"Racial realism" Is Fucking Delusional



Nov 5, 2024
Let's start with straight facts:

These racist fucks love citing "race and IQ" studies without understanding basic population genetics.
The entire concept of distinct biological races is scientifically bankrupt.
There's more genetic diversity between two random African villages than between Europeans and Asians.
This immediately destroys their whole "muh genetic determinism!" argument.

Now, onto their favorite BULLSHIT claims:

"Black people have lower IQs"

Let me destroy this one properly:

1. IQ tests were literally designed BY and FOR educated white Europeans
2. When you account for:

- educational access
- nutrition
- healthcare
- and socioeconomic factors

these "gaps" fucking vanish

3. The Flynn Effect shows IQ scores rising DRAMATICALLY with improved conditions.
This PROVES it's environmental.
- Lead exposure
- Poverty
- And educational inequality

These explain these differences better than any genetic hypothesis. ANY.

"Higher crime rates"
This may contain: an angry looking man with glasses and beard

Oh, you mean when you:

- Overpolice certain communities
- Have historical redlining creating concentrated poverty
- Have biased prosecution and sentencing
- Have different arrest rates for identical crimes
- Have economic desperation from centuries of systematic oppression

you get different crime statistics?
No fucking shit.

"Cultural problems"
Story pin image

The fucking audacity of destroying people's cultural institutions through slavery, then segregation, then systematic oppression, then blaming them for the resulting disruption.
It's like breaking someone's legs and mocking them for limping.

"Welfare dependency"

Maybe because:

- Intergenerational wealth was systematically denied
- Housing discrimination trapped people in poverty
- Educational funding is tied to property taxes
- Job discrimination still exists
- Banking discrimination prevented capital accumulation

"Athletic ability but lower intelligence"

This recycled eugenics bullshit again?
This was literally Nazi propaganda repackaged.
It's not even internally consistent - somehow people are simultaneously physically superior but genetically inferior?
Make it make sense.

"Poor impulse control/aggression"
This may contain: the face of an old man with a teary expression on his cheek, drawn in black and white

More 19th century racist pseudoscience.
When you control for poverty, trauma, and societal factors, these supposed differences disappear.
Funny how that works.

Here's what these racist fucks don't want to discuss:

- How poverty affects brain development
- How chronic stress from discrimination impacts health
- How environmental racism led to higher lead exposure
- How educational inequality perpetuates gaps
- How hiring discrimination persists even with identical resumes
- How medical racism leads to worse health outcomes
- How intergenerational trauma affects communities

They don't want to talk about redlining, discriminatory GI Bill implementation, racist banking practices, or any other systemic factors because it fucks up their "it's all genetic" narrative.

They love throwing around out-of-context crime statistics but mysteriously forget to mention:

- Different arrest rates for identical crimes
- Prosecutorial bias
- Sentencing disparities
- Police profiling
- The school-to-prison pipeline
- How poverty predicts crime better than race

And here's the thing with this:
The same fucking arguments were used against Irish, Italian, and Jewish immigrants.
The same IQ tests "proved" they were inferior.
The same crime statistics "proved" they were prone to violence.

It's the same recycled bullshit with a NEW target.

If I simply wanted to see their heads explode, I'd show them:

- African mathematical innovations
- The complexity of African kingdoms and trade networks
- How Europe was in the Dark Ages while Africa had universities
- How colonialism destroyed existing African institutions
- How Western "civilization" was built on stolen labor and resources

These racist fucks aren't interested in actual history, genetics, sociology, or science.
They want to justify their prejudices with cherry-picked data and misrepresented statistics while ignoring centuries of systemic oppression and its ongoing effects.

Their "race realism" is just racism with a thesaurus, and their "scientific" arguments are just eugenics in a new suit.
It's the same old shit, just with updated vocabulary for the internet age.

"Race realism" is actually "Race bullshit."

Ever heard of the Mali Empire?
While Europe was wallowing in its own medieval filth, Mansa Musa was so wealthy his pilgrimage to Mecca crashed the Mediterranean economy from giving away too much gold.
The University of Timbuktu was a world center of learning while your ancestors were still figuring out basic sanitation.

