Realistically how many PSL points can one expect to go up by?



Aug 11, 2018
So basically if you're a PSL 3 or 3.5 or 6 or 6.5 how many points can one expect to rise by so to speak?

What are your thoughts on cost benefit effectiveness & opportunity cost?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer my man, some people can ascend much harder than others, who may not be able to ascend at all. First off, is your midface compact? is your IPD good? is your fwhr good? is your chin to philtrum ratio good? Do you have good cheekbones/ogee curve? Depending on what the answers to those questions are and depending on what failos you have that cause you to be your PSL rating determines how high you can ascend on a case-by-case basis.
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There is no straight forward amount of attractiveness that anyone is guaranteed to go up. So many factors involved including height, frame, facial flaws and how easily they can be corrected, phenotype, etc etc

Find your flaws and work to correct them, realize your strengths and make them a focal point.
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good thread, i feel this is not talked about enough

it really varies on person to person case. it depends on what holds you back, phenotype etc

in my opinion, on average, most looksmaxxer users will never go up more than 1 psl points. now under this I mean true PSL point. not angle/light/squinchfrauded selfies where they may look better than their old photos. I mean in real life, natural lightning, motion PSL, as in how girls observe you. Most users won't go up more than 1 psl in that regards, most even less than that probably.

some people have certain failos that surgery may fix and can improve them significantly. surgery is mainly for fixing failos, but when trying to make normal features "good looking" as ways to imitate hollywood actors and models (who have entirely diff. phenotype and harmony) usually ends up looking uncanny. not always, cuz theres exception to this ofc, but most surgery results i've seen fall into this category

if you're overweight, have bad skin, or bad norwood (still saveable tier) then you can go up a lot in PSL

or with gymcelling you can also ascend. i'm not an advocate of roidcelling, but I can't deny the biggest "ascension" regarding gymcel usually come from roids regardless of health downsides. people who benefit from natty training usually have good structure regardless, so relatively speaking their bodily halo increase isn't as exponential as if some framecel twink starts roiding and becomes double his size

theres a lot of ways and approaches you can go about all these, but having realistic expectations and plans is absolutey key, if you want to truly increase your appeal to girls
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Pm me your pics boyo if you want honest advice and ratings.
it really depends alot on the individual person and there flaws, i guess for most people around 1 to 2 maybe 3 points but this really depends on what flaws you have and if there fixable and how much surgery you are willing to get done
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in my opinion, on average, most looksmaxxer users will never go up more than 1 psl points.
Thats too simplistic again, it depends on current bone structure and ratios. This guy IMO ascend a full 3 points from 3 PSL to 6 PSL:


Then if you are very handsome like this bastard here:

You cant really change it at all in any way because there are no failos to fix.

Then you would have to consider the case of someone who has a long midface, shit tier IPD, non existent zygos, you would then have to agree in such cases no ascension is really possible at all.
Thats too simplistic again, it depends on current bone structure and ratios. This guy IMO ascend a full 3 points from 3 PSL to 6 PSL:

View attachment 151073

Then if you are very handsome like this bastard here:
View attachment 151075
You cant really change it at all in any way because there are no failos to fix.

Then you would have to consider the case of someone who has a long midface, shit tier IPD, non existent zygos, you would then have to agree in such cases no ascension is really possible at all.
yes, he improved, but no, hes not 6 psl. lets not kid ourselves, he's pretty far from it. also just lol at this before after. this angle and lightning differences. reminds me of mewing before-afters
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It depends on case to case. Theoretically there's no limits just depends on what you have available to you.
Generally up to about 2
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Idk @cocainecowboy if you're fat and balding for example and you fix both of those you can really leap in PSL just off of those alone.
EDIT: nvm I read your full post and you address both of those
Depends on how many flaws you have, how much they affect your looks and to which extent they can be fixed.
Idk @cocainecowboy if you're fat and balding for example and you fix both of those you can really leap in PSL just off of those alone.
i've literally said this in my comment. read it again
yes, he improved, but no, hes not 6 psl. lets not kid ourselves, he's pretty far from it. also just lol at this before after. this angle and lightning differences. reminds me of mewing before-afters
Idk he says he gets looks from women, and honestly he does look pretty good, maybe IRL he looks better because that photo quality aint great. Heres another one of his photos:

