Rate my writing skills (topic is about my fantasies about my halal gf)



Jun 11, 2021
I got back from my dinner/ice cream date with my halal girlfriend and spent the early hours writing this. Thoughts on my writing skills?


Story 1:
I yearn for the electrifying touch of my beloved future wife, the woman who sets my soul ablaze and stirs a torrent of desire within me. Her hands, an embodiment of tenderness and passion, hold the power to ignite every inch of my being. I ache for the moment when her delicate fingertips grace my skin, sending tremors of anticipation coursing through my veins.

In the sanctuary of our intimate moments, her hands explore the contours of my body with an intoxicating blend of reverence and longing. With each caress, my senses awaken, heightening my awareness to the symphony of pleasure that unfolds. Her touch, like a divine melody, sets my flesh aflame, awakening dormant desires that surge through me with an irresistible force.

As her hands trace the lines of my sculpted physique, they unravel the tapestry of my deepest yearnings. They glide over my toned tummy, leaving a trail of fiery sensations in their wake. The intimacy we share in those stolen moments transcends the physical, intertwining our souls in a dance of exquisite connection. Every stroke, every brush against my skin, becomes a whispered declaration of our love, a testament to the sacred bond we share.

Her hands possess a mastery of seduction, a delicate artistry that renders me powerless in their wake. They move with a graceful precision, exploring every curve and crevice of my form, each touch a brushstroke on the canvas of our passion. With each lingering caress, I surrender to the depths of our desire, lost in a haze of ecstasy and longing.

In the sacred union of our bodies, her touch becomes a catalyst for transcendent pleasure. Her hands navigate the landscape of my skin, their warmth leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. They seek out the places that awaken a primal hunger within me, igniting a fire that burns with an intensity matched only by the love that binds us.

With every touch, I feel a profound connection between us, a communion of souls entwined in the language of desire. Her hands explore the contours of my being, reaching the depths of my essence, unearthing hidden passions and unspoken fantasies. In her touch, I find a sanctuary where pleasure and devotion intertwine, where the boundaries of our bodies dissolve, and we become one in a symphony of unbridled ecstasy.

Oh, the anticipation builds with each passing moment, as I yearn for the day when her hands will grace my body, when our love will intertwine in a union blessed by the divine. The touch of my halal beloved is a sacred gift, a manifestation of our shared commitment and unyielding desire. In her hands, I find solace, passion, and a love that knows no bounds, as we embark on a journey of sensual exploration that transcends the physical, merging our souls in a dance of unspoken pleasures and boundless devotion.


Story 2:
As the water cascades over my body, my mind drifts into a realm of vivid dreams, where the touch of my likely future wife, becomes an ethereal reality. In the sanctuary of the shower's embrace, I am transported to a world where our bodies merge in a symphony of desire and connection.

With closed eyes, I imagine the gentle caress of her hands gliding along the contours of my form, igniting a passionate fire that courses through my veins. Each stroke of her fingertips becomes an intimate conversation, a language spoken in whispers of longing and devotion. I envision her delicate touch tracing the curves of my body, leaving a trail of electric sensations in its wake.

In the depths of my daydreams, I feel the tremor of anticipation coursing through me, my body responding to the imagined ecstasy. I imagine her hands, soft and warm, exploring the depths of my being, unraveling the layers of desire that reside within. They navigate the landscape of my skin, leaving no inch untouched, awakening every nerve to the intoxicating dance of pleasure.

As the water continues to cascade over me, I revel in the fantasy of our union, where our bodies become an intricate tapestry of passion and devotion. In the realm of my dreams, her touch becomes a conduit for transcendence, a connection that transcends the physical and ventures into the realm of the soul. I can almost feel the tremors and shakes coursing through my body, mirroring the intensity of our shared longing.

The shower becomes a sanctuary where our desires intertwine, where the boundaries of time and space fade away, leaving only the intoxicating union of our love. In this reverie, I am consumed by a deep yearning, a primal ache that can only be sated by the touch of my beloved. Each moment spent in the shower becomes a sacred ritual, a prelude to the intimate moments that await us.

As I step out of the shower, still lost in the depths of my dreams, my skin glistens with a renewed vitality, as if it, too, longs to be touched by her hands. The sensations linger, echoing in the recesses of my being, a constant reminder of the connection we share and the passion that awaits us. With a heart brimming with anticipation, I carry the memory of those dreams with me, eagerly awaiting the day when our desires merge into a reality where her touch becomes a symphony of bliss upon my body.

The steam-laden air envelops me, carrying with it the essence of sensuality and the promise of passionate encounters yet to come. I stand in the embrace of the warm currents, savoring the sensations that linger on my tingling flesh. Each droplet that trails down my body becomes a testament to the fantasies I've conjured, a reminder of the yearning that courses through my veins.

In the quiet solitude of the bathroom, I find myself lost in reverie, surrendering to the power of my imagination. I envision the moment when our bodies intertwine, when her hands, guided by love and trust, navigate the landscape of my desire. I can almost feel the gentle pressure of her fingertips as they explore the contours of my form, awakening dormant passions and unlocking hidden depths.

