Robots will make nationalism utterly pointless



Jan 2, 2019
Just lol at nationalists and their dreams of the "ultimate nation". Once robots and AI make human labor and even solders useless there will be exactly zero reason for things like nationalism to even exist. The whole point of nationalism or fascism is that you unite all the members of the nation or race under a single banner so that you can cuck them into wageslaving of dying for the greater collective good. However if robots can just do those things anyway then what is even the point of the "people's community" or the master race? Who fucking cares if you have a master race if AI is actually still smarter anyway?

AI will destroy literally every single conventional ideology.
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AI will make communism possible
  • JFL
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Keep coping you left wing cuck. I bet you like your women getting plowed by niggers and muslims
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Nationalism has always been pointless, an international and noble aristocracy based on neoclassical and refined values in terms of culture would be much more appreciable, more aesthetic, more vibrant and self-affirming in terms of transcendental and enlightened valuations, so whatever
AI will make communism possible

Which is why the elites are currently flooding the west with low IQ third worlders. They know that the population will at some point catch on to the fact that robots might actually make real communism possible at some point which would make the capitalist class useless and thus threaten it's power. In order to prevent this they have decided to replace the natives with low IQ populations from the third world knowing that they will be easier to bullshit and keep under control by the time robots replace everything, since all they will need to do is hand them some welfare and then they won't complain thanks to their low intelligence and won't actually demand real regime change. Then once the elites are comfortable enough in their power they will simply get rid of the lower classes outright.
Keep coping you left wing cuck. I bet you like your women getting plowed by niggers and muslims

What does it matter if AI does everything? What does it matter if you have an IQ of 80 or 120 if the AI has an IQ of 10000000?
someone has been watching a bit too much joe rogan
  • JFL
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Just lol at nationalists and their dreams of the "ultimate nation". Once robots and AI make human labor and even solders useless there will be exactly zero reason for things like nationalism to even exist. The whole point of nationalism or fascism is that you unite all the members of the nation or race under a single banner so that you can cuck them into wageslaving of dying for the greater collective good. However if robots can just do those things anyway then what is even the point of the "people's community" or the master race? Who fucking cares if you have a master race if AI is actually still smarter anyway?

AI will destroy literally every single conventional ideology.

Look up technonationalism the nationalism of the future will be the terra Vs the cosmist
Only a white cuck could say such a thing tbh.

Make no mistake the Chinese are proud of their race and civilization, Same the Arabs/Muslims. Indians,
Race is very real for everyone except us whitey cucks
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I hope a robot will put a bullet in my head.
Only a white cuck could say such a thing tbh.

Make no mistake the Chinese are proud of their race and civilization, Same the Arabs/Muslims. Indians,
Race is very real for everyone except us whitey cucks

Arabs and the Chinese treat their populations like dirt. Just lol if you think seeing your own underclasses as literal cattle is patriotic. Nationalism has always been a cucked ideology. No ruling class no matter it's ideological framework has ever given a shit about for the people it has reigned over.
Just lol at nationalists and their dreams of the "ultimate nation". Once robots and AI make human labor and even solders useless there will be exactly zero reason for things like nationalism to even exist. The whole point of nationalism or fascism is that you unite all the members of the nation or race under a single banner so that you can cuck them into wageslaving of dying for the greater collective good. However if robots can just do those things anyway then what is even the point of the "people's community" or the master race? Who fucking cares if you have a master race if AI is actually still smarter anyway?

AI will destroy literally every single conventional ideology.
true, nice thread

>fuck maintaining our race, we have robots n' shit
>mix with sub 80IQ animals
>no one is smart enough to maintain robots
>robots deteriorate
>humanity becomes mindless animals surrounded by half-functioning machinery
>we back in the stone age boi
>ooga booga

Congratulations, you just set us back a few million years.
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Arabs and the Chinese treat their populations like dirt. Just lol if you think seeing your own underclasses as literal cattle is patriotic. Nationalism has always been a cucked ideology. No ruling class no matter it's ideological framework has ever given a shit about for the people it has reigned over.
Doesn't matter.. even the peasants are patriotic to the core.

Even all the pakis here in the UK still obsess over wearing their ethnic rags. Men in this Muslim pajamas and their stupid fucking hats.
They still eat their own food

For welfare, standard of life, health care etc.. Whiteys money is more than ok.
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Doesn't matter.. even the peasants are patriotic to the core.

Even all the pakis here in the UK still obsess over wearing their ethnic rags. Men in this Muslim pajamas and their stupid fucking hats.
They still eat their own food

For welfare, standard of life, health care etc.. Whiteys money is more than ok.
Stfu about rags it’s called kaftan robes.
nationalism is a pipe dream, vote YANG and enjoy the decline
lol no, fascism comes from the childish idea that an all-powerful authority should tell you what to do and look after you, robots wagecucking won't change that

or big government in general if you really stretch the term
human is too dumb to make ai smarter than even dumest but functional guy alive
The robots will be maintained by other robots. Fail logic is fail.
And when these self-perpetuating robots run out of resources to generate electricity or repair themselves? I'm guessing you think these robots will be sentient and have the capacity to organize excursions to asteroids to gather resources?
I'm guessing you think these robots will be sentient and have the capacity to organize excursions to asteroids to gather resources?

Yes minus the sentient part.
Hitler did. ded srs.

Jfl Hitler gassed people for being disabled because he did not want to pay them disability. Near the end of the war he also ranted about how the german people were useless failures and how he hated his soldiers for not giving him victory. The guy was a cunt.
Jfl Hitler gassed people for being disabled because he did not want to pay them disability. Near the end of the war he also ranted about how the german people were useless failures and how he hated his soldiers for not giving him victory. The guy was a cunt.
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Will they perform lefort 3 on subhumans?
Jfl Hitler gassed people for being disabled because he did not want to pay them disability. Near the end of the war he also ranted about how the german people were useless failures and how he hated his soldiers for not giving him victory. The guy was a cunt.
Going to need a source on the ranting claim, I think you’re lying tbh.
Wow, you are so smart taking no position on anything and calling it all stupid Haha

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