If not 6 I would say at least 5.5 his face changed a LOT. He now looks like the sorta guy at least some women would show interest in provided he's not manlet.
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good thread, i feel this is not talked about enough

it really varies on person to person case. it depends on what holds you back, phenotype etc

in my opinion, on average, most looksmaxxer users will never go up more than 1 psl points. now under this I mean true PSL point. not angle/light/squinchfrauded selfies where they may look better than their old photos. I mean in real life, natural lightning, motion PSL, as in how girls observe you. Most users won't go up more than 1 psl in that regards, most even less than that probably.

some people have certain failos that surgery may fix and can improve them significantly. surgery is mainly for fixing failos, but when trying to make normal features "good looking" as ways to imitate hollywood actors and models (who have entirely diff. phenotype and harmony) usually ends up looking uncanny. not always, cuz theres exception to this ofc, but most surgery results i've seen fall into this category

if you're overweight, have bad skin, or bad norwood (still saveable tier) then you can go up a lot in PSL

or with gymcelling you can also ascend. i'm not an advocate of roidcelling, but I can't deny the biggest "ascension" regarding gymcel usually come from roids regardless of health downsides. people who benefit from natty training usually have good structure regardless, so relatively speaking their bodily halo increase isn't as exponential as if some framecel twink starts roiding and becomes double his size

theres a lot of ways and approaches you can go about all these, but having realistic expectations and plans is absolutey key, if you want to truly increase your appeal to girls
Bro, you yourself went up more than that. Also me, @ZyzzReincarnate ... I agree that it’s hard and a lot of people who just whine and do nothing about it won’t, but it’s possible
Idk he says he gets looks from women, and honestly he does look pretty good, maybe IRL he looks better because that photo quality aint great. Heres another one of his photos:

If not 6 I would say at least 5.5 his face changed a LOT. He now looks like the sorta guy at least some women would show interest in provided he's not manlet.
i mean i can say a lot of things too. always remember that anyone who undergoes a lot of surgeries, will always lie about their change in quality of life as a means to justify their decisions to themselves. every single surgerycel ive seen does this

again the comparison is not fair, the facial hair is clearly helping him a lot. also the lightning is different, the darker lightning in 2nd makes his skin look better/younger appearance

give same lightning condition and give him same facial hair the on before and you will see how little the actual difference is

it's still and improvement and i'm not saying he can't possibly he getting more attention from women, but these claims people make when saying "he went from 3 to 6 psl !!!! " what a chad are ridic

no dude hes not a chad and he didnt went up 3 psl. all surgerycels are deluded this way. this is why i wrote my thread
I'd be happy with a point face wise tbh
Bro, you yourself went up more than that. Also me, @ZyzzReincarnate ... I agree that it’s hard and a lot of people who just whine and do nothing about it won’t, but it’s possible
I specifically worded "most". both me, you and zyzzreincarnate are rather specific cases where certain looksmins and other factors allowed us to improve more
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good thread, i feel this is not talked about enough

it really varies on person to person case. it depends on what holds you back, phenotype etc

in my opinion, on average, most looksmaxxer users will never go up more than 1 psl points. now under this I mean true PSL point. not angle/light/squinchfrauded selfies where they may look better than their old photos. I mean in real life, natural lightning, motion PSL, as in how girls observe you. Most users won't go up more than 1 psl in that regards, most even less than that probably.

