Roiding at 17, stupid or worth it?



Apr 30, 2021
how much would I fuck myself up for some gainz :what:
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you're 17 just do it naturally lol,
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100% worth it.
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A year ago I would have said it's stupid but now that we live in a hyper competitive world where everybody will be dead within 5 years anyway I say go for it.
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  • JFL
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I think it's fine if you stay conservative. Tons of high school jocks took gear at that age
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pick one
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Show me a shirtless model over 18 who's not on gear for a shoot
underwear models just look like this:


and these are not roider physiques. idk how gymcels can be so stupid. it's all about height, face and hair and roids wreck two of those. decent natty physique is all you need.
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underwear models just look like this:


and these are not roider physiques. idk how gymcels can be so stupid. it's all about height, face and hair and roids wreck two of those. decent natty physique is all you need.
how do roids affect face?
underwear models just look like this:


and these are not roider physiques. idk how gymcels can be so stupid. it's all about height, face and hair and roids wreck two of those. decent natty physique is all you need.
Those guys are 100% on roids. Everybody who can make money of their looks is on roids. It's a MASSIVE myth that it's only the likes of Arnold who is roided.

But I understand though. You have been brainwashed with endless media depictions of underwear models who take light roid doses and this has tricked you into thinking you can look like that.
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  • JFL
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Those guys are 100% on roids. Everybody who can make money of their looks is on roids. It's a MASSIVE myth that it's only the likes of Arnold who is roided.

But I understand though. You have been brainwashed with endless media depictions of underwear models who take light roid doses and this has tricked you into thinking you can look like that.
yeah everyone who is decently muscular is on roids jfl
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yeah everyone who is decently muscular is on roids jfl
You don't get it.

TV and movies have given you and 90% of people a warped understanding of what 'decent muscle' actually means. The guy on the first image is more fit than 99.9% of males.

Also, what makes a roid body a roid body is not just muscle. It's how lean they are. Can a guy have the muscle those guys have at a high bodyfat? Maybe. But at that low level of bodyfat you cannot do this without roids. Models take small doses of roids so they don't lose their muscle once they cut down.

You cannot look like those guys can without roids. You have been brainwashed by TV.
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mk 677 500 test
It depends. If you do it right by staying consistent with your training and training as hard as you can, then it's worth it, but if you waste your cycle by training like a moron or neglecting your training by taking too many days off, then you're wasting a cycle and risking your health for mediocre results.

In my case, because I have a history of being lazy with my training and quitting often, I want to first get used to training as a natural for 1 year without quitting before I start my first cycle, so that I can at least get my noob gains to develop a strength base and also to build enough self discipline to maximize the amount of gains I would make on steroids.

Also, if you still live with your parents and plan to take steroids in secret, you're a moron, because you're much more likely to get caught and they could kick you out or even snitch on you and then, you would lose your supply and you would waste all your progress and it could even be dangerous to stop in the middle of a cycle without a PCT recovery cycle afterwards.

As long as you live with your parents, you have to follow their rules, so taking steroids is not a good idea. But once you move out and you have enough money to buy steroids for many years, that is when you should start, if you already have the self discipline and information required to do it right.
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how much would I fuck myself up for some gainz :what:
also roids can make u lose hair or make u age fast and have shit collagen

unironically makeup or auschwitzmaxxing is more of a looksmaxx
underwear models just look like this:


and these are not roider physiques. idk how gymcels can be so stupid. it's all about height, face and hair and roids wreck two of those. decent natty physique is all you need.
You have no idea what you're talking about, those guys are most likely on steroids or have good genetics.

Unless you were a jock in high school, you are not going to achieve an impressive physique as a natural, a good example of what to expect, after 10 years of training for an ectomorph like me is this guy:

He doesn't look terrible, but what is extremely demotivating is when you realize that it took him 10 years to reach that physique which is actually worse than the guys in the photos of your post. He definitely looks like he lifts, but his physique is not impressive and would not turn a man as ugly as him into a Chad or Chadlite, or even a man with my looks and my height would not get such a huge looks boost by getting such a physique.

