Rate me and tell me what i can improve. 17M, 185cm, 65kg



Jul 14, 2024
IMG 20240427 133552 983
IMG 20240608 190427 941
IMG 20240608 153911 746


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Could anyone rate me or i am just ugly? Photos arent great i know
Please, anyone?
Your lower third and side profile are your strong suits, while your asymmetry, your negatively tilted eyes and eyebrows, your acne and your large nose are what descends you but, good news, you can moderately fix asymmetry by sleeping on your back and you can shape your eyebrows to a somewhat positive tilt. Fixing your acne just requires proper hygiene unless you have a genetic predisposition in that case you would just need skincare products. Since you have low set masseter muscles you can train them by chewing, just be cautious of tmj and you'll be fine. You seem to have lowish bodyfat, it is your choice to lose weight or not but you do have moderate facial bloating so try to reduce salt intake and any food that causes your body to work harder to digest, examples include beans and milk (if your lactose intolerant.)

P.S, Anyone reading this other than the OP, be sure you have low set masseters before you train them because if you don't excess chewing will inhibit facial bloating.

I wish you luck on your journey to ascension and I hope you have a great day.
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Your lower third and side profile are your strong suits, while your asymmetry, your negatively tilted eyes and eyebrows, your acne and your large nose are what descends you but, good news, you can moderately fix asymmetry by sleeping on your back and you can shape your eyebrows to a somewhat positive tilt. Fixing your acne just requires proper hygiene unless you have a genetic predisposition in that case you would just need skincare products. Since you have low set masseter muscles you can train them by chewing, just be cautious of tmj and you'll be fine. You seem to have lowish bodyfat, it is your choice to lose weight or not but you do have moderate facial bloating so try to reduce salt intake and any food that causes your body to work harder to digest, examples include beans and milk (if your lactose intolerant.)

P.S, Anyone reading this other than the OP, be sure you have low set masseters before you train them because if you don't excess chewing will inhibit facial bloating.

I wish you luck on your journey to ascension and I hope you have a great day.
why does it matter because bloat is temporary
why does it matter because bloat is temporary
if you are talking about the OP's bloat you are correct but reduced sodium and helping your digestive tract will lead to not only improved facial aesthetics but will benefit his health as well. If you are talking about the bloat from training high set masseter muscles you are incorrect because it less of a bloat from excess water retention and more a bloated appearance leaving you with an unideal facial aesthetic for a while.
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if you are talking about the OP's bloat you are correct but reduced sodium and helping your digestive tract will lead to not only improved facial aesthetics but will benefit his health as well. If you are talking about the bloat from training high set masseter muscles you are incorrect because it less of a bloat from excess water retention and more a bloated appearance leaving you with an unideal facial aesthetic for a while.
last sentence doesnt make sense to me + u said for a while which means temporary
last sentence doesnt make sense to me + u said for a while which means temporary
It does mean temporary but you have to understand that the masseters are the strongest and most resilient muscle in the body, but like any muscle it breaks down if you use it less. While yes it would be temporary, it would take years since you actively use them everyday to chew food. The bloated appearance is coming from the muscle itself that is why many people who have bruxism opt out and get masseter Botox to break the muscle down.
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It does mean temporary but you have to understand that the masseters are the strongest and most resilient muscle in the body, but like any muscle it breaks down if you use it less. While yes it would be temporary, it would take years since you actively use them everyday to chew food. The bloated appearance is coming from the muscle itself that is why many people who have bruxism opt out and get masseter Botox to break the muscle down.
so youre saying incase you dont look good after chewing the 'bloat' is temporary for a long time but not permanent. i think i got confused because you called it 'bloat' and obviously that is usually used to describe water retention
Il tuo terzo inferiore e il profilo laterale sono i tuoi punti forti, mentre la tua asimmetria, i tuoi occhi e le sopracciglia inclinati negativamente, la tua acne e il tuo naso grande sono ciò che ti fa scendere ma, buone notizie, puoi moderatamente correggere l'asimmetria dormendo sulla schiena e puoi modellare le tue sopracciglia con un'inclinazione leggermente positiva. Correggere l'acne richiede solo un'igiene adeguata a meno che tu non abbia una predisposizione genetica, in quel caso avresti solo bisogno di prodotti per la cura della pelle. Dal momento che hai muscoli masseteri bassi puoi allenarli masticando, fai solo attenzione all'articolazione temporo-mandibolare e starai bene. Sembra che tu abbia un basso grasso corporeo, è una tua scelta perdere peso o meno ma hai un moderato gonfiore facciale quindi cerca di ridurre l'assunzione di sale e qualsiasi cibo che faccia lavorare di più il tuo corpo per digerire, esempi includono fagioli e latte (se sei intollerante al lattosio).

PS: chiunque legga questo, tranne l'OP, si assicuri di avere i masseteri bassi prima di allenarli, perché altrimenti la masticazione eccessiva inibirà il gonfiore facciale.

