Realizations of a Former Narcy Faggot

Is there any form of social proof that mogs having a family?

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Sep 25, 2023
As I am about to spend another Friday night rotting here, I’ve realized the futility of the whole looksmaxxing idea. Am I good looking because I spam 50 pics to find one that might be rated HTN by Dalit teenagers on discord?

At best, I am

6/10 in looks
6/10 in height
Aspie as fuck
Have the inhibition of an abused dog

Why did I think I was above the average oofy doofy cuck? Because I learned about divorce stats and saw some Nigerian with a Dorito nose and plastic in his face run male model Tinder experiments?

It’s time to put down the latisse, brow tint, SARMS, minox, bb cream and height insoles. The only thing that you can realistically aspire to be, the only thing that will give you that level of social proof that is needed to not be treated like a worthless piece of disposable garbage by society is becoming a betabux. Maybe you can become a 6/10 looking betabux instead of a 4/10 looking betabux, and that has some advantages, but you will be a betabux nonetheless.

Bluepillers are basically right. Every moment you spend rotting on this forum is a moment you could have spent finding an HQNP wife that will give you decent kids in a dead bedroom.


“But muh divorce stats!!!”

Doesn’t matter. What the fuck are you gonna do with all that money anyways? Are you gonna cope with hookers and vidya at 50 when everyone is gonna clock you as the creepy incel uncle in 20 seconds?

The vast majority of men are K strategists. This is especially true if you aren’t hyper NT (which is a form of mental illness) or hyper good looking (which is a deleterious genetic mutation). We need to stop trying to be something that we aren’t. Unless you want a fast life history strategy where you die of a phenibut overdose at 40, you aren’t even playing the same game as the forum slayers here. Being a betabux is the finish line, not trying to emulate the life of a slayer, which will never happen anyways.

So, how do you maximize K strategy success? There have been studies that show what factors load onto a K life history strategy. As you will see, a decent amount is out of your control, so you really have to min max what you can.


1. Insight, Planning and Control: Can you delay gratification? If you are addicted to social media or .org notifications that’s already a problem.

2. Parent Relationship Quality/Contact Frequency: Of you have abusive, retarded, or neglectful parents, that’s already a massive failo. Even if that isn’t your phenotype currently, you are only a couple of Gene x Gene interaction effects away from creating the next Ted Bundy. Women can sniff that shit form a mile away, especially if you are in an LTR. Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do about this. If your family is really bad, it might be worth it to dissociate from them completely and larp as adopted or something.

3. Friend Quality: Social circle stuff, water. Get better friends.

4. Secure attachment style: This is basically just being an optimistic cuck. Unfortunately also pretty hard to replicate once you are Blackpilled.

5. Religiousness/Altruism: This one is easy to larp. Get involved in charities, maybe create your own scam charity, and go to church often. Picking up girls at church is cope, but it provides social proof that you are probably someone who has moral qualms with cheating or leaving your kids.

6. Mini-K: from what I’ve seen, that’s just a general factor of psychological predispositions that will change once you fix the other stuff

Yeah, it’s still probably over, but family is the only cope that’s left for normie men, and the only one that lasts.
  • So Sad
Reactions: raleqtambrobret
Just another reason to support T.H.D.
what the fuck does that even mean i am the most narcissistic human alive and want to get married
  • +1
Reactions: isis_Bleach
what the fuck does that even mean i am the most narcissistic human alive and want to get married
It means you gotta leave your ego behind and accept being a cuck. You will have to worship your post prime looksmatch if you want to get married to her, and have your whole life revolve around placacting her fears that you are some crazy psycho. This has a better roi than a 1 PSL increase
  • JFL
Reactions: isis_Bleach and The Dark Phoenix
It means you gotta leave your ego behind and accept being a cuck. You will have to worship your post prime looksmatch if you want to get married to her, and have your whole life revolve around placacting her fears that you are some crazy psycho. This has a better roi than a 1 PSL increase
i can do all this and still be a narcissist
  • JFL
Reactions: isis_Bleach
i can do all this and still be a narcissist
No you can't, because she'd leave you. Accept that you ain't shit unless half the young male population is culled in the next ~5 years.
  • +1
Reactions: The Dark Phoenix and raleqtambrobret
No you can't, because she'd leave you. Accept that you ain't shit unless half the young male population is culled in the next ~5 years.
narcissism is based on delusion first and foremost
No you can't, because she'd leave you. Accept that you ain't shit unless half the young male population is culled in the next ~5 years.
i beat my girl and call her names and she loves it
i beat my girl and call her names and she loves it
you are either chad, or the girl is mentally ill, or this is not replicable on a large scale

90% chance its tales unless you wanna provide video evidence rn.

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