reeves deadlift/shrug is cope?



Jul 30, 2021
some people say that it can get your frame bigger it is true or there is no way to get a bigger frame?
yes it's cope 🦴 just train your back and delts 🍖
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To look bigger best advice is train shoulders, chest, forearms in my opinion.
yes it's cope 🦴 just train your back and delts 🍖
Is this exercise a good exercise for shoulders and/or traps at least? If so, I think it's worth at least testing. Steve Reeves had a real increase in the frame from the photos I saw, what do you think could have been the reason?
Is this exercise a good exercise for shoulders and/or traps at least? If so, I think it's worth at least testing. Steve Reeves had a real increase in the frame from the photos I saw, what do you think could have been the reason?
Steroids are the key to looksmaxxing
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I built my traps natty by deadlifting for many years. Romanian deadlifts specifically have grown my traps by a lot just in the past 2 years and I wasn't 100% consistent during that time. For looking wide, you want big front delts and big side delts and most importantly, big lats. I grew my lats with yates rows (variation invented by Dorian Yates), and I grew my shoulders with overhead press and recently started lateral raises and the weight on them is going up very fast.
Steroids are the key to looksmaxxing
3c78d4170a3c4cd1880704fef3fbca69 610xh

Went from narrow to wide frame as a natural with many years of training (not 100% consistent the whole time though)
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It’s a joke lmao
Idk if I would call that a wide frame bro, but it’s a great improvement
Because of the fact I'm tall, it's pretty difficult for me to take accurate pictures. I can never make the picture look the same way as how it does in the mirror because my limbs are so long they appear small on camera. But in person, I look pretty big.

When I was in high school, there was a guy who was 6'4" like me but like 25% body fat at 190 lbs, I'm currently at 180 lbs at 11-12% body fat. You won't find a lot of natural guys at 6'4" who are that muscular without having lifted weights for many years or having such great genetics they were big in high school without much thought to their training.

I have a friend who is 6'5" who started lifting at 190 lbs at 15% body fat and what he had at the time was my dream physique, and he got to 225 lbs at 15% body fat after 2 years of lifting, he has a wide frame and good genetics for building muscle.

After years of training with much worse genetics than him, I managed to get pretty close to his starting point, especially in the yoke area of the body (upper back, traps, lats, shoulders, neck), the few areas I have that are lacking are the arms and chest. I still have like 2-3 years of bulking to get close to my natural potential which would be like 225-230 lbs at 13-15% body fat. Past that point, I could gain maybe 10-15 lbs of muscle throughout the rest of my life (30-60+) but I'll be so big the difference won't be as noticeable so realistically, I still have like 2 or 3 years of gains left in the tank and I'm 26. I'm going to be 28-29 and gymmaxxed, without drugs, with bad genetics. And I wasn't 100% consistent.

If you take an average 18 year old guy, make him stay mostly consistent, he would get to fill out his frame by the time he is 23-25 probably. The struggle is really convincing them to let go of their abs and leanness to gain more muscle, and without overdoing it and getting too fat, hence why I wasted so many years not making much progress, that and a lot of people don't train hard enough.

As for my 6'5" friend, he stopped lifting after those 2 years, got very obese at like 275 lbs 30+ % body fat and he still attracts women, he recently told me about a young cuckold couple who wanted him to be their bull, which creeped him out.
Where's the difference
When you're tall, it takes a lot more muscle growth to look big. However, between those 2 pictures, there is a difference of 40 lbs, and out of those 40 lbs, at least 30 lbs is muscle. And I still have another 50-60 lbs of muscle to gain over the course of my life.

That's what you can expect as a tall ectomorph, not a life condemned to be skinny but rather a low starting point with such a high ceiling you have to bulk for a lot longer to be considered big. But the difference in strength and power is still huge, at 138 lbs, people could push me around, now I can push them around if they mess with me because I'm 180 lbs, and lean. Imagine if I was 230 lbs and lean, which is achievable naturally.

The one benefit of steroids is you fill out your frame faster and can go beyond what would normally be achievable naturally, so instead of 230, I could go up to 260 lbs or more if I was on drugs, and with good genetics for steroids, probably past 300 lbs without being fat.
When you're tall, it takes a lot more muscle growth to look big. However, between those 2 pictures, there is a difference of 40 lbs, and out of those 40 lbs, at least 30 lbs is muscle. And I still have another 50-60 lbs of muscle to gain over the course of my life.

That's what you can expect as a tall ectomorph, not a life condemned to be skinny but rather a low starting point with such a high ceiling you have to bulk for a lot longer to be considered big. But the difference in strength and power is still huge, at 138 lbs, people could push me around, now I can push them around if they mess with me because I'm 180 lbs, and lean. Imagine if I was 230 lbs and lean, which is achievable naturally.

The one benefit of steroids is you fill out your frame faster and can go beyond what would normally be achievable naturally, so instead of 230, I could go up to 260 lbs or more if I was on drugs, and with good genetics for steroids, probably past 300 lbs without being fat.
Dnr but you're coping
If that shit worked you would see every mr olympian doing it
Dnr but you're coping
I actually built muscle and measured my progress across 8 years.

Seems like too many people on here are expressing black pill nihilism. Pretty ironic for a site named looksmax.
  • So Sad
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I actually built muscle and measured my progress across 8 years.

