Rate #metoo maxxed Dutch oldcell guy



Aug 29, 2019
Dude is being cancelled, and so on. Because he had a high position in the TV-program "The voice of Hollad".
And he was using his power, to get it on with the female candiates.

That was ALWAYS, the main motivation of normie dudes. To ascend to power positions. So they could force themselfes on beatifull women, or promise women stuff, and than actually get somehwere sexually. Whereas otherwise, the would obviously stand, ZERO chance to get with good looking women.

Over for male normie Powermaxxed-cells


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It's so over for him.

Some women confessed on TV shwat he did.
And these women cry.

So, yeah.
when women cry. You are finished as a guy.

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You're dutch?
I thought you were britsh, you look british as hell
You're dutch?
I thought you were britsh, you look british as hell
Yeah man, I'm Dutch.

That's why muh English is also so shitty.

For enjoyement,
The best looking face Dutch woman ever so far. imo.

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Yeah man, I'm Dutch.

That's why muh English is also so shitty.

For enjoyement,
The best looking face Dutch woman ever so far. imo.

That explains why you like doutzen
Mirin that you got north atlantid pheno still, probs the reason why i thought you were british
That explains why you like doutzen
Also happy, that she is one of the few celebs. That is openly against government forcing people to get vaccinated, and making unvaxxed people persona non grata.
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It's so over for him.

Some women confessed on TV shwat he did.
And these women cry.

So, yeah.
when women cry. You are finished as a guy.

regret ≠ rape
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regret ≠ rape

thing is.
some guys in these high positions in showbizz/entertainment. Know that some women are willing to do stuff, to get higher up. So they try. Plus they have power position, so they can try in a pushy way and no one gonna or dare to say anything about it.

But if a woman or a few women have regret afterwards.
And you are a somewhat fanous guy.
THAN, you are fucked.

This only happens, to ugly/normie guys.

Also like in this TV-show, the voice of Holland. These below guys, are getting fully metoo-ed an cancelled


But, this guy is Not getting metoo-ed. Nor will he ever get Metoo-ed. Because with this guy, women don't feel regret. They feel proud, and maybe even brag about it.
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good looking dudes with huge bloat.
Dude is being cancelled, and so on. Because he had a high position in the TV-program "The voice of Hollad".
And he was using his power, to get it on with the female candiates.

That was ALWAYS, the main motivation of normie dudes. To ascend to power positions. So they could force themselfes on beatifull women, or promise women stuff, and than actually get somehwere sexually. Whereas otherwise, the would obviously stand, ZERO chance to get with good looking women.

Over for male normie Powermaxxed-cells


Yeah lmao.

same with „mhh nice guys aren’t really nice they always want something from you and aren’t nice to be nice“.
DAMN YOURE SMART. You wanna get gifted shit cuz you exist? Woman’s IQ ffs 🙈
  • JFL
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thing is.
some guys in these high positions in showbizz/entertainment. Know that some women are willing to do stuff, to get higher up. So they try. Plus they have power position, so they can try in a pushy way and no one gonna or dare to say anything about it.

But if a woman or a few women have regret afterwards.
And you are a somewhat fanous guy.
THAN, you are fucked.

This only happens, to ugly/normie guys.

Also like in this TV-show, the voice of Holland. These below guys, are getting fully metoo-ed an cancelled


But, this guy is Not getting metoo-ed. Nor will he ever get Metoo-ed. Because with this guy, women don't feel regret. They feel proud, and maybe even brag about it.
Noticed the same. The normies gets accused, chad isn't getting accused. There are a few where better looking people gets accused, but you notice then that the girl still had a crush on the chadlite.
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Cant wait when Boos releases their confrontation tomorrow with Ali b or marco Borsato. Today Roddelpraat will probably release a episode. Hope they talk about Ali and Marco.
Noticed the same. The normies gets accused, chad isn't getting accused. There are a few where better looking people gets accused, but you notice then that the girl still had a crush on the chadlite.

With woman you just need to talk like you’re nice but behave like an Asshole.
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With woman you just need to talk like you’re nice but behave like an Asshole.
Why would a dude need to behave like an asshole? I don't see the point in that, to change how one behaves because women like/dislike it.
With woman you just need to ............. behave like an Asshole.
I question, the suggestion to need to behave like an asshole. I don't see the point of that.

