Race fanatics and neo nazis are mostly ethnic morons.



Feb 13, 2025
I want to rant about the retards in every fucking forum who suck off trump for being the next fuhrer even though he takes it up so far UP his ass from israel, same for the asswipes who think hitler and aryanism is so cool even though it is a fucking replica of talmudic traits. (Chosen one = Aryan. Goyim = Non Aryan) etc etc etc.
In general I want to rant about the retarded "fascists" and other jack asses who are obsessing over white people for no reason.

I had really came to this thought when I went on the soyjackforums on pol. Used a vpn to fraudmaxx as a jude and by the fucking gods. These people, its insane. Genuine retardation. The second these pisslam, gook, negro faggots see the white and blue flag, they instantly fucking meltdown into a zero iq tirade at the mere visage of a jew. Let me ask you this dear nazi youth. Have you ever thought, you know.. If you want to fix the world ja... Stop the jooz... Have you considered maybe not SITTING on your fucking ass all day whislt spamming all caps in comments about jews and the last evuropa??? Tell me please. By spreading awareness to the equally retarded masses who don't give two fucks alone, what makes you think you can do a change? Please, I beg to know what lingers in your "aryan" mind behind your brown skin.

Yet you complain about this migration stuff, about how the migrants will take the women which (they really are not doing, only a few are and most of those who do, are laying with white whores and you admitting that white women would go for low smv mud swimmers due to muh migration would literally go against the bp.) is mostly larp by the big higher ups to split the normies apart more for profit. Lets say even if that is true. Whos fault is it? It is the migrants fault yes but, it takes two to tango now. You won't blame your whore of a female population who lay with ethnic men? That is rather contradictive of the BP and in general logic. No sane person who can think twice thinks this. Neither would any government official, they know they cannot replace a population with an alien force or that would literally break out the next worst war. After all, you can keep larping as a fascist hamood. But you will never be accepted by norway monkey.

If you are white and you believe in hitlers ideology, then you are a fascist. A neo nazi/nazi is a fascist wannabe who doesn't know anything about european history, theology, paganism, aryanism or anything that really made the ww2 german faith. Same goes for the most FUCKING ANNOYING race fanatics who can't shut the fuck up about the joooz. For one fucking minute, I do not want to hear about jews. I get it, I don't like them either but they arent the only ones who make the world a shitter place. We can't forget the islamicucks, jesuits, satanists, catholics and every other type of retard who likes to control the masses.

Everyone who keeps obsessing over race is a ethnic faggot. You have to really retarded to constantly go on about something that you cannot change no matter how hard you try, or no matter how badly you want too. You are simply retarded. No the jews don't control everything, no you are not aryan, no you are a dutchman because you moved to the netherlands because your homeland is a desert shithole filled with animal fucking paedophiles who cannot handle two seconds without goring each other over some UTTERLY pointless manmade scirpture AND NO. You will and never will be white. Stop being a fucking race cuck.

Normal white people don't go ape shit over being white, same way niggas and chinks don't go insane over their own race. Not even true fascists would talk in this jack ass manner about race. The only people who go ape over being white or not are people who are not white. Even white fascists don't give a fuck about you being a nigger as long as you stay the hell away. Fuck even they would most likely give you a shot to tag along if you agreed and shut your mouth around their beliefs.

Also for you white obsessing faggots on this forum, remember. The fuhrer would look down upon you, you make gypsies seem like reasonable people for crying out loud. No amount of culture maxxing or race mixxing or undo your genetics you backwards ape. Now go back to posting about the jews and get that big Win against mossad you proud Aryan.

Also I am a nationalist and I do think race preservation is very important but I do not go on about it like a cave man who got his cock stuck in a door. This is how you can tell these new nazis are just ethnic DICK RIDERS. Fascism was by and for whites. Make your own damn ideology faggot. Also politics is huge cope, just like your worthless gains.
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