Pussy isn't the jackpot



Apr 16, 2021
Being ugly must suck... being average must suck less... being good looking must suck the least. Point is,don't put all your eggs in one basket - I have good looking friends, we talk about girls. They're not much happier than I am. Why? Looks and getting pussy is just one aspect.

I also hated to hear this fact when all I wanted was to get laid. Work on your mental health, on your self esteem - read Nathaniel Brandon's book. Once you approach life like that, you move into 20% of men attracting the 80% women without the stress or fuss about it.

Women can sense when a man is not needy because most men you will ever meet are needy. Reason is because most men neglect their emotions and mental health.
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  • JFL
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Being ugly must suck... being average must suck less... being good looking must suck the least. Point is,don't put all your eggs in one basket - I have good looking friends, we talk about girls. They're not much happier than I am. Why? Looks and getting pussy is just one aspect.

I also hated to hear this fact when all I wanted was to get laid. Work on your mental health, on your self esteem - read Nathaniel Brandon's book. Once you approach life like that, you move into 20% of men attracting the 80% women without the stress or fuss about it.

Women can sense when a man is not needy because most men you will ever meet are needy. Reason is because most men neglect their emotions and mental health.
its ur fault, u search mewing and ur life is missery now
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  • JFL
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Dont looksmax for girls looksmax for yourself
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: Yerico7, Want2LookBetterJFL, Merćer and 16 others
Cope. Ltr pussy with a stacy is everything
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Reactions: TheAnomaly, Deleted member 12216 and Deleted member 3573
Dont looksmax for girls looksmax for yourself
What do you mean by that?
Everyone here is looksmaxxing so that they can be more physically appealing to women :blackpill:
If women didn't care about appearance then this forum wouldn't even exist.

There would be no motivation.
We all want to do better with women. So we improve our appearances...
How do you looksmax for "yourself?" :unsure:
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Reactions: Bitch, Lars, TheAnomaly and 3 others
Basically dopamine receptors, Chad is used to validating women, any incel here would be super happy if he received a "hello" from a woman.

But this is correct, putting women as the main objective is not good
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greycel moment
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This forum is bluepilled af jfl
What do you mean by that?
Everyone here is looksmaxxing so that they can be more physically appealing to women :blackpill:
If women didn't care about appearance then this forum wouldn't even exist.

There would be no motivation.
We all want to do better with women. So we improve our appearances...
How do you looksmax for "yourself?" :unsure:
looksmax for all the benefits that comes with being better looking so also girls ofcourse but not only for that
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Reactions: Yerico7, TheAnomaly, Selinity and 4 others
Dont looksmax for girls looksmax for yourself
wtf man your transformation in the avi is fucking crazy. I know its the photos too but damn
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pussy isn't but validation and looks halo is
  • +1
Reactions: Lars
What do you mean by that?
Everyone here is looksmaxxing so that they can be more physically appealing to women :blackpill:
If women didn't care about appearance then this forum wouldn't even exist.

There would be no motivation.
We all want to do better with women. So we improve our appearances...
How do you looksmax for "yourself?" :unsure:
in the beginning yes. now the majority don't even care about women, they just want to moggar all the way around
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cope, find a girl that'll do everything for you and act like ur mommy/provider, thats the goal
  • JFL
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cope, find a girl that'll do everything for you and act like ur mommy/provider, thats the goal
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Bitch, Growth Plate and Deleted member 6403
What do you mean by that?
Everyone here is looksmaxxing so that they can be more physically appealing to women :blackpill:
If women didn't care about appearance then this forum wouldn't even exist.

There would be no motivation.
We all want to do better with women. So we improve our appearances...
How do you looksmax for "yourself?" :unsure:
Exactly I hate when copers say that shit jfl
  • +1
Reactions: TheAnomaly and Lars
looksmax for all the benefits that comes with being better looking so also girls ofcourse but not only for that
well yeah ofc lmao
I seen people here saying that they don't care about women and literally just looksmax for themselves
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Women can sense when a man is not needy because most men you will ever meet are needy. Reason is because most men neglect their emotions and mental health.
That is 100% false.

Women can't read your mind like Professor X. Being needy is actually a requirement for a relationship to happen, if you're not needy and you act like you don't need her, it's like you're rejecting her without even realizing it.

Playing hard to get doesn't actually help you get laid, it's just something that pickup artists made up to sell you overpriced courses for thousands of dollars. Motivational speakers use similar rhetoric because it makes them look unique, and it makes people believe that they have the magic solution to everything.

The truth is that women aren't very complicated to understand, and neither are men. We both want the best deal we can possibly get, so we keep our standards high and keep aiming for the hottest women, and women do the same.
The problem is that while having high standards, most women focus on improving their physical appearance, and most men don't do it at all because everyone tells them that women don't care about their physical appearance, which is again, a complete lie.

