Rating (19M) (What are some halos & failios of mine as well?)


Deleted member 22808

Oct 4, 2022
Was wondering where I fall on the looks scale (I’m thinking MTN). Where can I make improvements?

I’m 6’4 & 188 pounds


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  • +1
Reactions: justinzayn
If you're 6ft4 you're easily HTN
  • +1
Reactions: Tasty17
why did you post a picture of you wearing a coronamask jfl. your height halos you but facially you are LTN and your shoulders are narrow too
  • +1
Reactions: Tasty17
Was wondering where I fall on the looks scale (I’m thinking MTN). Where can I make improvements?

I’m 6’4 & 188 pounds
Ur a ltn-mtn facially but ur so tall it hardly matters get jacked and you'll slay MTB at least
  • +1
Reactions: Corleone
why did you post a picture of you wearing a coronamask jfl. your height halos you but facially you are LTN and your shoulders are narrow too
If he was bellow 6'0 he'd be a truecel but at that height and not being a total horrifying mess he can get girls
Why did you post a picture of you wearing a coronamask jfl. your height halos you but facially you are LTN and your shoulders are narrow too
Liked my hair & eye area in that photo jfl. Yeah I would say my facial development was affected by my mouth breathing. I’m gonna add bulk up my shoulders, hopefully I don’t have a super thin frame.
If he was bellow 6'0 he'd be a truecel but at that height and not being a total horrifying mess he can get girls
LMAOO, what are my biggest failios you would say & what can I do to fix some of them?
LMAOO, what are my biggest failios you would say & what can I do to fix some of them?
Your main problems are your eyes and nose your hair is rlly good keep that, I'd mew(although that might be cope) or get jaw implants, since wider jaw would make you more attractive. But all and all now that I looked more you're probably MTN some girls could even find you cute especially with your height ur definitely HTN when adding that, and your blue eyes really help you ass well. Don't know about that 15 year olds moustache tho
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 22808
Ur a ltn-mtn facially but ur so tall it hardly matters get jacked and you'll slay MTB at least
Obviously not ltn lol

good eye color, eye area although a little nct (not falio) makes you look French

no falios, normal development except for fat acne and a little on maxilla/under eyes
  • +1
Reactions: Iasacrko
Obviously not ltn lol

good eye color, eye area although a little nct (not falio) makes you look French

no falios, normal development except for fat acne and a little on maxilla/under eyes
I just noticed this in my new post jfl he's MTN i was wrong posted that a second ago, i had judged too fast I'd say he's 4psl but with his height definitely htn
Mtn with great eye color for your pheno. Nose and lack of jaw definition are your biggest failos. Shave your mustache.
B267295E BC3B 4E0E A8D9 D7A544F90141
D55CB014 1079 49B4 A0E5 BB57712D3F62

looks like orb here don’t listen to Indians here, they underrate whites
If he was bellow 6'0 he'd be a truecel but at that height and not being a total horrifying mess he can get girls
ngl bro u dont need it but a rhinoplasty would ascend ur side profile hard also shave the moustache, get a lil bit bulkier and ur good to go man good looks
Obviously not ltn lol

good eye color, eye area although a little nct (not falio) makes you look French

no falios, normal development except for fat acne and a little on maxilla/under eyes
Yeah I would say based on my dating life now that I’m treated like a MTN-HTN (depending on if the girl thirsts over height more than faces). I get girls but I don’t have that sex appeal where they flock to me. I basically have to chase them.
  • +1
Reactions: Johnnybegood and incel194012940
why is every nigga 6'4+ here
Yeah I would say based on my dating life now that I’m treated like a MTN-HTN (depending on if the girl thirsts over height more than faces). I get girls but I don’t have that sex appeal where they flock to me. I basically have to chase them.
If you want the fastest way to make you really gl

you’re skinnyfat so run sarms/roids for a cycle on a deficit

then nuke your acne and you’re set

don’t think girls will flock to you though but maybe 1-2 ask you out, you are man and not woman
Yeah I would say based on my dating life now that I’m treated like a MTN-HTN (depending on if the girl thirsts over height more than faces). I get girls but I don’t have that sex appeal where they flock to me. I basically have to chase them.
I'm not Indian and he's not even white wtf r u even talking about at this point
I’m eastern european
Your main problems are your eyes and nose your hair is rlly good keep that, I'd mew(although that might be cope) or get jaw implants, since wider jaw would make you more attractive. But all and all now that I looked more you're probably MTN some girls could even find you cute especially with your height ur definitely HTN when adding that, and your blue eyes really help you ass well. Don't know about that 15 year olds moustache tho
Girls compliment my eyes quite a lot so I’m not sure exactly what part of my eyes I could improve apon, maybe the under eyes with some filler? Yeah a rhinoplasty would help me for sure but I would only do it if it ascends me HARD. Same with jaw implants but I’m not sure if they’ll look botched on me. I shaved my moustache before & I thought it made my face look weird, I think growing a designer stubble would help hide & distract from my failios
I’m eastern european

Girls compliment my eyes quite a lot so I’m not sure exactly what part of my eyes I could improve apon, maybe the under eyes with some filler? Yeah a rhinoplasty would help me for sure but I would only do it if it ascends me HARD. Same with jaw implants but I’m not sure if they’ll look botched on me. I shaved my moustache before & I thought it made my face look weird, I think growing a designer stubble would help hide & distract from my failios
You look Arabic, you do look MTN tho
framecel hipcel
ngl bro u dont need it but a rhinoplasty would ascend ur side profile hard also shave the moustache, get a lil bit bulkier and ur good to go man good looks
Thanks my guy.
ngl bro u dont need it but a rhinoplasty would ascend ur side profile hard also shave the moustache, get a lil bit bulkier and ur good to go man good looks
Would a rhinoplasty & maybe jaw implants along with those other soft maxes take me to chadlite (or possibly chad)?
Obviously not ltn lol

good eye color, eye area although a little nct (not falio) makes you look French

no falios, normal development except for fat acne and a little on maxilla/under eyes
He doesnt have normal development at all. Hes extremely downwards grown and asymmetrical. Most people i know irl arent this downwards grown. You look at him and get this weird nerd vibe, thada why
He doesnt have normal development at all. Hes extremely downwards grown and asymmetrical. Most people i know irl arent this downwards grown. You look at him and get this weird nerd vibe, thada why
looks french
He doesnt have normal development at all. Hes extremely downwards grown and asymmetrical. Most people i know irl arent this downwards grown. You look at him and get this weird nerd vibe, thada why
Anything I can do about it? or not much really?

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