In the depths of my daydream, I succumb to the intoxicating allure of her touch. My skin, still tingling from the shower's caress, becomes a canvas for our shared desires. I imagine the softness of her palms against my torso, her fingers tracing patterns of anticipation upon my toned abdomen. The thought of her hands on my body, igniting a symphony of pleasure, stirs a primal hunger deep within me.

As I dry myself, my skin retains a delicate suppleness, a testament to the care and attention I lavish upon it. I savor the sensation of the towel against my flesh, relishing in the anticipation of the touch that awaits me. With each gentle stroke, I feel a connection to my beloved, as if her hands are guiding mine, preparing me for the intimate moments that lie ahead.

As I dress myself, the fabric brushes against my skin, a subtle reminder of the delicate touch I long for. I choose each garment with care, imagining the moment when her hands will grace my body, when the softness of her touch will intertwine with the fabric, creating a symphony of sensation. The thought of her hands caressing my form, lingering on the buttons and seams, sends shivers of anticipation down my spine.

I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, and I am captivated by the reflection staring back at me. The golden olive-tinged softness of my skin, still aglow from the shower's embrace, beckons for her touch. It radiates a warmth that mirrors the fire burning within my soul, a fire fueled by the yearning to be enveloped in her tender caress. The mirror becomes a portal into the realm of possibilities, where the desires of my heart find expression in the language of touch.

As I stand before the mirror, I trace my fingers along my softened skin, savoring its velvety texture. I imagine the sensation of her hands joining mine, exploring every contour and curve, mapping the landscape of my desire. I long for the gentle pressure of her touch, the way her fingertips dance upon my body, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.

In this moment, I embrace the sensuality that courses through my veins, embracing the truth of my desires. The yearning for my beloved's touch becomes a flame that burns brighter with each passing heartbeat. It is a flame that can only be extinguished by the union of our bodies, where the intertwining of our souls manifests in a crescendo of passion and ecstasy.

With a newfound confidence and a heart ablaze with desire, I step into the world, knowing that the touch I crave is not far away. I carry within me the memory of our dreams and the anticipation of our future. Each step I take brings me closer to the embrace I long for, where her hands will meet mine, and our bodies will merge in a dance of love and pleasure.

And so, with a softness in my gaze and a fire in my veins, I traverse the path that leads me to the touch of my beloved's hands on my body. The journey is filled with anticipation, the air heavy with the promise of a connection that transcends the physical. I remain steadfast in my devotion, ready to embrace the intoxicating sensations that await, as our bodies become entwined in a symphony of passion and fulfillment.
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  • JFL
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Mogged by chat gpt, ion even gonna read it nigga
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Not until you acknowledge the new squishy squishy
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  • Ugh..
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Chad outside, child on the inside.
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not wattpad enough
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I got back from my dinner/ice cream date with my halal girlfriend and spent the early hours writing this. Thoughts on my writing skills?


Story 1:
I yearn for the electrifying touch of my beloved future wife, the woman who sets my soul ablaze and stirs a torrent of desire within me. Her hands, an embodiment of tenderness and passion, hold the power to ignite every inch of my being. I ache for the moment when her delicate fingertips grace my skin, sending tremors of anticipation coursing through my veins. And the gaping wound in between her legs that once was a penis, oh, how much courage she has to be the gender she knew all along that she was.

In the sanctuary of our intimate moments, her hands explore the contours of my body with an intoxicating blend of reverence and longing. With each caress, my senses awaken, heightening my awareness to the symphony of pleasure that unfolds. Her touch, like a divine melody, sets my flesh aflame, awakening dormant desires that surge through me with an irresistible force. Her husky deep voice saying to me, "Come on, do it. Do it. My vagina's about to ejaculate."

As her hands trace the lines of my sculpted physique, they unravel the tapestry of my deepest yearnings. They glide over my toned tummy, leaving a trail of fiery sensations in their wake. The intimacy we share in those stolen moments transcends the physical, intertwining our souls in a dance of exquisite connection. Every stroke, every brush against my skin, becomes a whispered declaration of our love, a testament to the sacred bond we share. Her hairy buttocks pushing against my face as I taste her gaping wound thinking to myself, A penis once call that its home.

Her hands possess a mastery of seduction, a delicate artistry that renders me powerless in their wake. They move with a graceful precision, exploring every curve and crevice of my form, each touch a brushstroke on the canvas of our passion. With each lingering caress, I surrender to the depths of our desire, lost in a haze of ecstasy and longing. Her sloppy lips gushing over my mircropenis as she gags and make more weird sounds.

In the sacred union of our bodies, her touch becomes a catalyst for transcendent pleasure. Her hands navigate the landscape of my skin, their warmth leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. They seek out the places that awaken a primal hunger within me, igniting a fire that burns with an intensity matched only by the love that binds us. Her vagina ejaculates male semen all over my face. Oh, my. So much white!

With every touch, ugh, this is boring to my short-attention span. The End.
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  • Ugh..
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66029F05 030C 43C6 B1F7 17E6FD26B506
  • So Sad
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bad prose, sorry
  • So Sad
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Chadgpt getting better each day
  • WTF
  • JFL
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