Ti auguro buona fortuna nel tuo viaggio verso l'ascensione e spero che tu possa trascorrere una splendida giornata.
Grazie mille per la risposta. Penso che tu abbia ragione su quasi tutto, anche se credo che il punto debole negli occhi fosse dovuto al fatto che ero fatto e fumavo. Per quanto riguarda l'asimmetria, sì, è evidente praticamente in tutte le foto che faccio con il cellulare, mentre quando mi vedo allo specchio o anche se uso due specchi quasi non ci faccio caso, non so perché. Potresti spiegare meglio l'argomento del gonfiore e del mewing? Ultimamente faccio mewing e cerco di correggere la mia postura, e mastico un sacco di chewingum. Ho anche una leggera recessione del mento, nei prossimi anni pensavo, oltre a smettere di fumare, di fare un intervento chirurgico per correggere la proporzione tra naso-mascella-mandibola
Your lower third and side profile are your strong suits, while your asymmetry, your negatively tilted eyes and eyebrows, your acne and your large nose are what descends you but, good news, you can moderately fix asymmetry by sleeping on your back and you can shape your eyebrows to a somewhat positive tilt. Fixing your acne just requires proper hygiene unless you have a genetic predisposition in that case you would just need skincare products. Since you have low set masseter muscles you can train them by chewing, just be cautious of tmj and you'll be fine. You seem to have lowish bodyfat, it is your choice to lose weight or not but you do have moderate facial bloating so try to reduce salt intake and any food that causes your body to work harder to digest, examples include beans and milk (if your lactose intolerant.)

P.S, Anyone reading this other than the OP, be sure you have low set masseters before you train them because if you don't excess chewing will inhibit facial bloating.

I wish you luck on your journey to ascension and I hope you have a great day.
Thanks a lot for the answer. I think you're right about almost everything, although I think the weak point of the eyes is due to the fact that I was stoned and i smoke often. About the asymmetry, yes, it is evident in practically all the photos I take on my phone, while when I see myself in the mirror or even if I use two mirrors I almost don't notice it, I'm not sure why. Could you explain better about the topic of bloating and mewing? lately I've been doing mewing and trying to correct my posture, and I chew a lot of gum. I also have a slight recession of my chin, in the next few years I was thinking, in addition to quitting smoking, of having surgery to correct the proportion between the nose-jaw/maxilla
so youre saying incase you dont look good after chewing the 'bloat' is temporary for a long time but not permanent. i think i got confused because you called it 'bloat' and obviously that is usually used to describe water retention
Yes my bad I meant bloated appearance not actual bloat.
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sorry for the answer but being Italian (Sicilian) I use the translator for answers like this. I wanted to say that, aesthetics aside, my biggest problem is that I had a trauma with a girl when I was 14/15 years old, I closed in on myself and started smoking a lot (alone) in addition to the problems in my family. I lost many friends but not all of them luckily, I'm trying to get out of it and would like to start going to the gym.
Grazie mille per la risposta. Penso che tu abbia ragione su quasi tutto, anche se credo che il punto debole negli occhi fosse dovuto al fatto che ero fatto e fumavo. Per quanto riguarda l'asimmetria, sì, è evidente praticamente in tutte le foto che faccio con il cellulare, mentre quando mi vedo allo specchio o anche se uso due specchi quasi non ci faccio caso, non so perché. Potresti spiegare meglio l'argomento del gonfiore e del mewing? Ultimamente faccio mewing e cerco di correggere la mia postura, e mastico un sacco di chewingum. Ho anche una leggera recessione del mento, nei prossimi anni pensavo, oltre a smettere di fumare, di fare un intervento chirurgico per correggere la proporzione tra naso-mascella-mandibola

Thanks a lot for the answer. I think you're right about almost everything, although I think the weak point of the eyes is due to the fact that I was stoned and i smoke often. About the asymmetry, yes, it is evident in practically all the photos I take on my phone, while when I see myself in the mirror or even if I use two mirrors I almost don't notice it, I'm not sure why. Could you explain better about the topic of bloating and mewing? lately I've been doing mewing and trying to correct my posture, and I chew a lot of gum. I also have a slight recession of my chin, in the next few years I was thinking, in addition to quitting smoking, of having surgery to correct the proportion between the nose-jaw/maxilla
Grazie mille per la risposta. Penso che tu abbia ragione su quasi tutto, anche se credo che il punto debole negli occhi fosse dovuto al fatto che ero fatto e fumavo. Per quanto riguarda l'asimmetria, sì, è evidente praticamente in tutte le foto che faccio con il cellulare, mentre quando mi vedo allo specchio o anche se uso due specchi quasi non ci faccio caso, non so perché. Potresti spiegare meglio l'argomento del gonfiore e del mewing? Ultimamente faccio mewing e cerco di correggere la mia postura, e mastico un sacco di chewingum. Ho anche una leggera recessione del mento, nei prossimi anni pensavo, oltre a smettere di fumare, di fare un intervento chirurgico per correggere la proporzione tra naso-mascella-mandibola

Thanks a lot for the answer. I think you're right about almost everything, although I think the weak point of the eyes is due to the fact that I was stoned and i smoke often. About the asymmetry, yes, it is evident in practically all the photos I take on my phone, while when I see myself in the mirror or even if I use two mirrors I almost don't notice it, I'm not sure why. Could you explain better about the topic of bloating and mewing? lately I've been doing mewing and trying to correct my posture, and I chew a lot of gum. I also have a slight recession of my chin, in the next few years I was thinking, in addition to quitting smoking, of having surgery to correct the proportion between the nose-jaw/maxilla
Honestly I don't know to much about hardmaxing, I'm the wrong person to ask on this topic. For bloating though all you would need is to cut out anything that could put excess strain on your body this includes cutting out smoking. As for mewing its heavily debated but from what I've researched after you finish puberty it does not matter as much. All it does is keep your tongue posture at a desired angle which is good so keep doing it but it won't change your face.
Thanks a lot for the answer

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