Let's talk ancient Ethiopia.

They were developing complex astronomical calendars and mathematical systems while much of Europe was still in the "hitting rocks together" phase.
The Kingdom of Axum was a major trading power that developed its own written language and architectural marvels.

"But muh modern achievements"
This may contain: a drawing of a man wearing glasses with tears coming out of his eyes and nose

Let's talk about how the patent for the modern blood bank came from Dr. Charles Drew, a black man whose innovations save millions of lives.
Let's discuss Dr. Daniel Hale Williams performing the first successful open heart surgery.
Or Percy Julian revolutionizing chemistry and drug production.

You want to talk genetics?
Fucking great!
Let's discuss how Africa has the highest genetic diversity on Earth because it's humanity's birthplace.
Your "pure race" bullshit falls apart under basic population genetics.
You're essentially arguing that the most genetically diverse population on Earth is somehow genetically inferior.
Make that make sense.

"But crime statistics!"
This may contain: a drawing of a person with glasses and a book in front of them that says, i don't know what this is

Funny how you never want to talk about:

- The MOVE bombing where police literally bombed a black neighborhood
The MOVE bombing was a Philadelphia tragedy — and an American one | Opinion

- The Tulsa Race Massacre destroying "Black Wall Street"
May 31, 1921: Tulsa Massacre - Zinn Education Project

- The destruction of Rosewood
Rosewood Remembered: Centennial of racist massacre that destroyed a Black  Florida town spotlights racial injustice past and present | Southern  Poverty Law Center

- The systematic destruction of thriving black communities
Tulsa Objects in the NMAAHC Collection | National Museum of African American  History and Culture

- How the FBI literally assassinated black leaders
The FBI Killing of Fred Hampton: A Reminder For Young Organizers - Harvard  Political Review

Want to talk about "culture"?
Let's discuss how blues, jazz, rock and roll, hip hop, and basically every significant American musical innovation came from black culture.
Your favorite white musicians? They're playing black-invented music forms.

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"But Africa is poor!"
This may contain: a drawing of a smiling face with spiky hair

Yeah, funny what happens when you:

- Colonize an ENTIRE continent
- Draw arbitrary borders grouping hostile populations
- Extract ALL the resources
- Assassinate progressive leaders
- Saddle countries with predatory loans
- Support dictators who play ball with Western interests
- Then act surprised when there's instability

You want to talk IQ?

Let's talk about how IQ scores magically improve with:

- Better nutrition
- Better education
- Less environmental toxins
- Less poverty stress
- Better healthcare

Almost like it's measuring environmental factors rather than innate ability.
This may contain: the face of a man with one eye open


"But they never invented the wheel!"
This may contain: a drawing of a man with a beard next to another man's head and face

Wrong again, fuckwit.
Different environments need different technologies.
You don't need wheels in dense jungle or deep desert.
They developed technologies appropriate to their environments
(like sophisticated agricultural systems, metallurgy, and architectural techniques)

Here's what really fucks up your narrative:

When given EQUAL opportunities, all these supposed "racial differences" disappear.
Funny how that works.
It's almost like systemic oppression and environmental factors explain these disparities better than your pseudo-scientific racist bullshit.

Want to know what's really holding back progress?
It's not any racial group.
It's racist ideologies preventing humanity from utilizing all of its talent and potential.
Your racism isn't just morally bankrupt; it's holding back human advancement.

But you don't want to hear this.
You don't want to confront how your worldview is based on cherry-picked data, misrepresented statistics, and straight-up lies.
You don't want to admit that your "scientific racism" is just 19th-century colonizer bullshit with a fresh coat of paint.

The truth is, you're not a "race realist".
You're a reality denier.
You're choosing to ignore actual history, actual science, and actual data because it doesn't fit your prejudiced worldview.

And that's the real fucking tragedy.
This may contain: a black and white drawing of a person covering their face

Imagine the progress we could make if we stopped wasting human potential based on melanin content.
Imagine what humanity could achieve if we stopped letting racist pseudoscience hold us back.
This may contain: two men in red shirts and one is holding his hands together

Stop clinging to your debunked theories and cherry-picked stats.
The world's moving forward whether you like it or not.