One can just behave as one likes mostly. I don't see why a dude needs to force himself to behave like an asshole in general.
Nooit van deze kerel gehoord:Comfy:
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thing is.
some guys in these high positions in showbizz/entertainment. Know that some women are willing to do stuff, to get higher up. So they try. Plus they have power position, so they can try in a pushy way and no one gonna or dare to say anything about it.

But if a woman or a few women have regret afterwards.
And you are a somewhat fanous guy.
THAN, you are fucked.

This only happens, to ugly/normie guys.

Also like in this TV-show, the voice of Holland. These below guys, are getting fully metoo-ed an cancelled


But, this guy is Not getting metoo-ed. Nor will he ever get Metoo-ed. Because with this guy, women don't feel regret. They feel proud, and maybe even brag about it.
Marco borsato en ali b zijn ook gemetoo'd? Wtf :lul::lul::lul:
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Marco borsato en ali b zijn ook gemetoo'd? Wtf :lul::lul::lul:
Borsato heeft nu 1 of meerdere aangiften tegen zich, van minderjarigen. Via de Voice kids. En AliB heeft nu ook 2 aangiften ofzo tegen zich liggen. En die man van Linda Mol, die ook bij de Voice zit.
Lekker clubje, die showbizz.
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Borsato heeft nu 1 of meerdere aangiften tegen zich, van minderjarigen. Via de Voice kids. En AliB heeft nu ook 2 aangiften ofzo tegen zich liggen. En die man van Linda Mol, die ook bij de Voice zit.
Lekker clubje, die showbizz.
Ik denk dat t meeste gewoon onzin is, toen ik paar jaar hbo studeerde hoorde ik 2 wijven over #metoo praten en ze zeiden "Je kan toch gewoon weggaan of niet?" Jfl gebaseerde mening, ben benieuwd of vrouwen nog steeds zo over denken
I question, the suggestion to need to behave like an asshole. I don't see the point of that.

One can just behave as one likes mostly. I don't see why a dude needs to force himself to behave like an asshole in general.
So you can fuck and be ontop of woman.

the question is the same level as asking why plastic surgery
Ik denk dat t meeste gewoon onzin is, toen ik paar jaar hbo studeerde hoorde ik 2 wijven over #metoo praten en ze zeiden "Je kan toch gewoon weggaan of niet?" Jfl gebaseerde mening, ben benieuwd of vrouwen nog steeds zo over denken
Ja, klopt. Sommige vrouwen zijn er wel okay mee, om zich omhoog te neuken, ookal zijn die mannen normie of lelijk. En als dat omhoog komen dan niet lukt, of tegenvalt, etc.. Dat ze dan spijt hebben; en gaan #metoo.

Er zijn ook vrouwen, die daar niet van gediend zijn. EN dat die mannetjes die dat doen, dan blijven aandringen, en dat dan duidelijk wordt dat ze dan niet verder komen in dat incestueuze showbizz wereldje, waar iedereen elkaar kent.
Eigenlijk vind ik het perfect, dat vrouwen die dit meemaken, hierover klagen. Die vrouwen die hierover klaagden, vielen qua verhaald in deze categorie. Waarbij ze niet verder komen, omdat ze niet ingaan op de avances.

Met minderjarigen is wel sowieso compleet ziek.
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So you can fuck and be ontop of woman.
I don't think it's necesairy to behave like an asshole, so that you can fuck women and otherwise not.
Behavior, doesn't matter that much.

A normie asshole behaving guy, will have equal options as a normie friendly behaving man. I think, in general.
Ja, klopt. Sommige vrouwen zijn er wel okay mee, om zich omhoog te neuken, ookal zijn die mannen normie of lelijk. En als dat omhoog komen dan niet lukt, of tegenvalt, etc.. Dat ze dan spijt hebben; en gaan #metoo.

