r8 potential roid stack I’l do

Am I retarded based on this stack

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Jan 13, 2024
Anavar 30-40mg? a day

Masteron enanthate (200-300mg a week) injection twice per week

Test enanthate (300mg a week) injection twice per week as my base

Please give me tips on PCT too, I will hyper dose on glutathione, Vit C, Nac, milk thistle for liver health.
  • +1
Reactions: FutureSlayer
Mods do not move to the fitness and health section this is for bone mass and dimorphism which falls into the looksmaxxing category, muscle is a byproduct
  • +1
Reactions: retardedcel and halloweed
ok bro! You just need the pct doe :oops: or cruise for life, you decide
  • +1
Reactions: halloweed
ok bro! You just need the pct doe :oops: or cruise for life, you decide
Thx for the input DonkeyBalls,

Is it too extreme? Gimme a PCT stack or at least tips or something I have little knowledge on roiding.
  • +1
Reactions: Donkeyballs
Thx for the input DonkeyBalls,

Is it too extreme? Gimme a PCT stack or at least tips or something I have little knowledge on roiding.
nolvadex and enclomafine/Clomid so you dont have hpta shutdown
  • +1
Reactions: halloweed and Newday*V3
Anavar 30-40mg? a day

Masteron enanthate (200-300mg a week) injection twice per week

Test enanthate (300mg a week) injection twice per week as my base

Please give me tips on PCT too, I will hyper dose on glutathione, Vit C, Nac, milk thistle for liver health.
First cycle?
PCT is useless, just do the cycle
  • Hmm...
Reactions: retardedcel
also take tudca for liver health, and taurine + ubiquinol for heart health, aswell as doing fasted cardio after waking up every day. ideally you want to take a few months to optimise your organ health before you hop on roids
  • +1
Reactions: coispet and Newday*V3
Where do you get the test from?
How about lower dosages then, do 20mg anavar, 200mg of mast and 200mg of test e. That sounds manageable
You don’t even know how to PCT. You shouldn’t be on steroids. Quit acting like a retard
  • +1
Reactions: retardedcel and niqfan625
You don’t even know how to PCT. You shouldn’t be on steroids. Quit acting like a retard
A retard would not ask any one for advice and go straight ahead without having a clue. I am not doing that, I am asking other ppl with maybe similar experiences or knowledge to give their input so I can congregate advice and learn what needs to be changed and added and do research on said advice. You are being a retard by saying im a retarf for simply asking for advice
  • +1
Reactions: halloweed
A retard would not ask any one for advice and go straight ahead without having a clue. I am not doing that, I am asking other ppl with maybe similar experiences or knowledge to give their input so I can congregate advice and learn what needs to be changed and added and do research on said advice. You are being a retard by saying im a retarf for simply asking for advice
It’s good that you sought out advice before injecting yourself with anything, but it’s dumb to decide that you will be on test, Anavar, and Masteron without even having enough PED knowledge to know how PCT works. Read the r/steroids wiki on Reddit, it will explain everything. If you’re under 18-19 don’t do anything at all
  • +1
Reactions: Newday*V3
A retard would not ask any one for advice and go straight ahead without having a clue. I am not doing that, I am asking other ppl with maybe similar experiences or knowledge to give their input so I can congregate advice and learn what needs to be changed and added and do research on said advice. You are being a retard by saying im a retarf for simply asking for advice
Good point tbh, how old are you though ?
Good point tbh, how old are you though ?
Half of the people on this website are 14 years old which is why I’m quick to call them retarded for saying they’re going to blast steroids
  • +1
Reactions: halloweed
And also, if I were to go through with this roid stack, would Masteron act as my AI
You can use the standard PCT protocol. PCT doesn't have to be fancy.

Hepatoxicity of oral steroids is very overstated, so you don't need liver support supplements.

Anavar at 30 mg a day is good if it's legit.

300 mg testosterone a week is also good, this is my perma blast dose.

