Average blonde instagram whore
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Horse face stacy
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  • JFL
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when a hottie posts a photo with her tongue out, does it mean they suck a chadcock every week?
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hentai is shit compared to real girls
when a hottie posts a photo with her tongue out, does it mean they suck a chadcock every week?
she sucks chad cock regardless
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she sucks chad cock regardless
FFS whyyyy did I become addicted to vidya and forums at age 11 WHY

there must be no decently attractive, white virgin girl above 12 today

fucking over
  • +1
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FFS whyyyy did I become addicted to vidya and forums at age 11 WHY
you were uninformed and didnt realize the danger you were putting your development in

now you bask in sadness at what you could have become

Clean, pretty, cute, never age, always loyal.
of course they never age and are loyal

they arent fucking real

and they arent cute they look retarded

-they are always young (disgusting)
-always chink
-always have gay hair color
-huge rhombus shaped eyes (just fucking lol)

real girls will forever mog drawings and animations of your favorite cartoon character

keep coping
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  • +1
  • WTF
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Oversized lips whore... my avi mogs her to oblivion
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they always over do it with the fillers
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they arent fucking real
They can be seen and heard, therefore, they are real.

and they arent cute they look retarded
And big baboon lips made from plastic and software filters don't look retarded?

-they are always young (disgusting)
Liking grandmas puts you in the minority, boyo.

-always chink
Not always, but regardless, there is nothing wrong with this. Even in 3d, East Asian girls are generally more polite and well-kept than girls of Western European descent.

-always have gay hair color
Not always, but regardless, exotic hair color can be (and usually is on anime girls) endearing.

-huge rhombus shaped eyes (just fucking lol)
Again, not always, but again regardless, there's nothing wrong with stylized neotenous features. Liking big goo-goo eyes is high T.
  • +1
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looks like a man in the face. worthless for anything other than pump an dump with paperbag over head
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May Allah smite her
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Main qimg f4bb9665e5a53513c281cb3f6c4f109f
  • Ugh..
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They can be seen and heard, therefore, they are real.

And big baboon lips made from plastic and software filters don't look retarded?

Liking grandmas puts you in the minority, boyo.

Not always, but regardless, there is nothing wrong with this. Even in 3d, East Asian girls are generally more polite and well-kept than girls of Western European descent.

Not always, but regardless, exotic hair color can be (and usually is on anime girls) endearing.

Again, not always, but again regardless, there's nothing wrong with stylized neotenous features. Liking big goo-goo eyes is high T.
Autism radar

cringing at this retarded and autistic reply

they aren't real

they are virtual and will forever be virtual you will never be able to marry a cute "loli girlfriend"

and there is a difference between "young" and grandma

anime girls = 13 and 14 year old girls

prime girls are 19-21

who the fuck wants to jack off to a 13 year old girl??? (you will never be able to fuck them because they arent real)



Anime girls dont look like east asian girls because east asian girls will never meet the proportions of a drawn and animated cartoon character, their face is completely different as well

and of course their is nothing wrong with liking hentai (although its weird as fuck)

but to prefer it over a REAL GIRL? (real girls are so sexy)

it's very clear to me that you were abused and tormented by girls all through your childhood and now you prefer animated cartoon girls over them

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npc thots like that are leashed dogs of sasha luss[psl kween of aliens and dolphinmaxxers/box osteotomy entusiasts]
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I don’t like her look

I prefer noble look
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they are virtual and will forever be virtual you will never be able to marry a cute "loli girlfriend"
Good luck with your marriage to 3d, where you'll need a five-star divorce attorney on speed dial and paternity tests locked in a hidden gun safe just to make sure you don't end up a fin-dommed cuckold.

and there is a difference between "young" and grandma

anime girls = 13 and 14 year old girls

prime girls are 19-21
Anime girls trend more towards 16, but there's nothing wrong with a 14-year-old anime girl. They tend to be quite mature, clean, and good-looking for their age, unlike 3d 14-year-olds.


Anime girls dont look like east asian girls because east asian girls will never meet the proportions of a drawn and animated cartoon character, their face is completely different as well
All 3d is subhuman compared to 2d. However, apples to apples, East Asian girls are fine.

but to prefer it over a REAL GIRL? (real girls are so sexy)
It's sensible. Refer to my previous post:

Fart, stink, are rude, are narcissistic, are judgmental, lie compulsively, age prematurely.
Clean, pretty, cute, never age, always loyal.
The choice here is fairly obvious.
  • +1
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fake / 10
not my taste
  • +1
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Good luck with your marriage to 3d, where you'll need a five-star divorce attorney on speed dial and paternity tests locked in a hidden gun safe just to make sure you don't end up a fin-dommed cuckold.

Anime girls trend more towards 16, but there's nothing wrong with a 14-year-old anime girl. They tend to be quite mature, clean, and good-looking for their age, unlike 3d 14-year-olds.

All 3d is subhuman compared to 2d. However, apples to apples, East Asian girls are fine.

