religious people can you answer my questions? genuinely want to hear what you have to say?



Oct 3, 2024
1.) why would an all-loving god make it so hard for people to know that the religion is true? i mean, if there’s lots of religions and all religions are lacking in solid, substantial evidence that you could not ignore then why am i sent to eternal suffering for simply choosing the wrong religion when it was perfectly logical for me to choose that religion (or no religions at all) due to the proof (or lack of proof) that was presented to me. there is no ‘obviously’ correct religion. let’s say between christianity and islam. if both religions are so adamant that they are the correct one then they makes the argument of both religions far less convincing since one of them has to be more incorrect than the other? but yet again, why does god send me to eternal suffering for simply making a decision that is perfectly logical and sensible. i am essentially being subject to eternal suffering for simply being unlucky. and why would god not just give us proof? what does he gain out of keeping his followers limited? there’s infinite space in heaven. if god was all loving he’d make it easy for us to know he was real so we could all go to heaven. why does hell have to exist? it all just makes zero sense. i think religion is followed and made because people are scared about what happens after death or perhaps even the meaning of life. people have unanswered questions and fears so they go with religion to feel better. i think people convince themselves religion is real. ik there’s a chance it can exist but that’s just my thoughts.

in replies: don’t use the bible to prove the bible, ik i’ll hear shit about the whole free will thing which doesn’t make sense. someone explain logically. don’t use weird metaphors and stuff out of context
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''why would god not just give us proof? what does he gain out of keeping his followers limited? there’s infinite space in heaven. if god was all loving he’d make it easy for us to know he was real so we could all go to heaven''

If God had made you believe, the world of amtihan (testing) we live in would have no meaning.
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dnr past a couple of words. every religion has a story and rules to follow this is literally the entire point. who would be following the rules if there was nobody looking over them? every religious person knows deep down there aren’t any gods but for lots of people following christianity works very well for them.
1.) why would an all-loving god make it so hard for people to know that the religion is true? i mean, if there’s lots of religions and all religions are lacking in solid, substantial evidence that you could not ignore then why am i sent to eternal suffering for simply choosing the wrong religion when it was perfectly logical for me to choose that religion (or no religions at all) due to the proof (or lack of proof) that was presented to me. there is no ‘obviously’ correct religion. let’s say between christianity and islam. if both religions are so adamant that they are the correct one then they makes the argument of both religions far less convincing since one of them has to be more incorrect than the other? but yet again, why does god send me to eternal suffering for simply making a decision that is perfectly logical and sensible. i am essentially being subject to eternal suffering for simply being unlucky. and why would god not just give us proof? what does he gain out of keeping his followers limited? there’s infinite space in heaven. if god was all loving he’d make it easy for us to know he was real so we could all go to heaven. why does hell have to exist? it all just makes zero sense. i think religion is followed and made because people are scared about what happens after death or perhaps even the meaning of life. people have unanswered questions and fears so they go with religion to feel better. i think people convince themselves religion is real. ik there’s a chance it can exist but that’s just my thoughts.

in replies: don’t use the bible to prove the bible, ik i’ll hear shit about the whole free will thing which doesn’t make sense. someone explain logically. don’t use weird metaphors and stuff out of context

Lets address your concerns logically and powerfully using direct verses from the Quran.

1. Why Doesn’t God Just Make His Existence Undeniably Clear?

You ask: “Why doesn’t God just show Himself? Why not make it obvious?”

Answer: God already gives enough signs, but He does not force belief. If belief were forced, free will would not exist.​

Quran 6:7“Even if We had sent down to them the angels, and the dead spoke to them, and We gathered everything before them, they still would not believe unless Allah willed. But most of them are ignorant."

This verse shows that even if God appeared, some people would still deny Him. We already see miracles in the world—DNA, physics, the fine-tuned universe—yet some still reject Him.

Furthermore, life is a test:

Quran 67:2“[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deeds—and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving.”

A test only works if belief is a choice, not forced.

2. Why Are There So Many Religions? How Can We Be Sure Islam is the Truth?

You ask: “If God wants us to believe, why allow so many religions? Why not just keep one?”

Answer: The original message was always one—worship the one true God. But over time, humans changed it.​

Quran 2:79“So woe to those who write the Scripture with their own hands and then say, ‘This is from Allah,’ to exchange it for a small price. Woe to them for what their hands have written, and woe to them for what they earn.”

This verse directly exposes how previous scriptures (such as the Bible) were altered by people.

Islam is the final correction:

Quran 5:48“And We have revealed to you [O Muhammad] the Book in truth, confirming what came before it and as a criterion over it.”

Islam confirms previous messages but corrects the distortions. The Quran is the only scripture that has remained unchanged.

Quran 15:9“Indeed, We have sent down the Reminder (Quran), and indeed, We will be its guardian.”

Unlike the Bible, which has thousands of contradictions and versions, the Quran has never been changed.

3. Why Does Hell Exist? Isn’t Eternal Punishment Too Harsh?

You ask: “Why would a loving God create Hell? Isn’t eternal punishment unfair?”