Er zijn ook vrouwen, die daar niet van gediend zijn. EN dat die mannetjes die dat doen, dan blijven aandringen, en dat dan duidelijk wordt dat ze dan niet verder komen in dat incestueuze showbizz wereldje, waar iedereen elkaar kent.
Eigenlijk vind ik het perfect, dat vrouwen die dit meemaken, hierover klagen. Die vrouwen die hierover klaagden, vielen qua verhaald in deze categorie. Waarbij ze niet verder komen, omdat ze niet ingaan op de avances.

Met minderjarigen is wel sowieso compleet ziek.
Ik vind het ook allemaal onzin joh, eigen schuld dikke bult, je kan zelf ervoor kiezen of je het doet of niet. Als je geforceerd wordt om iets te doen dat je niet wilt doen dan kan je beter niet de showbizz in gaan. En ja minderjarigen moet je sowieso met rust laten. :Comfy:
I don't think it's necesairy to behave like an asshole, so that you can fuck women and otherwise not.
Behavior, doesn't matter that much.

A normie asshole behaving guy, will have equal options as a normie friendly behaving man. I think, in general.
As a normie you have to be a nice guy. Otherwise you get hit with „you don’t look good enough to behave like that“

But as chadlite chad it’s better to be asshole ish. Woman like that.
Als je geforceerd wordt om iets te doen dat je niet wilt doen dan kan je beter niet de showbizz in gaan.
Dat klopt.
Maar als je niet erin komt, of afhaakt, in de showbizz. Omdat je dat niet wilt doen, ondanks veelvuldige aandringen van die mannetjes.
Dan vind ik het eigenlijk wel okay/goed. Dat zulke vrouwen ff lekker gaan klagen daarover, en naar buiten brengen, hoe het eraan toe gaat. Het is geen verassing, maar het is wel lachen om met toenaam te horen wat welke gozer in die clique doet. Want het zijn vaak, super irritante moraalridders.


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Dat klopt.
Maar als je niet erin komt, of afhaakt, in de showbizz. Omdat je dat niet wilt doen, ondanks veelvuldige aandringen van die mannetjes.
Dan vind ik het eigenlijk wel okay/goed. Dat zulke vrouwen ff lekker gaan klagen daarover, en naar buiten brengen, hoe het eraan toe gaat. Het is geen verassing, maar het is wel lachen om met toenaam te horen wat welke gozer in die clique doet. Want het zijn vaak, super irritante moraalridders.
Jfl meestal zijn t ook de moraalridders/soyboys die eigenlijk de grootste smeerlappen zijn. Daarom moet je een zogenaamde mannelijke feminist nooit vertrouwen want die heeft een ander motief (altijd seksueel geaard natuurlijk). En tja veel smeerlappen in de showbizz maar dat is de prijs die je betaalt, je verkoopt in principe je ziel voor een beetje roem. Ik zou het nooit doen.
As a normie you have to be a nice guy. Otherwise you get hit with „you don’t look good enough to behave like that“
yeah, sounds a bit true
But as chadlite chad it’s better to be asshole ish. Woman like that.
I can't relate from what I seen irl. because I only knew 2 Chads in muh life ever. So, to little sample size. 1 guy Chad I know, is a very nice and generous guy I have to say; and he's a married family man. he married to a woman that is Stacy/Stacylite ranges. And she is actually also usuallu super nice and sweet. they are like 2 of the nicest people I know. But to low sample size.

I can imagine, that as a Chad dude. You need to be cold towards normie and below that looks level women. Because I bet, these women think, thay stand a change with you. While as a Chad dude, you likely want to get with top tier looking women also. Akak, looksmatched.
So these nromie women, need to fuck of. And not wasite your time, etc.. Letting that be known to such women, probably will be seen as ashole, while it's imo just normal behaviour.
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It's so over for him.

Some women confessed on TV shwat he did.
And these women cry.

So, yeah.
when women cry. You are finished as a guy.

yes remember some woman accused ronaldo of rape and shit? he paid her alot so she shuts the fuck up cuz it would ruin his status, even if its obviously fake claim. crying woman = over, even for ronaldo
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Are u unvaxxed?
Also happy, that she is one of the few celebs. That is openly against government forcing people to get vaccinated, and making unvaxxed people persona non grata.
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yeah. no jab/jabs 4 me.

