather copemanO. every time you tell yourself that you're "not fat, ohh its just loose skin bro, bearrrr mode, just wide hips broo" and "im soooooooo tall, height is an advantage to me even though im only slightly above average!!" "my face is average, its fine bro im so tall anyways", "i only want LTR bro with becky, i dont care for slaying broo" etc. all this bluepilled, aspie, down-syndrome coping only distorts your perception of yourself. you dont see yourself for who you really are and what handicaps you have, so you make irrational and bad decisions regarding your life ending in no validation, which results in you coming to this forum (and lookism) for validation to fuel your deluded self-view
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fatmanO? rather copemanO. every time you tell yourself that you're "not fat, ohh its just loose skin bro, bearrrr mode, just wide hips broo" and "im soooooooo tall, height is an advantage to me even though im only slightly above average!!" "my face is average, its fine bro im so tall anyways", "i only want LTR bro with becky, i dont care for slaying broo" etc. all this bluepilled, aspie, down-syndrome coping only distorts your perception of yourself. you dont see yourself for who you really are and what handicaps you have, so you make irrational and bad decisions regarding your life ending in no validation, which results in you coming to this forum (and lookism) for validation to fuel your deluded self-view
Could agree I came to lookism cause I had no attention 6months ago, pretty much got attention in the new school year, sure Im no slayer but I kept improvimng myself and came to validations. Now I try to not feed off validations
Could agree I came to lookism cause I had no attention 6months ago, pretty much got attention in the new school year, sure Im no slayer but I kept improvimng myself and came to validations. Now I try to not feed off validations

I'm gonna be real with you.

- You have under average face. I live in Hungary and not Slovenia or w/e you live, so I don't see the actual ppl there, but the beauty standards for sure aren't very different(as both are EE and relatively close) and your face is considered under average where I live.

- You're still very fat, even though you lost weight. You see yourself way less fatter than you actually are judging by your threads/posts. You have massive fat storages around your hips and thighs. Frame is okay for your height and you built some deltoid muscle, which makes all those fat look not as horrible in clothes (especially your favorites, oversized hoodies that are very loose @ stomach area), but your fat levels are still very high. You probably have some metabolic syndrome or hormonal inbalance that makes your fat distribution retarded - > You look less fat in some places (than you should be according to your bodyfat% levels), while you look deformed-obese in rest.

- You cope with wearing these oversized hoodies and clothing that hides fatty storages on your body and post angle-frauded pics that makes yourself loook better than you are. IRL all these fat storages are way more prominent, especially in motion when you walk. Girls notice them. Girls know you're still fat. You are not at utter subhuman fat levels so people treat you slightly better compared to before. You know deep down you have a very long way to go, but every day you make these validation seeking threads on all these looks forums wanting people to compliment you on your "frame, height etc.", while you pretend you believe "ready for slaying in your country", when even lower tier girls reject you or not give you attention.

- Your skin/glow is bad, probably related to the health condition I mentioned in first point. You basically look sickly. You can fix these with medical evalutation and supplements maybe.

-You have a good voice (over average) which compensates for a lot more than you realise. You seem to have slightly under. avg IQ and consience to go with it, which makes you less inhibed. This combined with your voice compensates a lot for your physical appearance. All your IOIs you've ever received most liekly have very little to do with your looks etc. and way more with your voice + behaviour/NTness.

-You seem incredibly low T/beta/cuck. This can actually be still related to the metabolic syndrome/hormonal imbalance health problem.

It's like a never ending cycle for you. You desperately need validation for your non-existing achievements that your deluded self seems to believe to compensate for missing sense of reality and conscience. You basically improve way less, cuz you force yourself to believe you improved so much, while you don't understand why you arent doing as well as your delusion makes you believe so.

The moment you stop seeking validation from fake soruces, stop posting these autistic photos like a retard, lose the bluepill and naivity, is the moment you can properly evaluate yourself and looks potential in the long run.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 147
I'm gonna be real with you.

- You have under average face. I live in Hungary and not Slovenia or w/e you live, so I don't see the actual ppl there, but the beauty standards for sure aren't very different(as both are EE and relatively close) and your face is considered under average where I live.

- You're still very fat, even though you lost weight. You see yourself way less fatter than you actually are judging by your threads/posts. You have massive fat storages around your hips and thighs. Frame is okay for your height and you built some deltoid muscle, which makes all those fat look not as horrible in clothes (especially your favorites, oversized hoodies that are very loose @ stomach area), but your fat levels are still very high. You probably have some metabolic syndrome or hormonal inbalance that makes your fat distribution retarded - > You look less fat in some places (than you should be according to your bodyfat% levels), while you look deformed-obese in rest.