This may contain: jesus holding a basketball in his right hand and wearing a red scarf around his neck
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There's more genetic diversity between two random African villages than between Europeans and Asians.
  • +1
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Not reading any of this
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  • JFL
  • WTF
Reactions: thecel, Deleted member 117220, 6'3 ltn and 19 others
There's more genetic diversity between two random African villages than between Europeans and Asians.
This immediately destroys their whole "muh genetic
IQ tests were literally designed BY and FOR educated white Europeans
- and socioeconomic factors
“muh socioeconomic factors”:soy::soy:
- Overpolice certain communities
- Have historical redlining creating concentrated poverty
- Have biased prosecution and sentencing
- Have different arrest rates for identical crimes
- Have economic desperation from centuries of systematic oppression

so much more I can use to shut your shitty claims down but I’ll let someone else have fun :forcedsmile:

also lastly, OP is 100% a shitskin :lul:
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: thecel, Deleted member 114808, Alyosha.aep and 14 others


“muh socioeconomic factors”:soy::soy:


so much more I can use to shut your shitty claims down but I’ll let someone else have fun :forcedsmile:

also lastly, OP is 100% a shitskin :lul:

Give me a second and watch me fucking wash all of your claims in just seconds.
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also lastly, OP is 100% a shitskin

Indeed, I am a dark-skinned individual.

Also, you proved my point:

Want to know what's really holding back progress?
It's not any racial group.
It's racist ideologies preventing humanity from utilizing all of its talent and potential.
Your racism isn't just morally bankrupt; it's holding back human advancement.

But you don't want to hear this.
You don't want to confront how your worldview is based on cherry-picked data, misrepresented statistics, and straight-up lies.
You don't want to admit that your "scientific racism" is just 19th-century colonizer bullshit with a fresh coat of paint.

The truth is, you're not a "race realist".
You're a reality denier.
You're choosing to ignore actual history, actual science, and actual data because it doesn't fit your prejudiced worldview.

And that's the real fucking tragedy.
This may contain: a black and white drawing of a person covering their face

Imagine the progress we could make if we stopped wasting human potential based on melanin content.
Imagine what humanity could achieve if we stopped letting racist pseudoscience hold us back.
This may contain: two men in red shirts and one is holding his hands together

Stop clinging to your debunked theories and cherry-picked stats.
The world's moving forward whether you like it or not.
  • +1
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Destroy this coper with your PhD mogger knowledge bhai @widdi
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literally everyone in the entire world thinks iq and height is genetic.

and people on this forum treat that theory like their bible. its their entire world view.

but reality is iq and height is purely environmental

niggers are manlet low iq retards because they have a terrible environment, not cos muh genetics

only high iq people realize this truth. all others are low iq sheep zombies with no original thought or ability to question anything
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
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Hardcore population genetics backed by decades of research.

1. A 2009 study in Nature showed that two random Africans from different populations can have more genetic differences between them than a European has with an Asian. This is a basic fucking population genetics that's been confirmed over and over.

2. African populations have accumulated genetic variations for over 200,000 years while non-African populations only carry a subset of that diversity from the groups that left Africa ~70,000 years ago. This is called the "founder effect" and it's why African populations have roughly 100% of human genetic variation while other populations only have about 60%.

3. Here's the hard numbers that even YOU can fact check: Studies show that about 85-90% of genetic variation occurs WITHIN so-called "racial" groups, and only 10-15% BETWEEN them. Africa alone contains about 44% of all human genetic diversity despite having less than 15% of the world's population.

4. A 2017 study analyzing over 2000 African genomes found more genetic diversity in a single African country than in most OTHER CONTINENTS COMBINED. Let that sink in. ONE fucking country has more genetic diversity than entire continents of these supposedly "distinct races."

5. The Human Genome Project and subsequent studies have absolutely fucking obliterated the concept of distinct biological races. We're looking at continuous gradients of variation, not discrete categories.