It's sensible. Refer to my previous post:


The choice here is fairly obvious.
none of what you said is guaranteed in a marriage

even then you dont have to get married to fuck a "3d girl"

one night stands are a thing or you can have a relationship with a girl without any long term ties

once again with the virtual girls are perfect compared to real girls cope

of course they are going to be perfect, they are drawn to be perfect by artists. they exhibit no flaws because they aren't living, they are VIRTUAL.

if anime girls were real they would look completely different than what you think due to their weird proportions

they would also behave like a regular woman if they were alive. women nature will never change

and anime girls do fart, they also lie, kill, steal, etc. they can do whatever you want them to do because they are drawn and a product of your imagination

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of course they are going to be perfect, they are drawn to be perfect by artists. they exhibit no flaws because they aren't living, they are VIRTUAL.
So? All this proves is virtual is better than living. Who cares where perfection comes from, as long as it's there?

none of what you said is guaranteed in a marriage

even then you dont have to get married to fuck a "3d girl"

one night stands are a thing or you can have a relationship with a girl without any long term ties
There is always high risk with 3d, and the further you are away from being a Chad, the higher the risk becomes. And what is the risk for? The "right" to tell your friends you can date a greasy obnoxious landwhale who'll swipe your credit card behind your back if you're not careful? Too much cost for the benefit if you're not at least Chad-lite.

if anime girls were real they would look completely different than what you think due to their weird proportions
they would also behave like a regular woman if they were alive. women nature will never change
But they're not. That's the whole point. They are perfect and superior to 3d in every way because they're made that way.

and anime girls do fart, they also lie, kill, steal, etc. they can do whatever you want them to do because they are drawn and a product of your imagination
And that's a bad thing... how?
  • +1
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So? All this proves is virtual is better than living. Who cares where perfection comes from, as long as it's there?

There is always high risk with 3d, and the further you are away from being a Chad, the higher the risk becomes. And what is the risk for? The "right" to tell your friends you can date a greasy obnoxious landwhale who'll swipe your credit card behind your back if you're not careful? Too much cost for the benefit if you're not at least Chad-lite.

But they're not. That's the whole point. They are perfect and superior to 3d in every way because they're made that way.

And that's a bad thing... how?
Seek help you are mentally ill.Imagine falling in love with fucking cartoons.
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She looks like whatever
  • +1
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So? All this proves is virtual is better than living. Who cares where perfection comes from, as long as it's there?

There is always high risk with 3d, and the further you are away from being a Chad, the higher the risk becomes. And what is the risk for? The "right" to tell your friends you can date a greasy obnoxious landwhale who'll swipe your credit card behind your back if you're not careful? Too much cost for the benefit if you're not at least Chad-lite.

But they're not. That's the whole point. They are perfect and superior to 3d in every way because they're made that way.

And that's a bad thing... how?
even if cartoon girls are superior to real girls you can't enjoy them nor have sex with them, it's impossible.

you can't form genuine emotional bonds with them and you can't do anything with them. once you leave your room or virtual space it's over, it's done.

it's better to be realistic and looksmaxx to have a chance to fuck a above average whore or if lucky and good looking enough ltr a good looking girl loyal girl (if they exist)

just dont get why you are lusting over cartoon characters when you can possibly get the real thing?
  • +1
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I feel like I've seen her a thousand times already, all hoes look the same nowadays
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Shit taste. Fakeup, midface, filler.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Deleted member 2227 and didntreadlol
  • +1
  • Woah
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  • JFL
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even if cartoon girls are superior to real girls you can't enjoy them nor have sex with them, it's impossible.
Same with 3d if you're not at least Chadlite or willing to accept serfdom for once-a-month ten-minute missionary sex in the pitch dark through an extra thick condom.

you can't form genuine emotional bonds with them and you can't do anything with them. once you leave your room or virtual space it's over, it's done.
Same with 3d, except it's also over if you lose your job or your hair.

it's better to be realistic and looksmaxx to have a chance to fuck a above average whore or if lucky and good looking enough ltr a good looking girl loyal girl (if they exist)
It's better to be realistic and pursue a pipe dream. Okay dude.

just dont get why you are lusting over cartoon characters when you can possibly get the real thing?
I can't though. The real thing only exists -- to a certain degree -- for Chadlite or above.
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Same with 3d if you're not at least Chadlite or willing to accept serfdom for once-a-month ten-minute missionary sex in the pitch dark through an extra thick condom.

Same with 3d, except it's also over if you lose your job or your hair.

It's better to be realistic and pursue a pipe dream. Okay dude.

I can't though. The real thing only exists -- to a certain degree -- for Chadlite or above.
each to their own bro

cant argue against that
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Perfect body but damn her lips are gross man.
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I might let her kiss my cheek if she asks nicely and I'm in good mood
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What's so bad about that?
It's not that bad, I got to rot in peace atleast, and it's a decently comfortable life, always been introverted so it worked for me
but I never got involved into parties because I straight out didn't give a fack about looks until 19 at least and didn't even have a proper haircut before 22. Might be worth to mention I didn't leave my hometown for the whole year as a 21yr old

it fucked me up, I think I have chadlite potential but if I softmax enough for the next 4 months and succeed I will move to a new place, new uni and hopefully get to slay hot girls until I find someone to settle down with at 30 or so. maybe I will find some 19yo from EE and betabux for her, I don't really like girls in my country and their behaviour
I had opportunities with cute girls at 22 but I was not mentally prepared back then, and they were probably PSL 5 wihout makeup, I'm sure I wouldn't turn down if they were hotter, also two of them had bf's so I didn't want drama. 24 now
but yeah... thinking back bro it sucks cuz I remember in 9th grade my body was ready to fuck, unfortunately I was a sissy nerdy shy guy and also kind of chubby.

but past is past, and it's not an easy game for most men we know that. on the tinder catfishing thread there were many slayers up to 28yo, it's not about age anyways but collagen and hairline which motivated me to continue looksmaxing which I will from monday on

I was always a standardcel but if I actually had cool friends and a social life I would have lost it many years ago so yeah it's not as fun... and obviously not having partied much makes life more dull lol, almost no stories to tell others.
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Its all a facade. She probably doesn't look like that in real life
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