Since both men and women are looking for the hottest person to have sex with, it makes no sense for men's self improvement goals to be different from women's since both men and women are searching for the most good looking partner they can possibly get. I think that the reason why men think they can somehow avoid improving their looks is because they have been sold the lie that if they make enough money, then their looks won't matter, when in reality, it couldn't be further from the truth.

It is only when women are much older (late 20s to early 30s and older), that they start to focus more on how much you make but even then, looks still matter, money just becomes an additional requirement.

Attracting women has nothing to do with your behaviour, it can be defined by only 3 variables basically:

1) The looks gap between the woman and you (how physically attractive she is compared to you)
2) The number of women that you approach and talk to to get their number to setup dates
3) The woman's sexual availability (if she is available or willing to have sex with an attractive man or she isn't in the mood)

As long as you perfect those 3 variables by:

1) Maximizing your looks level by looksmaxxing (surgeries, gymmaxxing, neckmaxxing, leanmaxxing, skinmaxxing, and so on)
2) Approaching women that are either within or below your level of looks to maximize your chances of succeeding in attracting her
3) Approaching a lot of women every day to get a high enough number of opportunities to get some successes

Then, no matter what your personality is like, no matter how shy you may be or how needy you may be, you will have a lot of sexual success with women because that is basically all you need.

Men who are looking to get laid just need to improve their looks, approach lots of easy women and they will get laid with ease. It doesn't matter what you think about yourself. Being shy and needy is fine, and you will get better at talking to women as you gain experience anyways so it's not something to worry about.

I feel like blue pilled greycels like OP shouldn't be allowed to make threads because they are not only mistaken but they also spread misinformation to other newbies who haven't yet understood what truly attracts women.
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That is 100% false.

Women can't read your mind like Professor X. Being needy is actually a requirement for a relationship to happen, if you're not needy and you act like you don't need her, it's like you're rejecting her without even realizing it.

Playing hard to get doesn't actually help you get laid, it's just something that pickup artists made up to sell you overpriced courses for thousands of dollars. Motivational speakers use similar rhetoric because it makes them look unique, and it makes people believe that they have the magic solution to everything.

The truth is that women aren't very complicated to understand, and neither are men. We both want the best deal we can possibly get, so we keep our standards high and keep aiming for the hottest women, and women do the same.
The problem is that while having high standards, most women focus on improving their physical appearance, and most men don't do it at all because everyone tells them that women don't care about their physical appearance, which is again, a complete lie.

Since both men and women are looking for the hottest person to have sex with, it makes no sense for men's self improvement goals to be different from women's since both men and women are searching for the most good looking partner they can possibly get. I think that the reason why men think they can somehow avoid improving their looks is because they have been sold the lie that if they make enough money, then their looks won't matter, when in reality, it couldn't be further from the truth.

It is only when women are much older (late 20s to early 30s and older), that they start to focus more on how much you make but even then, looks still matter, money just becomes an additional requirement.

Attracting women has nothing to do with your behaviour, it can be defined by only 3 variables basically:

1) The looks gap between the woman and you (how physically attractive she is compared to you)
2) The number of women that you approach and talk to to get their number to setup dates
3) The woman's sexual availability (if she is available or willing to have sex with an attractive man or she isn't in the mood)

As long as you perfect those 3 variables by:

1) Maximizing your looks level by looksmaxxing (surgeries, gymmaxxing, neckmaxxing, leanmaxxing, skinmaxxing, and so on)
2) Approaching women that are either within or below your level of looks to maximize your chances of succeeding in attracting her
3) Approaching a lot of women every day to get a high enough number of opportunities to get some successes

Then, no matter what your personality is like, no matter how shy you may be or how needy you may be, you will have a lot of sexual success with women because that is basically all you need.

Men who are looking to get laid just need to improve their looks, approach lots of easy women and they will get laid with ease. It doesn't matter what you think about yourself. Being shy and needy is fine, and you will get better at talking to women as you gain experience anyways so it's not something to worry about.

I feel like blue pilled greycels like OP shouldn't be allowed to make threads because they are not only mistaken but they also spread misinformation to other newbies who haven't yet understood what truly attracts women.
You just need to be more confident bro handsome guy giving tips to ugly guy
XqexVZqi2U16JW0TVdyXHvuiL1dY7mIht2zJN IA j0

This 100%. "Neediness", "confidence", "creepiness", etc are all manifestations of your physical appearance.
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Reactions: TheAnomaly and Lars
Dont looksmax for girls looksmax for yourself
Exactly. You do you. Pussy will take notice and want in. But first you have to become the best version of man. Then usually, the best version of pussy will want an equal. Ugh.
View attachment 1155709View attachment 1155710View attachment 1155711

This 100%. "Neediness", "confidence", "creepiness", etc are all manifestations of your physical appearance.
Honestly, those memes are laughable and false because like I said, the woman still needs to be sexually available.