This is why "race realism" is such obvious bullshit.

Racist fucks like you want to argue about "pure races" when the actual genetic evidence shows that the concept of distinct races is about as scientifically valid as fucking astrology.

This higher African genetic diversity is exactly what you'd expect if humans originated in Africa (which we did) and other populations are just subsets of that original diversity.

It's such basic evolutionary biology that anyone arguing against it might as well be arguing that the Earth is flat.

Want sources? Here's a bibliography to choke on:

Tishkoff et al. (2009) "The Genetic Structure and History of Africans and African Americans" - Science
Campbell & Tishkoff (2008) "African Genetic Diversity" - Current Biology

Ramachandran et al. (2005) "Support from the relationship of genetic and geographic distance in human populations for a serial founder effect originating in Africa" - PNAS

Science completely destroys the foundation of racist pseudoscience. Any "race realist" who wants to argue with this better come with peer-reviewed genetic studies, not cherry-picked IQ tests and crime statistics.

The fact that you, being the racist dipshit you are, keep ignoring this fundamental genetic reality shows you don't give a fuck about actual science but just want to justify your prejudices with sciency-sounding bullshit.

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"It's easy to be confident when you don't know what you're talking about."
Let's start with IQ tests, you historically illiterate fuck:

The modern IQ test was developed by Alfred Binet for French schoolchildren in 1904.

Alfred Binet - Wikipedia

When it came to America, it was modified by Lewis Terman at Stanford specifically for white, middle-class American students.


The original Stanford-Binet test was LITERALLY standardized on exclusively white, mostly middle and upper-class children from California.
This isn't some wild theory but basic fucking history of psychological testing.

Here's the funny thing:

When these tests were first used on immigrants at Ellis Island, they "proved" that 87% of Russians, 83% of Jews, 80% of Hungarians, and 79% of Italians were "feeble-minded." Funny how those groups somehow magically became "white" and their IQs "improved" once they had access to education and weren't discriminated against, huh?

Now for your criminal justice bullshit:


- NYPD's own stop-and-frisk data showed 90% of those stopped were Black or Latino, with 88% being completely innocent
- A DOJ investigation of Ferguson showed Black residents were 68% of the population but 93% of arrests
- The ACLU found Black people are 3.64 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession despite equal usage rates


- The Home Owners' Loan Corporation literally drew maps marking Black neighborhoods as "hazardous" for lending
- These maps were used by banks until the 1968 Fair Housing Act, and their effects are still visible in poverty patterns today
- A 2018 study showed 3 out of 4 neighborhoods redlined in the 1930s are still economically disadvantaged


- Black men receive federal prison sentences 19% longer than white men for the same crimes
- The US Sentencing Commission found Black men got 20% longer sentences than white men for the same crimes even when controlling for variables
- Prosecutors are 75% more likely to charge Black defendants with offenses carrying mandatory minimums than whites for the same behavior


- The ACLU found Black people are 3.7 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession despite equal usage rates
- A NYC study showed Black people were arrested on low-level marijuana charges at eight times the rate of whites
- The National Registry of Exonerations found Black people are seven times more likely to be wrongfully convicted of murder


- Black families have 1/10th the wealth of white families due to historical policies preventing wealth accumulation
- Studies show resumes with "black-sounding" names receive 50% fewer callbacks than identical resumes with "white-sounding" names
- Black homeowners face higher mortgage rates and are denied loans at higher rates than whites with identical financial profiles

Want more? Because I've got fucking MOUNTAINS of studies, statistics, and historical documentation that prove every single point.

And, no, dumbfuck, this isn't "woke politics".
This is documented fucking reality backed by government data, academic research, and historical records.
The fact that you're asking for evidence of things that are as well-documented as gravity shows you eithe:

1. haven't bothered to look or 2. you're intentionally ignoring reality to maintain your racist worldview.

Either way, you're part of the problem.

And before you come back with:

"muh but what about black-on-black crime"
This may contain: a black and white drawing of a man's face

or some other racist talking point, save that shit.

I've got studies that demolish those arguments too. Your move, you historically illiterate fuck.

