Rate my roidmax plan



Anti-Cosmic Satanist
Jun 2, 2023
I still have fat over my abs and lower back because of shit fat distribution genetics, but I have built some decent mass as a natty

Cycling 300 mg Test pinned 2 times a week, 25 mg Mk677 daily, and 50 mg Anavar daily for 10 weeks starting mid December, with the intention to finally get shredded while putting on some muscle, all while maintaining good skin hair and collagen

At the same time I will be megadosing Lycopene 150mg daily for my skin undertone experiment which will also reduce DHT further to prevent hair shedding

Eating slightly above maintenance calories, diet consisting mostly of eggs, then starting to eat Clen 20-40 mg daily near the end of the cycle for the final shred

Then Enclo as a PCT

Accutane, tret, and chemical peels are ready in case I break out

Is this a solid plan?
@MaestheticMaso @Gaygymmaxx
Have y tried cardio, btw if u break out accutane and tret will make it worse for 1-2 months. You need anti biotics for that it will be heavy on your liver with all these roids but less than accutane
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  • +1
Reactions: SidharthTheSlayer
just stay natty bro, u can get that breakthrough without em, just do more research and adjust ur training and go hard.
  • JFL
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I still have fat over my abs and lower back because of shit fat distribution genetics, but I have built some decent mass as a natty

Cycling 300 mg Test pinned 2 times a week, 25 mg Mk677 daily, and 50 mg Anavar daily for 10 weeks starting mid December, with the intention to finally get shredded while putting on some muscle, all while maintaining good skin hair and collagen

At the same time I will be megadosing Lycopene 150mg daily for my skin undertone experiment which will also reduce DHT further to prevent hair shedding

Eating slightly above maintenance calories, diet consisting mostly of eggs, then starting to eat Clen 20-40 mg daily near the end of the cycle for the final shred

Then Enclo as a PCT

Accutane, tret, and chemical peels are ready in case I break out

Is this a solid plan?
anavar 10 weeks? holy. also mk677 is kinda meme. idk looks pretty shit and basic imo. so your compound is anavar. it will give you hair loss and shit
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Reactions: 5.5psl and bradpittshairline
Damn i need lycopene so bad to fix my undertone but shits expensive asf
  • +1
Reactions: SidharthTheSlayer
Have y tried cardio, btw if u break out accutane and tret will make it worse for 1-2 months. You need anti biotics for that it will be heavy on your liver with all these roids but less than accutane
Yes I have tried cardio but it ultimately didn't matter. I will have to literally starve to lose the fat on my abs which is why I'm opting for roids route
just stay natty bro, u can get that breakthrough without em, just do more research and adjust ur training and go hard.
I have low testosterone levels I believe, have not done bloodwork but lately I have been feeling depressed and emo. So TRT dose testosterone is really required for me.
anavar 10 weeks? holy. also mk677 is kinda meme. idk looks pretty shit and basic imo. so your compound is anavar. it will give you hair loss and shit
What could improve + what is so shocking about anavar for 10 weeks
Damn i need lycopene so bad to fix my undertone but shits expensive asf
Amazon product ASIN B089FRB8H8Try this
I still have fat over my abs and lower back because of shit fat distribution genetics, but I have built some decent mass as a natty

Cycling 300 mg Test pinned 2 times a week, 25 mg Mk677 daily, and 50 mg Anavar daily for 10 weeks starting mid December, with the intention to finally get shredded while putting on some muscle, all while maintaining good skin hair and collagen

At the same time I will be megadosing Lycopene 150mg daily for my skin undertone experiment which will also reduce DHT further to prevent hair shedding

Eating slightly above maintenance calories, diet consisting mostly of eggs, then starting to eat Clen 20-40 mg daily near the end of the cycle for the final shred