I only jab myself, with stuff. That make me look better. All rest is cope. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I agree same here bro, I hope I can travel.still. without it!
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Yet another guy who didn't utilize NDAs.
yeah, sounds a bit true

I can't relate from what I seen irl. because I only knew 2 Chads in muh life ever. So, to little sample size. 1 guy Chad I know, is a very nice and generous guy I have to say; and he's a married family man. he married to a woman that is Stacy/Stacylite ranges. And she is actually also usuallu super nice and sweet. they are like 2 of the nicest people I know. But to low sample size.

I can imagine, that as a Chad dude. You need to be cold towards normie and below that looks level women. Because I bet, these women think, thay stand a change with you. While as a Chad dude, you likely want to get with top tier looking women also. Akak, looksmatched.
So these nromie women, need to fuck of. And not wasite your time, etc.. Letting that be known to such women, probably will be seen as ashole, while it's imo just normal behaviour.
Mhhh. How do you explain the stereotype that woman like treated badly? Also many examples. One being rihanna comeing back to chris brown after getting beat up although she has options.

personally I was always nice and I agree woman liked that. Maybe i was just lacking the „I wanna fck you“ part and simply was too nice or too beta as I never made intentions clear ?
How do you explain the stereotype that woman like treated badly?
I think it's a common RedPill world, believe.
I recall early 2000's pua was also big on: "just be an asshole, bro" behaviour determism.
Quit a big group of women, even believe that to be true.

I aim, to not accept streotypes as true. On face value.

1. What do we know about behavior determinism in dating? From studies?

I do recall reading some stuff, and tests. from the past. I think to recall, tests and studies gave very inconsistent outcomes. So as far, as behavior goes, there is imo hard to pinpoint a standard mode of being, that scores best.

All, I do know.

from personality traits and dating studies research. Is that from the 5 big personality traits; Extraversion had a possitive correlation for dating/amount of partners. And being low in neurotism (aka, calm/emotionally stable and not nervous/anxious type) had a postive correlation wth partner amount. For the rest, not.

this data, showed
what helps for number of sexual partners.
1. be risk taker, aka low inhib
2. be alcholoic and/or druggie.
3. Be a hype/adhd guy.

Problem is: in real life. To significant extend. Your looks is your personality. So personality is not something fixed.

2. My opinion.
I think being friendly or unfriendly. Or nice or mean. Or badboy/niceguy. Is a shortsighted, unclear, and way to unspecific concept. Lacking detail. And is imo pretty useless,

What I think.
These personality traits matter imo enough to think about and have:
1. extraversion (being socially pro-active)
2. being emtionally stable, being not nervous. Thus comfortable emtionally speaking in social situations, and comfortable emotionally speaking in sexual situations
3. being proactive. Socially for meeting new women. And sexually pro-active, when you get good vibes back from women
Also, but 'm not very sure about this yet. I think it's better to be decetly open minded, than to walk around being very opionated. Especially about her personal things, appearance, etc... Because people can have ego hurt easily

Also many examples. One being rihanna comeing back to chris brown after getting beat up although she has options.
I aim not to take celebs from HollyWeird; as example.
I have to say though. Chris Brown was a really good looking dude. Maybe Chad, but for sure Chadlite.

So, as she with him mostly becuase he was a badboy that treated her bad?
Or was she with him mostly, because he a Chadlite guy with money and fame also?

I guestimate the last. She was with him becuase he Chadlite, and high status. And that she was willing to take the slaps (to some point); because he good looking and fameous.
But it's obviously speculation
personally I was always nice and I agree woman liked that. Maybe i was just lacking the „I wanna fck you“ part and simply was too nice or too beta as I never made intentions clear ?
Well, looks is the most important factor. So that plays imo a bigger role than behaviours like: nice, beta, etc...
So if you ugly in eyes of these womens, than nothing matters.