- You cope with wearing these oversized hoodies and clothing that hides fatty storages on your body and post angle-frauded pics that makes yourself loook better than you are. IRL all these fat storages are way more prominent, especially in motion when you walk. Girls notice them. Girls know you're still fat. You are not at utter subhuman fat levels so people treat you slightly better compared to before. You know deep down you have a very long way to go, but every day you make these validation seeking threads on all these looks forums wanting people to compliment you on your "frame, height etc.", while you pretend you believe "ready for slaying in your country", when even lower tier girls reject you or not give you attention.

- Your skin/glow is bad, probably related to the health condition I mentioned in first point. You basically look sickly. You can fix these with medical evalutation and supplements maybe.

-You have a good voice (over average) which compensates for a lot more than you realise. You seem to have slightly under. avg IQ and consience to go with it, which makes you less inhibed. This combined with your voice compensates a lot for your physical appearance. All your IOIs you've ever received most liekly have very little to do with your looks etc. and way more with your voice + behaviour/NTness.

-You seem incredibly low T/beta/cuck. This can actually be still related to the metabolic syndrome/hormonal imbalance health problem.

It's like a never ending cycle for you. You desperately need validation for your non-existing achievements that your deluded self seems to believe to compensate for missing sense of reality and conscience. You basically improve way less, cuz you force yourself to believe you improved so much, while you don't understand why you arent doing as well as your delusion makes you believe so.

The moment you stop seeking validation from fake soruces, stop posting these autistic photos like a retard, lose the bluepill and naivity, is the moment you can properly evaluate yourself and looks potential in the long run.
Is there any medicine to fix the fat storage?

Id agree with your post, especially hoodie and validation part. What I woudnt agree is face part
Is there any medicine to fix the fat storage?

Id agree with your post, especially hoodie and validation part. What I woudnt agree is face part

If you didn't have under average face while having slightly over average height, you would've gotten several girls by now.

Yes there is medicine, but the actual cause can be A LOT of things. The best looksmax you can do right now is you pay for a whole-body medical testing package at some private institution (if u have money for it) where they check blood/stool/urine tests, do some CT/MR etc. After this you do a food-intolerance complete test as you could be eating something that fucks you up (slowly, but surely). If you find the cause of your health problem, it could be the biggest looksmax. Face getting leaner/more masculine, improved muscularity, better fat metabolisation, increased confidence, better skin etc etc.
Yes there is medicine, but the actual cause can be A LOT of things. The best looksmax you can do right now is you pay for a whole-body medical testing package at some private institution (if u have money for it) where they check blood/stool/urine tests, do some CT/MR etc. After this you do a food-intolerance complete test as you could be eating something that fucks you up (slowly, but surely). If you find the cause of your health problem, it could be the biggest looksmax. Face getting leaner/more masculine, improved muscularity, better fat metabolisation, increased confidence, better skin etc etc.
Im intolerant on lactose so Ill just cut it out completly then, definitly. I did a few tests after my weight loss 7months ago and I can send you the results, there were all in normal range, thyroids were the only messed up due to weight loss but returned to normal levels. I actually did these tests and they didnt find anything out of the ordinary.
I can check the results again, they are right next to me and tell you how my hormones and everything else looked like before I started lifting.

If I actually approached average girls I could definitly have gotten girls, I just think Im a psl 4 imo facially. Might get a lip lift someday
Is there any medicine to fix the fat storage?

Id agree with your post, especially hoodie and validation part. What I woudnt agree is face part

Doesnt matter if you dont agree, or even if he never said it. - Its true...
I'm gonna be real with you.

- You have under average face. I live in Hungary and not Slovenia or w/e you live, so I don't see the actual ppl there, but the beauty standards for sure aren't very different(as both are EE and relatively close) and your face is considered under average where I live.

- You're still very fat, even though you lost weight. You see yourself way less fatter than you actually are judging by your threads/posts. You have massive fat storages around your hips and thighs. Frame is okay for your height and you built some deltoid muscle, which makes all those fat look not as horrible in clothes (especially your favorites, oversized hoodies that are very loose @ stomach area), but your fat levels are still very high. You probably have some metabolic syndrome or hormonal inbalance that makes your fat distribution retarded - > You look less fat in some places (than you should be according to your bodyfat% levels), while you look deformed-obese in rest.

