Rate me mogging everyone on duolingo



Jul 12, 2019
I am faggio.
You mirin?
Screenshot 2020 01 04 22 27 50

Cage at this brutal mog
  • JFL
Reactions: MandibularCel
Duolingo changes their learning system more than I change clothes
Mogging everyone/10
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  • JFL
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  • So Sad
Reactions: Bennett, MandibularCel, DidntRead and 8 others
why italian btw?
  • +1
Reactions: AbandonShip
why italian btw?
Idk. I have an italian obsession rn.
I will learn french and russian in the future.
I already know hindi, english , punjabi and a little bit Sanskrit.
I wanna be a polyglot
  • +1
Reactions: AutisticBeaner
  • So Sad
Reactions: AbandonShip
Idk. I have an italian obsession rn.
I will learn french and russian in the future.
I already know hindi, english , punjabi and a little bit Sanskrit.
I wanna be a polyglot
same tbh

currently learning french and spanish (not just by myself, also in school), next up is portuguese
  • +1
Reactions: AbandonShip
  • +1
Reactions: AutisticBeaner
You voted for Congress didn't you. :feelsree:
I couldnt vote this elections.(underage)
But i will vote in the next one.
And yes i will vote for congress.
My entire family hates bjp especially my dad cause bjp leaders harass government officers(especially the non "chamcha" ones)
I learned sanskrit in high school but forgot most of it.
Sanskrit isn't taught in the right way. Ruins the experience.

A lot of verb conjugation rules in Sanskrit reminded me of French.

I learned French and Sanskrit. Gave up on Sanskrit because it's taught by low-IQ bhangis. Gave up on French because the French are obnoxious bastards and unless you speak their language with the right accent they won't even acknowledge you.

Spanish is the only language I want to learn now.
I couldnt vote this elections.(underage)
But i will vote in the next one.
And yes i will vote for congress.
My entire family hates bjp especially my dad cause bjp leaders harass government officers(especially the non "chamcha" ones)

1/4 of my extended family is in the central govt and they all love BJP Modi & Shah.
  • +1
Reactions: AbandonShip
Sanskrit isn't taught in the right way. Ruins the experience.

A lot of verb conjugation rules in Sanskrit reminded me of French.

I learned French and Sanskrit. Gave up on Sanskrit because it's taught by low-IQ bhangis. Gave up on French because the French are obnoxious bastards and unless you speak their language with the right accept they won't even acknowledge you.

Spanish is the only language I want to learn now.
Yeah but i stiil wanna learn sanskrit.
I feel that we need to preserve sanskrit cause its a part of our heritage.
It must not die
quien habla español putos
Sanskrit isn't taught in the right way. Ruins the experience.

A lot of verb conjugation rules in Sanskrit reminded me of French.

I learned French and Sanskrit. Gave up on Sanskrit because it's taught by low-IQ bhangis. Gave up on French because the French are obnoxious bastards and unless you speak their language with the right accent they won't even acknowledge you.

Spanish is the only language I want to learn now.


1/4 of my extended family is in the central govt and they all love BJP Modi & Shah.
I am talking about state govt.
Not sure how things are in central govt
I felt this was a good italian name
I feel that we need to preserve sanskrit cause its a part of our heritage.
It must not die
I agree tbh. The govt should have given it special status and instituted special programs to incentivize studying it and translating it. There are so many old documents that still remain untranslated. A lot of Euro countries have scholarships and funding for latin programs.
Not sure how things are in central govt
Life's good, son.

JFL at working for the state govt. Would rather be an Ola driver tbh ngl
  • +1
Reactions: AbandonShip
I agree tbh. The govt should have given it special status and instituted special programs to incentivize studying it and translating it. There are so many old documents that still remain untranslated. A lot of Euro countries have scholarships and funding for latin programs.

Life's good, son.

JFL at working for the state govt. Would rather be an Ola driver tbh ngl
Yeah. I might vote for bjp if they end the reservation system cause they are the only party that can do it.
Congress is too busy sucking chamar and muslim dicks.
Bronze ahahhahaa
Low tier cope
  • +1
Reactions: no_hope_left
Yeah. I might vote for bjp if they end the reservation system cause they are the only party that can do it.
Ironically that's one of the reasons I started disliking Cuckendra Modi. Twat was the only guy who pushed his party for 10% reservation for the poor.

General Males in this country are FUCKED. The only way to succeed is to go abroad. Fucking hate being General - even females have a quota now. I hate that I'd get rejected by every top uni at 99% :feelsree:

Punjabis have it right - move to Canada and forget about India.
  • +1
Reactions: AbandonShip
Ironically that's one of the reasons I started disliking Cuckendra Modi. Twat was the only guy who pushed his party for 10% reservation for the poor.

General Males in this country are FUCKED. The only way to succeed is to go abroad. Fucking hate being General - even females have a quota now. I hate that I'd get rejected by every top uni at 99% :feelsree:

Punjabis have it right - move to Canada and forget about India.
The only reason i hate lower caste is because of reservation and how much they like to flex it.
I had a chamar "friend" and he was obnoxious and arrogant as fuck.
Being a brahmin upper class male = fucked for life
its easy to get top for the day son

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