Sources? Here's a starter pack:
- The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
- The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein
- Stamped from the Beginning by Ibram X. Kendi
- The US Sentencing Commission's reports
- The FBI's Uniform Crime Reports
- DOJ investigations of police departments
- Academic studies from every major university

Come back with ACTUAL DATA or fuck off with your racist pseudoscience.

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Reactions: thecel, greywind, Alexanderr and 16 others
Good thread OP
Low IQ chimps retards that try to use "muh IQ studies" to feel better about themselve and relate to their race meanwhile they can't even understand some words you mentionned without googling the defintion
Destroy theses cucks that only live on the internet and switch sidewalks/look on the floor when they see a literal 5ft fat ethnic with glasses JFL
  • +1
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Reactions: Fusionxz, thecel, greywind and 16 others
Destroy theses cucks that only live on the internet and switch sidewalks/look on the floor when they see a literal 5ft fat ethnic with glasses JFL

This may contain: a man wearing headphones is smiling for the camera
  • JFL
Reactions: thecel, cobicado901 and alriodai
Look at them in the thread JFL
All they have to say is insult you for being ethnic, can't even respond, clocked them niggas
They're currently on ChatGPT "can you give me counter arguments to what this person said" while ChadGPT tells them it's not cool to be racist :ROFLMAO::lul:
  • JFL
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Reactions: Fusionxz, greywind, say∅ and 6 others
@Gengar tier seetheing at white superiority.
watch me obliterate this thread with one simple question-
Why did they lose if the whites are not better?:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

there is literally no argument against this btw. literally 0. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA:lul::lul::lul::lul:
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: thecel, 6'3 ltn and Canwefixit
High IQ thread made by low IQ individual.
  • JFL
Reactions: Fusionxz, thecel, 6'3 ltn and 4 others
@Gengar tier seetheing at white superiority.

Why did they lose if the whites are not better?:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

there is literally no argument against this btw. literally 0. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA:lul::lul::lul::lul:
:feelswhat: Why did you drag me into this, bhenchod? I’m not even anti-white.
  • +1
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African 'Americans' should move back to Africa if this is how they feel about the US.
  • +1
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@Sovvton another nigga that thinks he is org's Martin Luther King.
  • JFL
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Reactions: greywind, GigaStacySexual, 6'3 ltn and 13 others
nigger i have argued with you on immigration before benhcod bloody bitch
Why would I want shitskins into the country? I’m not even pro-refugee. :feelswhat: All I’ve argued was former colonies, in which case it at least makes sense to have ethnics there, especially if their wealth was gained through the looting of their resources. :ogre:
  • +1
Reactions: sportsmogger
Good job, nice book recs too

Websites full of white euroPigs though, they will either deny, ignore, or meme it
  • +1
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Race Threads
Very original
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  • JFL
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Why would I want shitskins into the country? I’m not even pro-refugee. :feelswhat: All I’ve argued was former colonies, in which case it at least makes sense to have ethnics there, especially if their wealth was gained through the looting of their resources. :ogre:
"looting of their resources" is the most feminine and faggot argument ethnic cucks make in 2024.

guess what. YOU LOST. you didn't WIN. guess what happens when you LOSE? they TAKE whatever they WANT.

I don't give a fuck if you want it back. you are getting NOTHING. and you WILL be leaving all the colonies for white people.
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: Fusionxz, thecel, greywind and 4 others
Let's start with straight facts:

These racist fucks love citing "race and IQ" studies without understanding basic population genetics.
The entire concept of distinct biological races is scientifically bankrupt.
There's more genetic diversity between two random African villages than between Europeans and Asians.
This immediately destroys their whole "muh genetic determinism!" argument.

Now, onto their favorite BULLSHIT claims:

"Black people have lower IQs"

Let me destroy this one properly:

1. IQ tests were literally designed BY and FOR educated white Europeans
2. When you account for:

- educational access
- nutrition
- healthcare
- and socioeconomic factors

these "gaps" fucking vanish

3. The Flynn Effect shows IQ scores rising DRAMATICALLY with improved conditions.
This PROVES it's environmental.
- Lead exposure
- Poverty
- And educational inequality

These explain these differences better than any genetic hypothesis. ANY.