- You cope with wearing these oversized hoodies and clothing that hides fatty storages on your body and post angle-frauded pics that makes yourself loook better than you are. IRL all these fat storages are way more prominent, especially in motion when you walk. Girls notice them. Girls know you're still fat. You are not at utter subhuman fat levels so people treat you slightly better compared to before. You know deep down you have a very long way to go, but every day you make these validation seeking threads on all these looks forums wanting people to compliment you on your "frame, height etc.", while you pretend you believe "ready for slaying in your country", when even lower tier girls reject you or not give you attention.

- Your skin/glow is bad, probably related to the health condition I mentioned in first point. You basically look sickly. You can fix these with medical evalutation and supplements maybe.

-You have a good voice (over average) which compensates for a lot more than you realise. You seem to have slightly under. avg IQ and consience to go with it, which makes you less inhibed. This combined with your voice compensates a lot for your physical appearance. All your IOIs you've ever received most liekly have very little to do with your looks etc. and way more with your voice + behaviour/NTness.

-You seem incredibly low T/beta/cuck. This can actually be still related to the metabolic syndrome/hormonal imbalance health problem.

It's like a never ending cycle for you. You desperately need validation for your non-existing achievements that your deluded self seems to believe to compensate for missing sense of reality and conscience. You basically improve way less, cuz you force yourself to believe you improved so much, while you don't understand why you arent doing as well as your delusion makes you believe so.

The moment you stop seeking validation from fake soruces, stop posting these autistic photos like a retard, lose the bluepill and naivity, is the moment you can properly evaluate yourself and looks potential in the long run.

If I actually approached average girls I could definitly have gotten girls, I just think Im a psl 4 imo facially. Might get a lip lift someday

No you wouldnt have
I'm gonna be real with you.

- You have under average face. I live in Hungary and not Slovenia or w/e you live, so I don't see the actual ppl there, but the beauty standards for sure aren't very different(as both are EE and relatively close) and your face is considered under average where I live.

- You're still very fat, even though you lost weight. You see yourself way less fatter than you actually are judging by your threads/posts. You have massive fat storages around your hips and thighs. Frame is okay for your height and you built some deltoid muscle, which makes all those fat look not as horrible in clothes (especially your favorites, oversized hoodies that are very loose @ stomach area), but your fat levels are still very high. You probably have some metabolic syndrome or hormonal inbalance that makes your fat distribution retarded - > You look less fat in some places (than you should be according to your bodyfat% levels), while you look deformed-obese in rest.

- You cope with wearing these oversized hoodies and clothing that hides fatty storages on your body and post angle-frauded pics that makes yourself loook better than you are. IRL all these fat storages are way more prominent, especially in motion when you walk. Girls notice them. Girls know you're still fat. You are not at utter subhuman fat levels so people treat you slightly better compared to before. You know deep down you have a very long way to go, but every day you make these validation seeking threads on all these looks forums wanting people to compliment you on your "frame, height etc.", while you pretend you believe "ready for slaying in your country", when even lower tier girls reject you or not give you attention.

- Your skin/glow is bad, probably related to the health condition I mentioned in first point. You basically look sickly. You can fix these with medical evalutation and supplements maybe.

-You have a good voice (over average) which compensates for a lot more than you realise. You seem to have slightly under. avg IQ and consience to go with it, which makes you less inhibed. This combined with your voice compensates a lot for your physical appearance. All your IOIs you've ever received most liekly have very little to do with your looks etc. and way more with your voice + behaviour/NTness.

-You seem incredibly low T/beta/cuck. This can actually be still related to the metabolic syndrome/hormonal imbalance health problem.

It's like a never ending cycle for you. You desperately need validation for your non-existing achievements that your deluded self seems to believe to compensate for missing sense of reality and conscience. You basically improve way less, cuz you force yourself to believe you improved so much, while you don't understand why you arent doing as well as your delusion makes you believe so.

The moment you stop seeking validation from fake soruces, stop posting these autistic photos like a retard, lose the bluepill and naivity, is the moment you can properly evaluate yourself and looks potential in the long run.

What a High Effort and High IQ post. A beautifuly composed counter-offensive operation to the Fat-ass-woman-cope insurgency. (FAWC, or Fuck in an immigrant accent).

Enough said. @future chadlite @Nibba check out what he wrote
6'1'' bear mode masterrace

Gotta give manlets fair advantage for trying tho



@FatmanO , Bearmode and Masterrace to not belong in the same paragraph.
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It's over for short men.
no gym for your face, status, height, frame, voice or hairline

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