Yes, it's a good stack. It will be better to blast for life or for 1 year instead of doing a shirt cycle and PCT.

If you are going on a perma blast, use testosterone only and no oral steroids or anything else besides testosterone and peptides. HGH is ok.
You can use the standard PCT protocol. PCT doesn't have to be fancy.

Hepatoxicity of oral steroids is very overstated, so you don't need liver support supplements.

Anavar at 30 mg a day is good if it's legit.

300 mg testosterone a week is also good, this is my perma blast dose.

Yes, it's a good stack. It will be better to blast for life or for 1 year instead of doing a shirt cycle and PCT.

If you are going on a perma blast, use testosterone only and no oral steroids or anything else besides testosterone and peptides. HGH is ok.
Thx for the input bro,

I am definitely not going to blast for life, il do this for maybe 2-6 months then stop, if I get any balding (which I doubt) I’l stop as soon as a few months in.

What would be the standard PCT protocol?
Anavar 30-40mg? a day

Masteron enanthate (200-300mg a week) injection twice per week

Test enanthate (300mg a week) injection twice per week as my base

Please give me tips on PCT too, I will hyper dose on glutathione, Vit C, Nac, milk thistle for liver health.
Do 500-600mg of test. 300mg will shutdown your natural production anyway, so it's probably better to up the dosage
Do 500-600mg of test. 300mg will shutdown your natural production anyway, so it's probably better to up the dosage
If I lower my test dosage to 150-200mg will that shutdown my production? or will the additional masteron and anavar do it regardless
If I lower my test dosage to 150-200mg will that shutdown my production? or will the additional masteron and anavar do it regardless
Yeah, with masteron is will definitely shut down. And 150-200mg solo test is kinda pointless(will still shutdown your test significanty)
You don't need masteron for your first cycle just do 500 test for 16-20 weeks and a 5-6 week dbol kickstart if your inpatient. btw don't pct its literally the worst thing you can do to your body the pct is worse than the actual cycle itself. just use test e twice a week with a with a 25g on the top right part of your arse and you don't even feel a thing anyways
  • Woah
Reactions: FutureSlayer
Yeah, with masteron is will definitely shut down. And 150-200mg solo test is kinda pointless(will still shutdown your test significanty)
Fuckkk, so will it come back if I stop within a short timeframe (1-2weeks), come back if I stop within a long timeframe (few months) or not come back at all
Because if that’s the case and the test comes back later when I stop then I’l run 500-600mg of test e per week with the mast and anavar, then when the mast and anavar cycle is finished I will keep pinning test after and slowly lower the dosage every week till im done. Sounds good? or am do I need shit like enclomaphine and all those “test boosters”, or am I retarded?
no hair loss stack?
You don't need masteron for your first cycle just do 500 test for 16-20 weeks and a 5-6 week dbol kickstart if your inpatient. btw don't pct its literally the worst thing you can do to your body the pct is worse than the actual cycle itself. just use test e twice a week with a with a 25g on the top right part of your arse and you don't even feel a thing anyways
elab on pct pls
Fuckkk, so will it come back if I stop within a short timeframe (1-2weeks), come back if I stop within a long timeframe (few months) or not come back at all
With proper PCT it will come back in roughly 1/2-1/3 length of a cycle
  • +1
Reactions: Newday*V3
Im praying to Gandy I don’t experience hair loss, I have 0 signs of hairloss now with body signs of high DHT.
what about ur dad/relatives? did they bald
whats ur opinion on proviron + aromasin Im 16
Isn’t proviron like oral dht? I dont even think it aromatises so there is like 0 need for an AI + Proviron alr antagonises estrogen. I saw a thread of a dude saying you should just pin mast instead of using proviron
  • +1
Reactions: Vanilla
For pct so the basic enclo/clomid and nolva
Don't do nolva if ur still in puberty it's neurotoxic
U won't need an AI because of mast
Inject hcg if u want but it's optional
Overall good cycle but it would be retarded doing the cycle only for face and not gymcelling

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