Respilled redditor replies to retarded female thread

Deleted member 2012

Deleted member 2012

Jun 10, 2019

Giga redpilled response:

Male and female both are equally drunk. They have sex. Men goes to jail for rape, woman goes on with her life.

Male and female fight. Female hits male first. Female hits male many more times after that. Male hits her back once. Male goes to jail and female continues living her life.

Male and female argue in public. Female raises her voice and yells at male. No one intervenes. Male raises his voice and suddenly everyone around feels the need to say "that's not right' and intervene.

Male and female in relationship. Male cheats. He is a fuck boy and a scumbag and an asshole. Female cheats and it was the guy's fault. And she's a strong free and independent women. (Example jade and will. Will's pain from her cheating became a meme cause people thought it was so funny).

Male domestically abuses spouse and he gets cancelled immediately. Female abuses spouse and she keeps on trucking. Johnny Depp and Amber heard. It took a full year after Johnny proved she was the abuser with evidence to affect her in any way. Yet, she accuses Johnny with no evidence, and he loses all his movie roles and the pirates of the carribean series and ruined cause of her false accusations.

Women falsely accuses male of rape. Male loses job, he reputation is ruined. His source of income is stripped. And he is facing 10-20 years in prison. Turns out female lied and she gets let go with no punishment or does 1 year or less, when the guy was facing 10 years for her lie.

Female cheats and has another man's kid. She tricks some guy into thinking it's his kid, when it's really not. Her lie is revealed somehow. And now that guy is still financially responsible for the child. And if he does get away without being forced to pay for a child that isn't his, he doesn't get any compensation back for being lied to and having his time, money and attention wasted. And the female suffers no punishment for that paternity fraud.

War happens. Men are responsible for fighting on the front line and handling majority of the aspects of war, while females do next to nothing besides some support roles that don't endanger them in any way.

Men and women divorce. 97% of the time men are responsible for alimony. Only 3% of divorce, child support and alimony payments are made by females. Men are responsible the other 97% of the time.

Men have been noted to pay majority of the taxes in Australia, while females are the primary users of welfare in that country. It's probably the same for America, but no such studies have been conducted in our country as it wouldn't paint females in a good light.

Female gets in trouble, and men are just expected to protect her and defend her. Even if he isn't sleeping with her or getting anything in return, society expect a man to stop what he is doing and help a female.. How often do women stop on the side of the road to help men change a tire? Yet, guys do it for girls all the time.

Male teacher sleeps with female student he is a dirtbag, scumbag, pedo and labeled a rapist. Female. Sleeps with student and the news calls it "sex" and she either does no jail time or she gets a slap on the wrist. Studies have shown women get 60% less jail time compared to men who committ similar crimes. Almost as if women aren't held to the same standards as men...

Men and women go on date. 90% of the time, the man is responsible for the bill. The restaurants don't even ask if the bill should be split. They just give you one bill and expect the man to pay. Almost like men are held to some kind of higher standard and responsibility as vast majority of women believe men should pay for their food. Pay for something they didn't consume or use because she is a female.

List goes on and on. Men are constantly held to a higher standard and responsibility than you females.
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Warlow, Deleted member 6403, Good_Little_Goy and 6 others
Not to mention that women don’t even need to get a job if they don’t want to, they can just rely on their husband and no one will complain.
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  • Love it
Reactions: Deleted member 9391, Deleted member 6403 and Deleted member 5912
I don’t agree about the rape and hitting girls. Males are genetically stronger. Unless that bitch is a boxer I don’t need to hit her
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Reactions: Deleted member 5912
Then the beat drops
  • JFL
Reactions: Alesund, Deleted member 5912 and Deleted member 4209
over for gallons of men
I don’t agree about the rape and hitting girls. Males are genetically stronger. Unless that bitch is a boxer I don’t need to hit her
Oh yeah? So tell me this, if you get into an argument with a manlet twink and he starts hitting you. As weak as he is, it only hurts a little. But are you really going to take that shit and let it happen? It’s just disrespectful.

Of course you’d hit him back. It’s ridiculous that he’d feel like an “untouchable class” just because he is physically weaker and he feels entitled to going around physically assaulting others with no consequences.

See the double standard? The reason you wouldn’t hit women back is not because they are weak, it’s because they are a higher value citizen with privileges.
  • +1
Reactions: Mongrelcel and Deleted member 6403
wtf why is this even a debate?
girls are literally living life on easy mode
they dont even have to worry about making money, they dont experience the race pill(reminder Arab girls are considered "hot" but Arab guys aren't"just an example)they dont have to worry about balding unlike me(I can only dream of not having to rub minoxidil on my scalp)
they dont have to worry about being tall or short cuz guys see short girls as "cute"
I have literally never seen a foid who complains about anything, they just nag.
most girls right now in my class(10th grade btw) are enjoying there life and having the best time meanwhile im out here praying every single day before I go to bed that I dont wake up the next and im considering roping.I am already learning how to work in stocks so I can money max for ascension, most of the girls right now are going out while im doing research to find the best surgeon.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6403

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