But the one thing that can be said about this subject is that if you are good looking enough to reach her beauty standards for sex, and she is sexually available, then she will be very interested in you, and if you are too ugly, she won't be interested at all.

Assuming she is sexually available:

The more out of your league she is (better looking than you), the more disgusted she will be by you if you approach her.
The more out of her league you are (better looking than her), the more attracted she will be to you if you approach her.

And if she is not sexually available, she will reject you no matter how good looking you are but if she sees you again at a later date or if she has a way of contacting you, she will make it known that she is interested in you if your looks match her beauty standards.

And, beauty is not absolute, because when I posted pictures of myself on this forum, people told me that I am ugly but I am still able to attract a lot of women that many of you would consider to be very attractive, so it is not always as it seems.

But beauty is NOT completely in the eye of the beholder because some features are absolute like:

1) Being overweight
2) Having a skinny fat body VS a muscular ripped physique
3) Thai women are most attracted to white men

And those are just a few examples, there are many others as well. But when talking about small details in the face or when comparing the muscular ripped physiques of 2 different men, then beauty really IS in the eye of the beholder.
Exactly. You do you. Pussy will take notice and want in. But first you have to become the best version of man. Then usually, the best version of pussy will want an equal. Ugh.

looksmax for all the benefits that comes with being better looking so also girls ofcourse but not only for that

The truth is that looksmaxxing's main benefit is being able to attract a higher quantity and higher quality of women.

The idea of good looking men becoming supermodels can be heavily debated because very few of them actually do become male models who make a living off of their looks, most don't make it big. Just because O Pry is very popular doesn't mean he is the most attractive man in the world, he may just be well connected in the modelling industry, we don't know for sure.

As for the idea that good looking men are more respected, that is also very inaccurate because most of the respect comes from having big muscles. People feel threatened by men who have big muscles because the muscles makes it look like the muscular men would easily win in a fight. But a good looking guy who isn't very muscular is not going to be more respected just because he is good looking so if he does not work as a model, his looks will only help him to attract women.

When people on here claim that they don't improve their looks for women, it's the same kind of lie that MGTOW tell themselves when they claim that they don't care about women even though they talk about women all the time.

99.9% of the threads on here are about improving your looks to get laid, there is literally no other reason to improve your looks for the majority of men since not everyone can become a male model, even when they have the looks for it and employers choose you based on your skills, not what you look like, which is why lots of hot girls only end up working as sale associates, because that is all that their skills are worth.
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  • +1
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That is 100% false.

Women can't read your mind like Professor X. Being needy is actually a requirement for a relationship to happen, if you're not needy and you act like you don't need her, it's like you're rejecting her without even realizing it.

Playing hard to get doesn't actually help you get laid, it's just something that pickup artists made up to sell you overpriced courses for thousands of dollars. Motivational speakers use similar rhetoric because it makes them look unique, and it makes people believe that they have the magic solution to everything.

The truth is that women aren't very complicated to understand, and neither are men. We both want the best deal we can possibly get, so we keep our standards high and keep aiming for the hottest women, and women do the same.
The problem is that while having high standards, most women focus on improving their physical appearance, and most men don't do it at all because everyone tells them that women don't care about their physical appearance, which is again, a complete lie.

Since both men and women are looking for the hottest person to have sex with, it makes no sense for men's self improvement goals to be different from women's since both men and women are searching for the most good looking partner they can possibly get. I think that the reason why men think they can somehow avoid improving their looks is because they have been sold the lie that if they make enough money, then their looks won't matter, when in reality, it couldn't be further from the truth.

It is only when women are much older (late 20s to early 30s and older), that they start to focus more on how much you make but even then, looks still matter, money just becomes an additional requirement.

Attracting women has nothing to do with your behaviour, it can be defined by only 3 variables basically:

1) The looks gap between the woman and you (how physically attractive she is compared to you)
2) The number of women that you approach and talk to to get their number to setup dates
3) The woman's sexual availability (if she is available or willing to have sex with an attractive man or she isn't in the mood)

As long as you perfect those 3 variables by:

1) Maximizing your looks level by looksmaxxing (surgeries, gymmaxxing, neckmaxxing, leanmaxxing, skinmaxxing, and so on)
2) Approaching women that are either within or below your level of looks to maximize your chances of succeeding in attracting her
3) Approaching a lot of women every day to get a high enough number of opportunities to get some successes

Then, no matter what your personality is like, no matter how shy you may be or how needy you may be, you will have a lot of sexual success with women because that is basically all you need.

Men who are looking to get laid just need to improve their looks, approach lots of easy women and they will get laid with ease. It doesn't matter what you think about yourself. Being shy and needy is fine, and you will get better at talking to women as you gain experience anyways so it's not something to worry about.