Then Enclo as a PCT

Accutane, tret, and chemical peels are ready in case I break out

Is this a solid plan?
wouldnt reccomend the acutane bro, that shits fucks you up fr. On top of that, are you sure your Anavar is legit? cause they dont make real anavar anymore so make sure you trust your source and that they can confirm they bought it a couple years ago and have had it stored, otherwise sounds like a solid plan good luck
I still have fat over my abs and lower back because of shit fat distribution genetics, but I have built some decent mass as a natty

Cycling 300 mg Test pinned 2 times a week, 25 mg Mk677 daily, and 50 mg Anavar daily for 10 weeks starting mid December, with the intention to finally get shredded while putting on some muscle, all while maintaining good skin hair and collagen

At the same time I will be megadosing Lycopene 150mg daily for my skin undertone experiment which will also reduce DHT further to prevent hair shedding

Eating slightly above maintenance calories, diet consisting mostly of eggs, then starting to eat Clen 20-40 mg daily near the end of the cycle for the final shred

Then Enclo as a PCT

Accutane, tret, and chemical peels are ready in case I break out

Is this a solid plan?
Dumb asf way too much on ur first cycle and excessive liver burden for no reason

Why use a dht derivative as an oral if you're worried about hairloss, if anything stack with an androgen selective compound like a sarm

Idk what lypopene is but lowering your DHT significantly while taking test is gonna result in very high estrogen, you'd need a AI on cycle

Excessive asf

200-250mg test with hcg for fertility and aromasin / lycopene for dht if you want idk about it

Idk why the fuck you think this much is needed
  • +1
Reactions: SidharthTheSlayer
Dumb asf way too much on ur first cycle and excessive liver burden for no reason

Why use a dht derivative as an oral if you're worried about hairloss, if anything stack with an androgen selective compound like a sarm

Idk what lypopene is but lowering your DHT significantly while taking test is gonna result in very high estrogen, you'd need a AI on cycle

Excessive asf

200-250mg test with hcg for fertility and aromasin / lycopene for dht if you want idk about it

Idk why the fuck you think this much is needed
Which part is too excessive, also don't SARMs cause the same hairloss? I thought Var was more hair safe generally, and it doesnt cause elevated levels of DHT and has good androgenic:anabolic ratio etc
Which part is too excessive, also don't SARMs cause the same hairloss? I thought Var was more hair safe generally, and it doesnt cause elevated levels of DHT and has good androgenic:anabolic ratio etc
You don't need an oral
best roid plan is no roid plan
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If you need roids to lose weight, don't even bother. It is not going to help one bit.

"Eating slightly above maintenance calories" then you won't lose fat, even with steroids. You should drop the idea of taking steroids and do a slight deficit instead, then you will eventually lose the fat while gaining some muscle in the process.

Clen will just fuck up your heart and give you extreme cramps, it's a meme drug, don't bother.

My perfect plan for you:
Slight deficit (200 calories or so), ECA stack, progressive overload focusing on getting stronger in the gym.
I still have fat over my abs and lower back because of shit fat distribution genetics, but I have built some decent mass as a natty

Cycling 300 mg Test pinned 2 times a week, 25 mg Mk677 daily, and 50 mg Anavar daily for 10 weeks starting mid December, with the intention to finally get shredded while putting on some muscle, all while maintaining good skin hair and collagen

At the same time I will be megadosing Lycopene 150mg daily for my skin undertone experiment which will also reduce DHT further to prevent hair shedding

Eating slightly above maintenance calories, diet consisting mostly of eggs, then starting to eat Clen 20-40 mg daily near the end of the cycle for the final shred

Then Enclo as a PCT

Accutane, tret, and chemical peels are ready in case I break out

Is this a solid plan?
horrible cycle
anavar is used for cutting why are you using it when bulking
mk677 is a joke and will just make you fat
just do 600mg test for 5-6 months, eat high protein and in a calorie surplus .
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 43403
horrible cycle
anavar is used for cutting why are you using it when bulking
mk677 is a joke and will just make you fat
just do 600mg test for 5-6 months, eat high protein and in a calorie surplus .
Anavar should be fine for bulking tbh. Not the best mass builder out there, but it is fairly low on side-effects and does build muscle and strength, no reason it should only be a cutting oral.

