Roiding when working out for the first time, retarded or not?



Hopeless copelet
May 18, 2020
I saw @jefferson 's guide on first steroid cycle and was wondering if that's intended for people already experienced or not. I know newbie gains are a thing and people who start working out even without steroids make fast gains. Would this newbie boost compounded with 500mg test (while eating good) result in incredible gains by the end of the cycle?

Since these gains would be the first gains they wouldn't exceed my genetic limit, so theoretically I wouldn't lose them after stopping if I do PCT right?
No,it's reccomend to start roiding after at least one year of training
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I have good frame and height but I have no clue how good I am at building muscle since I've never tried
Just roid but be prepared to be on trt for life
I saw @jefferson 's guide on first steroid cycle and was wondering if that's intended for people already experienced or not. I know newbie gains are a thing and people who start working out even without steroids make fast gains. Would this newbie boost compounded with 500mg test (while eating good) result in incredible gains by the end of the cycle?

Since these gains would be the first gains they wouldn't exceed my genetic limit, so theoretically I wouldn't lose them after stopping if I do PCT right?

No, spend 3 years training naturally and learning how to train effectively, diet, be disciplined, injury protocol, stretching etc.

Pay your dues, then make a choice to roid.

Btw I'm on a mild steroid cycle of anavar 30mg and it's amazing, but I have a decade of training naturally under me.
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No,it's reccomend to start roiding after at least one year of training
Bluepilled cope. Wasting 1 year that could be used to become a beast!
Retarded choice
You would just make mistakes on mistakes

Hire a coach, let him train you for 6months and then talk about it

No, spend 3 years natural learning how to train, diet, be disciplined, injury protocol, stretching etc.

Pay your dues, then make a choice to roid.

Btw I'm on a mild steroid cycle of anavar 30mg and it's amazing.
You follow the Future too? Lol
Retarded choice
You would just make mistakes on mistakes

Hire a coach, let him train you for 6months and then talk about it

What mistakes? I'll just follow a workout plan like I normally would. You don't need a coach to learn to lift jfl
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What mistakes? I'll just follow a workout plan like I normally would. You don't need a coach to learn to lift jfl
Okay so hop on gear and come back in 1 year crying

You need a coach to learn how to diet/lift and if you are ready to hop on gear

As someone that is studying to become a coach let me say that you’re retarded, you don’t even know how to diet properly yet wanna take gear

Also a 500mg t cycle won’t bring you the results you’re looking for, good luck in failing
only start roiding when you know how to train and eat right and you don't mind losing your hair, roiding as a newbie is retarded
only start roiding when you know how to train and eat right and you don't mind losing your hair, roiding as a newbie is retarded

I'm more asking regarding the physical aspect of it. Say I had a personal coach and private nutritionist making sure I do everything right, would it be retarded to do it as a newbie then? Is it retarded because it will fuck me up physiologically?
Well, technically speaking you can start roiding right away. The problem is you are not going to be training, eating and sleeping properly, so you are not going to be getting the most out of your cycle, and you can do a limited amount of cycles during your life. It's not optimal. Unless you are on a deadline for some physical test like the army, better wait 1-2 years before roiding, when you got everything on point.
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No, spend 3 years training naturally and learning how to train effectively, diet, be disciplined, injury protocol, stretching etc.

Pay your dues, then make a choice to roid.

Btw I'm on a mild steroid cycle of anavar 30mg and it's amazing, but I have a decade of training naturally under me.
Do you think I should start a cycle if I have lifted in the past? I lifted for like 2 years in highschool (4 years ago) and I already know how to train right. I made some decent gains but obviously it's all gone now, muscle memory is probably still there tho.
Do you think I should start a cycle if I have lifted in the past? I lifted for like 2 years in highschool (4 years ago) and I already know how to train right. I made some decent gains but obviously it's all gone now, muscle memory is probably still there tho.

Yeah start with Anavar 30mg. Make sure to get the real thing as it's impossible to find, pm me.

Give you lean muscle , reduces belly fat , doesnt give you weird side effects like balding or skin ageing , brings you up to your genetic limit. Really safe to use. IT'S PERFECT..

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I saw @jefferson 's guide on first steroid cycle and was wondering if that's intended for people already experienced or not. I know newbie gains are a thing and people who start working out even without steroids make fast gains. Would this newbie boost compounded with 500mg test (while eating good) result in incredible gains by the end of the cycle?

Since these gains would be the first gains they wouldn't exceed my genetic limit, so theoretically I wouldn't lose them after stopping if I do PCT right?
Newbie gains are better than any steroids anyhow. (provided you feed yourself)
Besides you'd lose it all when you stop because you don't know what you are doing.
Yes please don't roid. It also may speed up hairloss so u may regret in the future
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I'm more asking regarding the physical aspect of it. Say I had a personal coach and private nutritionist making sure I do everything right, would it be retarded to do it as a newbie then? Is it retarded because it will fuck me up physiologically?

yea it will fuck you up, you can do pct after but it's not 100% guarantee it will restore your natural test production. Usually guys who roid never stop and just maintain their gains with lower doses or trt
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thats like buying a lamborghini as your first car
yea it will fuck you up, you can do pct after but it's not 100% guarantee it will restore your natural test production. Usually guys who roid never stop and just maintain their gains with lower doses or trt

You're right it would be retarded for me to start roiding now. What about mk677? Is it a good idea for me to take it while starting out as a boost?
You're right it would be retarded for me to start roiding now. What about mk677? Is it a good idea for me to take it while starting out as a boost?
Mk will just bloat you and increase hunger like crazy. If you want to bulk up its great. But you will look like shit on it
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