"Higher crime rates"
This may contain: an angry looking man with glasses and beard

Oh, you mean when you:

- Overpolice certain communities
- Have historical redlining creating concentrated poverty
- Have biased prosecution and sentencing
- Have different arrest rates for identical crimes
- Have economic desperation from centuries of systematic oppression

you get different crime statistics?
No fucking shit.

"Cultural problems"
Story pin image

The fucking audacity of destroying people's cultural institutions through slavery, then segregation, then systematic oppression, then blaming them for the resulting disruption.
It's like breaking someone's legs and mocking them for limping.

"Welfare dependency"

Maybe because:

- Intergenerational wealth was systematically denied
- Housing discrimination trapped people in poverty
- Educational funding is tied to property taxes
- Job discrimination still exists
- Banking discrimination prevented capital accumulation

"Athletic ability but lower intelligence"

This recycled eugenics bullshit again?
This was literally Nazi propaganda repackaged.
It's not even internally consistent - somehow people are simultaneously physically superior but genetically inferior?
Make it make sense.

"Poor impulse control/aggression"
This may contain: the face of an old man with a teary expression on his cheek, drawn in black and white

More 19th century racist pseudoscience.
When you control for poverty, trauma, and societal factors, these supposed differences disappear.
Funny how that works.

Here's what these racist fucks don't want to discuss:

- How poverty affects brain development
- How chronic stress from discrimination impacts health
- How environmental racism led to higher lead exposure
- How educational inequality perpetuates gaps
- How hiring discrimination persists even with identical resumes
- How medical racism leads to worse health outcomes
- How intergenerational trauma affects communities

They don't want to talk about redlining, discriminatory GI Bill implementation, racist banking practices, or any other systemic factors because it fucks up their "it's all genetic" narrative.

They love throwing around out-of-context crime statistics but mysteriously forget to mention:

- Different arrest rates for identical crimes
- Prosecutorial bias
- Sentencing disparities
- Police profiling
- The school-to-prison pipeline
- How poverty predicts crime better than race

And here's the thing with this:
The same fucking arguments were used against Irish, Italian, and Jewish immigrants.
The same IQ tests "proved" they were inferior.
The same crime statistics "proved" they were prone to violence.

It's the same recycled bullshit with a NEW target.

If I simply wanted to see their heads explode, I'd show them:

- African mathematical innovations
- The complexity of African kingdoms and trade networks
- How Europe was in the Dark Ages while Africa had universities
- How colonialism destroyed existing African institutions
- How Western "civilization" was built on stolen labor and resources

These racist fucks aren't interested in actual history, genetics, sociology, or science.
They want to justify their prejudices with cherry-picked data and misrepresented statistics while ignoring centuries of systemic oppression and its ongoing effects.

Their "race realism" is just racism with a thesaurus, and their "scientific" arguments are just eugenics in a new suit.
It's the same old shit, just with updated vocabulary for the internet age.

"Race realism" is actually "Race bullshit."

Ever heard of the Mali Empire?
While Europe was wallowing in its own medieval filth, Mansa Musa was so wealthy his pilgrimage to Mecca crashed the Mediterranean economy from giving away too much gold.
The University of Timbuktu was a world center of learning while your ancestors were still figuring out basic sanitation.

Let's talk ancient Ethiopia.

They were developing complex astronomical calendars and mathematical systems while much of Europe was still in the "hitting rocks together" phase.
The Kingdom of Axum was a major trading power that developed its own written language and architectural marvels.

"But muh modern achievements"
This may contain: a drawing of a man wearing glasses with tears coming out of his eyes and nose

Let's talk about how the patent for the modern blood bank came from Dr. Charles Drew, a black man whose innovations save millions of lives.
Let's discuss Dr. Daniel Hale Williams performing the first successful open heart surgery.
Or Percy Julian revolutionizing chemistry and drug production.