Seems like too many people on here are expressing black pill nihilism. Pretty ironic for a site named looksmax.
I'm sorry for being an asshole in the last replies, I have a tendency of letting the negativity of my environment leach into my behavior.
But truth be told that's not tangible frame-maxxing progress.
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@MA_ascender You might be interested in this fitness youtuber who is gymmaxxed but also black pilled :blackpill: but also has real life experiences with dating.

@MA_ascender You might be interested in this fitness youtuber who is gymmaxxed but also black pilled :blackpill: but also has real life experiences with dating.

You look nothing like him brocel.
I belive so watch the TNF explanation you cant make bones longer just dencer imo
You look nothing like him brocel.
He is 5'10", I'm 6'4", he has been training for like 10 years, he has been consistent for like 5, I have only recently optimized my training, still I am the biggest and leanest I have ever gotten. I started training 8 years ago but did probably more like 4 years total, half of which was strength training with low volume.

Ever heard the phrase "comparison is the thief of joy" ?
He is 5'10", I'm 6'4", he has been training for like 10 years, he has been consistent for like 5, I have only recently optimized my training, still I am the biggest and leanest I have ever gotten. I started training 8 years ago but did probably more like 4 years total, half of which was strength training with low volume.

Ever heard the phrase "comparison is the thief of joy" ?
>training 8 years for this
>training 8 years for this
Again, not 8 years, started 8 years ago, but spent a lot of time away from the gym for whatever reason. Also, I was using bad programs for most of that time, and I wasn't bulking effectively.

Got back into lifting 1 month ago after not lifting for 1 year, completely regained all the muscle I had lost and went from 166 lbs to 180 lbs in 1 month and I'm still quite lean.

This guy is the same height as me and 30 lbs heavier, it will take me at most 1-2 years to get to that level (210 lbs lean) and my legs already mog his:

634jaredcm5712 2766912242
1352912699 jared padalecki 560 1392135303
Retards thing deadlift will increase the bones .
some people say that it can get your frame bigger it is true or there is no way to get a bigger frame?
Yeah exercise selection is cope pushed by hardcore bodybuilding weirdos. Do basic compound lifts, cover every muscle group, eat ain a surplus (if you want to gain muscle) and then genetics + steroids do the heavy lifting.

Only time exercise selection matters allot is when someone has an injury or physical disability of some kind.
Absolutely unimpressive psysique, to be honest.
Would be impressive only if you had some major issues like muscles wasting, serious chronic illness and such.
How about you show me your transformation then, I'd love to see it.
How about you show me your transformation then, I'd love to see it.
I'm healthcel and it's about the same as yours, maybe, but different insertions and no, I'm too inhib to post it. Still, don't have to be a gym mosnter to criticize. I simply found it weird that you would post it as some achieve sent, compared to other people here.
I'm healthcel and it's about the same as yours, maybe, but different insertions and no, I'm too inhib to post it. Still, don't have to be a gym mosnter to criticize. I simply found it weird that you would post it as some achieve sent, compared to other people here.
With how popular steroids have become, it's not a surprise that a natural transformation is not going to impress people who spend most of their time on the internet. However, to real people who are not in the fitness space, my physique does still impress them.
With how popular steroids have become, it's not a surprise that a natural transformation is not going to impress people who spend most of their time on the internet. However, to real people who are not in the fitness space, my physique does still impress them.
Have you tried to specifically target chest? The best for me were various presses where body is almost vertical, opposed to horizontal, but for me it's very limited due to shoulders problems, have to perform very carefully, with perfect form, lower weights and externally rotated shoulders position.
Have you tried to specifically target chest? The best for me were various presses where body is almost vertical, opposed to horizontal, but for me it's very limited due to shoulders problems, have to perform very carefully, with perfect form, lower weights and externally rotated shoulders position.
The starting point of someone's physique matters, you can only build upon what you had, I had no chest so I basically created one, a lot of guys start with the chest muscles I currently have, so it's much easier for them to be big.

The only time a guy has a bad starting point for a muscle group and gets huge anyways very fast is when he gets on drugs. If you look at my shoulders though, the insertions were already pretty good even when I was very skinny so now they are 3D. A lot of guys won't get 3D delts even with a very strong overhead press, I can only overhead press 30 lb dumbbells for 9 reps and my shoulders are big.

My genetic strong points are mainly:

-Upper back

My genetic weak points are (by the way, I never neglected those areas except for abs):


The only time a guy will have no obvious weaknesses is when he uses steroids or if he neglects his strengths to bring up his weaknesses so that they're equal, I'm not willing to do that because that would mean leaving gains on the table just to look more proportional, I'd rather gain more muscle and look disproportionate. I've been bench pressing for many years, and I got pretty strong at it, I mean I used to be only able to dumbbell bench press 10 lb dumbbells for like 6 reps, now I can do 45 lb dumbbells for 6 reps, the empty bar is 45 lbs, imagine trying to stabilize that with a 45 lb dumbbell in each hand. I'm pretty proud of the progress I've made over the years. My goal was never to look like a pro-bodybuilder I just wanted to look muscular and I've achieved that goal, now I just want to fill out my frame to the fullest and it is working.

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