600mg test is way too much for your first cycle. It is better to start low and see how your body responds to it first, 250-375mg a week and not introduce other compounds, so you know what actually doing what and where the side-effects are coming from. A conservative approach is always the best approach.

TRT is like 75-125mg, my dude. 375mg is quite a large increase in testosterone from your natural state, perfectly viable for a first cycle. Your first cycle is to test how you respond to testosterone (the base of every cycle) in terms of gains and side-effects. If you get horrible backne, it is better to be on a lower dose, so you can come off without any permanent scarring than as high of a dose of 600mg where your back might get destroyed in the process, same goes for breast tissue development. You really don't want to go crazy with the dose when you don't know how your body responds, that is just dumb. I don't really watch MPMD tbh, I just use common sense. You have plenty of cycles ahead of you, where you can do high doses, it should not be your first.
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TRT is like 75-125mg,
Trt is anywhere from 125-250 mg
500 is baby dose I personally know guys who have been on 500 for years and have completely normal blood works
Your first cycle is to test how you respond to testosterone
You will always react good to testosterone lmao that's what your body produces on its own why would you "test" how would you react at superphysiological dosage
You really don't want to go crazy with the dose when you don't know how your body responds, that is just dumb
If you consider 600 to be a crazy high dose then don't even know what to say.
Trt is anywhere from 125-250 mg
500 is baby dose I personally know guys who have been on 500 for years and have completely normal blood works

You will always react good to testosterone lmao that's what your body produces on its own why would you "test" how would you react at superphysiological dosage

If you consider 600 to be a crazy high dose then don't even know what to say.
600mg is quite a high dosage, yes. If you need that much to get results, you are a poor responder.

Just because you know people who have perfect bloodwork on 500mg does not mean that will be OP. We do not know how he will respond, which is my point exactly. Better to start with a conservative approach and then go from there. If anything, he could start off at 375mg the increase it a few months down the line if side-effects are low.

When I say "react to testosterone," I mean it terms of how much muscle it helps you build. Some Redditor can take 500mg a week and get no gains while some Chad takes 250mg a week and adds 30lbs in 6 months. How good your androgenic receptors are is very genetically based, it varies by a lot from person to person, hence why a dose like 375mg might seem like a baby dose to you and a high dose to someone else.
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I still have fat over my abs and lower back because of shit fat distribution genetics, but I have built some decent mass as a natty

Cycling 300 mg Test pinned 2 times a week, 25 mg Mk677 daily, and 50 mg Anavar daily for 10 weeks starting mid December, with the intention to finally get shredded while putting on some muscle, all while maintaining good skin hair and collagen

At the same time I will be megadosing Lycopene 150mg daily for my skin undertone experiment which will also reduce DHT further to prevent hair shedding

Eating slightly above maintenance calories, diet consisting mostly of eggs, then starting to eat Clen 20-40 mg daily near the end of the cycle for the final shred

Then Enclo as a PCT

Accutane, tret, and chemical peels are ready in case I break out

Is this a solid plan?
300mg of test enanthate twice a week is good.

Any amount >10mg of mk677 daily isn't. Go down to 5 days a week, otherwise your blood sugar levels might become too high, give your body at least 2 days to lower them.

50mg anavar is good but you can get similar results with 30 or even 20 as you're using 600mg of test/week.
Careful with your liver and use 800-1200mg of NAC ed.

Eating clen is ok. I have no personal experience (yet) but if you don't have heart problems then go ahead, maybe don't go over 20mg and stick with your cut diet.

Enclo as PCT is top choice.

Have some tamox and some anastrozole handy first to avoid gyno and high estro-related side effects, then you're ready to go
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