Right-wingers are better looking. Over for commiecels [GTFIH]

this seems like a gigacope tbh, corporatist liberals are usually the best looking (well, the popular ones, at least). right wing and left wing are predominantly for 3/10 subhumans who have nothing else to think about
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Its true.
Im right wing too
succesfull people are mostly right-wing

attractive people are mostly succesfull
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succesfull people are mostly right-wing

attractive people are mostly succesfull
All of the richest people in the world are pathetically far left leaning like Bezos and Zuck
All of the richest people in the world are pathetically far left leaning like Bezos and Zuck
bezos and zuck are both short af too but its been proven that taller people are usually more successful. they are outliers i suppose
I'm right wing but sounds like a cope to me.
All of the richest people in the world are pathetically far left leaning like Bezos and Zuck
If they were as far left as they claim to be they'd sure as shit donate more than a dollar. Just virtue signallers appealing to the mainstream left public
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If they were as far left as they claim to be they'd sure as shit donate more than a dollar. Just virtue signallers appealing to the mainstream left public
its what they call 'link lullen, rechts vullen' in the netherlands. 'talk left, fill your pockets on the right'
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bezos and zuck are both short af too but its been proven that taller people are usually more successful. they are outliers i suppose
Jack Ma is about 5'3", Warren Buffet 5'4", Vladimir Putin 5'7"

All of the richest people in the world as well

The average household income is better for taller people..

But the TOP TOP earners in the world (Which are worth thousands and thousands of wealthy people combined) compensate enough for their height that they end up at the top.

This is why you're most likely to get evil manlets at the top. This has happened all throughout history. Between Jeff Bezos and Putin their total net worth is around 200 billion. Imagine how many wealthy 6ft+ people you can bunch up together before you can even out earn them both??
If they were as far left as they claim to be they'd sure as shit donate more than a dollar. Just virtue signallers appealing to the mainstream left public

Zuckerburg has donated tons to many causes. I'm not sure what that has to do with their political point of views either way though tbh
Jack Ma is about 5'3", Warren Buffet 5'4", Vladimir Putin 5'7"

All of the richest people in the world as well

The average household income is better for taller people..

But the TOP TOP earners in the world (Which are worth thousands and thousands of wealthy people combined) compensate enough for their height that they end up at the top.

This is why you're most likely to get evil manlets at the top. This has happened all throughout history. Between Jeff Bezos and Putin their total net worth is around 200 billion. Imagine how many wealthy 6ft+ people you can bunch up together before you can even out ear

Zuckerburg has donated tons to many causes. I'm not sure what that has to do with their political point of views either way though tbh
Like free Facebook access in poor rural India areas or hospitals named after him.

But sure he has donated to education and normal philanthropy bs but the point is He only donated 2.7% of his wealth (compared to actual philanthropists like Gates who donated 45%)
Like free Facebook access in poor rural India areas or hospitals named after him.

But sure he has donated to education and normal philanthropy bs but the point is He only donated 2.7% of his wealth (compared to actual philanthropists like Gates who donated 45%)
Didn't he go to Harvard? He is a little tech cuck...I have absolutely no doubt he is a genuine brainwashed leftist. What indicates that he leans even mildly right wing though?
Stefan Molyneux supports this, but I think it's just a narrative.

There are reasons why right-wingers could be the more intelectually developed and therefore more successful in business, more masculine in the case of men, but the best looking sounds like a stretch to me.
this seems like a gigacope tbh, corporatist liberals are usually the best looking (well, the popular ones, at least). right wing and left wing are predominantly for 3/10 subhumans who have nothing else to think about
nah, the article talks about right wing meaning they want no state control, not the alt-right
Stefan Molyneux supports this, but I think it's just a narrative.

There are reasons why right-wingers could be the more intelectually developed and therefore more successful in business, more masculine in the case of men, but the best looking sounds like a stretch to me.
good looks correlate with intelligence in many ways bro
nah, the article talks about right wing meaning they want no state control, not the alt-right
oh, okay, like libertarians/"classical liberals"? As one (kind of) I'm not going to argue with it lmfao
Didn't he go to Harvard? He is a little tech cuck...I have absolutely no doubt he is a genuine brainwashed leftist. What indicates that he leans even mildly right wing though?

Oh my post wasn't clear. For him specifically, he is far left (as an actual elite jew and all)

But for others, most billionaires are just power hungry narcissists, which is why they are for open borders and destroying their country to drive down wages while they are never within a 4 mile radius of any third world peasant. Meanwhile this is very convenient for them because being anywhere slightly right leaning makes you a Nazi. So the obvious choice is #liberal. And then they'll donate here and there to show they are a human being that cares for others. You also have someone like bill gates who did some nasty tactics in the 90s now repaying for what he did so that maybe nobody can bring that up.
this seems like a gigacope tbh, corporatist liberals are usually the best looking (well, the popular ones, at least). right wing and left wing are predominantly for 3/10 subhumans who have nothing else to think about
Corporatist liberals are centre-right
Corporatist liberals are centre-right
sure but compared to god fearing conservatives and intersectional socialists they're pretty dead centre
If they were as far left as they claim to be they'd sure as shit donate more than a dollar. Just virtue signallers appealing to the mainstream left public
I'm pretty sure right wingers donate more than left wingers
sure but compared to god fearing conservatives and intersectional socialists they're pretty dead centre
Of course. The political spectrum currently is extremely polarized.

But under normal circumstances, they are centre-right due to the fact that they support many right wing policies such as unrestricted free trade, lower taxes, privatization and more labour based immigration
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Of course. The political spectrum currently is extremely polarized.

But under normal circumstances, they are centre-right due to the fact that they support many right wing policies such as unrestricted free trade, lower taxes, privatization and more labour based immigration
yeah, that makes sense, very consumerist too, especially hollywood and pop music
404 error Zuckerberg profile pic not found
Whatever that is, he looks exactly like the this guy
Screenshot 20191006 073637 Instagram

Non leftist btw ☝️
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massive cope, most right wingers are the dregs of society, literal vomit inducing sub humans (im no leftie or commie)
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Left wing:

Right wing:

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jfl everyone on this forum would be right-winged, being blackpilled is right-winged.
“I think the correlation here is somewhat skewed.
It is well established that attractive people have an edge, when it comes climbing the socio-economic ladder.
Resulting in more wealth, the wealthy in turn tend to be more conservative.
As such, I suggest the blind spot is not created by the initial attractiveness, but the resulting position in society.
I would think, that the distribution of conservative views amongst wealthy "unattractive" people is…”
this seems like a gigacope tbh, corporatist liberals are usually the best looking (well, the popular ones, at least). right wing and left wing are predominantly for 3/10 subhumans who have nothing else to think about

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