Answer: Hell is for those who knowingly reject the truth out of arrogance. If someone is sincere, God will not punish them unjustly.​

Quran 17:15“And We do not punish until We have sent a messenger.”

This verse proves that no one is punished unfairly. If someone never received the message properly, God will judge them justly.

But for those who see the truth and still deny it:

Quran 39:32“And who is more unjust than one who lies about Allah and denies the truth when it has come to him? Is there not in Hell a residence for the disbelievers?”

God gives countless chances to believe. Hell is not for mistakes—it is for deliberate rejection of truth.

Even in Hell, people will admit:

Quran 67:10“And they will say: If only we had listened or reasoned, we would not be among the companions of the Blaze.”

This shows that Hell is not for the confused or misinformed—it’s for those who refuse to reason and ignore the truth.

4. Why Doesn’t God Just Let Everyone into Heaven?

You ask: “Why not just forgive everyone and let them into Heaven?”

Answer: If Hitler and a righteous person both enter Heaven, what is the meaning of justice?​

Quran 45:21“Do those who commit evil think We will make them equal to those who believe and do righteous deeds? Evil is their judgment!”

Heaven is not just about belief—it’s about sincerity and action.

Quran 103:1-3“By time, indeed, mankind is in loss—except for those who believe, do righteous deeds, and encourage truth and patience.”

This means belief alone is not enough—you must do good and encourage truth.

5. Isn’t Religion Just Made for Comfort?

You ask: “Isn’t religion just something people made to comfort themselves?”

Answer: If religion were just for comfort, why would Islam have strict rules and obligations?​

  • Praying 5 times a day
  • Fasting for a whole month
  • Giving mandatory charity (Zakat)
  • Following moral laws (no alcohol, no interest-based transactions, etc.)

People accept Islam despite its difficulties because it is the truth, not because it’s “comforting.”

Quran 3:19“Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam.”

Islam isn’t just a feel-good belief—it’s a way of life that requires discipline and sincerity.

How to Know if Islam is True?

The best way to know if Islam is true is to sincerely ask God for guidance.

Quran 2:186“And when My servants ask you concerning Me, indeed I am near. I respond to the call of the supplicant when he calls upon Me.”

If you are truly searching for truth, pray in your own words and ask God to guide you. If Islam is true, and you sincerely ask for guidance, God will show you the way.
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Lets address your concerns logically and powerfully using direct verses from the Quran.

1. Why Doesn’t God Just Make His Existence Undeniably Clear?

You ask: “Why doesn’t God just show Himself? Why not make it obvious?”

Answer: God already gives enough signs, but He does not force belief. If belief were forced, free will would not exist.​

This verse shows that even if God appeared, some people would still deny Him. We already see miracles in the world—DNA, physics, the fine-tuned universe—yet some still reject Him.

Furthermore, life is a test:

A test only works if belief is a choice, not forced.

2. Why Are There So Many Religions? How Can We Be Sure Islam is the Truth?

You ask: “If God wants us to believe, why allow so many religions? Why not just keep one?”

Answer: The original message was always one—worship the one true God. But over time, humans changed it.​

This verse directly exposes how previous scriptures (such as the Bible) were altered by people.

Islam is the final correction:

Islam confirms previous messages but corrects the distortions. The Quran is the only scripture that has remained unchanged.

Unlike the Bible, which has thousands of contradictions and versions, the Quran has never been changed.

3. Why Does Hell Exist? Isn’t Eternal Punishment Too Harsh?

You ask: “Why would a loving God create Hell? Isn’t eternal punishment unfair?”

Answer: Hell is for those who knowingly reject the truth out of arrogance. If someone is sincere, God will not punish them unjustly.​

This verse proves that no one is punished unfairly. If someone never received the message properly, God will judge them justly.

But for those who see the truth and still deny it:

God gives countless chances to believe. Hell is not for mistakes—it is for deliberate rejection of truth.

Even in Hell, people will admit:

This shows that Hell is not for the confused or misinformed—it’s for those who refuse to reason and ignore the truth.

4. Why Doesn’t God Just Let Everyone into Heaven?

You ask: “Why not just forgive everyone and let them into Heaven?”

Answer: If Hitler and a righteous person both enter Heaven, what is the meaning of justice?​

Heaven is not just about belief—it’s about sincerity and action.

This means belief alone is not enough—you must do good and encourage truth.

5. Isn’t Religion Just Made for Comfort?

You ask: “Isn’t religion just something people made to comfort themselves?”

Answer: If religion were just for comfort, why would Islam have strict rules and obligations?​

  • Praying 5 times a day
  • Fasting for a whole month
  • Giving mandatory charity (Zakat)
  • Following moral laws (no alcohol, no interest-based transactions, etc.)

People accept Islam despite its difficulties because it is the truth, not because it’s “comforting.”

Islam isn’t just a feel-good belief—it’s a way of life that requires discipline and sincerity.

How to Know if Islam is True?

The best way to know if Islam is true is to sincerely ask God for guidance.

If you are truly searching for truth, pray in your own words and ask God to guide you. If Islam is true, and you sincerely ask for guidance, God will show you the way.
i disagree with a couple things that i can get into at a later time but i respect you for having such an approach with all these points. respect

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