What you don't understand is that most guys with average genetics will not look like Arnold Schwarzennegger, no matter how many steroids they take, how hard they train or for how many years they train. Most guys who use steroids won't even look like Jeff Seid or David Laid in their 20s, but you can still look impressive with the use of steroids, and if you are an ectomorph, then you can benefit even more from using steroids because in a few cycles you can go from looking like a skinny twig to looking like a guy who was the star quarterback on the football team in high school. Maybe, you won't be Mr Olympia, but you can look very impressive, so for looksmaxxing purposes, steroids are essential if your genetics suck.

If you take steroids, you could look like this:

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just get on MK 677, will help with height as a bonus. You dont wanna take anything that fucks with your HPTA except maybe aromasin.
wouldn't recommend tbh + it fucks collagen
You have no idea what you're talking about, those guys are most likely on steroids or have good genetics.

Unless you were a jock in high school, you are not going to achieve an impressive physique as a natural, a good example of what to expect, after 10 years of training for an ectomorph like me is this guy:

He doesn't look terrible, but what is extremely demotivating is when you realize that it took him 10 years to reach that physique which is actually worse than the guys in the photos of your post. He definitely looks like he lifts, but his physique is not impressive and would not turn a man as ugly as him into a Chad or Chadlite, or even a man with my looks and my height would not get such a huge looks boost by getting such a physique.

What you don't understand is that most guys with average genetics will not look like Arnold Schwarzennegger, no matter how many steroids they take, how hard they train or for how many years they train. Most guys who use steroids won't even look like Jeff Seid or David Laid in their 20s, but you can still look impressive with the use of steroids, and if you are an ectomorph, then you can benefit even more from using steroids because in a few cycles you can go from looking like a skinny twig to looking like a guy who was the star quarterback on the football team in high school. Maybe, you won't be Mr Olympia, but you can look very impressive, so for looksmaxxing purposes, steroids are essential if your genetics suck.

is sv3rige on steroids too?

At least wait till 20-21 (and this is minimum), with roids u can limit ur height gain, not worth it.

And if u start roids think about it like a life long commitment
Im 17 and wanna do a cycle as well
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is sv3rige on steroids too?

Definitely natural, but like I said, it depends on your genetics, for an ectomorph like me, I can't expect to look amazing, even after many years of training as a natural, this is because my body was made to be weak because when I started I weighed only 138 lbs at a height of 6 foot 4 and now, even at 195 lbs, I still look skinny, while my 6 foot 5 friend looked very muscular at 190 lbs.

That is what many people don't understand. And people (both men and women) will have more respect for the guy who looks the best even though the other guy has a worse starting point, worse genetics and was at a complete disadvantage.

Everybody keeps telling me that my height is a huge advantage but what they don't see is that my frame is a curse because I struggle to gain size even as I get stronger. My barbell curl is stronger than many guys I know and I look like I don't lift. And just look at the guy I showed, it took him 10 years to achieve what most guys would get in 1 steroid cycle, it's pathetic, it's a waste of life, because if he had used steroids, he could have gotten a very impressive physique in way less time.

People like Jeff Seid, David Laid, Noel Deyzel, Mo Samuels and Jon Skywalker are on steroids but they get way more respect than guys like Scott Herman, Natural Hypertrophy and Alan Thrall who aren't on steroids. And women are much more attracted to the enhanced guys.

So, why stay natural, when taking steroids can make you looksmax better than any other thing. It seems that the only thing that most guys need to looksmax is a jaw surgery and steroidmaxxing. I have already gotten my jaw surgery, I just need to steroidmax and I'll slay in bars and clubs, at work and on dating apps and I will also finally gain the respect of my peers. What's not to like about that?
Also, as long as it is done right, steroids don't lower life expectancy for more than maybe 5-10 years but what would you rather have? A terrible lonely life of pain as a gymcel until age 90, or an amazing life as an enhanced guy who gets laid a lot and then you die a bit ealier at age 80-85? That is why it's better to take steroids than to stay natural, for most men who are black pilled.
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Nobody knows and you wont be able to tell if you did good, since you wont know if you stunted your growth or got anything out of it, since you are going through body changes at that age regardless of roids.
Need studies or reliable testimonial on this.
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