Regarding Beta-Carotene


Deleted member 1100

Feb 23, 2019
"There is no established recommended daily allowance for beta carotene. However, according to the Mayo Clinic dosing guidelines for supplementing, it’s safe to consume 6–15 milligrams (mg) of beta carotene per day."

"For example, according to nutrient data provided by the United States Department of Agriculture, in about 3.5 ounces of raw carrots you’ll get 8.285 mg of beta carotene."

Is this correct or what?!

it says ~15mg is the recommended amount, this would mean a carrot has over 500 times more beta-carotene than you need

Oh, never mind, I think I figured out...

"Carrots are one of the best natural sources of beta-carotene. According to nutrient data provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), a 100-gram serving (about 3.5 ounces) of raw carrots provides about 8285 micrograms of beta-carotene."

it's 15 MILLIgrams vs 8.285 MICROgrams

15MILLIgrams = 15000MICROgrams

So you basically need at least 2 carrots a day to have the same results as that from that study on beta-carotene

Captura de Tela 2019 12 02 as 004413

I remember an idiot from lookism saying you need at least 5... wtf :lul:
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"There is no established recommended daily allowance for beta carotene. However, according to the Mayo Clinic dosing guidelines for supplementing, it’s safe to consume 6–15 milligrams (mg) of beta carotene per day."

"For example, according to nutrient data provided by the United States Department of Agriculture, in about 3.5 ounces of raw carrots you’ll get 8.285 mg of beta carotene."

Is this correct or what?!

it says ~15mg is the recommended amount, this would mean a carrot has over 500 times more beta-carotene than you need

Oh, never mind, I think I figured out...

"Carrots are one of the best natural sources of beta-carotene. According to nutrient data provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), a 100-gram serving (about 3.5 ounces) of raw carrots provides about 8285 micrograms of beta-carotene."

it's 15 MILLIgrams vs 8.285 MICROgrams

15MILLIgrams = 15000MICROgrams

So you basically need at least 2 carrots a day to have the same results as that from that study on beta-carotene

View attachment 180073

I remember an idiot from lookism saying you need at least 5... wtf :lul:
Screenshot 20191011 095645 Chrome
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carrotmaxxing reporting in
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He was probably talking about 5 micropenised carrots


JFL, the ones I eat are BBCarrots


But in short, you need 7 ounces/200g a day, although, on 100g of sweet potato you can find 4mg, I'm probably consuming 20-25mg a day tbh
  • JFL
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all supps come with UI. 1UI equals to how much MG?
"There is no established recommended daily allowance for beta carotene. However, according to the Mayo Clinic dosing guidelines for supplementing, it’s safe to consume 6–15 milligrams (mg) of beta carotene per day."

"For example, according to nutrient data provided by the United States Department of Agriculture, in about 3.5 ounces of raw carrots you’ll get 8.285 mg of beta carotene."

Is this correct or what?!

it says ~15mg is the recommended amount, this would mean a carrot has over 500 times more beta-carotene than you need

Oh, never mind, I think I figured out...

"Carrots are one of the best natural sources of beta-carotene. According to nutrient data provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), a 100-gram serving (about 3.5 ounces) of raw carrots provides about 8285 micrograms of beta-carotene."

it's 15 MILLIgrams vs 8.285 MICROgrams

15MILLIgrams = 15000MICROgrams

So you basically need at least 2 carrots a day to have the same results as that from that study on beta-carotene

View attachment 180073

I remember an idiot from lookism saying you need at least 5... wtf :lul:
ok but, is the recommended amount the amount you need to get orange ?
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all supps come with UI. 1UI equals to how much MG?

ok but, is the recommended amount the amount you need to get orange ?

1UI is the stupidest thing I've come across this year, this shit is relative to each vitamin! Seriously who was the retard who thought this was a good idea?!

O betacaroteno faz parte de um grupo maior de nutrientes conhecidos ... diário de 25.000 UI (15 mg)

25.000UI of beta-carotene = 15mg


The study says you the participants took 15mg to get results in a time span of 8 weeks

15milligrams = 15000micrograms
15milligrams = 25000 UI

100g Carrot = 8285 micrograms
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Can you get too much beta carotene from foods? I eat at least a half pound of boiled baby carrots a day, used to be a full 1 pound bag, not counting other stuff.

Also I read that cooking carrots actually increases the amount of beta carotene you get from them. And I think you are supposed to consume fat with it to increase absorption too.
Can you get too much beta carotene from foods? I eat at least a half pound of boiled baby carrots a day, used to be a full 1 pound bag, not counting other stuff.

Also I read that cooking carrots actually increases the amount of beta carotene you get from them. And I think you are supposed to consume fat with it to increase absorption too.

From what I've read, the only problem is getting too much Vit A, which could be toxic, but beta-carotene stops converting into Vit A at a certain point, I suppose it goes to your pee after it's been supplied on everything else.

It doesn't increase, when you cook a 100g carrot it loses water, so it goes to 90g, for example, if you add 10 more grams of cooked carrot to meet 100g, then it will "increase" the amount of Beta-carotene.
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From what I've read, the only problem is getting too much Vit A, which could be toxic, but beta-carotene stops converting into Vit A at a certain point, I suppose it goes to your pee after it's been supplied on everything else.

It doesn't increase, when you cook a 100g carrot it loses water, so it goes to 90g, for example, if you add 10 more grams of cooked carrot to meet 100g, then it will "increase" the amount of Beta-carotene.

What level of Vit A is toxic?
Your life is utterly over OP.
  • JFL
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What level of Vit A is toxic?

Toxicity and Dosage Recommendations

Just as vitamin A deficiency can negatively impact health, getting too much can also be dangerous.

The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for vitamin A is 900 mcg and 700 mcg per day for men and women, respectively — which can be easily reached by following a whole-foods diet (27).

However, it's important not to exceed the tolerable upper limit (UL) of 10,000 IU (3,000 mcg) for adults to prevent toxicity (27).
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From what I've read, the only problem is getting too much Vit A, which could be toxic, but beta-carotene stops converting into Vit A at a certain point, I suppose it goes to your pee after it's been supplied on everything else.

It doesn't increase, when you cook a 100g carrot it loses water, so it goes to 90g, for example, if you add 10 more grams of cooked carrot to meet 100g, then it will "increase" the amount of Beta-carotene.

Ah ok, I also heard vit A was toxic but I think it was really only a problem with like bodybuilders injecting it into themselves or something I forgot.
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You mean beta carotene maxxing for skin glow or what?
Just tell me how much BBC carrots a day i should eat.. Good threat, good everything
You mean beta carotene maxxing for skin glow or what?


Just tell me how much BBC carrots a day i should eat.. Good threat, good everything

1 BBCarrot will probably be enough if you already eat other things, like sweet potato

2 BBCarrots will be close to 200g, which is enough to reach 15mg (the amount supplemented in the study)
  • JFL
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