I feel like blue pilled greycels like OP shouldn't be allowed to make threads because they are not only mistaken but they also spread misinformation to other newbies who haven't yet understood what truly attracts women.
I partly agree with you. Looks is important yes. Work on looks.

However anyone who has started working on his/her mental health can sense neediness.

Women sense it not because they are special, but because they are emotionally aware. Men have been taught to repress their emotions from childhood, hence they get depressed and idolize certain things(sports/alcohol/money) to make up for it and are less emotionally aware.

Yes with that approach you will get you success with women. You didn't mention however that it's short term success . How long till she cheats on you? dumps you and goes looking for a better looking guy?

You still have the mentality that those shallow things work in the long term. A fault on the women's side as well. Lots of women are always materlistic and shallow

The concept of being less needy I am referring to is not the PUA's concept.

I attract women where I go, I don't go looking for them because I don't need them. Initially they might not be too into me because of my average looks, but a few moments/encounters then they realize that I carry myself differently from most guys. It's not a conscious act. It's my view of life because I am doing the work. Yes there are still rejections, but that's life.

That very idea of wanting to f*ck large numbers of women stems from being needy. Like I said, good looking guys don't have much more of an awesome life as you guys portray. Better to maxx other aspects of your life. You too can list the number of celebrities that have gone to therapy. Handsome celebrities. Millionaires, yet they all end up in the same place where they should have started. Their self-esteem
I partly agree with you. Looks is important yes. Work on looks.

However anyone who has started working on his/her mental health can sense neediness.

Women sense it not because they are special, but because they are emotionally aware. Men have been taught to repress their emotions from childhood, hence they get depressed and idolize certain things(sports/alcohol/money) to make up for it and are less emotionally aware.

Yes with that approach you will get you success with women. You didn't mention however that it's short term success . How long till she cheats on you? dumps you and goes looking for a better looking guy?

You still have the mentality that those shallow things work in the long term. A fault on the women's side as well. Lots of women are always materlistic and shallow

The concept of being less needy I am referring to is not the PUA's concept.

I attract women where I go, I don't go looking for them because I don't need them. Initially they might not be too into me because of my average looks, but a few moments/encounters then they realize that I carry myself differently from most guys. It's not a conscious act. It's my view of life because I am doing the work. Yes there are still rejections, but that's life.

That very idea of wanting to f*ck large numbers of women stems from being needy. Like I said, good looking guys don't have much more of an awesome life as you guys portray. Better to maxx other aspects of your life. You too can list the number of celebrities that have gone to therapy. Handsome celebrities. Millionaires, yet they all end up in the same place where they should have started. Their self-esteem
Like I said, you don't know what you're talking about. Neediness is essential for a relationship to work.

Women don't want a man who plays hard to get and acts like he doesn't need women.

Also, when you say you attract women without trying, what you don't realize is that there are lots of women who would be interested in you but won't pursue you (sometimes because they don't think they can attract you), so if you focus only on the ones who first show interest, you are severely limiting your options. You are taking the easy way out to avoid the discomfort of being rejected, and you think it somehow makes you less needy when in reality, it just makes you lazy and afraid of rejection.

It is not your personality that attracts those women, it is your looks. The truth is that when a woman checks you out, it is not because of your self confidence, it is because of your physical appearance, otherwise, you wouldn't be getting so much attention from women. I know from personal experience because once upon a time, I was ugly, not too ugly to succeed with women but ugly enough to get no attention from most women, and back then, there was a time where I was even more confident than I am now, but the problem with such confidence is that it is a cope, it is false confidence because I would tell myself that I am good looking even though I wasn't, so it didn't make women check me out more.

However, then on July 9th 2018, I got a double jaw surgery to fix an underbite that I had since birth that kept getting worse and worse as I got older (it is a genetic birth defect passed on by my father and my maternal grandmother). And after I fixed it, I started getting checked out by women more and more but I wasn't more confident than before, only my face had changed, my jaw's posture had massively improved and it was making women very attracted to me, even women who weren't attracted to me before suddenly became very attracted to me.

The reaction of the average blue pilled man (or woman) when hearing my story is of course, cope and rationalization to hold onto their beliefs, they will claim that it is because improving my looks made me more confident when in reality, it has nothing to do with this.

The reason why you can't rely simply on warm approaching (approaching women who show signs of interest through body language) for meeting women is because such instances don't happen nearly enough to give you the best number of opportunities. Warm approaching is still better than doing nothing at all but it's better to do both that and to approach women who don't give any signs. I know because I once approached women who were uglier than me and they were really attracted to me even though they gave me no signs of attraction beforehand.

You're not doing anything special, you're just relying on IOIs instead of focusing on approaching the women who are within your looks level to maximize your success rate. The benefit of this is that your success rate will be higher but the downside is that you will have less opportunities so less successes.
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everyone treats you better if you’re GL.

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