I have to say, not making intentions clear. Or basically besing passive, when it comes to making it sexual; or when it comes to being social and meeting enough new women through being socially pro-active.
It Equals usually lacking in these specific things:
1. extraversion (being socially pro-active)
2. being emtionally stable, being not nervous. Thus comfortable emtionally speaking in social situations, and comfortable emotionally speaking in sexual situations
3. being proactive. Socially for meeting new women. And sexually pro-active, when you get good vibes back from women
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Mhhh. How do you explain the stereotype that woman like treated badly? Also many examples. One being rihanna comeing back to chris brown after getting beat up although she has options.

personally I was always nice and I agree woman liked that. Maybe i was just lacking the „I wanna fck you“ part and simply was too nice or too beta as I never made intentions clear ?
to add.

This video. I found funny in the past to see. Also when they mentioned how many behviour dating books there have been written, and themassive number of suggestions out there on; "how to act"

Where they gave 3 actor guys: 3 personality tyoes to act out. So to see: how much personality matters. Basically little/limited difference. It's to small of a setup, for any scientific conclusion. But I think, in general it's true.

Just gotta be pro-active; AFTER you meet looks threshold(s). to have a partner/more partners

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I think it's a common RedPill world, believe.
I recall early 2000's pua was also big on: "just be an asshole, bro" behaviour determism.
Quit a big group of women, even believe that to be true.

I aim, to not accept streotypes as true. On face value.

1. What do we know about behavior determinism in dating? From studies?

I do recall reading some stuff, and tests. from the past. I think to recall, tests and studies gave very inconsistent outcomes. So as far, as behavior goes, there is imo hard to pinpoint a standard mode of being, that scores best.

All, I do know.

from personality traits and dating studies research. Is that from the 5 big personality traits; Extraversion had a possitive correlation for dating/amount of partners. And being low in neurotism (aka, calm/emotionally stable and not nervous/anxious type) had a postive correlation wth partner amount. For the rest, not.

this data, showed
what helps for number of sexual partners.
1. be risk taker, aka low inhib
2. be alcholoic and/or druggie.
3. Be a hype/adhd guy.

Problem is: in real life. To significant extend. Your looks is your personality. So personality is not something fixed.

2. My opinion.
I think being friendly or unfriendly. Or nice or mean. Or badboy/niceguy. Is a shortsighted, unclear, and way to unspecific concept. Lacking detail. And is imo pretty useless,

What I think.
These personality traits matter imo enough to think about and have:
1. extraversion (being socially pro-active)
2. being emtionally stable, being not nervous. Thus comfortable emtionally speaking in social situations, and comfortable emotionally speaking in sexual situations
3. being proactive. Socially for meeting new women. And sexually pro-active, when you get good vibes back from women
Also, but 'm not very sure about this yet. I think it's better to be decetly open minded, than to walk around being very opionated. Especially about her personal things, appearance, etc... Because people can have ego hurt easily

I aim not to take celebs from HollyWeird; as example.
I have to say though. Chris Brown was a really good looking dude. Maybe Chad, but for sure Chadlite.

So, as she with him mostly becuase he was a badboy that treated her bad?
Or was she with him mostly, because he a Chadlite guy with money and fame also?

I guestimate the last. She was with him becuase he Chadlite, and high status. And that she was willing to take the slaps (to some point); because he good looking and fameous.
But it's obviously speculation

Well, looks is the most important factor. So that plays imo a bigger role than behaviours like: nice, beta, etc...
So if you ugly in eyes of these womens, than nothing matters.

I have to say, not making intentions clear. Or basically besing passive, when it comes to making it sexual; or when it comes to being social and meeting enough new women through being socially pro-active.
It Equals usually lacking in these specific things:
1. extraversion (being socially pro-active)
2. being emtionally stable, being not nervous. Thus comfortable emtionally speaking in social situations, and comfortable emotionally speaking in sexual situations
3. being proactive. Socially for meeting new women. And sexually pro-active, when you get good vibes back from women
Agree with most stuff but rihanna has ton of chad options. Chris Brown is defebitly not the best looking she has as option. But yeah stars can’t really date non stars
Agree with most stuff but rihanna has ton of chad options. Chris Brown is defebitly not the best looking she has as option. But yeah stars can’t really date non stars
HollyWeird, is different from non-famous people world. I think. So can't compare celibrities with us regular folks well.

Celebs, usually tend or need to fish in a small pool fo other famous people. So that limits their options, alot.
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