Rate this extremely legit post I made on NT-maxxing titled: "'Reading' emotions is autistic".



Jul 12, 2019
Aside from gauging general personal and general sexual attraction, you can't tell what a person is thinking or feeling from body language, facial expressions, etc. If you think you can, you are pretty much outing yourself as a PsychologyToday reader.

When socially normal people say they are good at reading emotions, or have high emotional empathy, they mean they are good at figuring out how a person will emotionally react to a statement, question, or situation, based on things the person has said, did, or reacted to in a certain way, previously.

People with high emotional empathy naturally pick up on tiny things that don't seem to add up, and are able to successfully complete the picture of who the person really is, versus who they try to appear to be. This allows them to steer conversations and situations in a direction where the other person can express their true selves without contradicting their idealized image of themselves.

Ever wonder why getting told you have a booger in your nose or bad breath is so embarrassing? It's because the feeling of embarrassment is strictly caused by a hole in your idealized self-image.
Not true lol
Most interactions that take face to face ade largely determined by body language. It's the key to interacting with people. Humans didn't have a language until a few millenia ago. Instead of mouth they communicated through body language. Our brain also instinctively picks up on body language versus spoken words.
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who cares , NT doesnt mean shit
im NT and it doesnt make a difference
who cares , NT doesnt mean shit
im NT and it doesnt make a difference
It does if your dick is at least 7 inches
Being NT is the second most important thing than dick
Being "nt" is all your hormones and shit. Aspies are high cortisol. Most of u guys are probably high cortisol and stress about women on a daily basis
the best way to be NT is approaching women below ur looksmatch :) or with subhuman features. currently pursuing a reccessed chin mouthbreather
only read title. being able to read emotions is the opposite of autism. psychopaths read emotions extremely well and that helps them manipulate people
only read title. being able to read emotions is the opposite of autism. psychopaths read emotions extremely well and that helps them manipulate people


Psychopath = Evil chad

Most "charismatic" serial killers were just murderous chads.
only read title. being able to read emotions is the opposite of autism. psychopaths read emotions extremely well and that helps them manipulate people
Sociopath and psychopath have different meanings. Someone can be both of them things sometimes but still, not the same exact thing.
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Psychopath = Evil chad

Most "charismatic" serial killers were just murderous chads.
how is that related to what I said. reading emotions is key to being extroverted because you can put yourself in the other person's shoe, know what to talk about, know how to answer them and how to influence them.
Sociopath and psychopath have different meanings. Someone can be both of them things sometimes but still, not the same exact thing.
how is that related to the op
its 1. face
2. height
3. frame
4. dick size

Frame / average + height
Dick size

In order
the best way to be NT is approaching women below ur looksmatch :) or with subhuman features. currently pursuing a reccessed chin mouthbreather
It would take years to find someone that I mog

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