Reddit is so soy it actually pisses me off



Apr 4, 2023
Every time the bp is mentioned they immediately go on ultra-defence when in their hearts they know its true.Went from the days of r/incels to becoming the most cucked site online.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Darkeningstar, LancasteR, USERΝAME and 7 others
  • JFL
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Doesnt even have to be bp related, if you mention something in your post that goes slightly against their agenda theyll go ape shit on you and harass you
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  • JFL
Reactions: Meteor21, LancasteR, AOL and 7 others
Thank God for @Master this place wouldn't last long if they allowed females.The quality of posts would continuously go down until we get to the point where there are trannies and females trying to negate the bp.
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Screenshot 2024 07 02 at 82047PM
  • JFL
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Reactions: watah, Darkeningstar, ElTruecel and 12 others
Brootal no wonder so many people are so delusional
that nigga litterally looks so subhuman
hes prob a manlet too
and cuckdit will say its not over :lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: nigtard
  • JFL
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Reactions: watah, lowtiernormiechad, JohnDoe and 1 other person
Syrianpsycho got rich off dalits absolute kek
rehab room made a whole video on this shit
syrian psycho gives these curries false hope lol
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Doesnt even have to be bp related, if you mention something in your post that goes slightly against their agenda theyll go ape shit on you and harass you
same goes with women and niggers about gender and race
Doesnt even have to be bp related, if you mention something in your post that goes slightly against their agenda theyll go ape shit on you and harass you

the mods are all power tripping faggots that will ban you for the most bullshit unfair reason while they themselves dont even follow their own rules
How was your cycle ?
well, i started skinnyfat. my strength went through the absolute fucking roof, but because i wasn't peak natty, i didnt end up looking like david laid. if you can keep your hair, roids are extremely based and amazing.
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I get banned on every account I've ever had on Cuckit
  • JFL
Reactions: LancasteR
I said women have it easier dating than men and I was called a Nazi
redditors aren't human, they should be treated like bacteria
well, i started skinnyfat. my strength went through the absolute fucking roof, but because i wasn't peak natty, i didnt end up looking like david laid. if you can keep your hair, roids are extremely based and amazing.
Hopefully Fin and RU-58841 will be enough when cycling.

May I ask how much your compounds increased by ?
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Doesnt even have to be bp related, if you mention something in your post that goes slightly against their agenda theyll go ape shit on you and harass you
They're such little faggots too. They'd spam the suicide/self-help button (implying you're mentally unwell) if you disagree with them even a little. You'd grt this weird notification
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This all I see when people ask for advice. If I even hint at them to get surgeries, they downvote me and harass me jfl
on god unless you are born with above average genetics its over without surgeries

plus this is the average reddit user jfl. i'm seeing more of them irl its lowkey scaring me

Hopefully Fin and RU-58841 will be enough when cycling.

May I ask how much your compounds increased by ?
my squat went from 135lb (JFL) to 275lb x 3 reps in 3 months. people cope and say that's achievable natty, but it's not. when i was natty and did starting strength (the fastest linear progression for s/b/d) my squat went from 95lb to 225lbx5reps in 5-6 months while dirty bulking. I've been lifting natty on and off for 9 years now. no lean bulking, dirty bulking, slow cut, fast cut, high protein, high carb, etc.. has ever done for me strength and aesthics wise as 500mg test E/ week and anavar did for me. the difference is crazy. its super easy to find gear online too. im gonna do a bigger cycle this time around to really get swole. you wont go from skinny / skinnyfat to jacked unless you do a crazy cycle, but i gained a shit ton of weight and have been steady at my weight now. i went from 165lb body weight to 195lb. i gained alot of fat from dirty bulking on gear, but im gonna cut with test, var, and probably npp or deca this time and gain even more size. "BROOOOOOOOO YOU CANT GAIN SIZE WHILE ON A CUT!!!!!!! NOT EVEN WITH GEAR BRO!!!!!!". lol. gear is literal magic. the more you take, the bigger and stronger you get, but you also increase your risk of sides. I take .5mg of fin daily + 5mg oral minoxidil to save my hair. It's doing fine currently. my bench went from 135lb x 8 reps to 235lb for 2 reps. natty numbers yes. but i did it within 3-5 months. no natty with normal or shit genetics like myself could ever achieve that. I've tried countless times and gear truly made a enormous difference.
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my squat went from 135lb (JFL) to 275lb x 3 reps in 3 months. people cope and say that's achievable natty, but it's not. when i was natty and did starting strength (the fastest linear progression for s/b/d) my squat went from 95lb to 225lbx5reps in 5-6 months while dirty bulking. I've been lifting natty on and off for 9 years now. no lean bulking, dirty bulking, slow cut, fast cut, high protein, high carb, etc.. has ever done for me strength and aesthics wise as 500mg test E/ week and anavar did for me. the difference is crazy. its super easy to find gear online too. im gonna do a bigger cycle this time around to really get swole. you wont go from skinny / skinnyfat to jacked unless you do a crazy cycle, but i gained a shit ton of weight and have been steady at my weight now. i went from 165lb body weight to 195lb. i gained alot of fat from dirty bulking on gear, but im gonna cut with test, var, and probably npp or deca this time and gain even more size. "BROOOOOOOOO YOU CANT GAIN SIZE WHILE ON A CUT!!!!!!! NOT EVEN WITH GEAR BRO!!!!!!". lol. gear is literal magic. the more you take, the bigger and stronger you get, but you also increase your risk of sides. I take .5mg of fin daily + 5mg oral minoxidil to save my hair. It's doing fine currently. my bench went from 135lb x 8 reps to 235lb for 2 reps. natty numbers yes. but i did it within 3-5 months. no natty with normal or shit genetics like myself could ever achieve that. I've tried countless times and gear truly made a enormous difference.
That's really good. Would you say you're an above-average responder? Would it be possible to bring my bench from 110kg to 140kg with a single cycle while keeping bf constant?

Also, are you based in the UK? If so, whats your source?
That's really good. Would you say you're an above-average responder? Would it be possible to bring my bench from 110kg to 140kg with a single cycle while keeping bf constant?

Also, are you based in the UK? If so, whats your source?
im US, but i use www (dot) steroidsourcetalk (dot) cc . they have sources all over the world. EU, US, CAN, etc... all different sources which are vetted by the users in the forums. I'd say I'm an average responder, possibly even slightly below average responder. yes, with a 15 - 20 week cycle of 500mg test / week, you could possibly bring your bench up by that much, but don't push it too hard. you have to be careful, because when your strength increases that rapidly, you risk snapping a tendon and destroying your lifting career and aesthetics for years potentially. just do it slow and safe as far as strength goes.
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im US, but i use www (dot) steroidsourcetalk (dot) cc . they have sources all over the world. EU, US, CAN, etc... all different sources which are vetted by the users in the forums. I'd say I'm an average responder, possibly even slightly below average responder. yes, with a 15 - 20 week cycle of 500mg test / week, you could possibly bring your bench up by that much, but don't push it too hard. you have to be careful, because when your strength increases that rapidly, you risk snapping a tendon and destroying your lifting career and aesthetics for years potentially. just do it slow and safe as far as strength goes.
Thank you!
They're such little faggots too. They'd spam the suicide/self-help button (implying you're mentally unwell) if you disagree with them even a little. You'd grt this weird notification
They tried to track my location down once because i asked if a place has metal detectors
  • JFL
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