Rate me again.

Deleted member 1089

Deleted member 1089

Luv fightin and beer
Feb 22, 2019

Kinda old pic tbh, lost a bit more weight, dyed eyebrows and grown out hair a bit more since.
I’m still at around 14% bf so I have a bit more to lose.
What is my PSL atm and anything I can do to improve besides surgery or fillers?
keep losing weight. and grow out ur hair and try some products to help regrow NW.
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One of the best eye areas I’ve seen here, sort out those eyebrows tho
And grow out your eyelashes
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View attachment 76972

Kinda old pic tbh, lost a bit more weight, dyed eyebrows and grown out hair a bit more since.
I’m still at around 14% bf so I have a bit more to lose.
What is my PSL atm and anything I can do to improve besides surgery or fillers?
One of the best eye areas I’ve seen here, sort out those eyebrows tho
And grow out your eyelashes
apart from the nct its pretty good. maybe angle only tho
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доброе утро
apart from the nct its pretty good. maybe angle only tho

I wouldnt say its negative more like neutral or only slightly negative.

dedsrs? I have never been rated anything else than a 4PSL in my entire life. I have done everything I can and I am still 4 after doing all of this work? :feelscry:
It’s over.
dedsrs? I have never been rated anything else than a 4PSL in my entire life. I have done everything I can and I am still 4 after doing all of this work? :feelscry:
It’s over.
You literally look the exact same.
You literally look the exact same.

I do not at all actually if you compare my pics when I was fat, there is a big difference. I have lost 15kgs man.
Great eye area.Your lips and nose are a bit weird.
Your biggest failo is your midface leinght.
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Great eye area.Your lips and nose are a bit weird.
Your biggest failo is your midface leinght.

Ok, well my work here is done. There is nothing more I can do so I guess that concludes that softmaxing in some cases dont do anything. I guess I’ll bloatmax or some shit instead.
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Loose all your weight to zero!
Ok, well my work here is done. There is nothing more I can do so I guess that concludes that softmaxing in some cases dont do anything. I guess I’ll bloatmax or some shit instead.
You're 5.3/10
It's not bad.
You're 5.3/10
It's not bad.

That’s the best I have ever been rated, thanks even if people probably wont agree with you.
I just want to be a fucking 5 and im fine with it man.... but i cant get any surgeries for a long while.
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Reactions: Einon
That’s the best I have ever been rated, thanks even if people probably wont agree with you.
I just want to be a fucking 5 and im fine with it man.... but i cant get any surgeries for a long while.
You're not bad looking,bro.Youre just somewhat asymmetrical and slightly recessed.Nothing that the avarage guy isn't.
That’s the best I have ever been rated, thanks even if people probably wont agree with you.
I just want to be a fucking 5 and im fine with it man.... but i cant get any surgeries for a long while.
You’re average bro
Not ugly not good looking. Is that what you want? You look very Russian and have a sad/droppy face
Try more facial expressions
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You’re average bro
Not ugly not good looking. Is that what you want? You look very Russian and have a sad/droppy face
Try more facial expressions

I'm glad enough with being average but my goal would be above average.
I see what you mean, I dont know why its like that.
well rip, the ethnics gettin all ur foids

Your biggest flaw is eye area imo, looks mongoloid but on the wrong side of it. Try fixing that and you’ll probably be above average tbh
Your biggest flaw is eye area imo, looks mongoloid but on the wrong side of it. Try fixing that and you’ll probably be above average tbh

What could I do?
What could I do?
Eyebrowsmax, lashesmax and surgery to make eyes less Asian looking but forgot what it is
@Dude420 can you morph him with a good eye area? Maybe orb’s
Eyebrowsmax, lashesmax and surgery to make eyes less Asian looking but forgot what it is
@Dude420 can you morph him with a good eye area? Maybe orb’s

Eyebrows are already kinda maxed (not in this pic)
What can I do to the lashes?
I cant get surgery for a while and I would hope I could reach 4.5 or 5PSL before surgeries.
u need to ogremaxx. how tall?
Bro have you tried growing out your hair srs
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post your old picture before you lost 15kgs
side profile?
Op must just lift, his face will become more chiseled and masculine.

Prettyboymaxxing is out of the question for him.

I bet my left testicle he will survive then.
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