Rate my looksmaxxx routine



Clown World
Sep 9, 2020
Hey boyos, I am a new member here. Just turned 16. I had been searching this site for couple of months but found it very time consuming so I didn't register. But now I have decided to get in cause I have few questions and some methods for you. Hope you will contribute, together we can ascend:


I am a 5'8 manlet so I need copes. Thank god i live in Turkey so the average is like 5'10 for teens(still brutal). I have been doing for 6-7 months, gained about 1-2 inches. Used AI for 4 months but i think it thinned my hair tbh so I gave up. Gonna start Glucosamine and MSM.


Eyebrow, eyelashes-castor oil treatment, wanne shape them but don't know how to.
Lip exfoliation once a week.
Chewing falım for masseters cause it looks good on me.
High-iq ice hooding trick everday or every 2 days


I have nizoral, some hair growth tonics, scalp messages and some other nice copes. Light-brown hair color so I'll aim to get Brad Pitt hairstyles. Sea Salt Spray looks nice for styling. Also fighting the NW reaper in one side of my hairline jfl. Might make a thread about it. Currently researching dermaroller.


I am healthy af but also starting gymcelling. I did some home-gym training and have decent frame for my manlet height. Currently concentrating on shoulder-traps-back trio. Also training neck(already thick), forearms and glutes for small halos. I take multivitamin supps, get sun exposure and eat 1-2 carrots everday. I get more potassium and eat shit ton of fruits-vegetables.

Also, I have slight gyno, have slightly yellow teeth and trying to fix them. I do oil pulling for teethmaxxing which is going pretty good. Training chest helps very little to gyno so I'm just hoping it'll subside.

My friends consider me gl, though manletism kills my SMV. So what do you think?
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Reactions: ProAcktiv, Deleted member 6497 and Lev Peshkov
imagine wasting time with all these copes instead of saving money for surgeries which actually DO something
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lefort 3
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HGH 12iu + LGF1 or kys
I remember a couple of Danish girls in nightclub told me i was most gl there. I could have anyone. I chose the younger... Things went bit downhill from there. If you're not chad at 16 its over for you ngl
I remember a couple of Danish girls in nightclub told me i was most gl there. I could have anyone. I chose the younger... Things went bit downhill from there. If you're not chad at 16 its over for you ngl
post pics better then i tell you how to ascend
HGH 12iu + LGF1 or kys

It's scary af to use hgh cause it might affect my overall appereance more than my height. I think I already have nice gh and igf levels.
post pics better then i tell you how to ascend
I can't i already been way too politically incorrect on this forum. Black cells would come after me. Maybe if i create new profile. I think I'm alright just need to sort overbite. Good eye area though and nice cheek bones. Overbite can be fixed with bimax. Maybe 2 years.
It's scary af to use hgh cause it might affect my overall appereance more than my height. I think I already have nice gh and igf levels.
Don't do it. Will mess your hormones up after 27 or so.... Need to conside longevity..
I can't i already been way too politically incorrect on this forum. Black cells would come after me. Maybe if i create new profile. I think I'm alright just need to sort overbite. Good eye area though and nice cheek bones. Overbite can be fixed with bimax. Maybe 2 years.
pm ur pics to trusty users here tbh
I remember a couple of Danish girls in nightclub told me i was most gl there. I could have anyone. I chose the younger... Things went bit downhill from there. If you're not chad at 16 its over for you ngl
ı am high tier normie at best, goal is chadlite for now. can't be chad with that height, needs psl 7 face.
ı am high tier normie at best, goal is chadlite for now. can't be chad with that height, needs psl 7 face.
I'm 6'3"/4" and decent frame so i height mog anyone and everyone. Decent face but jaw is average and got overbite. This makes me non photogenic. Better irl. Cold approach is the way forward for me.
Does hgh actually fuck you up?
Long term its not good to mess about so much with endocrine system.. You'll get improvements but, yeah, after mid twenties it messes around with your body. Like the come down after a high. At least do your own research. Would not recommend though.... All these quick fixes, like steriods, cause problems, like shrivelled up testicles and balding. Think long term.....
I'm 6'3"/4" and decent frame so i height mog anyone and everyone. Decent face but jaw is average and got overbite. This makes me non photogenic. Better irl. Cold approach is the way forward for me.

You can run height-frame game which is very popular nowadays. Nice hair and eye area can save you. Being humble and trustworthy works best imo.
imagine wasting time with all these copes instead of saving money for surgeries which actually DO something
Softmaxx is still legit and not like you have tons of time to use anyway lol
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You can run height-frame game which is very popular nowadays. Nice hair and eye area can save you. Being humble and trustworthy works best imo.
Exactly, that's what I'm going to do. I have good eye area which tbh is the hardest thing to get right. My overbite and jaw is failo though. Norwood reaper is coming also so will probably have to get on fin.... But overall I'd say I'm pretty good: attractive features with couple failos, rather than just normie.

