Raloxefine for gyno?


Deleted member 5927

Anyone know anything about this?
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How recent is your gyno?

SERMs like Ralox work best on reversing recent breast tissue growth (as a teen during puberty, or if you develop gyno on cycle) as opposed to older, fibrous gynecomastia that's been around for years.

Anecdotally, I was able to shrink my mild pubertal gyno a tiny bit with Ralox+Letrozole combination over a few weeks, but ultimately settled for surgery to get rid of the rest. It's possible I would've kept seeing results from the SERM+AI combo, but it's not the healthiest combo and the side effects are no fun either.
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How recent is your gyno?

SERMs like Ralox work best on reversing recent breast tissue growth (as a teen during puberty, or if you develop gyno on cycle) as opposed to older, fibrous gynecomastia that's been around for years.

Anecdotally, I was able to shrink my mild pubertal gyno a tiny bit with Ralox+Letrozole combination over a few weeks, but ultimately settled for surgery to get rid of the rest. It's possible I would've kept seeing results from the SERM+AI combo, but it's not the healthiest combo and the side effects are no fun either.
Yeah man I have a very demanding hands on career and I can't just have weird side affects that could potentially fuck up my performance at my job. I'm in the military, if that gives you any insight.

I would rather just save up and opt for surgery. Can you please tell me how it went for you, was it easy, how long was recovery, how much did it cost, what surgeon you went to? Thank you greatly for responding by the way, I'm very worried about this and plan on getting surgery as soon as I save up the funds within the next 6 months.
Yeah man I have a very demanding hands on career and I can't just have weird side affects that could potentially fuck up my performance at my job. I'm in the military, if that gives you any insight.
You can give it a shot and see how you respond, but probably not worth it - especially as an adult with money.

I would rather just save up and opt for surgery. Can you please tell me how it went for you, was it easy, how long was recovery, how much did it cost, what surgeon you went to? Thank you greatly for responding by the way, I'm very worried about this and plan on getting surgery as soon as I save up the funds within the next 6 months.
I paid $5k. I went to a local surgeon and I can tell you that it probably doesn't make sense to travel for this type of procedure unless you are looking for a surgeon to perform a lesser-used or more advanced technique, like transaxillary pull-through rather than the standard areola incision. The most important thing to look for in a surgeon though is experience and frequency - find a PS who basically specialized in gyno and does tons of procedures per year.

Recovery isn't bad. You just have to limit upper body mobility for the first few weeks and wear an uncomfortable compression vest for a while. Swelling is totally gone in 3 months or so, but more or less final results can take up to a year or so depending on how much scar tissue you end up with - more will require kenalog injections into the area to shrink it.
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You can give it a shot and see how you respond, but probably not worth it - especially as an adult with money.

I paid $5k. I went to a local surgeon and I can tell you that it probably doesn't make sense to travel for this type of procedure unless you are looking for a surgeon to perform a lesser-used or more advanced technique, like transaxillary pull-through rather than the standard areola incision. The most important thing to look for in a surgeon though is experience and frequency - find a PS who basically specialized in gyno and does tons of procedures per year.

Recovery isn't bad. You just have to limit upper body mobility for the first few weeks and wear an uncomfortable compression vest for a while. Swelling is totally gone in 3 months or so, but more or less final results can take up to a year or so depending on how much scar tissue you end up with - more will require kenalog injections into the area to shrink it.
Do you think if I took 30 days off I would be fully recovered enough to do basic work in the time I came back?

And thank you, how far did you travel to get your surgery done? And was it done quickly, like did you have to wait super long?
Do you think if I took 30 days off I would be fully recovered enough to do basic work in the time I came back?

And thank you, how far did you travel to get your surgery done? And was it done quickly, like did you have to wait super long?
I was fine doing light cardio immediately and cleared to weight lift after 2 weeks. I think 30 days should be plenty, but it may depend on the exact type of work you'd be doing.

I got it done right in my city, a short drive away. If you are stationed in bumfuck nowhere, the closest metropolitan area will likely do just fine.

My surgeon was booked out a month, so not too long of a wait. Wait times will depend on the surgeon of course - keep in mind my guy was relatively cheap and very experienced, so high demand and performs about 200 gyno procedures per year.

I definitely recommend starting consults ASAP - winter is definitely the best time to get this done since you'll be able hide the compression vest and potentially unsightly irregularities/swelling beneath heavier clothing for a few months while you heal up. Speaking from personal experience, I did mine in April and regret not doing it earlier as it got warm quick and it was difficult to hide my swollen retard nips behind just a tee, lol.

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