some people have certain failos that surgery may fix and can improve them significantly. surgery is mainly for fixing failos, but when trying to make normal features "good looking" as ways to imitate hollywood actors and models (who have entirely diff. phenotype and harmony) usually ends up looking uncanny. not always, cuz theres exception to this ofc, but most surgery results i've seen fall into this category

if you're overweight, have bad skin, or bad norwood (still saveable tier) then you can go up a lot in PSL

or with gymcelling you can also ascend. i'm not an advocate of roidcelling, but I can't deny the biggest "ascension" regarding gymcel usually come from roids regardless of health downsides. people who benefit from natty training usually have good structure regardless, so relatively speaking their bodily halo increase isn't as exponential as if some framecel twink starts roiding and becomes double his size

theres a lot of ways and approaches you can go about all these, but having realistic expectations and plans is absolutey key, if you want to truly increase your appeal to girls
Depends on money too
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yes, he improved, but no, hes not 6 psl. lets not kid ourselves, he's pretty far from it. also just lol at this before after. this angle and lightning differences. reminds me of mewing before-afters
Hes also stretching his neck out on the second pic
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i mean i can say a lot of things too. always remember that anyone who undergoes a lot of surgeries, will always lie about their change in quality of life as a means to justify their decisions to themselves. every single surgerycel ive seen does this

again the comparison is not fair, the facial hair is clearly helping him a lot. also the lightning is different, the darker lightning in 2nd makes his skin look better/younger appearance

give same lightning condition and give him same facial hair the on before and you will see how little the actual difference is

it's still and improvement and i'm not saying he can't possibly he getting more attention from women, but these claims people make when saying "he went from 3 to 6 psl !!!! " what a chad are ridic

no dude hes not a chad and he didnt went up 3 psl. all surgerycels are deluded this way. this is why i wrote my threa
He defo looks good tho, his surgery wasnt some uncanny valley implants or some shit remember, I think it was double jaw, chin wing, bear transplant and some other shit. I guess his photos arent good enough to actually make a final call on it, id say the best way to judge is to take a video using a good quality camera and walk around, strike a few poses, see how you look in motion.
I specifically worded "most". both me, you and zyzzreincarnate are rather specific cases where certain looksmins and other factors allowed us to improve more
I reckon ill ascend more than 1 true PSL point, i still have some facial fat to cut (18% bf) and my base is decent on the whole.
He defo looks good tho, his surgery wasnt some uncanny valley implants or some shit remember, I think it was double jaw, chin wing, bear transplant and some other shit. I guess his photos arent good enough to actually make a final call on it, id say the best way to judge is to take a video using a good quality camera and walk around, strike a few poses, see how you look in motion.
yeah i don't mind surgery as a concept, especially where they move real bones. but i wont believe shit till I see motion before/afters. the pre-op pics always are some shit angle shit ligtning pics and post-op pics are super frauded to create illusion of bigger ascension

he looks a decent looking dude that can get women from the pic, but nothing more imo. unless he's really tall and wide frame or something liek that, but i doubt
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Good question. It really depends on your current state. 99% of users here have an over exaggerated version of what they think they can go up and what others can go up.

If you’re relatively skinny (not fat basically) and have average skin, you can probably go up MAYBE 1PSL point full looksmaxx. 1PSL point is a huge jump though and not many will get that. If you need jaw surgery, you can probably get around 0.5-0.75PSL just on that alone if you’re very recessed.

If you’re a 3PSL, you probably won’t get to 5PSL. If you’re already 6PSL, it will be extremely hard to get to 6.5PSL.
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yeah i don't mind surgery as a concept, especially where they move real bones. but i wont believe shit till I see motion before/afters. the pre-op pics always are some shit angle shit ligtning pics and post-op pics are super frauded to create illusion of bigger ascension

he looks a decent looking dude that can get women from the pic, but nothing more imo. unless he's really tall and wide frame or something liek that, but i doubt
If you're that level of looks you could run some sort of game to slay qts, whether it be social circle, bad boy game, whatever your interest is really. And about the moving bones, im getting procedures done to widen my palate, and advance and widen my lower jaw in a year and a bit in order to correct my overbite.
If you need jaw surgery, you can probably get around 0.5-0.75PSL just on that alone if you’re very recessed.

