Rate this guy PSL

Flat face / 10
Looks manlet /10
Guys I get it, but is he a Chang? Or a Changlite? And how many points / 10 in PSL?
Great body. Face tbh isn’t anything memorable. 5PSL (Not including body) With body and insta status etc maybe 6
Guys I get it, but is he a Chang? Or a Changlite? And how many points / 10 in PSL?
Imo neither Chang or Changlite. He’s a gymcelled looksmaxer but his face is not Chang.
Imo neither Chang or Changlite. He’s a gymcelled looksmaxer but his face is not Chang.
So how does he have that chick then? Does he betabuxx? Please explain to me
So how does he have that chick then? Does he betabuxx? Please explain to me
Well, the cause, Imho is due to her not being that great herself. Nothing really gl about her and I hate girls with muscles. This is probably due to the fact that I mostly find white girls attractive.
Well, the cause, Imho is due to her not being that great herself. Nothing really gl about her and I hate girls with muscles. This is probably due to the fact that I mostly find white girls attractive.
Are you kidding me? I would put my tongue in her pussy and asshole like there's no tomorrow, suck her toes like it's a giant dick and finger her until she squirts that nasty pussy-liquid all over my tongue. Dunno why you don't like her
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Not into Asians, my friend.
So how does he have that chick then? Does he betabuxx? Please explain to me
Non changs can get girls. Upper tier normies can get girls. Plus he has status and great body. They all come into the equation. Facially he’s not Chang in my book. But overall he has good SMV to get a girl like that in Asia
Non changs can get girls. Upper tier normies can get girls. Plus he has status and great body. They all come into the equation. Facially he’s not Chang in my book. But overall he has good SMV to get a girl like that in Asia
What about in the West?
What about in the West?
I don’t live in the West so I’m not the right person to answer that. Tbh running a tinder experiment with him would be interesting. Just yesterday someone posted that body matters. This guy has average face but great body. Would be interesting how he does.
I don’t live in the West so I’m not the right person to answer that. Tbh running a tinder experiment with him would be interesting. Just yesterday someone posted that body matters. This guy has average face but great body. Would be interesting how he does.
So are you saying that in Asia he's a slayer?
So are you saying that in Asia he's a slayer?
He has a hot gf so he should do good in Asia. I just don’t find his face anywhere above average. He looks like the typical Chinese guy just very low body fat. His body is all he has. I don’t know how much Asian girls care about body. He’d do good not sure about slaying. @FatmanO
He has a hot gf so he should do good in Asia. I just don’t find his face anywhere above average. He looks like the typical Chinese guy just very low body fat. His body is all he has. I don’t know how much Asian girls care about body. He’d do good not sure about slaying. @FatmanO
Hes average looking to me, really hard to pinpoint him. But he has a cute gf, even tho hes short imo (not sure of his height tho)
He has a hot gf so he should do good in Asia. I just don’t find his face anywhere above average. He looks like the typical Chinese guy just very low body fat. His body is all he has. I don’t know how much Asian girls care about body. He’d do good not sure about slaying. @FatmanO
Tbh his body carries him hard, Imagine him as not lifting. He also take roids and not sure about the girl, but ussaly I always see lifters with lifting girls.
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