You want to talk genetics?
Fucking great!
Let's discuss how Africa has the highest genetic diversity on Earth because it's humanity's birthplace.
Your "pure race" bullshit falls apart under basic population genetics.
You're essentially arguing that the most genetically diverse population on Earth is somehow genetically inferior.
Make that make sense.

"But crime statistics!"
This may contain: a drawing of a person with glasses and a book in front of them that says, i don't know what this is't know what this is

Funny how you never want to talk about:

- The MOVE bombing where police literally bombed a black neighborhood
The MOVE bombing was a Philadelphia tragedy — and an American one | Opinion

- The Tulsa Race Massacre destroying "Black Wall Street"
May 31, 1921: Tulsa Massacre - Zinn Education Project

- The destruction of Rosewood
Rosewood Remembered: Centennial of racist massacre that destroyed a Black  Florida town spotlights racial injustice past and present | Southern  Poverty Law Center

- The systematic destruction of thriving black communities
Tulsa Objects in the NMAAHC Collection | National Museum of African American  History and Culture

- How the FBI literally assassinated black leaders
The FBI Killing of Fred Hampton: A Reminder For Young Organizers - Harvard  Political Review

Want to talk about "culture"?
Let's discuss how blues, jazz, rock and roll, hip hop, and basically every significant American musical innovation came from black culture.
Your favorite white musicians? They're playing black-invented music forms.

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"But Africa is poor!"
This may contain: a drawing of a smiling face with spiky hair

Yeah, funny what happens when you:

- Colonize an ENTIRE continent
- Draw arbitrary borders grouping hostile populations
- Extract ALL the resources
- Assassinate progressive leaders
- Saddle countries with predatory loans
- Support dictators who play ball with Western interests
- Then act surprised when there's instability

You want to talk IQ?

Let's talk about how IQ scores magically improve with:

- Better nutrition
- Better education
- Less environmental toxins
- Less poverty stress
- Better healthcare

Almost like it's measuring environmental factors rather than innate ability.
This may contain: the face of a man with one eye open


"But they never invented the wheel!"
This may contain: a drawing of a man with a beard next to another man's head and face's head and face

Wrong again, fuckwit.
Different environments need different technologies.
You don't need wheels in dense jungle or deep desert.
They developed technologies appropriate to their environments
(like sophisticated agricultural systems, metallurgy, and architectural techniques)

Here's what really fucks up your narrative:

When given EQUAL opportunities, all these supposed "racial differences" disappear.
Funny how that works.
It's almost like systemic oppression and environmental factors explain these disparities better than your pseudo-scientific racist bullshit.

Want to know what's really holding back progress?
It's not any racial group.
It's racist ideologies preventing humanity from utilizing all of its talent and potential.
Your racism isn't just morally bankrupt; it's holding back human advancement.

But you don't want to hear this.
You don't want to confront how your worldview is based on cherry-picked data, misrepresented statistics, and straight-up lies.
You don't want to admit that your "scientific racism" is just 19th-century colonizer bullshit with a fresh coat of paint.

The truth is, you're not a "race realist".
You're a reality denier.
You're choosing to ignore actual history, actual science, and actual data because it doesn't fit your prejudiced worldview.

And that's the real fucking tragedy.
This may contain: a black and white drawing of a person covering their face

Imagine the progress we could make if we stopped wasting human potential based on melanin content.
Imagine what humanity could achieve if we stopped letting racist pseudoscience hold us back.
This may contain: two men in red shirts and one is holding his hands together

Stop clinging to your debunked theories and cherry-picked stats.
The world's moving forward whether you like it or not.

This may contain: jesus holding a basketball in his right hand and wearing a red scarf around his neck
liberal cuck
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: thecel, 6'3 ltn, Cyrus and 2 others
"looting of their resources" is the most feminine and faggot argument ethnic cucks make in 2024.

guess what. YOU LOST. you didn't WIN. guess what happens when you LOSE? they TAKE whatever they WANT.

I don't give a fuck if you want it back. you are getting NOTHING. and you WILL be leaving all the colonies for white people.
:feelshaha: And you had the audacity to call me the one who’s seething?