How do you mean its popular?
Long term its not good to mess about so much with endocrine system.. You'll get improvements but, yeah, after mid twenties it messes around with your body. Like the come down after a high. At least do your own research. Would not recommend though.... All these quick fixes, like steriods, cause problems, like shrivelled up testicles and balding. Think long term.....
Tbh if I used it for a few months or maybe a yr max and it made me a few inches taller and bigger it would be worth it
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Exactly, that's what I'm going to do. I have good eye area which tbh is the hardest thing to get right. My overbite and jaw is failo though. Norwood reaper is coming also so will probably have to get on fin.... But overall I'd say I'm pretty good: attractive features with couple failos, rather than just normie.

How do you mean its popular?

Like in 90's and 00's height wasn't a huge issue as much as these days. Prolly the effect of social media. There were chads like Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Matt Damon who are 5'11 at most. Now male models with gigaframes and freak heights became way popular. Women are more demanding than ever and looking for bigger guys.
Like in 90's and 00's height wasn't a huge issue as much as these days. Prolly the effect of social media. There were chads like Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Matt Damon who are 5'11 at most. Now male models with gigaframes and freak heights became way popular. Women are more demanding than ever and looking for bigger guys.
Gotcha. This works for me then. I'm doing cold approach. Will let forum knows how it goes. But tbh has worked before.
  • +1
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Gotcha. This works for me then. I'm doing cold approach. Will let forum knows how it goes. But tbh has worked before.
let us know the results. where do you live though? might get harder in northern europe to cold approach.
let us know the results. where do you live though? might get harder in northern europe to cold approach.
UK and yes it will be cold to approach. But not impossible. Will be interested to disprove copers on this forum saying no point in approaching..... My theory is that creating opportunities still v important
imagine wasting time with all these copes instead of saving money for surgeries which actually DO something
Don't worry man, I am saving for future plans. No need for hard surgeries like lefort, maybe LL though sounds so fucking painful. Maybe a chin filler cause mine is very pointy.
Don't worry man, I am saving for future plans. No need for hard surgeries like lefort, maybe LL though sounds so fucking painful. Maybe a chin implant to make it bigger cause mine is very pointy.
  • +1
Reactions: Lagoon1214
Hey boyos, I am a new member here. Just turned 16. I had been searching this site for couple of months but found it very time consuming so I didn't register. But now I have decided to get in cause I have few questions and some methods for you. Hope you will contribute, together we can ascend:


I am a 5'8 manlet so I need copes. Thank god i live in Turkey so the average is like 5'10 for teens(still brutal). I have been doing for 6-7 months, gained about 1-2 inches. Used AI for 4 months but i think it thinned my hair tbh so I gave up. Gonna start Glucosamine and MSM. Also insoles.


Eyebrow, eyelashes-castor oil treatment, wanne shape them but don't know how to.
Lip exfoliation once a week.
Chewing falım for masseters cause it looks good on me.
High-iq ice hooding trick everday or every 2 days


I have nizoral, some hair growth tonics, scalp messages and some other nice copes. Light-brown hair color so I'll aim to get Brad Pitt hairstyles. Sea Salt Spray looks nice for styling. Also fighting the NW reaper in one side of my hairline jfl. Might make a thread about it. Currently researching dermaroller.


I am healthy af but also starting gymcelling. I did some home-gym training and have decent frame for my manlet height. Currently concentrating on shoulder-traps-back trio. Also training neck(already thick), forearms and glutes for small halos. I take multivitamin supps, get sun exposure and eat 1-2 carrots everday. I get more potassium and eat shit ton of fruits-vegetables.

Also, I have slight gyno, have slightly yellow teeth and trying to fix them. I do oil pulling for teethmaxxing which is going pretty good. Training chest helps very little to gyno so I'm just hoping it'll subside.

My friends consider me gl, though manletism kills my SMV. So what do you think?
Is it putting ice on your eyes?
Actually I have an ice bar constantly in fridge. I just take it and put it in my eye area for a couple of minutes till i get burn.
Lip exfoliation once a week. How?
Used AI for 4 months . aromatase inhibitors?
High-iq ice hooding trick everday or every 2 days. explain, what does it achieve?
Lip exfoliation once a week. How?
Used AI for 4 months . aromatase inhibitors?
High-iq ice hooding trick everday or every 2 days. explain, what does it achieve?
Just brushing lips with a toothbrush than applying moisturizer or oil.

Yep arimidex. I had very slight thinning at my hairline before starting them and now thinning is recognizable. Not sure if the reason was my shit genetics or AI though.

it’s a popular greycel thread. You put ice on your eye area and wait until it’s gets painful. It increases hooding slightly, helps lowering UEE. I can say it works but gains are pretty weak so gotta be consistent.

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