If you’re a 3PSL, you probably won’t get to 5PSL. If you’re already 6PSL, it will be extremely hard to get to 6.5PSL.
Im getting my palate expanded and lower jaw advanced and widened in about a year and a bit from now, so I think that should improve my nose to mouth and my chin to philtrum from just under 2 to just over two.
If you're that level of looks you could run some sort of game to slay qts, whether it be social circle, bad boy game, whatever your interest is really. And about the moving bones, im getting procedures done to widen my palate, and advance and widen my lower jaw in a year and a bit in order to correct my overbite.

Im getting my palate expanded and lower jaw advanced and widened in about a year and a bit from now, so I think that should improve my nose to mouth and my chin to philtrum from just under 2 to just over two.
palate expansion won’t do anything for looks unless you smile tbh. lower jaw could help but your jaw looks good enough for it not to give you a reasonable boost. idk tho bc i would need to see more pics. ratios are kinda a meme tbh. they only matter if they are completely fucked on either side of the spectrum.
palate expansion won’t do anything for looks unless you smile tbh. lower jaw could help but your jaw looks good enough for it not to give you a reasonable boost. idk tho bc i would need to see more pics. ratios are kinda a meme tbh. they only matter if they are completely fucked on either side of the spectrum.
The palatal expansion a medical thing, also having a narrow palate kinda is a failo. Just gimme a sec lemme PM you a more realistic morph. And my jaw kinda is lacking a few mm's of width and around 8-9 mm of forward growth, so getting that shit corrected would definitely make an impact upon my face.
The palatal expansion a medical thing, also having a narrow palate kinda is a failo. Just gimme a sec lemme PM you a more realistic morph. And my jaw kinda is lacking a few mm's of width and around 8-9 mm of forward growth, so getting that shit corrected would definitely make an impact upon my face.
how narrow is ur palate and how are u getting this surgery? bc i have a narrow palate
how narrow is ur palate and how are u getting this surgery? bc i have a narrow palate
Its pretty narrow, im probably gonna be getting SARPE for this then the lower jaw surgery.
just look good psl is useless
Work out,get lean face and abs
Get good haircut that looks good on man
use bb creams to cover skin
Thats all you can do and you will look good unless you are ugly and need surgery
forget about psl just start looking good in pictures
Most people wont be able to get lean and healthy reaching theyr full potential
They will live in a limbo of looksmaxxing never improving theyr fat bloated face and skinnyfat body.
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Before you consider surgery its an absolute MUST to get to a legit 10-12% BF level to fully evaluate yourself, as well as do normie looksmaxxes.

Get rid of acne, good haircut, shave if you have shit facial hair, get a healthy looking tan
good thread, i feel this is not talked about enough

it really varies on person to person case. it depends on what holds you back, phenotype etc

in my opinion, on average, most looksmaxxer users will never go up more than 1 psl points. now under this I mean true PSL point. not angle/light/squinchfrauded selfies where they may look better than their old photos. I mean in real life, natural lightning, motion PSL, as in how girls observe you. Most users won't go up more than 1 psl in that regards, most even less than that probably.

some people have certain failos that surgery may fix and can improve them significantly. surgery is mainly for fixing failos, but when trying to make normal features "good looking" as ways to imitate hollywood actors and models (who have entirely diff. phenotype and harmony) usually ends up looking uncanny. not always, cuz theres exception to this ofc, but most surgery results i've seen fall into this category

if you're overweight, have bad skin, or bad norwood (still saveable tier) then you can go up a lot in PSL

or with gymcelling you can also ascend. i'm not an advocate of roidcelling, but I can't deny the biggest "ascension" regarding gymcel usually come from roids regardless of health downsides. people who benefit from natty training usually have good structure regardless, so relatively speaking their bodily halo increase isn't as exponential as if some framecel twink starts roiding and becomes double his size

theres a lot of ways and approaches you can go about all these, but having realistic expectations and plans is absolutey key, if you want to truly increase your appeal to girls
This is +2 PSL. No hes not a chad, but he can die happy now.


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This is +2 PSL. No hes not a chad, but he can die happy now.
yeah as ive been parrotting for months. if ur subhuman, surgery is extremely legit to make you go normie tier

but going from normie to actual good looking is different story

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