Not only did you not win, I didn’t lose either. Why are you claiming your ancestors’ victories? You didn’t do shit, except post on an obscure forum.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: ProBono, greywind, GigaStacySexual and 6 others


“muh socioeconomic factors”:soy::soy:


so much more I can use to shut your shitty claims down but I’ll let someone else have fun :forcedsmile:

also lastly, OP is 100% a shitskin :lul:
You wouldn’t be able to, quit bluffing

If you tried, you would have low-quality surface-level, biased, and cherry-picked research that would be refuted
  • +1
Reactions: Jova
"looting of their resources" is the most feminine and faggot argument ethnic cucks make in 2024.

guess what. YOU LOST. you didn't WIN. guess what happens when you LOSE? they TAKE whatever they WANT.

I don't give a fuck if you want it back. you are getting NOTHING. and you WILL be leaving all the colonies for white people.
Good so why are whites complaining about jews winning and doing the same? @Gengar is right on that. There is a problem on that.
  • +1
  • Woah
  • Hmm...
Reactions: ProBono, Fusionxz, greywind and 7 others
Good so why are whites complaining about jews winning and doing the same? @Gengar is right on that. There is a problem on that.
Oh yeah, I forgot I said that. :ogre: Thanks for reminding me.
  • +1
Reactions: cobicado901
Oh yeah, I forgot I said that. :ogre: Thanks for reminding me.
“you win you take whatever you want” lmao, I guess that’s what’s hapenning nigga. :lul:
  • +1
Reactions: Numb The Pain
:feelshaha: And you had the audacity to call me the one who’s seething?

Not only did you not win, I didn’t lose either. Why are you claiming your ancestors’ victories? You didn’t do shit, except post on an obscure forum.
I did win because if you check my fucking IP address you would see im in AUSTRALIA.
WE CONQUERED this land and made it into a first world country, built by the lowest class whites of the BRITISH PRISONERS... IN UNDER 300 YEARS.

meanwhile india (including pakistan) after 8000 years

  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: thecel, 6'3 ltn, Aladin and 3 others
"looting of their resources" is the most feminine and faggot argument ethnic cucks make in 2024.

guess what. YOU LOST. you didn't WIN. guess what happens when you LOSE? they TAKE whatever they WANT.

I don't give a fuck if you want it back. you are getting NOTHING. and you WILL be leaving all the colonies for white people.
Then don't complain when ethnics immigrate into your countries because of your actions, not saying you're someone who does complain about immigration, but if you are then you have no excuse
  • +1
Reactions: Numb The Pain
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: Fusionxz, thecel, Jova and 6 others
OP is mad triggered
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: Squirtoutmabooty, psychomandible, Marsiere214 and 5 others
I did win because if you check my fucking IP address you would see im in AUSTRALIA.
WE CONQUERED this land and made it into a first world country, built by the lowest class whites of the BRITISH PRISONERS... IN UNDER 300 YEARS.

meanwhile india (including pakistan) after 8000 years
View attachment 3352232

You are an incel who paid money to have a flashy username on an obscure forum. Epic win right there! How do I cope? :feelskek:
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: ProBono, GigaStacySexual, jefty and 11 others
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Jova, Deleted member 91545, liberiangrimreaper and 1 other person
how surprising, the ethincs crawling out from the floorboards to attack the only white man in the thread.
  • JFL
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  • Love it
Reactions: 6'3 ltn, Marsiere214, NEET_Emperor and 3 others
I did win because if you check my fucking IP address you would see im in AUSTRALIA.
WE CONQUERED this land and made it into a first world country, built by the lowest class whites of the BRITISH PRISONERS... IN UNDER 300 YEARS.

meanwhile india (including pakistan) after 8000 years
View attachment 3352232

@Gengar : “why are you claiming your ancestors' victories?”

this nigga: “ i did win, we conquered this land 300 years ago”

???? :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: ProBono, Fusionxz, GigaStacySexual and 5 others
@Gengar : “why are you claiming your ancestors' victories?”

this nigga: “ i did win, we conquered this land 300 years ago”

???? :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: cobicado901

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